

单词 贴身卫队

See also:


personal (servant etc)
worn next the skin


guard (i.e. group of soldiers)

External sources (not reviewed)

其逊尼派穆斯 林及前共和卫队成员的身份本 身也不足以成为多国部队将其作为敌人或恐怖分 子监禁的理由。
That the complainant was a Sunni Muslim and former member of the
[...] Republican Guards was not by itself a reason that [...]
the Coalition forces would consider
him an enemy or a terrorist to be imprisoned.
国家警察部队和国民卫队在此 领域的行动应根据本文件的规范进行相应 调整,应对影响行动目标人身体条 件的资料进行保密。
The work of the security forces and agencies in this area is in conformity with the regulations applicable to the subject; the confidentiality [...]
of data having a bearing on the
physical condition of persons forming the subject of any measure is protected at all times.
安保科的核定人员编制结构包括由 9
[...] 名工作人员组成的近身保护小组,即近 身保护组长(外勤)和 8 名贴身警卫(外勤),为队指挥 官以及来访的代表团和联 合国高官提供近身保护。
The approved staffing structure of the Security Section includes Close Protection Team of nine staff, comprising the Close Protection Team Leader (Field Service) and eight Close Protection Officers (Field
Service), that provides close
[...] protection services to the Force Commander as well as visiting [...]
delegations and senior United Nations officials.
近身保护股的组长属下共有 12 名贴身警 卫,直接向安保主任报告,每天与 队 指 挥 官办公室以及在有关 队 指 挥 官的 近身保护事项上支助部队指挥官的军官联络。
The Team Leader of the Close Protection Unit would supervise a total of 12 Close Protection Officers, report directly to the Chief Security
Officer and liaise on a
[...] daily basis with the Office of the Force Commander and military officers who support the Force Commander on matters relating to [...]
the close protection of the Force Commander.
2009 年 7 月为队指挥 官办公室进行的安保风险评估考 虑到了目前的安全局势,并确定总共需要 13 名贴身警卫。
The Security Risk Assessment conducted in July 2009 for the
[...] Office of the Force Commander took into consideration the current security situation and identified the requirement for a total of 13 Close Protection Officers.
由于训练有素贴身警卫短 缺 ,而且无法迅速训练现有联合国工作人员承担贴身保护任务,维持和平行动部 和外勤支助部争取到会员国的支持,由后者提供借调工作人员参加贴身保护组, 这些工作人员的资格认证是以具体国家的标准为基础。
As a result of a shortage of trained close protection officers and an inability to rapidly train existing United Nations staff for close protection security services, the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Safety and Security acquired the support of Member States to provide seconded staff for close protection teams, qualified on the basis of countryspecific standards.
为此,拟设 1 个 P-4 职等、为期 12 个月的一般临时人员职位和 1 个 P-3 职等、为期 7 个月的一般临时人员职位,职能如下:为约 96 个贴身警卫拟订 、 设计和实施贴身保护训练方案,其中将包括一份联合国标准、基本和高级课程、 参与者评估和再认证标准;订立标准化的联合国贴身保护资格条件;扩大和提升 维和特派贴身警卫认证 数据库;为外地行动评估和甄 贴身 警 卫。
In this context, general temporary assistance positions at the P-4 level for 12 months and at the P-3 level for 7 months are proposed to develop, design and deliver the close protection training programme for approximately 96 close protection officers, which would
include a standard,
[...] basic and advanced curriculum and participant assessments and recertification criteria; establish a standardized qualification for close protection; expand and enhance the certification database for close protection officers in peacekeeping missions; and perform assessment and selection of close protection officers for field operations.
结果是,贴身警卫的 训 练并不完全切实有效,或者是无法向所 贴身 警 卫 提 供 训练。
As a result, training has not been fully effective or available for all close protection officers.
Faruha Honor Sindyamahuri中校其后于 2011 年 12 月 6 日在鲁丘鲁县被贴身警卫处死
Faruha Honor Sindyamahuri was subsequently executed by his immediate bodyguards on 6 December 2011 in Rutshuru territory.
因此,在 2009 年 8 月 5 日起草 并签署了一项为期 2 年的谅解备忘录,以建立贴身保护训练方案并制 贴身警 卫标准
Thus, a memorandum of understanding was signed on 5 August 2009 covering a two-year period to establish a training programme and deliver a close protection standard.
加强安全和安保部的要求将使该部能够提供支持维持和平行动的训练方案, 特别是维和特派贴身警卫的培训。
The requested strengthening of the Department of Safety and Security will enable it to deliver its training programmes in support of peacekeeping operations, in particular the training of close protection officers for peacekeeping missions.
行预咨委会建议同意 P-4 级贴身保护训练干事的职位,以支助 贴身 警 卫 提 供的 训练方案。
The Advisory Committee recommends acceptance of the P-4 Close Protection Training Officer position to support the training programme for close protection officers.
35.29 非员额资源 29 133 400 美元(减少 5 907 500 美元),将用于工作最繁忙时间的一般临时人员 和安保加班费用,比如大会以及内罗毕和日内瓦特别会议期间;高级官 贴身 警 卫 公 务差旅; 订约承办事务;业务费用;业务所需用品和材料;家具和设备;以及根据与维也纳国际中心各 组织所订设费用分摊协议联合国在维也纳安保和安全处中的费用份额(见表 35.19)。
35.29 Non-post resources in the amount of $29,133,400, representing a decrease of $5,907,500, would provide for general temporary assistance and overtime for security coverage during periods of peak workload, such as during the General Assembly and special sessions in Nairobi and Geneva, travel requirements for the protection detail for senior officials, contractual services, general operating expenses, supplies and materials for operational needs, furniture and equipment, in addition to the United Nations share of the cost of the Security and Safety Service in Vienna, financed under the established cost-sharing agreement with other organizations based at the Vienna International Centre (see table 35.19).
[...] 为东帝汶国家警察派出所所长和地区指挥官办班,以及举 贴身 警 卫 、 社 区警务、 交通管理、基本刑事侦查、基本情报收集和纪律调查方面的专门课程。
Courses aimed at enhancing managerial skills have also been conducted (jointly with the PNTL Police Training Centre), including for PNTL station commanders and district
commanders, and specialized courses in close
[...] security protection, community policing, [...]
traffic management, basic criminal investigation,
basic intelligence gathering and disciplinary investigation have been offered.
国家警察部队和国民卫队仅限 于执行现有关于国籍、出入境 身 份 文 件、 移民等法规,而不得考虑被执行人的身体条件,但上述要求与针对特殊人群在特 定状况下,如孕妇、未成年人或残疾人,所受到的特殊待遇不相冲突。
The security forces and agencies of State confine themselves to applying the existing [...]
regulations governing nationality, entering and leaving the country, identity documentation, immigration, etc.
At no time do they take account of physical condition, without prejudice, however, to the provision of special treatment for specific persons in specific circumstances, such as pregnant women, minors or persons with disabilities.
7.7 最后,关于提交人的堂兄弟被强迫失踪和可能被法外处决事宜,委员会注意 到,2002 年 9 月 29 日,在提交人在场的情况下,Chalio Traoré身着军装的总卫队士兵 带走了,理由是执行其指挥官 Dogbo 上校的命令;这些士兵第二 天,即 2002 年 9 月 30 日又回来了,带走了 Bakary Traoré;自此之后,两兄弟都 失踪了,提交人认为两人均已被执行了法外处决;提交人早在 2002 年 10 月 15 日,即他第一次被法官聆讯之日,就将自己堂兄弟失踪一事告知司法机关;但没 有对他的指控开展任何调查。
7.7 With regard to the enforced disappearance and probable extrajudicial execution of the author’s cousins, the Committee notes that on 29 September 2002, Chalio Traoré was, in the author’s presence, taken away by men wearing the uniform of the presidential security guard acting on the order of their commander, Colonel Dogbo; that the men returned the next day, 30 September 2002, to take away Bakary Traoré; that since that date the two men have disappeared and the author thinks they have been extrajudicially executed; that the author first reported his cousins’ disappearance to the judicial authorities on 15 October 2002, the date of his first appearance before a judge; and that his allegations were never investigated.
缔约国应进一步发展和强化现行教育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、拘留场 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、 卫队 成 员 以及监狱和移民官员在内 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁止实施酷刑的原则, [...]
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public inspectors of places of detention, law
enforcement personnel, security officers,
[...] members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration [...]
officials, are fully aware of
the provisions of the Convention, the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for any actions in contravention of the Convention.
第二,它还请求安理会增加对非索特派团的一揽 子支助,根据新核定兵力,通过联合国摊款供资,并
[...] 安排偿付特遣队拥有的装备的费用,包括小型和大型 装备,以及按照联合国标准发放队 津 贴 , 以 确保非 索特派团获得充足、可预测和可持续的支助。
Secondly, it requests the Council to enhance the support package for AMISOM, funded through United Nations-assessed contributions, on the basis of the newly authorized strength, and arranging for reimbursements for contingent-owned equipment,
including minor and major equipment, and
[...] the payment of troop allowances at United [...]
Nations rates so as to ensure adequate,
predictable and sustainable support to the Mission.
比如,越南在 2009
[...] 年建立了一支海上民兵武装, “与边防卫队、海 军、海警和其它军事力量合作来保卫 [...]
Vietnam, for example, established a marine militia in 2009 to
“cooperate with border guards, navy, sea
[...] police and other forces to protect national [...]
border security and the sovereignty of Vietnam’s sea areas”.
东道国安全当局为国家元首或政府首脑以及人数有限的其他政府官员提供 保护,指贴身警卫人员
Host Country security authorities provide protection for Heads of State or Government, as well as to a limited number of other Government officials, by the assignment of close protection details.
所需资源减少主要是由于:(a) 根据安全理事会第 2012(2011)号决议,减
少了一部分地震后增援活动,军事特遣队员的核定人数随之减少了 1 600 人(从 8 940
[...] 人减到了 7 340 人),使得为轮调差旅、口粮、每日生活 贴 和 娱 乐假贴 以及向部队派遣 国支付的主要设备和部队费用的标准偿付款编列的经费减少;以 [...]
及(b) 由于仅核准 2011/12 年期间向部队派遣国支付补充款,
因此不再支付这一 款项。
The reduced requirements are attributable primarily to: (a) the reduction in the authorized strength by 1,600 military contingent personnel (from 8,940 to 7,340 personnel) as part of the partial drawdown of the post-earthquake surge activities pursuant to Security Council resolution 2012 (2011), resulting in lower provisions for rotation travel, rations, daily
subsistence and
[...] recreational leave allowances and standard reimbursements to troop-contributing [...]
countries for major equipment
and troop costs; and (b) the exclusion of a provision of a supplemental payment to troopcontributing countries, which was approved for the 2011/12 period only.
预计 2011/12 预算周期,在实现核心安全基准方面,还将取得进一步进展, 包括独立运作的
344 名警务人员构成的利比里亚国家警察应急部队、一个 1 000
[...] 人的警察支助股,在全国各地部署有装备的国家警务人员,以及建立警察基础设 施,完成和实施国家安全战略和架构,并继续培训辅导利比里亚武装部队士兵和 特种部队,包括建立海岸卫队。
Further progress is also expected during the 2011/12 budget cycle in meeting core security benchmarks, including an independently operational Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit with a strength of 344 police personnel, a 1,000member-strong Police Support Unit and the deployment of equipped national police personnel throughout the country, as well as the building of police infrastructure, the finalization and implementation of the national security strategy and architecture, and the continued training and
mentoring of the troops and specialized
[...] units of the Armed Forces of Liberia, including the development of the coast guard.
秘书长在提交给大会第六十届会议的关于审查部队派遣国费用偿还率的确 定方法的报告(A/60/725 和 Add.1)中提出了新的方法,回应了大会第 55/274 号
[...] 决议所提要求的所有内容以及关于联合国部队派遣国费用偿还率调查问题单和 两次实地调查的拟议问题单,其中一个是关于付给 队 的 每日 津 贴 的。
In his report on the review of the methodology for rates of reimbursement to troop-contributing countries to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session (A/60/725 and Add.1), the Secretary-General proposed a new methodology, addressing all the elements of the request made by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/274, as well as a questionnaire for the United Nations rates of reimbursement survey of
troop-contributing countries and proposed questionnaires for two field surveys, one of which was
[...] on the daily allowance paid to troops.
专职关系经理致力为广大私人办公室客户提 贴身 服 务 ,身为 Home House Estates 资深总监的关系经理会亲自处理相关事务,并由专职和专业的客服 队 提 供 支持。
All Private Office clients have a
[...] Relationship Manager who is a senior director of Home House Estates and personally handles their work, supported by a team of dedicated and professional customer care staff.
除上述规定之外,第 413
[...] 号决定大大扩展了该名单的范围,包括参与伊朗核 活动的人员和实体、伊斯兰革卫队 与 伊 朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司的其他高层成 [...]
员和实体以及为其所有、受其控制或为其活动的实体(第 20.1.b 条)。
In addition to these provisions, decision 413 adds to this list significantly, including the names of individuals and entities involved in nuclear activities in Iran, as well as other
high-level members and entities of the Islamic
[...] Revolutionary Guard Corps and the [...]
Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines and
entities which belong to them, are under their control or are acting for them (article 20.1.b).
国家委员会秘书长在联合国菲律宾国家工 队中 的“观察员身份改 善了通讯与信息交流;然而,它并没有改变国家工作队的态度,在供资 [...]
机会出现时(例如西班牙千年发展目标计划),教科文组织很难参与并为该组织确定一个角 色。
The “observer” status of the Secretary General of the
[...] National Commission in the UNCT in the Philippines has improved [...]
the communications and information
exchange; however, it has not yet resulted in a change of attitude in the UNCT, where it has been difficult for UNESCO to participate and establish a role for the Organization whenever funding opportunities arise (e.g. Spanish MDG programme).
[...] 年人重新融入社会;宣布商业支付赎金为非法行为;联合营救人质并截获目前被 海盗劫持的船舶;维持频繁出动区域海岸 卫队 巡 逻 索马里专属经济区;促进海 军部队与索马里商业利益集团相互结合、共同巡逻,并重建曾支持过这些地区的 [...]
Simple and less costly solutions are available to deal with the piracy problem: funding and supporting governance efforts in Puntland and the socio-economic rehabilitation and reintegration of the youth; outlawing commercial payment of ransoms; joint rescue hostages and seizing ships currently held by pirates;
maintaining roust regional
[...] coast guard to patrol Somali’s Exclusive Economic Zone; linking naval forces and Somalia commercial [...]
interests to
patrol and rebuild the fishing and cargo industry that once supported these areas.
(g) 3贴身警卫(外勤 )派驻内罗毕,增强现有的5个警卫,以便 为秘书长特别代表提供保卫,特别是在其前往索马里和在本区域内差旅 期间(同上,第 99(b)㈠段)
(g ) Three Close Protection Officers (Field Service) located in Nairobi to add to the 5 currently on staff to provide protection for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, in particular during his trips to Somalia and within the region (ibid.
[...] 领导能力、刑事侦查(包括涉及基于性别的暴力)、法证和犯罪现场管理、使用武 力、立法和程序、社区警务、交通、海事警务、边防警务 贴身 保 卫 、 沟 通技能、 纪律和操守以及人权。
In general, PNTL has major needs for further skills development in leadership, criminal investigations (including on gender-based violence), forensic and crime scene management, use of force, legislation and procedures, community policing,
traffic, maritime policing, border
[...] policing, close protection, communication skills, discipline [...]
and ethics, and human rights.




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