

单词 贴现率

See also:

贴现 v

discount v



keep close to
classifier for sticking plaster: strip
allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)
post (e.g. on a blog)
fit snugly

External sources (not reviewed)

Ku波段包括有兩個率強大 的固定波束,分別覆蓋東亞及南亞地區,以及一個在 軌調轉式波束。
The Ku-band coverage consists of two high powered fixed beams serving East Asia and South Asia, as well as a steerable beam.
以往,未使用休假日负债是根据截至报告日 期的当期费用计算的,不进贴现或 其 他调整。
Previously, the liabilities for unused vacation days
were directly calculated on the basis of amounts accrued as at the reporting
[...] date without discounting or other adjustments.
这些福利作 为非流动负债对待;如果付款贴现 影 响被视为非常重大,则按估计未来现金流的现值计 量。
These are treated as non-current liabilities and are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash flows if the payments and the impact of discounting are considered to be material.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以 贴近 世 界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
政府的公務員薪酬政策,是提供足夠的薪酬以吸引、挽留 和激勵具合適才幹的人,為市民提供有 率 和 成效兼備的服務; 並透過保持公務員薪酬與私營機構薪酬大致相若,讓公務員和他 們所服務的市民都認為公務員薪酬是公平的。
The Government’s civil service pay policy is to offer sufficient remuneration to attract, retain and motivate staff of suitable calibre to provide the public with an effective and efficient service; and to ensure that civil service remuneration is regarded as fair by both civil servants and the public they serve through maintaining broad comparability between civil service and private sector pay.
贴现率与 大部分用于离职后健康保险负债精算估值的方法要素一样,是由 [...]
联合国代表所有参加相同健康保险计划并且其估值工作由联合国协调的实体选 定的。
Like most of the
[...] methodological elements used for the [...]
actuarial valuation of the after-service health insurance liability,
the discount rate was selected by the United Nations on behalf of all entities participating in the same health insurance plans for which the United Nations coordinated the valuation exercise.
4.29 閣下及授權使用者(如適用)承認有責任自行透過其慣常之買賣渠道,獨立決定買賣之市 價、率及兌換率;並 有責任在依賴任何市場資料及/或報告或據此行事前,自行予以核證。 [...]
本第 4 條條款及進行之任何買賣交易在所有適用法律下對閣下可能產生之影響,尋求法 律、財務、稅務及其他方面的獨立專業意見。
4.29 You and, where applicable, the Authorized User acknowledge that it is your responsibility
to determine independently market
[...] prices, interest rates, exchange rates for trading [...]
purposes through your usual trading
channels, to verify any of the Market Information and/or the Reports before relying or acting on it and to seek independent professional advice on legal, financial, tax and other issues in connection with the use of the Internet/Phone Banking Services, the Market Information and the Reports, the provisions of this Clause 4 and any transactions and dealings which may affect you under all applicable laws.
采用相同贴现率是 英国影响评估指导的要求,也是众多 OECD 国家常用的流程。
Choosing the same discount rate is a requirement of the UK Impact Assessment guidelines, and a common procedure for many OECD countries.
由于离职后医疗保险负 债包含难民署将来为其退休工作人员将要支付的福利,《公共部门会计准则》与 其他大多数会计框架一样,要求对这些福利金额进行 贴现 ” ,从而使报告实体 用未来福利的现值作为其负债的估计数。
As the after-service health insurance liability is composed of benefits that will be paid out by UNHCR to its retired staff in the future, IPSAS, like most other accounting frameworks, requires that these amounts be “discounted” so that the reporting entity takes the present value of the future benefits as an estimate for its liability.
这里我们可以看出作为分子的现金流序列 CF 被多折现了一 期贴现因子也被多折现了一期。
Here we see that the cash flow series CF for the numerator is offset by one period, and the discount factors are also offset by one period.
委员会还强调,社会保障权包括缴费式和非缴费 式贴、现金和实物津贴。
The Committee has also underscored that the right to social security includes both contributory and non-contributory benefits, and both cash and in-kind benefits.
粮农组织选择这种方法,而不选择立 即全部入帐,原因是这种方法可以抵消由外部因素引起的计划负债报告金额中很大 一部分波动,如欧元/美元汇率贴现 率 的 波动,此类波动完全不受粮农组织的控 制,而且经过一段时间最终会被抵消。
FAO opted for this method over immediate full recognition as it mitigates significant volatility in the reported value of the Plan liabilities caused by external factors, such as movements in the Euro-US Dollar exchange rate and discount rates, which are entirely out of FAO’s control and which may ultimately offset over time.
贴现率的 选择会影响未来成本和效益如何按照现值(“目前的货币”)进行估价。
The choice of discount rate affects [...]
how future costs and benefits are valued in terms of present values (‘today’s money’).
秘书处为这次讲 习班编写了关于各种技术问题的培训材料,例如应收款 贴现 的 各种形式和运 用;应收款项让售的机制和结构、应收款项让售方面的风险和应收款项让售协 议。
For the workshop, the secretariat prepared training material on such technical issues as various forms and application of receivable discounting; mechanisms and structure of factoring, risks associated with factoring and factoring agreement.
而第二種方 法,則透過有系統地分析有關公司的股本成本和借貸成 本,以及所涉及的風險,訂定投資回 率。
The second approach determines a rate of return by systematically analysing the cost of equity and the cost of debt to the company taking into account the relevant risks involved.
由於各項非豁免持續關連交易之所有上限金額均超過 1,000,000 港元,而按上市規則第 14.07 條就各項非豁免持續關連交易之全年上限金額計算之相關適用百分 率 高於0.1% 但低於 5%,故根據上市規則第 14A 章,各項非豁免持續關連交易僅須遵守申報、年度 審核及公告規定,而獲豁免遵守獨立股東批准之規定。
Since all of the Cap Amounts for each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions exceed HK$1,000,000 but the relevant applicable percentage ratios calculated under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the Annual Cap Amounts under each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions are greater than 0.1% but less than 5%, each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions is only subject to the reporting, annual review and announcement requirements but is exempted from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
儘管 該等交易乃根據上市規則第 14A.25 及 14A.26 條予以合併計算適用百分率(定義見上市 規則第 14.07 條),董事會預期,常州中科來方購買協議、成都茵地樂購買協議及現有購 買協議項下擬進行之交易之年度上限的適用百分 率 ( 定 義 見上市規則第 14.07 條)合共 將超過 0.1%但低於 5%,以及常州中科來方購買協議及成都茵地樂購買協議須遵守上市 規則第 14A.45 至 14A.47 條的申報及公佈規定,以及上市規則第 14A.37 至 14A.40 條的 年度審閱規定,惟可豁免遵守上市規則第 14A 章的獨立股東批准規定。
When such transactions are aggregated for the purpose of
deriving at the applicable
[...] percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules pursuant to Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, the Board anticipates that the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual caps for the transactions contemplated under the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement, Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement and Existing Purchase Agreements, [...]
in aggregate, will
exceed 0.1% but will be less than 5% and the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement and Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47, annual review requirements set out in Rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 but exempt from the Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
(5) 在先前批准的發展計劃屆滿之前,倘新的發展 計劃未獲批准,又倘港燈認為有需要時,則在 與政府商議後,可於先前批准的發展計劃屆滿 後把基本電率作臨時性調整,但不能高於先 前批准的發展計劃內最後一年度批准基本電率調高 5%後的數額。
If a new Development Plan is not approved before the expiry of the period covered by the previous approved Development Plan, then after consultation with the Government, the Basic Tariff Rate to be charged following the expiry of the previous approved Development Plan may be adjusted if considered necessary by HEC
on an interim
[...] basis provided that it shall not exceed the projected Basic Tariff Rate approved for the last Year of the previous approved Development Plan [...]
plus an increase of 5 percent.
更定期的財務披露令我們有機會提高發行人與投資大眾之間 溝通的質素,及增加投資者的信心,因季度匯報可提高透明度及市場 率、 減 少資訊不對稱,令內幕交易風險降低。
More regular financial disclosures will provide an opportunity to enhance the quality of the dialogue between issuers and the investing public and will enhance investor confidence as quarterly reporting will enhance transparency and market efficiency, reduce any information asymmetry and in turn reduce the risk of insider dealing.
联合国指出,在估算与服务终了负债有关的福利时,选 贴现 率 的目的是 测算出一笔金额,该金额若投资于一个高质量债务证券组合,可提供必要的未来 现金流以支付到期的应计福利。
According to the United Nations, the objective of selecting a discount rate when valuing end-of-service benefits is to measure the single amount that, if invested in a portfolio of high-quality debt instruments, would provide the necessary future cash flow to pay the accrued benefits when due.
精算师用于确定这些应计负债的两个关键假设 贴现 率 以及针对离职后医 疗保险的保健成本增长率。
Two key assumptions used by the actuary to determine these accrued liabilities are the discount rate and, for ASHI, the rate of increase in health-care costs.
由於採用系統和處理工序的 費用增加及工資上漲,營業支出相應提升(惟增 幅仍低於收入的升幅),但由於我們持續推行計 劃以改善各項業務的率,平 均職員人數得以減 省,令部分支出的增幅被抵銷。
Operating expenses increased, though to a lesser extent than revenues, due to higher systems implementation and processing costs and wage inflation, partly offset by reduced average staff numbers as we continued to implement programmes to improve efficiency across our operations.
就構成持續關連交易的該等現有租賃協議中的 每一項協議而言,按照上市規則第 14.07 條計算所得的適用百分率均在有關現有租賃協 議訂立時有效的上市規則第 14A.34 條訂明的豁免範圍內,因此該等現有租賃協議中的每 一項協議須符合上市規則第 14A 章的申報及公告規定,但獲豁免遵守上市規則第 14A 章 中有關獨立股東批准的規定。
In relation to each of those Existing Tenancy Agreements which constituted continuing connected transactions, the applicable percentage ratios under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules fell within the threshold prescribed in Rule 14A.34 of the Listing Rules in force at time the relevant Existing Tenancy Agreements were entered into and each of the Existing Tenancy Agreements was therefore subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
(3) 如政府和港燈未能就本部第(1)段所述的修訂達 成協議,或根據本部第(2)(b)或 (2)(c)分段,該 修訂須經行政會議批准,則在港燈認為有需要 時,由下個一月一日起,基本電率 可 作 臨時 性調整,但不能高於本部第(2)(a)分段所列限 額。
(3) In the event of the Government and HEC failing to agree on the revision referred to in paragraph (1) or of Executive Council’s approval being required in accordance with subparagraph (2)(b) or (2)(c), the Basic Tariff Rate as from 1 January next following may be adjusted if considered necessary by HEC on an interim basis provided that the limit stated in sub-paragraph (2)(a) will not be exceeded.
(c) 在本條章程細則第(d)條的規限下,股份涉及的一切股息及其他分派應(如為 以港元計值的股份)以港元列賬及發放及(如為以其他貨幣計值的股份)以 其他貨幣列賬及發放,但如為以港元計值的股份,倘若股東可能選擇董事會
[...] 選擇的任何其他貨幣收取任何分派,則董事會可作決定,並且按董事會釐定 的率進行換算。
(c) Subject to paragraph (d) of this Article all Dividends and other distributions in respect of Shares shall be stated and discharged, in the case of Shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, in Hong Kong dollars, and in the case of Shares denominated in any other currency, in such other currency, provided that, in the case of Shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, the Board may determine in the case of any distribution that Shareholders may elect to
receive the same in any other currency selected by the Board,
[...] converted at such rate of exchange as the [...]
Board may determine.
對攤銷 的計量部分反映來自資產以支付對保單持有人負債的即期費用(包括保證最低身故、收入或提取給付費用)、過往及
[...] 預期未來毛利的水平(取決於未來費用的假設水平),以及與死 率 、 退 保及開支相關的元素。
The measurement of the amortisation in part reflects current period fees (including those for guaranteed minimum death, income, or withdrawal benefits) earned on assets covering liabilities to policyholders, and the historical and expected level of future gross
profits which depends on the assumed level of future fees, as well as components related
[...] to mortality, lapse and expense.
就南聯及永泰而言,由於預計其各自適用的百分 率 低 於 5%,南聯香港在南聯關連交易項下收購 [...]
南地財務之股份預計將構成上市規則第14A.32(1) 條項下的關連交易,預計南聯及永泰各自僅須 遵守上市規則第14A章有關申報及公告的規定,而獲豁免遵守上市規則第14A章有關獨立股東批 准的規定。
As each of the applicable
[...] percentage ratios is expected to be [...]
less than 5% in the case of both Winsor and Wing Tai, the
acquisition of shares in WPFSL by Winsor HK under the Winsor Connected Transaction is expected to constitute a connected transaction under Rule 14A.32(1) of the Listing Rules for each of Winsor and Wing Tai and is expected to be subject only to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules but exempt from the requirements of the independent shareholders’ approval under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
如果某个实物期权拥 有多于两个标的资产,可以使用 MSLS 和/或风险控制器来模拟标的资产的轨道,捕捉它们贴现现金流模型中的相互影响作用。
If a real options problem has more than 2 underlying assets, either use the MSLS and/or Risk Simulator to simulate the underlying asset’s trajectories and capture their interacting effects in a DCF model.
有望在报告编制日期结束超过 12 个月之后结算的这些项目作为非流 动负债入账;并且,如果付款贴现 影 响被视为非常重大,则按估计的未来现金流的现值计 算。
These elements which are expected to be settled more than 12 months after the end of the reporting date are treated as non-current liabilities and are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash flows if the payments and the impact of discounting are considered to be material.
该估 值可能反映的情况之一包括甲方对作为保证金提供资产的可获得性程度的看法或甲方认为反映保证金市场风险的保证金现行市 场价值贴现率。
This valuation may reflect, 11 amongst other things, our view as to the level of availability of the assets provided as margin or the discount to the current market value of the margin that we consider reflects its market risk.




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