

单词 贴伏

See also:

keep close to
classifier for sticking plaster: strip
allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)
fit snugly
post (e.g. on a blog)


paste n
stick n

conceal oneself
lie low
surname Fu
hide (in ambush)
concede defeat
fall (go down)
lean over
hottest days of summer

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 浓密,茎直立,经常是分枝自基部或在上部中间,3-12厘米高 贴伏 白 色 短柔毛; 分枝上升。
Stems erect, frequently branched from base or above middle, 3-12 cm tall,
[...] densely short appressed white pubescent; [...]
branches ascending.
它的特点是具有长柔毛叶柄;5裂叶片,背面脉具长柔毛,基部深心形,和裂片边缘近全缘和波状,近先端令 贴伏 锯 齿;伞房状的花;以及小的翅果。
It is characterized by its villous petiole; 5-lobed leaf blade, with villous abaxial veins, base deeply
cordate, and margin of lobes nearly entire
[...] and undulate, only appressed serrate near the [...]
apex; corymbose inflorescence; and small samaras.
乔木给40米高; 在原产于的范围内的3米直径的树干; 树皮浅灰色,粗糙,剥落进极小的鳞片; 小枝浅黄或者淡色带褐色黄,坚固,无毛;
[...] 接近的冬芽带红色的或浅的黑棕色,有光泽,卵球形的或卵球形长圆形,8-10毫米,鳞 贴伏。
Trees to 40 m tall; trunk to 3 m d.b.h. in native range; bark pale gray, rough, flaking into tiny scales; branchlets pale yellow or pale brownish yellow,
stout, glabrous; winter buds reddish or pale black-brown, glossy, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 8-10
[...] mm, scales closely appressed.
叶柄到8(-13)厘米,浓密淡褐色羊毛衫; 叶片卵形披针形到狭卵形, 3-7.5 X
[...] 1.2-2.5厘米, 青春期的浓贴伏的正面, 侧脉5或6在中脉每边各,不清楚。
Petiole to 8(-13) cm, densely pale brown woolly; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 3-7.5 X 1.2-2.5 cm,
adaxially densely appressed pubescent,
[...] abaxially densely pale brown woolly, [...]
base sometimes oblique, cuneate to cordate,
margin coarsely crenate to coarsely serrate, apex acute to rounded; lateral veins 5 or 6 on each side of midrib, indistinct.
茎淡绿到绿色, 通常成熟时成为红紫色, 叶具叶柄,上部的通常具短叶柄或近无柄; 叶柄0.5-4厘米,无毛,反曲的具皮刺的沿着棱; 正面的叶片绿色,淡绿背面,宽披针形的到长圆形, 2-8.5 * 1-3 厘米,薄,背面无毛,中脉的背面的通常反曲的具皮刺的近基部, 正面无毛到密被短柔毛贴伏的简 单的多列毛,斜的托叶鞘,0.5-1.3厘米,干膜质,无毛,经常,身体虚弱纤毛的在顶部,下部1 经常撕裂。
Leaves petiolate, upper ones often shortly petiolate or subsessile; petiole 0.5-4 cm, glabrous, retrorsely prickly along angles; leaf blade green adaxially, light green abaxially, broadly lanceolate to oblong, 2-8.5 × 1-3 cm, thin, abaxially glabrous, abaxially usually retrorsely prickly near base of midvein, adaxially glabrous to densely pubescent with appressed simple multiseriate hairs, base sagittate to deeply cordate with small rounded or triangular lobes, margin ciliate or eciliate, apex acute to subacute or obtuse; ocrea oblique, 0.5-1.3 cm, scarious, glabrous, often weakly ciliate at tip, lower ones often lacerate.
叶片心形的圆形,深的5-7浅裂至中部以下,裂片长卵形或卵状披针形,正面密 贴伏 具 糙 硬毛的,背面无毛。
Leaf blade cordate-orbicular, deeply
5–7-lobed to below the middle, lobes long-ovate or ovate-lanceolate,
[...] adaxially densely appressed-hispid, abaxially [...]
叶柄淡黄棕色,5-7毫米; 不同季节叶片二型;春天叶小的,叶片椭圆形到长圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-2
厘米,薄纸质的或膜质,基部钝,边缘全缘,先端圆形的或钝;秋天叶更大,叶片长圆状倒卵形或者宽椭圆形, 6-10 * 3-5 厘米, 背面白色具棕色的小圆点,鳞片重叠, 多数白色, 少数棕色,
[...] 边缘流苏状撕裂到多少星状,背面幼时具绒毛,毛被为星状毛, 贴伏 , 侧 脉在中脉每边8-10,老叶正面深凹陷。
Petiole yellowish brown, 5-7 mm; leaf blade dimorphic by season; spring leaves small, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 1-4 × 0.8-2 cm, thinly papery or membranous, base obtuse, margin entire, apex rounded or obtuse; autumn leaves larger, leaf blade oblong-obovate or broadly elliptic, 6-10 × 3-5 cm, abaxially white with brown dots, scales overlapping, mostly white, a few brown, margin fimbriate-lacerate to ± stellate, adaxially
tomentose when young, indumentum of
[...] stellate hairs, not appressed, lateral veins 8-10 [...]
per side of midrib, deeply impressed adaxially in old leaves.
半圆形,草本的托叶,空白边粗尖锐切成锯齿状或者有叶; 叶柄具柔毛的和短柔毛;
叶片间断的奇数羽状的具3-5对小叶,在最上部的叶具1或2 对上; 小叶无柄或偶有短具小叶柄,椭圆形,长圆形,或倒卵形椭圆形, 2-7 *
[...] 1.5-4 厘米,背面具短柔毛和具柔毛,正 贴伏 具 柔 毛,基部圆形或宽楔形,边缘具粗圆齿,先端钝或锐尖。
Stipules semiorbicular, herbaceous, margin coarsely acutely serrate or lobed; petiole pilose and pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with 3–5 pairs of leaflets, on uppermost leaves with 1 or 2 pairs; leaflets sessile or occasionally shortly petiolulate, elliptic, oblong, or obovate-elliptic, 2–7
× 1.5–4 cm, abaxially pubescent and
[...] pilose, adaxially appressed pilose, base [...]
rounded or broadly cuneate, margin coarsely
crenate, apex obtuse or acute.
[...] 更低的小花倍于颖片,不育,只由外稃组成,在背面上具柔毛浓 贴伏 , 先 端2裂; 外稃具芒生于中间,直的芒,等长外稃身体的首先; [...]
从凹缺那里深深2裂,具芒的第二外稃,直线; 两性的小花少于1/2段颖片,平滑,发亮; 花药长约3毫米。
Spikelets obovate, ca. 3 mm; glumes subequal, ovate, pale with green keel, 3-veined, sparsely setose, apex acute; lower florets as
long as glumes, sterile, composed only of
[...] lemmas, densely appressed-pilose on back, [...]
apex 2-lobed; first lemma with awn arising
from middle, awn straight, equaling lemma body; second lemma deeply bifid, awned from sinus, awn straight; bisexual floret less than 1/2 length of glumes, smooth, shiny; anthers ca. 3 mm.
[...] 近卵形的叶片,2-3.2 3-4.5 X厘米贴伏短柔毛,背面棕色具长柔毛沿脉,具牙齿的边缘具粗圆齿。
Petiole to 8 cm, brown villous and
white puberulent; leaf blade subovate,
[...] 3-4.5 X 2-3.2 cm, appressed pubescent, abaxially [...]
brown villous along veins, margin coarsely crenate-dentate.
小穗长圆状披针形的或椭圆形披针形,1.8-2.5毫米,浅灰色绿色,毛棍棒状; 更低的颖片无;
[...] 2/3-3/4倍于小穗的上面颖片,比小穗狭窄 贴伏 的 intervein 空间和边缘在具粗毛; 更下部的外稃倍于小穗,5脉具中心组的3 [...]
和2 边缘脉,空间和边缘有毛; 成熟时的上面外稃微黑的棕色,倍于小穗。
Spikelets oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 1.8–2.5 mm, pale grayish green, hairs clavate; lower glume absent; upper glume 2/3–3/4 as long as
spikelet, narrower than spikelet, intervein
[...] spaces and margins appressed-pilose to hirsute; [...]
lower lemma as long as spikelet, 5-veined
with a central group of 3 and 2 marginal veins, intervein spaces and margins hairy; upper lemma blackish brown at maturity, as long as spikelet.
花药短,附属贴伏于柱 头头状花序; 花粉块2 每pollinarium,镰刀形斜长圆形,对水平直立。
Anthers short, appendages appressed to stigma head; [...]
pollinia 2 per pollinarium, obliquely oblong-falcate, erect to horizontal.
叶柄4-12厘米,短柔毛; 叶片圆形肾形肾形或心形, 2-4
[...] * 3.5-7 厘米,有点革质,两贴伏具糙 伏毛,基部深心形, 深深5-7全裂的至中部或在中间下面的;中心的裂片宽卵形的或倒卵形,浅3浅裂,不规则的有锯齿。
Petiole 4–12 cm, pubescent; leaf blade round-reniform or
cordate-reniform, 2–4 × 3.5–7 cm, somewhat leathery,
[...] both surfaces appressed-strigose, base [...]
deeply cordate, deeply 5–7-divided to middle
or below the middle; central segment broadly ovate or obovate, shallowly 3-lobed, irregularly serrate.
[...] 有时的上面颖片膜质,5脉,无毛的 贴伏 短 柔 毛; 更低的外稃膜质,3-5脉,无毛,只在稍突起边里面的具短横裂的皱纹; [...]
Spikelets brown at maturity, obovate, 2–3 mm, subacute to obtuse;
upper glume membranous, 5-veined, glabrous
[...] or sometimes appressed-pubescent; lower [...]
lemma membranous, 3–5-veined, glabrous,
with short transverse wrinkles just inside the slightly raised margin; upper lemma deep brown, strongly convex dorsally, subequaling spikelet, smooth, shiny.
根状茎匍匐; 节间的0.3-1.1 厘米叶全部基生; 托叶卵形或者宽卵形, 10-12 * 7-10 毫米; 叶柄3-16毫米,最初带白色长硬毛状柔毛,老时脱落;叶片斜宽卵形或近圆形, 3.5-18 *
4-14 厘米,草质,具细纤维,具长柔毛在脉上,
[...] 最初带白色的毛,锈色的的晚些时候,绿色,深绿色,或装饰具带白色或浅马蹄形污点, 疏贴伏锈色 的具细纤维在幼时,后无毛,基部5-8脉,基部心形,边缘不规则齿或细齿,长缘毛,先端短渐尖,钝或圆形。
Leaves all basal; stipules ovate or broadly ovate, 10-12 × 7-10 mm; petiole 3-16 mm, initially whitish hirsute-villous, glabrescent when old; blade obliquely broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5-18 × 4-14 cm, herbaceous, abaxially fibrillose, villous on veins, hairs initially whitish, later rusty, adaxially green, dark green, or adorned with
a whitish or pale horseshoe-shaped
[...] maculation, sparsely appressed rusty fibrillose [...]
when young, glabrescent, basally 5-8-veined,
base cordate, margin irregularly dentate or denticulate, long ciliate, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse, or rounded.
叶30-100厘米或更多,偶数羽状; 小叶10-12 对; 叶柄和轴贴伏毛所 覆盖;小叶叶片长圆形到长圆状披针形, 13-30 * 4-6 厘米, 纸质到革质 两面无毛或背面沿贴伏短柔 毛, 次脉在中脉两边各9-12(-15),背面明显突出而正面平,基部宽偏斜,一边楔形另一边楔形到圆形,先端渐尖。
Leaves 30-100 cm or more, even-pinnate; leaflets 10-12
pairs; petiole and
[...] rachis covered with appressed trichomes; leaflet blades oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 13-30 × 4-6 cm, papery to leathery, both surfaces glabrous or abaxially appressed pubescent along [...]
veins, secondary veins
9-12(-15) on each side of midvein, abaxially conspicuously prominent and adaxially flat, base broadly oblique with one side cuneate and other side cuneate to rounded, apex acuminate.
[...] 托叶披针形,0.8-1.2毫米; 叶柄6-8厘米贴伏或者 开展; 叶片深绿色或黑色的在干燥时,近圆形,卵形的圆形,或卵形, [...]
7-17(-26) * 5.5-13(-20) 厘米,纸质,次脉1-3 对沿中脉, 背面短柔毛或者被绢毛的沿脉和细脉,
正面微糙,具短糙伏毛,基部宽楔形,近圆形,或截形,粗7-14齿的在边缘,腋生不分枝的团伞花序,或者有时少数分枝,穗状的分枝;雄性穗状花序3-15厘米; 雌性穗状花序7-20(-30)厘米。
Leaves opposite, subequal in size; stipules lanceolate, 0.8-1.2 mm;
[...] petiole 6-8 cm, appressed or patent strigose; [...]
leaf blade dark green or black when dry,
suborbicular, orbicular-ovate, or ovate, 7-17(-26) × 5.5-13(-20) cm, papery, secondary veins 1-3 pairs along midvein, abaxial surface pubescent or sericeous along veins and veinlets, adaxial surface roughish, strigillose, base broadly cuneate, subrounded, or truncate, margin coarsely 7-14-dentate, teeth 6-20 mm, gradually larger distally, distal ones often biserrate, apex sometimes inconspicuously tricuspidate, lateral cusps shorter than terminal one.
叶脱落 长约的叶柄3厘米,短柔毛; 叶片背面的淡绿,
[...] 正面深绿色,近圆形,大约宽10厘米,膜质,背面除了中脉具短柔毛外无毛,基部心形或深心形,5裂;裂片披针形,对于先端,先端渐尖有锯齿的边缘全缘或疏 贴伏; 中间裂片长约5.5×2 厘米。
Leaves deciduous; petiole ca. 3 cm, pubescent; leaf blade abaxially light green, adaxially dark green, suborbicular, ca. 10 cm wide, membranous, abaxially glabrous except for pubescent midvein, adaxially glabrous, base cordate or deeply
so, 5-lobed; lobes lanceolate, margin
[...] entire or sparsely appressed serrate toward [...]
apex, apex acuminate; middle lobe ca. 5.5 × 2 cm.
果宽长圆形,很少长圆状线形的或近圆形, ( 4.5-)5-10(-14) * 3-5
[...] 毫米,平的或稍扭曲,钝,稍微凹,或很少近尖的在两末端 贴伏 于 轴; 裂爿无毛或被短柔毛; 花柱0.3-0.8毫米,无毛的或很少短柔毛。
Fruit broadly oblong, rarely oblong-linear or suborbicular, (4.5-)5-10(-14) × 3-5 mm, flat or slightly twisted,
obtuse, slightly retuse, or rarely subacute
[...] at both ends, appressed to rachis; valves [...]
glabrous or pubescent; style 0.3-0.8
mm, glabrous or rarely pubescent.
近对生的叶,很少互生或对生; 叶柄长约1毫米,密被短柔毛; 叶片椭圆形或卵状椭圆形, 1.5-3 *
[...] 1.2-2 厘米,薄纸质,干燥时膜质,两 贴伏 短 柔 毛,基部宽楔形到多少圆形,先端锐尖;侧脉3或4 [...]
Leaves subopposite, rarely alternate or opposite; petiole ca. 1 mm, densely pubescent; leaf blade elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.5-3 × 1.2-2
cm, thinly papery, membranous when
[...] dried, both surfaces appressed pubescent, base [...]
broadly cuneate to ± rounded, apex acute;
lateral veins 3 or 4 per side, slender.
在 2008
[...] 年5月,政府同意对 屋顶的太阳能伏系统的补贴从 2009 年到 2010 年每年减少8%,2011年以后每年减少9%。
In India kerosene and LPG subsidies are generally intended [...]
to shift consumption from biomass to modern fuels, reduce deforestation
and to improve indoor air quality, particularly in poor rural areas.
尽管2012年多个国家下调伏补贴,欧 洲仍然是最大的区域市场,总需求为16.48GW,占全球近60%的市场份额,但低于2011年的68%和2010年的82%。
Despite an environment of declining
[...] incentives during 2012, Europe remained the largest regional market with 16.48 GW of PV demand, [...]
almost 60% of global
demand last year, but less than 68% of the global demand in 2011 and 82% in 2010.
2、受欧债危机、欧洲伏补贴削减等因素影响,报告期内太阳能光伏行业仍旧低迷,多晶硅、 电池组件产品及太阳能玻璃销售价格较去年同期下降幅度较大,公司太阳能产业盈利同比大幅 [...]
B. Influenced by the European debt crisis
[...] and government subsidy cut, the solar photovoltaic industry keeps [...]
sluggish in the report period.
The selling price of polysilicon, cells & modules and solar energy glass decline considerably compare with the same period of last year.
中国潜力企业 100 强 2011
[...] 年由于受到光伏产品需求大国德国、意大利等相继大幅削减 伏 安 装 补 贴 的 影 响,加之欧美等主要光伏产品 需求市场经济疲软,全球光伏安装量剧减;而同时由于本年度全球新增产能急剧释放,光伏市场出现量价齐跌的严峻 [...]
Key foreign trade export enterprise People’s Government of Binjiang District, Hangzhou
In 2011, influenced by significant
[...] reduction of PV installation subsidy from large [...]
demander Germany and Italy in PV products,
the market recession of PV products and the decrease of global PV installation amount; and the abrupt release of newly increased production capacity of this year, the PV market has suffered from simultaneous decline of amount and price. microcrystalline silicon assembly products declines by nearly 40% in price this year.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低 伏 , 最 後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
主要的挑战是确保有效动员“伏尔加 河之路”学校(教师和学生)落实各次培训班的建议,并指定全国“ 伏 尔 加 河之路”协调 人,保证项目的可持续性。
Major challenges are to ensure effective mobilization of GVRR schools (teachers and students) to implement the recommendations of the various workshops and to identify dynamic and experienced National GVRR Coordinators to ensure project sustainability.
[...] 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过贴最不 发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 [...]
加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
Recommendations proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially,
non-financial collaboration; leveraging
[...] resources through subsidies for international [...]
private sector engagement, especially
foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.
当一名或数名代理人,代替执行局委员指定的代表,出席某届或某组会议时, 生活贴和旅费只发给一个代理人,条件是:该代理人通常不住在会议召开 地,而且该委员指定的代表放弃可以根据第1.1,3.1.1和3.1.2段规定享受的该届 会议或该组织会议的任何交通费用。
When an alternate or alternates attend a session or group of meetings instead of the representative appointed by the Member, a subsistence allowance and transportation costs shall be payable for one alternate only provided the alternate does not normally reside in the locality where the meetings are held, and that the representative appointed by the Member renounces, for that session or group of meetings, any entitlement he may have under subparagraphs 1.1, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
因此,教科文组织工作人员养恤金委员会的权限扩展至下列事务:(i) 根据《养恤基金
[...] 条例》向教科文组织的参加者和受益者发放 贴 ; (i i) 根据教科文组织的实际情况解释和实 [...]
施养恤基金条例和管理细则;(iii) 提出修改养恤基金条例及其细则的建议,供工作人员养恤
金联合委员会审议,然后提交作为养恤金事务立法机构的联合国大会;(iv) 通过其指定的代 表参加工作人员养恤金联合委员会及其附属机构的例会及特别会议。
Thus, the authority of the UNESCO Staff Pension Committee extends to the following matters: (i) granting of benefits under
the Pension Fund Regulations to UNESCO
[...] participants and beneficiaries; (ii) interpreting [...]
and applying the Pension Fund Regulations
and Administrative Rules in respect of UNESCO cases; (iii) proposing amendments to Regulations and Rules of the fund for consideration by the Joint Staff Pension Board and subsequent submission to the General Assembly of the United Nations, which is the legislating body on pension matters; (iv) participating, through its designated representatives in the regular and special sessions of the Joint Staff Pension Board and its subsidiary organs.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以 贴近 世 界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.




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