

单词 贯彻始终

See also:

始终 adv

always adv
long adv
as always adv
after all adv


from beginning end
all along

External sources (not reviewed)

在重要伙伴的计划和活动缺乏统一协调或不 贯彻始终的 情况下尤其如此,例如安全部门改革。
This was particularly the case in situations where the plans and activities of critical partners lacked alignment or follow-through, as was the case with security sector reform.
为了将这项改贯彻始 终,应为其提供足够的经费(见总部、维护与安全一 节)。
In order to make it possible to persevere with this reform, adequate resources must be allocated (see section on Headquarters, Maintenance and Security).
不过这些成果的取得也具有很大的即时而发的性质,由于人员不足等条件制约,无法做 到对教科文组织所有计划,在一年的时空 贯彻始终 地 进 行系统的媒体宣传。
These favourable results were nevertheless occasional rather than continuous, since there were not enough human resources to provide coverage throughout the year for all the Organization’s programmes.
应当支持将人权指标纳入国家发展或人权计划及政策的举措,并将 贯彻始 终,以 便实际运用所采纳的指标监测计划和政策的落实。
Initiatives taken to integrate human rights indicators into national development or human rights plans and policies should be supported and followed through, so that adopted indicators are actually used in monitoring the plans and policies’ implementation.
特别委员会强调,必始终如一地 贯彻 为 设 立和开展联合国维和行动而制订 的各项原则和标准,并强调有必要继续系统地审查这些原则以及维和的定义。
The Special Committee stresses
[...] the importance of consistently applying the principles [...]
and standards it has set forth for
the establishment and conduct of United Nations peacekeeping operations, and emphasizes the need to continue to consider those principles, as well as definitions of peacekeeping, in a systematic fashion.
改进技术和职业教育结构的政策应 在广泛的政策范围内予以确定,其目的在于 创立开放、灵活、优势互补的教育、培训和
[...] 教育及职业指导机构,并考虑到现代教育信 息技术提供的条件,贯彻终身学 习的原 则,而不管这些活动是在正规教育范围之内 [...]
Policies for the structural improvement of technical and vocational education should be established within the framework of broad policies designed to implement the principle of lifelong education through the creation of open, flexible and complementary structures for education, training and educational and vocational guidance, considering the provisions of modern information
technology in education regardless of whether
[...] these activities take place within the [...]
system of formal education or outside it.
已经确定了新的计划工作方针,得到了合作伙伴的广泛 认可,为大家共享使用,并坚定不移 贯彻 到 了 办事处的工作中;新的质量项目正在开发和 融资当中,其中一些已经进入实施阶段,而以前的项目组合则将于 2009 年彻底废除;已经始应对 协调行政和财务程序、合理调整相应的工具、培养一种有效监督环境所面临的挑 战,主要步骤业已完成,其他工作也进展良好;工作人员都接受了多方面的必要培训,对机 构有了一定了解,能够胜任工作并发挥主观能动性;重新建立并加强了与总部各计划部门和 中央服务处的联系和适当工作程序;正逐渐与该地区及该地区以外的其他总部外办事处构建 联系;巴西利亚办事处已经很好地融入了联合国国家工作队。
The new programme orientations have been defined, widely shared with and accepted by partners and firmly entrenched within the operations of the Office; new quality projects are being developed and funded, with some already in the implementation stage, and the former portfolio of projects will be totally phased out in 2009; the challenge of aligning administrative and financial procedures, adapting corresponding tools and achieving an effective control environment has been addressed with major steps already completed and others well engaged; personnel have received necessary training in many essential aspects, developed an institutional understanding and are able and motivated; linkages and proper working procedures with programme sectors and central services at Headquarters have been re-established and consolidated; networking with other field offices in the region, and even beyond, is taking place; and UBO is well integrated within the UNCT.
[...] 迎联合王国、法国、中国和前苏维埃社会主义共和 国联始终一贯地批 准《拉罗汤加条约》的各项议 定书,以及美利坚合众国最近宣布批准这些议定书 [...]
Forum members welcomed the long-standing ratification
by the United Kingdom, France, China
[...] and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [...]
of the protocols to the Rarotonga
Treaty as well as the United States of America’s recent declaration of intent to ratify.
压力上的差距:跟男生相比,女生往往会表现出他们承受 的压力更大,经历更严重的忧郁症,而且这种差异会一贯穿于大学始终。
A stress gap: Women display higher levels of stress and depression than men, and those differences persist throughout the undergraduate years.
2006 年,秘 书长还批准了《综合特派团规划流程指导准则》,并在各综合派驻机构总部层级建
[...] 立或保持了各支特别工作队,以确保为实地派驻机构提供 贯 持 续 和 始终 如 一 的支 持和政策指导,并要求 19 个综合特派机构,个个都建立起共享分析和规划制订能力, [...]
Also in 2006, the Secretary-General endorsed the IMPP Guidelines, and the establishment or maintenance of Headquarters-level task
forces for each integrated presence, to
[...] ensure coherent and consistent support and policy [...]
guidance to field presences, and asked
each of the 19 integrated presences to have a shared analytical and planning capacity as well as an integrated strategic framework that should be reflected in, and draw on, all other United Nations planning, programming and budget instruments.
被很多人视为行业标准,可以始至 终贯 穿 是 用于整个饲料生产中,用于控制和隔离进入的原材料、控制生产过程的一致性、确保最终成品满足用户和官方的要求。
Seen by many as the industry standard, they are used throughout the animal feed industry to control and segregate incoming raw material, control consistency in feed production and ensure finished products are in line with the demands of customers and authorities.
[...] 中举行的,尽管所作的各项决定很重要,但几乎一年 已经过去,我们甚至还没有始着手 贯彻 执 行这些决 定,包括使不限成员名额特设工作组开始运作。
surrounding the Conference and the importance of the decisions
taken, almost a year down the road
[...] we have not even started working on the follow-up [...]
and implementation of those decisions,
including the operationalization of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group.
台北,台湾-2011年10月 24日-Tt eSPORTS-高性能专业电竞的代名词,持 贯彻 曜 越 科技 终 极 使 命「致力于创造完美的用户经验」!
October 24th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, the leader of gaming and a sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is exciting to announce SAPHIRA, world’s most advanced pro-gaming engineering technology on mouse, and White-Ra’s Limited Edition signature mouse pad.
酷刑问题特别报告员关切地感到,警察往往不 始终贯彻 法 治,导致由一 些私营保安公司履行警察的某些主要职责。
The Special Rapporteur on torture was concerned that the police are not always in a position to enforce the rule of law, leading to private security companies carrying out some of the police’s main duties.
这 条道路将推动我们实现终和公 正解决以巴冲突的 所有核心问题——难民、耶路撒冷、定居点、边界、 水、安全和被关押者等各项问题彻 底 结束 1967 年始的以 色列的军事占领、建立以东耶路撒冷为首都 的巴勒斯坦国的独立、巴勒斯坦难民的困境得到公正 和各方同意的解决以及在巴勒斯坦和以色列之间以 及整个中东建立和平与安全。
That path can move us forward towards the
[...] achievement of a final, just resolution of all core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — the refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders, water, security and prisoners — bringing a definitive end to the Israeli military occupation that began in 1967, the independence [...]
of the State of
Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, a just and agreed solution to the plight of the Palestine refugees, and the establishment of peace and security between Palestine and Israel and throughout the Middle East.
始终彻底排 空充气罩囊内的空气,方 法是用力向后拉抽气注射器并轻轻拉动充 [...]
The cuff must always be fully deflated [...]
by firmly pulling back on the deflating syringe and gently pulling on the inflation line.
第三,关 于 确保妇女享有平等权利对于达成和平 协议和所有政治解决办法至关重要的问题,看到充分 承认所有权利仍然未始终一贯地纳 入和平谈判与 和平协议,而且有关方面对于改善这一状况似乎并无 什么紧迫感,令人感到沮丧。
Thirdly, as to ensuring that women’s equal rights are fundamental to peace accords and all political settlements, it has been frustrating to see that the full recognition of all rights is still not consistently included in peace talks and accords, and there appears to be little sense of urgency to improve that.
最后,还举办 了一期内部讲习班,探讨了使消除贫困问 贯 穿 活 动 始终 的 方 法,以及未来优先考虑的问题 (从文化角度考虑防治艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的方法,男女平等与人权,移民权利)。
Finally, an internal workshop was organized to explore ways to mainstream poverty eradication as well as future priorities (cultural approach to HIV/AIDS, gender equality and human rights, migrants rights).
安全理事会保护平民问题专家组和关于 保护平民的备忘录(见 S/PRST/2009/1,附件)则进一 步有助于其任务规定中的这一问题受到有系统始 终一贯的关注。
The Security Council expert group on the protection of civilians and aide-memoire on the protection of civilians (see S/PRST/2009/1, annex) have further contributed to systematic and consistent attention to the issue in their mandates.
作为裁军谈判会议成员,古巴赞成优先 始 就 核 裁军分阶段方案进行谈判,终彻底销毁核武器。
As a member of the Conference on Disarmament, Cuba
is in favour of giving
[...] priority to commencing negotiations on a phased programme for nuclear disarmament, culminating in the complete [...]
elimination of nuclear weapons.
然而,有一些制片人贯穿始终参与在整个制作过程 中。
However, some Producers play a key role throughout the entire production process.
若要使千年发展目标能够实现覆盖最 贫穷人群的公正公平的发展,并贯 穿 生 命 始终 的 两性不平等问题纳入考虑范 畴,它们就不能再无视眼下正在发生的前所未有的人口变化。
If the Millennium Development Goals are to deliver fair and equitable development that reaches the very poorest and takes gender inequality throughout the life course into account, they can no longer ignore the unprecedented demographic change that is presently taking place.
执行秘书在向会议介绍这一议程项目时表示,评审活动是亚太经社会 的议程及其作为一个学习型组织所作承诺的一个重要组成部分,并表示她致 力贯彻执行 各项审评建议及其后续行动。
In introducing the agenda item, the Executive Secretary indicated that evaluation was a critical part of the agenda of ESCAP and its commitment as a learning organization, and expressed her commitment to the implementation of evaluation recommendations and follow-up actions.
从法国视觉魔幻大师到意大利男高音,品 始终贯 穿 其 中。
From French illusionists to Italian tenors, this is where quality steals the show.
在这方面,秘书长强调指 出,亲身进行干预有各种好处,而且有必要通过增强人力资源和财务管理方面
[...] 的协调和监测来协助区域办事处,并确保全组织采取统一的做法和统 贯彻政 策
In this regard, the Secretary-General highlighted the advantages of in-person intervention, as well as the need to assist the regional offices through improved coordination and monitoring in the area of human
resources and financial management and to ensure consistent practices
[...] and application of policies across [...]
the Organization.
经社会注意到,常驻代表咨委会在成员国与秘书处之间开展的建设性 对话中发挥了重要作用,并作为经社会成员有效参与和推动秘书 贯彻 执行经社会所作各项决定的一个渠道发挥了重要作用。
The Commission noted the important role of the Advisory Committee in the constructive dialogue between member States and the secretariat, and as a channel for members of the Commission to participate effectively in, and contribute to, the implementation by the secretariat of the decisions of the Commission.
贯彻 2003 年秋季始实施 的招聘和轮换政策,已经采取了以下一些行动:从 2003 年 10 月至 12 月为工作人员举办了好几期通报宣传活动;与有关部门/局一起为确定需要公 开招聘的职位以及可能需要轮换的职位事先作出规划;2004 年 2 月在内部通报了所有的空缺 职位和 2004 年所有将空缺的职位;编制 2005 年将空缺的职位的公告以及发行关于教科文组 织招聘工作和新的政策框架的两本小册子;改进网络招聘(RecritWeb)和网上申请手段; 以及在教科文组织网站上更新和修改招聘信息。
The following actions have been taken to implement the policies on recruitment and rotation, launched in Autumn 2003: a series of information sessions for staff from October to December 2003; advance planning with sectors/bureaux to identify posts to be opened for recruitment, as well as rotation possibilities; internal advertisement, in February 2004, of all vacant posts and all posts falling vacant in 2004; preparation of the vacancy bulletin for posts falling vacant in 2005, publication of two booklets, on recruitment at UNESCO and on the new policy framework; enhancement of RecruitWeb, the online application tool; updating and revamping of the recruitment information on UNESCO’s Internet website.
本次级方案的战略方向 体现在各项国际商定的发展目标中,包括千年发展目标、发展筹资问题多哈成 果文件、世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响联合国会议的成果、将于 2011 年举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,以及亚太经社会关于亚 太经社会区域实现千年发展目标的第 62/1、63/4 和 64/6 号决议、关于亚太经 社会区域 2015 年底以前实现千年发展目标经费筹措问题的第 64/7 号决议,关 于为应对粮食-燃料-金融多重危机 贯彻 落 实 《巴厘成果文件》的第 65/1 号决 议和关于加强亚洲及太平洋二类作物开发扶贫中心的第 65/4 号决议。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme is imbedded in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, the Doha Outcome Document on Financing for Development, the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, the outcome of the forthcoming Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, in 2011, and Commission resolutions 62/1, 63/4, and 64/6 on achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the ESCAP region, 64/7 on financing for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 in the ESCAP region, 65/1 on implementation of the Bali Outcome Document in addressing the food, fuel and financial crises, and 65/4 on strengthening of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops Development in Asia and the Pacific.
2.6 2000 年审议大会还呼吁“酌情尽快促使所有核武器国家参与 终 实现 彻底消除核武器的进程”,并始审 议“建立并维持一个无核武器世界” 的某些所需条件,特别是“发展必要的核查能力,以确保各方遵约”。
2.6 The 2000 Review Conference also called for “The engagement as soon as appropriate of all the nuclear weapons States in the process
leading to the total
[...] elimination of the nuclear weapons”, and began the process of considering some of the [...]
requirements for “the
achievements and maintenance of a nuclear-weapon-free world”, in particular “the development of the verification capabilities that will be required to provide assurance of compliance”.
勤以及信息和通信技术方面的服务; (b) 考虑第 1.2
[...] 段的规定,并与秘书处有关部厅协调,帮助制定组织政策和 程序,满足外勤业务的要求;确 始终 一 贯 地 实 施支助外勤业务的有关政策和做 法;向外地特派团下放权力;管理和监测人力资源、财政、地方采购、行为和纪 [...]
(b) Taking into account the provisions of paragraph 1.2 and in coordination with relevant departments and offices of the Secretariat, contributes to the development of organizational policies and procedures
to meet the requirements of field
[...] operations; ensures consistency in the application [...]
of support-related policies and practices
in field operations; and delegates to field missions and administers and monitors field operations in the areas of human resources, finance, local procurement, conduct and discipline, logistics, information and communications technology and other general management issues




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