

单词 购物广场

See also:

购物 n

shopper n

广场 n

piazza n


public square

External sources (not reviewed)

我们有精美购物广场还有 一个“精品”店。
There are fine bistros and multi-screen sports bars.
Lukes Westfield Shopping Center – 奥克兰数一数二购物广场。
St. Lukes Westfield Shopping Center – One of the Auckland’s most famous shopping malls.
集学生们所需于校园内,以及地处城市策略性区域内,附近有各 购物广场 , 如 :The Curve与万达广场及方便的公共交通服务设施,世纪大学是学生们理想的求学环境。
With virtually everything students need on campus as well as being strategically located within city limits and nearby to The Curve, One Utama and numerous public transport services, SEGi University is the perfect study location.
由 于距离该项目两公里的范围内已有两个凯德购物中心, 一个翠广场购物中心,两个百货店,该区域未来商业 竞争将较为激烈。
With existing shopping malls such as CapitaMall Cuiwei, CapitaMall Crystal and Cuiwei Plaza within a [...]
short distance, competition
in the district may intensify.
在开业那天,成千上万的苹果迷们和好奇的普 购物 者 在 广场 上 排 成长队,希望能有机会亲自目睹这一盛况。
On opening day, thousands of Apple enthusiasts and the just-plain-curious lined the plaza to await their chance to see this sight for themselves.
宁波香格里拉大酒店位于宁波市中心。步行即可到达当地最大 购物 中 心 ---天 广场。
Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, is located in the centre of Ningbo, within walking distance of
[...] the city’s largest shopping area, Tianyi Square.
纳迪镇是斐济知名的最购物场所之 一,许 广 受 认 可的购物商店和精品店均汇聚于此。
Nadi Town is well-known as the best
[...] place for shopping in Fiji, being home to many recognized shopping outlets and [...]
赫尔辛基购物范围广泛,包括顶级时装,大型百货 场 , 小 精品店,廉价的跳蚤市场,以及其间的一切。
Helsinki offers a wide range of shopping opportunities, including top fashion, large department [...]
stores, small boutiques,
inexpensive flea markets, and everything in between.
爱彼很荣幸宣布品牌在美属关岛的杜梦湾(Tumon)闹 广场购物 中 心 (Plaze Shopping Center)开设精品馆,成为爱彼进驻密克罗尼西亚的第一个销售据点。
Audemars Piguet is proud to announce the opening of its first point of sale in Micronesia, a
[...] Pavilion at The Plaze Shopping Center in the [...]
heart of Tumon, Guam, USA.
这座独具风情的城市还拥有典型亚洲风格的街边 场 , 让 游客 购物 的 同 时体验本地人的生活习惯。
This phenomenal city also offers the typical Asian
[...] style street markets providing the visitor the opportunity to shop whilst experiencing [...]
the local way of life.
我们自1993年起就一直在使用Cat® 的设备”中广西分公司购部副 经理黄玮泽说,“这些设备是在我们 场 从 事采矿生产和土地复垦作业的主力。
We’ve been using Cat® equipment since 1993,” says Huang Weize, deputy procurement manager at CHALCO Guangxi.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大城市,银河商场,Supermal Pakuwon
[...] Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗 广场 是 当 地著名 购物 中 心 ,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水大型的电脑与移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya, Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall, Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc, Royal Plaza
Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza
[...] are just some of the famous shopping centres available, while [...]
Hi-Tech Mall, WTC and Plasa
Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
主要旅游区购物商场、食 肆及酒店均设有无障 碍通道。
Barrier-free access is an important feature at all major
[...] tourism areas such as shopping malls, restaurants [...]
and hotels.
随着LED显示技术和工艺的不断提升,LED显示屏已然成为平板显示的主流产品,并在社会经济的许多领域得到广泛应用,主要包括:广告媒体新产品、户外显示屏做为广告媒体外、证券交易、金融信息显示、机场航班动态信息显示、港口、车站旅客引导信息显示、信息系统和广播系统、列车到发揭示系统、体育场馆信息显示、列车到发揭示系统、票务信息系统、道路交通信息显示、智能效通系统、调度指挥中心信息显示、邮政、电信、 场购物 中 心 等服务领域的业务宣传及信息显示、集群LED显示 广 告 系 统、列车LED显示屏广告发布系统、演出和集会、展览会。
With the LED display technology and continuously upgrade technology, LED displays have become the mainstream flat panel display products, and in the socio-economic widely used in many areas, including: new products, advertising media, outdoor advertising display for the media outside the securities transactions, financial information shows that the airport flight information display dynamic, port, station passenger information display guide, information systems and public address system, the train to the hair to reveal system information display stadiums, train arrival-departure system reveals, ticketing information systems, road traffic information display, intelligent system efficiency, scheduling information display center,
postal services,
[...] telecommunications, shopping malls and other service areas of publicity and information display, LED display advertising system cluster, [...]
the train Advertising LED display systems, performance and meetings, exhibitions.
一家豪华服务式公寓,毗邻人民公园、人 广 场 地铁站、多家博物馆,以及南京路和新天地的时 购物场 所。
Luxurious serviced apartments adjacent to People's Park, People's Square underground station, museums, shopping on Nanjing Road & Xintiandi.
独特购物步道流线的设计,形成一系列有趣的景 广场 , 其 中,坡道之上24小时营业的拥有运河无敌美景的商街则俨然成为景致之极。
At night, the elevated street comes alive via multicoloured illuminated canopies, and the building's unique retail footprint results in a series of interesting landscaped plazas, the largest [...]
of which is the ramped
24-hr street which takes advantage of the spectacular view of Yunhe.
还可通过其提供的上千个插件进行功能扩展包括:电子商务 购物 车 引 擎,论坛与聊天软件,日历,博客软件,目录分类管理 广 告 管 理系统,电子报,数据收集与报表工具,期刊订阅服务等。
Also available through the thousands of plug-ins for
extensions include :
[...] e-commerce and shopping cart engines , forums and chat software , calendars , blog software , directory category management , advertising management [...]
system , email newsletters,
data collection and reporting tools , periodicals subscription services.
Chengdu's downtown shopping area has taken [...]
on the look of most modern cities, with upscale clothing shops and department stores.
有象征上海的外滩;有被誉为”城市绿肺”的人 广场 ; 有 创造了十个”世界第一”的东方明珠广播电视塔;有中国第一摩天大楼金茂大厦;以及南京路步行街、上海 物 馆 、 上海大剧院、上海城市规划展示馆等。
[...] symbols are the Bund, People Square, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the first skyscraper built in China called Jinmao Tower and also Nanjing Road, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai Urban [...]
Planning Exhibition Hall, etc.
(e) 采购:我对采购权力下放到外地办事处的工作所进行的评估突出表明,由于总部和外地办事处监
[...] 测不当,存在很多缺陷,其中包括:没有遵守工发组织的规则、手册和行政指示;采购过程效率低下、效 果不佳;没有对不守规行为作出问责安排; 购物 品 时并不总能展开充分和公开的竞争 物 品 采 购 价 格高 于场或竞 争价格;没有实行就近采购;强制供应商履约的情况有限;没有遵守供应商名册机制;没有建 立可进行统计分析和例外情况报告的独特的供应商编号制度;以及没有披露相关方交易。
These weaknesses included: non-compliance with UNIDO rules, manuals and administrative instructions; inefficient and ineffective procurement processes; no accountability arrangements for incidents of non compliance; full and open competition for
procured items not always
[...] achieved; items purchased at prices in excess of market or competitive prices; purchases not made at arm’s length; limited enforcement [...]
of vendor performance;
vendor roster mechanism not complied with; no unique vendor numbering system that would allow for statistical analysis and exception reporting; and related party transactions not disclosed.
您可以使用自备的物箱,也可以在美联航的某些 场购 买 认可的各式大小的 物 箱。
You may use your own kennel or purchase approved kennels of various sizes from United at some airport locations.
虽然石油价格最近下降在某种程度上缓解了大多数西非 国家的宏观经济和财政压力,但 场广 泛 的 全球性危机已经造成初级商品出口价 格暴跌,对其经济倚重出口物的国 家的贸易条件、政府岁入、普遍宏观经济条 件和家庭收入造成不利影响。
Although the recent decrease in oil prices has, to some extent, eased
macroeconomic and fiscal
[...] pressure in most West African countries, the broader, global nature of the crisis has generated a sharp fall in the price of primary commodity [...]
exports, which
has had an adverse effect on terms of trade, government revenue, broader macroeconomic conditions and household incomes in countries whose economies rely heavily on export crops.
Bhau Daji Lad博物馆的后广场,为 期六周的活动将从每星期四至星期一的下午3点至晚上9点在这里开展。
The six-week program at the Mumbai
[...] Lab's central site on the rear plaza of the Dr. [...]
Bhau Daji Lad Museum will be presented
from 3 to 9 pm, Thursday through Monday.
芝加哥旅馆位于非常靠近历史中心,大教堂教堂,教堂香格里拉Compania,阿拉米达公园,Elejido公园,Itchimbia公园,圣布拉斯广场,旧金 广 场 , 广场 格 兰 德 广场 , 不 同的 物 馆 和 艺术美术馆在老城区。
Chicago Hostel is located very close to the Historic Center, Basilica
church, La Compania
[...] church, Alameda Park, Elejido park, Itchimbia park, San Blas square, San Francisco square, Plaza Grande square, different museums and art galeries [...]
in the Old Town.
2011年11月1日,悉尼-在一场波及范围极广、规模空前浩大的罢工行动结束以后,澳大利亚航空公司Qantas的飞机终于重返蓝天,而世服宏图首席信息官兼市场销售总监、小型企业菁英 Marcus Moufarrige 却说,场广泛影 响澳大利亚企业的危机其实是可以避免的。
Sydney, 1 November 2011- With Qantas returning to the skies today after wide-spread industrial action and an unprecedented lockout of staff, Servcorp CIO and Sales Director and small-business champion Marcus Moufarrige said that the crisis - which hurt businesses all over Australia - could have been avoided.
近年来,广州分所承办了多项具有广泛影响力的大型项目,包括:花旗集团牵头财团 购广 东 发展银行项目、粤财控股接收处置不良资产项目、广东省建设银行打包处置不良资产项目、广东省内多家农村金融机构的改制、引资及上市项目、成都银行重组引资项目、港珠澳大桥项目、东方电机承接巴西Jirau AHE电站(目前全球最大的水利工程项目)设计 购 施 工 总承包项目、四季酒店落 广 州 项 目、长沙水务行业 场 化 运 作系列项目、民安证券有限责任公司关闭清算项目、广东科龙电器股份有限公司重组项目、粤高速常年法律顾问项目以及包括广州富力地产股份有限公司、越秀房地产信托投资基金、合生创展集团有限公司、广州日报集团旗下粤传媒在内的数十家大型企业的私募及境内外上市项目。
Ltd-Brazil Jirau AHE Power Station Project (the biggest hydro project in the world); the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project; the Four Seasons Hotel, Guangzhou; a series of deals privatizing the water industry of Changsha City; the liquidation of Mingan Securities Ltd; the restructuring of Guangdong Kelong Electric Ltd; the provision of routine legal advice to Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development; and, a private placement / offshore IPO transaction involving several dozen large enterprises including R&F Properties Ltd (Guangzhou), Yuexiu REIT Fund, Hopson Group, and GZ Daily Group's Guangdong Media.
紧邻碧山地铁站的还有巴士转换站、图书馆 广 受 欢迎的Junct ion 8购物中心,这座五层高的购物中心共有170个零售店,其中包括西友百货、职总平价超市、东洋电器店和嘉华影院。
Next to the Bishan MRT station is
the bus interchange, the library
[...] and the popular Junction 8 shopping mall with five floors of [...]
170 retail outlets including
departmental store BHG, a supermarket, a huge consumer electronics store and a cinema.
教科文组织丰特努瓦总部修复改造工程第 I 期于 2001 年 8
[...] 月开工,第 II 期从 2004 年至 2009 年 9 月分以下阶段进行:2004--2005 年:购和在院内广场安装 预制件临时建筑,完成 I 号楼黄翼楼区各部分的工程;2006 年:翻修蓝翼楼区和 [...]
7 层餐厅;2007 年:翻修红翼楼区
和 III 号楼;2008--2009 年:翻修 IV 号楼。
Phase 2 of the restoration and improvement works on UNESCO’s Fontenoy Headquarters, Phase 1 of which had begun in August 2001, stretched from 2004 to September 2009,
in the following
[...] stages: 2004-2005: ordering and installation of the prefabricated building in the piazza, completion of [...]
the various stages of
works in the yellow wing of Building I; 2006: renovation of the blue wing and the 7th floor restaurant; 2007: renovation of the red wing and Building III; 2008-2009: renovation of Building IV.
农夫市场不仅是一个超棒购物场所 , 还是品尝当地有机食物和农产品的最佳地点,比如优质的农舍奶酪、入口即化的乳脂软糖以及无与伦比的赛拉米香肠。
Farmers’ markets are not only wonderfully atmospheric places to browse around, they’re also ideal for sampling local, organic and artisan produce, with exceptional farmhouse cheeses, melt-in-the-mouth fudge, hand-smoked salmon and meats, and a wide range of organic fruit and vegetables.
在上面提到的、正在准备 中的“招标细则”范围 内,正在设计一个录像监 督和装备自动检查系统的
[...] 大型计划;更新了有关设 备:购买了 24 部功能先进 的步话机,从而更新了无 线广播系统;购买了两 套对付爆炸装置的覆物 和安装在难于进入的地方 的两个监察镜;在总部三 个主要入口安装了安检设 备
A wide-ranging programme of video surveillance and automated monitoring of entry to Headquarters buildings is being devised under the above-mentioned technical specifications which are now being drawn up; Radio
communications equipment
[...] was upgraded by the purchase of 24 more reliable walkie-talkies; Purchase of two anti-bomb [...]
blankets to protect staff responsible for neutralizing explosive devices and of two new
mirrors to facilitate inspection of less accessible areas; Installation of x-ray monitoring units at the three main entrances to Headquarters.




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