

单词 贫贱不能移

See also:


poor and lowly


should not
must not

不能不 v

have to v

External sources (not reviewed)

文化当不能分高低贵贱,而 只有沟通感情的教才有助于有效地处理好这方面的冲 突。
Cultures, of course, cannot be ranked hierarchically and only education designed to foster empathy will enable conflicts in this sphere to be managed effectively.
在印度教仪式不可接触的贱民只能 做 一些与其低种性身份 相称的特定工作。
Untouchables are made to perform specific tasks during Hindu rituals that are particular to their low-caste status.
印度表示继续支不丹重点提高其机 能 力 和 巩固 其民主制度,以解贫困、失业、非 移 民 和恐怖主义的挑战。
Mindful that Bhutan’s priority is to enhance its institutional capacities
[...] consolidate its democracy against the challenges of poverty, unemployment, illegal immigration and terrorism, India pledged its continuing [...]
然而,许多人和许多国家,特别是 贫 困 的 人和国 不能 有 效 地和公平 地利用信息,并因此得不到发展的机会。
However, many people and
[...] nations, especially the poorest ones, do not have effective [...]
and equitable access to information,
and therefore, to development opportunities.
发展领域的 全球挑战和问题,如匮乏贫困、人 口 移 徙 、 获得饮 用水的机会有限能源和 粮食资源、非法武器贸易、 传染病流行、自然灾害、环境和人为灾难等等,都对 和平、稳定与安全产不利影响,而且在某些情况下, 还有可能导致国际冲突。
Global challenges and problems in the area of development — such as destitution and poverty, population migration, limited access to water, energy and food resources, the illegal arms trade, infectious disease pandemics, natural catastrophes [...]
and environmental and man-made disasters
— can all have negative consequences for peace, stability and security, and, in some cases, the potential for international conflict.
人权高专办的工作涉及广泛的人权问题,包括打击有罪不罚;暴 力和不安全局势中的人权;消除歧视 不 平 等 和 贫 穷 ; 移 徙 者 的人权。
Its work covered a broad range of human rights issues, including: the fight against impunity; human rights in
situations of violence and insecurity; combating discrimination,
[...] inequalities and poverty; and the human rights of migrants.
国家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些 国家为克服财政赤字及相关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一些专制或半专制政权 经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的
[...] 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场 (金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以及信息时代的到来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,例贫穷、不平等 、安全 移 民 、 恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade,
services, manufacturing); and the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing
[...] world problems like poverty, inequality, security, migration, terrorism, and climate change.
尽管如此不可接触的贱民习 俗仍是印度农村的组成部分。
Despite this, the practice of untouchability remains a part [...]
of rural India.
若无高效组织,这条铁路的每英里建筑成本很 能 要 比 那些短程铁 不贱 反 贵
Without effective organization, additional miles of track made railroads more costly to operate.
这些领域包括反腐败运动;就业赋权;将教育作为实现人的发展的中心战 略;提高和保护公共卫生;平等诉诸司法;法治;促进农村发展; 贫能 力建 设;私营部门参与;国内就业以抗衡海 移 民 就 业;健全公共服务;机构专业 化;性别平等;公正和平与纠正对棉兰老岛人民的忽视;城市发展;可持续使用 自然资源。
These areas include the campaign against corruption; employment for empowerment; education as the central strategy for human development; advancement and protection of public health; equal access to justice; rule of law; promotion of
rural development;
[...] capacity building for poverty alleviation; private sector involvement; domestic employment as counter-balance to overseas migration for employment; integrity [...]
in public service;
professionalized bureaucracies; gender equality; just peace and redress of neglect for Mindanao peoples; urban development; and sustainable use of natural resources.
无论您是需要炼钢流程方面的技术建议,煤炭和焦炭贸易的战略合作关系,还是对降低风险、最大化利润、提高贵金属 贱 金 属开采或提炼效率的指导,我们 能 随 时 为您提供国际服务。
Whether you need technical advice on steel manufacturing processes, a strategic partnership in coal and coke trading or guidance on risk reduction, maximizing profits or improving efficiencies in precious or base metal mining or extraction, we are readily available with an international service.
尽管有宪法条款和立法措施保贱民 种 性和部落成员的权利,但 事实上的隔离和歧视依然存在。
Despite constitutional provisions and legal measures to protect the rights of members of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, de facto segregation and discrimination persist.
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a) 政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经 过改革的城市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化贫穷、不断 缩 小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家城市政策,以更加系统地应对城市挑战和 预期;以及(d) 应高度优先地重视并根据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行城市规划监管能力。
It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central development role in cities; (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban challenges, including
climate change, rapid
[...] urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, multicultural composition of cities, informality and safety; (c) countries should formulate national urban policies in order to address urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning regulations, which is seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic [...]
它对具体的妇女群体给予特别关注,包括 不 限 于生 活 贫穷 妇移徙妇 女、残疾妇女、少数群体妇女、农村和土著妇女、老年妇女、女童 包括少女、冲突中和冲突后局势中的妇女、难民妇女、境内流离失所妇女和无国 [...]
It is paying particular attention to
specific groups of
[...] women, including but not limited to women living in poverty, migrant women, women [...]
with disabilities, women
belonging to minorities, rural and indigenous women, older women, girls, including adolescents, women in conflict and post-conflict situations, refugee women, internally displaced women and stateless women.
在 1980 年代,货币基金和世界银行被动员起来,帮助许多发展中国家实
[...] 施经济改 革,以减少其 债 务,在这些年中,贫 民 窟 爆炸性地增长不仅吸贫 困 的移民,而且 还 吸 引 了成百上千万由于这些调整而流离 失 所或陷 于 贫困的 [...]
The 1980s, when the IMF and World Bank were mobilized to help the restructuring of the economies of many developing countries in order to reduce
their debt, were the
[...] years when slums grew explosively, attracting not only poor rural migrants, but also millions [...]
of city-dwellers displaced
or impoverished by the impact of these adjustments.
[...] 专题战略:制止歧视;打击有罪不罚和加强问责制、法治和民主社会;保障经济、 社会和文化权利并消不平等和贫穷 ; 在 移 民 问题上保护人权;在武装冲突、暴 力和不安全环境中保护人权;加强人权机制和国际人权法的逐步发展。
The Office is currently pursuing six key thematic strategies: countering discrimination; combating impunity and strengthening accountability, the rule of law and democratic society; pursuing economic, social and cultural
rights and combating
[...] inequalities and poverty; protecting human rights in the context of migration; protecting human [...]
rights in the context
of armed conflict, violence and insecurity; and strengthening human rights mechanisms and the progressive development of international human rights law.
尽管许多发展中国家的经济都在快速增长,但是世界上大部分人口仍生活 贫 困 之 中,不能利用知识促进经济繁荣。
Despite the fast growth of certain developing economies, a significant
share of the world’s
[...] population continues to live in poverty and has not been able [...]
to harness knowledge for economic prosperity.
在尼泊尔,特别在南德赖平原,老年妇女、寡妇、 贫 妇 女和 低 贱 种 姓 妇 女往往成为受迫害目标,并被剥夺资产权,或成为发泄个人怨恨仇杀的受害者。
Victims of such attacks and killings are mainly widows or other vulnerable elderly women who do not have children or relatives to protect them, women born out of wedlock or women who do not have any standing in the family.57 According to police reports, women are six times more likely than men to be accused of sorcery.58 41.
贫困的 人在农村和城市都一样经历失业、就 不 足 、 不 可 靠 的临时 工、低工资、以不安全和低贱的工作条件等情况。
In rural and urban areas alike, persons living in poverty experience unemployment, underemployment, unreliable casual labour, low wages and unsafe and [...]
degrading working conditions.
全国土著民族发展基金 会、全国妇女委员会和全贱民委 员会也是为增进和保护土著人民、妇女 贱民 人权而分别成立的国家人权机构。
The National Foundation for the Development of Indigenous Nationalities, National
Women’s Commission and
[...] National Dalit Commission are also national human rights institutions established for the promotion and protection of the human rights of indigenous people, women and Dalit, respectively.
乌克兰对此坚不移,主 动争取在关于海洋和海 洋法的决议草案(A/64/L.18 和 Corr.1)中列入一项规 定,请各国和国际组织,即国际海事组织和国际劳工 组织(劳工组织)考虑为成为海盗行为受害人的海员 和渔民拿出能的解决办法。
Fully convinced of that, Ukraine took the initiative to press for inclusion in the draft resolution on oceans and the law of the sea (A/64/L.18 and Corr.1) of a provision that invites States and international organizations, namely, the International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization (ILO), to consider possible solutions for seafarers and fishermen who are victims [...]
of piracy.
泰国称赞尼泊尔努力促进所有弱势和边缘化群体,包 移 民 、 贱 民 、妇 女、儿童和残疾人的权利。
Thailand welcomed the attempt of Nepal to promote the
rights of all vulnerable and marginalized
[...] groups, including migrants, Dalits, women, [...]
children and persons with disabilities.
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生 贫 困 的 人至 能 得到 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本的躲避处、住房和卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以预防疾病和物质匮乏所造成的其他有害后果,包括营不良、流行病和母婴死亡等。
(c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential food that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing and sanitation, and an adequate supply of [...]
safe drinking water, so as to prevent diseases
and other harmful consequences of material deprivations, including malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality.
所开展的活动综合了生活能、健 康预防教 育、法律和人权教育以及职业培训和社会文化活动;特别关注易受伤害的青 移 民 ; 主要目 标是减贫困,并处贫困的青年移 民 , 特别是妇女所受到的社会和经济排斥问题。
The implemented activities integrate life skills, preventive health education, legal and human rights, education, as well as vocational training and sociocultural activities.
满意地认识到,在不扩散核武器条约缔约 国 2000 年审议大会的《最后文件》中,审议大 会承诺坚不移地努力实现《条约》普遍性的目 标,呼吁尚未加入《条约》的国家加入《条约》, 从而接受具有法律约束力的国际承诺,不获取核 武器或核爆炸装置,接受原能机构 对其所有核 活动的保障监督,并强调《条约》必须得到普遍 遵守,以及所有缔约国均须严格履行《条约》规 定的义务”。
Recognizing with satisfaction that, in the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Conference undertook to make determined efforts towards the achievement of the goal of universality of the Treaty, called upon those remaining States not parties to the Treaty to accede to it, thereby accepting
an international
[...] legally binding commitment not to acquire nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices and to accept Agency safeguards on all their nuclear activities, and underlined the necessity of universal adherence to the Treaty and of strict compliance by all parties [...]
with their obligations under the Treaty”.
(b) 采取措施确定特别脆弱、有能成为《任择议定书》所涉犯罪受害者 的儿童,如无人陪伴移民儿童、 贫 穷 影 响的儿童和流浪儿童,同时将要采取 的措施与现有计划,如
(b) Take measures to identify children who are especially vulnerable to becoming victims of
the crimes covered by the
[...] Optional Protocol, such as unaccompanied immigrant children, children affected by poverty and children in street situations, and link these [...]
to existing programmes such as the “Oportunidades” initiative
已经确定了新的计划工作方针,得到了合作伙伴的广泛 认可,为大家共享使用,并坚不移 地 贯 彻到了办事处的工作中;新的质量项目正在开发和 融资当中,其中一些已经进入实施阶段,而以前的项目组合则将于 2009 年彻底废除;已经 开始应对协调行政和财务程序、合理调整相应的工具、培养一种有效监督环境所面临的挑 战,主要步骤业已完成,其他工作也进展良好;工作人员都接受了多方面的必要培训,对机 构有了一定了解能够胜 任工作并发挥主 能 动 性 ;重新建立并加强了与总部各计划部门和 中央服务处的联系和适当工作程序;正逐渐与该地区及该地区以外的其他总部外办事处构建 联系;巴西利亚办事处已经很好地融入了联合国国家工作队。
The new programme orientations have been defined, widely shared with and accepted by partners and firmly entrenched within the operations of the Office; new quality projects are being developed and funded, with some already in the implementation stage, and the former portfolio of projects will be totally phased out in 2009; the challenge of aligning administrative and financial procedures, adapting corresponding tools and achieving an effective control environment has been addressed with major steps already completed and others well engaged; personnel have received necessary training in many essential aspects, developed an institutional understanding and are able and motivated; linkages and proper working procedures with programme sectors and central services at Headquarters have been re-established and consolidated; networking with other field offices in the region, and even beyond, is taking place; and UBO is well integrated within the UNCT.
重视国内生产而不是个人权利不能满足城市贫穷居 民或自给农的需求:他们的生 产力不如大型农场的农民,这一事实并不意味着他 [...]
Focusing on national production rather than on
[...] individual rights did not fulfil the needs of poor [...]
urban dwellers or subsistence farmers: the
fact that they were not as productive as large-scale farmers did not mean they were any less entitled to the right to adequate food.
农业商品价格剧烈波动带来的影响令人关切,同样令人关切 的是,供不足可能导致贫困的 粮食进口国粮食安全情况恶化,这些国家未来仍 [...]
Concern was expressed about the effects of highly volatile prices for agricultural commodities, and about the possibility that
short supply could worsen the food
[...] security situation in poor food-importing countries, [...]
which remained vulnerable to a future crisis.




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