

单词 质的飞跃

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伊拉克希望,这五年将是决定性的, 并且将为伊拉克的发展带质的飞跃 , 从 而为本区域 的稳定和进步做出贡献。
Iraq hopes that this period will be decisive and that it will lead to a qualitative leap in Iraq’s development, thus contributing to stability and progress in the region.
系统在效率、用户体验方面都取得 质的飞跃 , 势 必为推动国家域名的快速应用发展迎来 [...]
The system
[...] has witnessed a qualitative leap in the aspects [...]
of efficiency and user experience and will promote the rapid
development of applications of national domain name.
典雅型手表上发条器则实现 质的飞跃 , 它 将单纯的功能型装置提升至全新的美学高度。
The elegant watch winders take it up a notch and improves on the aesthetics of this purely functional contraption.
联合国与南部非洲发展共同体在预防冲突、调解和选举方面的伙伴关系 有质的飞跃,签 订了合作框架,并在哈博罗内部署了联络小组。
The United Nations partnership with the Southern African Development Community in
conflict prevention, mediation and
[...] elections made a qualitative leap forward with the signing of [...]
a framework for cooperation and
the deployment of a liaison team to Gaborone.
如果有充足的资源, 那么可以采取事实上也正在采取很多常识性的、实用的、有时候并不是很大的步骤,以全面 稳定新的体制结构,使其有一 质的飞跃 , 成 为今后几年实施非集中化战略的里程碑。
With a sufficient level of resources, there are many common sense, practical, and sometimes quite minor steps that can be and are being taken to stabilize the new system fully and allow it to make the leap of quality that should be the hallmark of the coming years of implementation of the decentralization strategy.
受灾地区要重建各部委和公共建 筑,这将提供了一个机遇,可以借此在公共服务提供方面获 质的飞跃。
The reconstruction of ministries and other public
buildings in the affected areas will open
[...] the way for a qualitative leapfrog in terms of services provided to the population.
在全产业链式的大规模自动化的产业集群下,品牌竞争力由此实现 质的飞跃 , 由 知识产权保驾护航,以高科技的不断创新为引领,宏源的战略目标、品牌定位以及营销模式等已全面拉升,宏源跨越式腾飞的春之曲已经全面奏响。
With the industrial cluster of large-scale automation within the whole industrial chain, brand competitiveness achieves a new breakthrough; with the safeguard of intellectual property right and the guidance of continuous technical innovation, the strategic goals, brand positioning and marketing model of Hongyuan have fully been upgraded and Hongyuan will take off miraculously.
项目潜力上,随着日后JavaFX技术的改进与普及,本项目还会有一 质 上 的飞跃。
Potential of the project , with future improvements in JavaFX technology and popularity of the project
[...] there will be a qualitative leap.
在可预见的将来 不会再取得类似 袁隆平教授在杂交稻育种领域所取得质 的飞跃 不过 从理论上讲 我们能够将 世界上所有的野生稻与栽培稻进行杂交 值得关注的是 几个世纪以来 野生稻通 过自然进化发展形成了在各种天气状况中 生存的策略 在这一过程中形成了极为强 大 极具价值的基因型 我们目前正在研 究其中一个基因型
The exciting thing about wild rice is that, over the centuries, it has – by means of a natural, evolutionary 75 development – developed strategies for surviving all weather conditions and establishing itself in nature.
DF - ZXG系列多功能电脑打样机是华耀自行研发的新一代纸箱打样系统、性能与原设计有 质的飞跃 , 不 仅 在处理速度、加工精度和方便的操作有很大的提升,和外观更富有意义的科学和技术。
The DF - ZXG series multi-function computer a dozen prototype is HuaYao to develop a new generation of carton
proofing system, performance and original
[...] design with a qualitative leap, not only in [...]
processing speed and processing accuracy
and convenient operation has a lot of ascension, and appearance more meaningful science and technology.
欧阳秋眉老师以地质学的观点研究翡翠,将翡翠的矿物组成、颜色、结构、构造和裂隙有机地结合在一起,揭示了翡翠的规律为认识翡翠提供了科学的依据和方法,指导了对翡翠及处理翡翠的鉴定工作及对翡翠原石判别,使我们对翡翠的认识有了 质 」 的飞跃。
Mrs. Ou Yang fall eyebrow by the geology viewpoint research jadeite, the jadeite mineral composition, the color, the structure, the structure and the crevasse organically unifies in together, has promulgated the jadeite rule for knew the jadeite has provided the science basis and the method, has instructed identify the work to the jadeite and the processing
jadeite and distinguished to the jadeite original stone, causes
[...] us had "the nature" to the jadeite understanding the leap.
美国美国国际水疗协会(ISPA)副主席、美国医学水疗协会(International Medical
[...] Spa)董事、法国抗衰老预防专家、瑞士医疗保健博士、菲律宾水疗协会会长、中国SPA专业协会理事等国内外权威悉数到场,全面解读行业发展,帮助美容院、抗衰老中心及高端会所实现从生活护肤到医学美 质的飞跃 和 利 润最大化。
The world famous experts, including the vice chairman of ISPA, the directors of International Medical Spa, the France anti-aging prevention experts, the directors of China Spa Professional Association and so on, will be present. They will give comprehensive interpretation of the development of the industry, and help the beauty salons, anti-aging
centers and high-end spas to achieve the
[...] leap from daily skin care to medical & professional skin care with maximized [...]
DF - ZXG系列多功能电脑打样机是华耀自行研发的新一代纸箱打样系统、性能与原设计有 质的飞跃 , 不 仅 在处理速度、加工精度和方便的操作有很大的提升,和外观更富有意义的科学和技术。
The DF - ZXG series multi-function computer a dozen prototype is HuaYao to develop a new generation of carton proofing system, performance and original...
这款车继承了A6G 2000的技术,配有A6GCS双顶置凸轮轴发动机,标志着玛莎拉 的 品 质 取 得 了 飞跃 式 进 步。
Taking over the baton from the A6G 2000, this
car was fitted with the twin overhead camshaft engine from the
[...] glorious A6GCS and marked a leap in quality for Maserati.
目前,所有国家远远没有获得作为发展和经 飞跃 之基础的政治稳定、良好管理及和平。
For the time being, political stability, good governance and peace, which provide the basis for development and economic expansion, are far from the norm in all the countries of the subregion.
正义与 平等运动于 2011 年 9 月 15 日至 25 日在其称为“撒哈飞跃任务”的一 次 行动 中从利比亚回到达尔富尔。
JEM returned to Darfur from Libya from 15 to 25 September 2011 in an operation it dubbed “Mission Sahara Leap”.
[...] 面、全面和渐进性质,这是如何看待个人的方法中的 一质量上的飞跃,个人是本次辩论以及有关政治稳 定和国家安全的决策进程的核心。
If human security has anything to offer, it is its multidimensional,
comprehensive and progressive nature,
[...] which represents a qualitative leap in the way we [...]
conceive of the human individual, who
is at the centre of this debate, and the decision-making process concerning political stability and State security.
冷战结束后设立这两个法庭,是杜绝有罪不罚现 象方的一个实质性飞跃。
The establishment of these two Tribunals after the end of the
[...] cold war was a qualitative leap that confronted [...]
the phenomenon of impunity.
他们还要求我们听听他们有 哪些需求并满足这些需求,尤其是要求我们达成新的 国际共识,以便实现必要质的全球 飞跃 , 从 而使地 球变得更加公平、更加稳定和更加安全。
They also demand of us that we listen to their needs and satisfy those needs and, above all, that we reach a new international consensus in order to make that necessary qualitative global leap in order to achieve a planet of greater justice, stability and safety.
另一方面,虽然每天有数百个美国航空公司航班在前往中美洲和南美洲的路 上穿越古巴领空,但由于从加拿大飞往古巴中东部地区(科科岛、谢戈德阿维拉、 卡马圭、奥尔金和圣地亚哥)的航班不 能 飞跃 美 国 领土,古巴飞机被迫不能取直道, 而要以高于建议飞行速度和夜航才能赶上加拿大机场的关闭时间,抵达古巴各目的 地需增加 14 至 47 分钟,而且提高了燃油消耗,从而降低航班的效益和竞争力。
In addition, although hundreds of flights by United States airlines pass through Cuban airspace each day on their way to Central and South America, owing to the limitations on flights from Canada flying through
United States airspace
[...] en route to the central-eastern region of Cuba (Caya Coco, Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba), Cuban aircraft have to use indirect [...]
routes, at greater
than recommended speeds and at night, in order to comply with the closing times of Canadian airports, with the resulting increase in flight time of between 14 and 47 minutes, depending on the destination in Cuba, and increased fuel consumption, making those flights less efficient and less competitive.
该论坛的行动计划包括:制定应对全球化带来的伦 理挑战的指导原则、提质量保 证的能力和审查学历承认的现行公约,以适应日益增长的跨 国界高等教育带的飞速发展。
The Forum’s Action Plan includes guiding principles on ethical challenges posed by globalization, capacity-building in quality assurance and reviewing existing conventions on the recognition of studies to respond to the fast pace of developments brought about by the increase of transborder higher education.
以下一些因素妨碍了第 1373(2001)号决议在中亚的执行工作:靠近阿富汗 冲突(在阿富汗,毒品生产供养恐怖主义活动,滋生 跃的 武 器换毒品交易);存 在非法跨界运送现金的活动(向恐怖主义提供资助的潜在来源);(该区域的政治 动乱和内乱导致)过剩武器的流动;边境偏远且保护不足,外加缺乏人力和质 资源 以确保有效的边境管制;存在大量移民工人(转而增加了对非正式汇款系统 的使用,这是向恐怖主义提供资助的潜在来源)。
The implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in Central Asia is hampered by several factors: proximity to the conflict in Afghanistan (where drug
production feeds terrorist
[...] activities and has generated a dynamic arms-for-drugs trade); the illicit activities of transborder cash couriers (a potential source of terrorism financing); the circulation of surplus arms (owing to political and civil unrest in the region); remote and underprotected borders, coupled with the lack of human and material resources to [...]
ensure effective border
control; and the large number of migrant workers (which in turn increases the use of informal remittance systems, a potential source of terrorism financing).
调解方申明,这些协定的签署是正在进行的多哈和平进 的 巨 大 飞跃 和 重 要 阶段,被视为调解方在达尔富尔和平进程中与所有区域和国际伙伴协调、并与各 方共同努力的辉煌成果。
The Mediation affirms that the signing of these agreements is a quantum leap and a crucial phase of the ongoing Doha peace process, which is considered a culmination of the efforts exerted by the Mediation with the parties, in coordination with all regional and international partners in the Darfur peace process.
在这项改革的主要成就中,他列举了以下几 点:采用新《宪法》保证绝对的立法、行政和司法 权分立;建立新的机关和机构,特别是在司法领域; 通过一个宪章来保证对人权的尊重;加入了 9 个与 人权相关的国际公约中的 8 个;实行多党制政体; 自由和独立的新闻的加强和飞跃; 建 立起一个有 利于跃的民间社会向前发展的框架。
Major success included a new Constitution guaranteeing complete separation between legislative, executive and judicial powers; creation of new agencies and institutions, notably in the judicial sector; adoption of a human rights charter; accession to eight of the nine international human rights conventions; establishment of a multi-party political system; strengthening and expanding a free and independent press; and establishing a suitable framework for the development of a dynamic civil society.
经确定,新委员会的服务要求,将仿照经社理事会现有附属机 的 模 式, 这些附属机构已在这一质性领域活 跃 了 数 年,它们是联合国亚洲及太平洋区 域制图会议、联合国美洲区域制图会议、联合国地名标准化会议和联合国地名 [...]
It is determined that servicing requirements for the new Committee would be modelled on those of
existing subsidiary
[...] bodies of the Council, which have been active in this substantive field for a number of years, namely [...]
the United Nations
Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names and the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names.
理事会在第 2011/38 号决议中强调需要进一步改善会员国在理事会高级别特
[...] 别会议期间与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸易和发展会议之间的对 话,作为有多个利益攸关方参与的论坛一部分,并请理事会主席设法就有关发展 筹资框架的主要问题进行一次互动更好、更为 跃 和 更有 实 质 性 的 讨 论
In its resolution 2011/38, the Council stressed the need to further improve the dialogue between Member States and representatives of the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development during the special high-level meeting of the Council, as part of a forum for multi-stakeholder dialogue, and requested the President of the Council to
seek a more
[...] interactive, dynamic and substantive discussion on key issues related to the financing [...]
for development framework.
虽然一些国家已采取行动禁止这些化合物的其中 某一种或更广的系列,但这些产品的许多种类继续在互联网上出售, 的 物质 不断出现在这一跃的市场上。
Although some countries have proceeded to prohibit a single compound or a broader spectrum of those compounds, many varieties of those products continue to be sold over the Internet and new substances constantly appear on this dynamic market.
双核心技术是移动技的下一个飞跃 , 所以这是不小的成就,是第一家提供智能手机,利用这种技术,博士说:”钟奭公园,首席执行官兼总裁对LG电子移动通信公司。
Dual-core technology is the next leap forward in mobile technology so this is no small achievement to be the first to offer a smartphone utilising this technology,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, CEO and President of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company.
该地图描绘了新发现的美洲土地,代表了人们认识 的 一 次巨 大 飞跃 — — 永久地改变了欧洲人认为世界只是由欧洲、亚洲和非洲三部分组成的看法。
By showing the newly-found American land mass, the map represented a huge leap forward in knowledge – one that forever changed the European understanding of a world previously divided into just three parts: Europe, Asia, and Africa.




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