

单词 质疑

质疑 ()

call into question
question (truth or validity)

See also:


suspect n


External sources (not reviewed)

她指出,凡是搞非集中化都会对老的习惯、做法、所 获得的好处和所形成的看法提质疑 , 为 了获得成功,文化和精神状态都必须改变。
She pointed out that any process of
[...] decentralization puts into question old habits, [...]
practices, acquired advantages and visions
and must be accompanied by a change of culture and of mentality in order to succeed.
新加坡代表团对向生奶添加化学物品提 质疑 , 因 为这可能构成牛奶掺杂,并对 用于激活乳的乳过氧化物酶体系的这些化学物品的安全性提 质疑。
The Delegation of Singapore questioned the addition of chemicals to raw milk as this could constitute an adulteration of milk and questioned the safety of the chemicals [...]
used to activate
the lactoperoxidase system in milk.
[...] 国对注重多国需求的努力表示赞赏,但对最近开展的一些制定战略的工作能否取得成果提出质疑,因 为他们认为,其中很多战略计划没有全面反映会员国的需求或者没有体现现有的 [...]
Several other Member States, while appreciating efforts to focus on
[...] cluster needs, questioned the results of [...]
strategic formulations undertaken in the
recent past, many of which did not, in their opinion, reflect the full range of Member States’ needs or existing regional and subregional coordination mechanisms.
关于获得有效的补救措施、丝毫不受歧视地对 驱逐的决定提质疑的权 利,有人指出,在这种情况下,不歧视必须被解释为在 外国人之间不受歧视,而不是意味着任何国民待遇原则。
Regarding the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision without discrimination, it was pointed out that, in that context, nondiscrimination must be construed as being among aliens, and not as implying any principle of national treatment.
缔约国应采取措施,保障任何被剥夺自由者都有权获得直接的补救方法质 疑拘留 的合法性,还应定期探访拘留场所,以查明并终止一切任意拘留的行 为,包括拘留欠债者的行为。
The State party should take steps to guarantee the right of anyone who has been deprived of liberty to have access to an immediate remedy to challenge the legality of detention and make visits to places of detention systematic in order to identify and put an end to all arbitrary detention, including of persons detained for debt.
自本世纪初出现的转折 以来,这种主张一直受质疑,因 为这种政策取向在几大新兴发展中经济体的实 [...]
That idea had been questioned since the turnaround [...]
at the beginning of the century as that policy preference began to be
challenged in practice in several major emerging developing economies.
当消防喷头聚合物密封件的长期性能遭 质疑 时 , Bell 先生领导各方对材料基本性能和故障特点达成共识,并与行业、政府和监管机构密切合作,成功地解决了这一棘手的情形。
When the long-term performance of polymer sprinkler
[...] seals came into question, Mr. Bell assumed [...]
leadership for developing an understanding
of the fundamental performance and failure characteristics of the materials, and worked closely with Industry, Government and Regulatory Authorities to bring about successful resolution of the situation that might otherwise have become extremely contentious.
咨询委员会还注意到,人口基金对咨询人、差旅和培训项下 所需的较多经费提质疑,对培训提 质疑 的 理由是,现代网基系统的设计就是 要让用户能够直观地指导自己操作。
The Committee
[...] further notes that UNFPA questioned the significant requirements [...]
under consultants, travel and training, the
latter on the basis that modern web-based systems are generally designed to be intuitive and self-guided for users.
[...] 工及他人明确自己的行为需符合道德和法律要求;鼓励就这些规范的解释提质疑;处 理可能违反规范的问题时,询问当地道德领导或公司道德办公 [...]
A leader’s responsibilities include: creating and sustaining a work environment in which employees and others know that
ethical and legal behavior is expected of them;
[...] encouraging questions related to the [...]
interpretation of the Guidelines; consulting
with local ethics leaders or the corporate ethics office when dealing with possible violations of the Guidelines; and taking appropriate action when it is determined that violations have occurred.
小组委员会认为,对剥夺自由的情况进行适当记录是防范虐待的一项基本 保障,也是有效行使正当程序权利的一个先决条件, 质疑 剥 夺自由是否合法和 及时将被拘留者移送法官的权利。
The SPT considers that the proper recording of deprivation of liberty is one of the fundamental safeguards against ill-treatment, as well as a prerequisite for effective exercise of due process rights,
such as the right to challenge the
[...] lawfulness of deprivation of liberty and the prompt production of a person in [...]
custody before a judge.
然而,大多数议员缺乏经验和知识,立法程序效率 低下,议会制定的立法议程过于雄心勃勃,立法的
[...] 决策速度过快,这一切都不禁让人深 质疑 将 来立 法的效力,第 V 章将专门就此展开讨论。
Nevertheless, the lack of experience and knowledge of most legislators, inefficient procedural rules, the very ambitious legislative agenda that is being pursued and the speed with which
legislative decisions are being taken all
[...] raise profound questions about the effectiveness [...]
of lawmaking going forward, as discussed in Section V below.
[...] 出反对,并允许在专利有效期内的任何时间因对该专利适当性的任 质疑 而 通 过一种行政 程序对该专利提出挑战。
For example, a system that allows an opposition to be made before grant, and the patent to be challenged at any point during the patent
term through an administrative type procedure on the
[...] basis of any question relating to [...]
patentability, might be desirable.
没有成 员对监测和评价的作用提质疑,但 有些成员认为,必须确保工作方案集中在能对委员会 [...]
The value of monitoring and
[...] evaluation was not in question but some members [...]
thought it important to ensure that the work
programme centred on activities that could provide lessons that could be applied to the Committee’s present work.
[...] 并不涉及申诉人及其子女,特别是考虑到在庇护程序中瑞士当局对申诉人及其子 女的图西人身份提出质疑。
The State party notes, however, that this petition refers to the general situation of the Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and therefore does not concern the complainant and his children,
especially since, in the course of the asylum proceedings, the Swiss authorities had called their
[...] Tutsi origins into question.
可以在法庭对任何非法逮捕或拘留提 质疑 , 并 可以向人权委员会或警察 廉正委员会提出。
Any unlawful arrest or detention could be contested in a court of law and submitted to the Human Rights Commission or the Police Integrity Commission.
相反,他们被不加区别地视为“非法的敌方战斗人员”,可无限期、无指 控或无审判地关押,也不可能在法院或其他司法机 质疑 对 其拘留的合法性。
Rather, they were to be treated indiscriminately as “unlawful enemy combatants” who could be held indefinitely without charge or trial or the possibility to challenge the legality of their detention before a court or other judicial authority.
当其他测试机构对 Demko
[...] 使用替代冷却系统进行电动压缩机测试的方法提 质疑 时 , Winther 先生成功说服国际电工委员会电工产品合格测试与认证组织 [...]
(IECEE) 测试实验室委员会 (CTL) 相信该方法的可靠性。
When other
[...] test houses challenged the method [...]
used by Demko for conducting testing of motor-compressors using a substitute
cooling system, Mr. Winther convinced the IECEE Committee of Testing Laboratories (CTL) that the method was sound.
实行停顿期的目的是要求在确定中选提交书和授予采购合同(或框架协议)之 间有短暂的停顿,以便能够处理对拟议授标提出的任 质疑 , 从而避免因处置 已签署的合同而带来更多复杂问题和成本,上文本条评注 [**超级链接** ]对此作 了进一步解释。
The aim of imposing a standstill period is to require a short delay between the identification of the successful submission and the award of the procurement contract (or framework agreement), so that any challenges to the proposed award can be dealt with before the additional complications and costs of addressing an executed contract arise, as further explained in the commentary to that article, above [**hyperlink**].
有代表质疑审查 今后的拟议预算时,是否会发现各机构年度报告中关于管 理成果的信息列报冗长繁琐,并提出可能有必要进一步审议这一计划。
The delegations questioned whether the presentation [...]
of the information on management results in the annual reports of the
agencies would prove to be cumbersome when future budget proposals were reviewed, and said that this plan may need further consideration.
美国代表对委员会的工作办法和规范表 质疑 , 认为各代表团不应再不加限 制地向组织提出问题,各代表团不应利用提问,来拖延给予非政府组织的咨商地 位。
The representative of
[...] the United States questioned the methods of [...]
work and the norms within the Committee, arguing that
delegations should not continue to pose questions to organizations without limits and that delegations should not use questioning tactics to delay granting consultative status to non-governmental organizations.
(b) 国家《精神卫生法》草案及其条款在个人非自愿住院的程序方面有何 进展,个人如何对这类决定提质疑 , 以 及中央政府打算什么时候就该法律草案 采取行动。
(b) The progress of the draft national mental health law and its provisions regarding the process by which an individual may be involuntarily hospitalized, and how an individual can challenge such a decision, as well as the time frame within which the central government intends to act on this draft law.
旨在取代矿物燃料的替代燃料本应有助于适应和减轻气候变化的不利影响, 但受到了土著人民的广质疑,因 为这些燃料与使用土地和资源的传统方法相竞 [...]
争,使土著人民的权利受到侵犯,并因使用化学依赖性麻风树和油棕榈生产沼气 而造成更多环境问题。
Alternative fuels, designed to replace fossil fuels in supposedly adapting and mitigating the
adverse impacts of climate change, have also
[...] been widely challenged by indigenous [...]
peoples because they compete with the traditional
use of land and resources, have caused the violation of indigenous peoples’ rights, and have caused more environmental problems due to the production of biogas from chemically dependent jathropha and oil palm.
这种情况使人 们对结合审议是否使某个国家脱离最不发达国家地位的时候进行的脆弱性评估 提质疑,并 为小岛屿发展中国家一再提出的关于正式承认这些国家为专门的一 类的呼吁提供了依据。
That fact raises questions about the vulnerability assessment that is undertaken in the context of considering graduation from least developed country status, and it provides support for the repeated calls by small island developing States for the formal recognition of a special category for those States.
该框架确定了广泛的基准,使我能 够评估:(a) 选举前阶段的环境是否安全,是否让民众和候选人全面参与选举进 程;(b)
选举进程是否具有包容性;(c) 所有候选人是否都能公平利用国家控制 的媒体,后者是否保持中立;(d) 选举名单是否可信,是否得到所有各方的接受;
[...] (e) 选举结果是否通过透明计票程序决定,是否得到所有各方的接受,或通过适 当途径和平地接质疑。
The framework defines broad benchmarks that enable me to assess whether: (a) a secure environment exists during the period leading to the elections and allows for the full participation of the population and the candidates in the process; (b) the electoral process is inclusive; (c) all candidates have equitable access to State-controlled media and whether the latter remain neutral; (d) the voters lists are credible and accepted by all parties; and (e) the results of the elections are determined
through a transparent counting process and
[...] are accepted by all or are challenged peacefully through [...]
the appropriate channels.
[...] 加审议塞浦路斯的政府间进程的目的只有一个,那就是故 质疑 受 审 议国的存在 本身;土耳其处心积虑要把其政治立场和对塞浦路斯问题的主观解释纳入对塞浦 [...]
Bearing in mind the well-known Turkish political stance on Cyprus, it is more than obvious that Turkey decided to participate in the intergovernmental process of the
review of Cyprus for the sole and
[...] deliberate purpose of questioning the very existence [...]
of the State under review; Turkey’s
calculated goal was to include its own political position and subjective interpretation of the Cyprus problem in the universal periodic review report on Cyprus.
有成质疑为什 么选择巴西和阿根 廷进行实地访问,因为巴西在案例研究中已经占了很大的分量,而阿根廷还没有从全球环 [...]
The choice of Brazil and Argentina as destinations for the
[...] field study was questioned, as Brazil already [...]
figured heavily in the desk study,
and Argentina had not obtained co-funding from the Global Environment Facility or the Clean Development Mechanism.
一般 地提到国内法、不指定其内容的一项保留,无法明确地确定巴基斯坦伊斯兰 共和国已经接受公约义务的范围,因此,引起对于巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国愿 意为《公约》的目的和宗旨承担义务 质疑。
A reservation that includes a general reference to national law without specifying its contents does not make it possible to determine clearly the extent to which the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has accepted the obligations of the Covenant and, consequently, creates doubts as to the commitment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the object and purpose of the Covenant.
但是,如果棉兰银行抢劫不是法德里所 说的小团伙单独作案,而是唯一真主游击队发起 的有组织的行动,那它就可能会对所谓“小组织 从事暴力行为,大组织争取社区支持”的理论提质疑。
But if the robbery were a more organised JAT operation than Fadly suggests, it might throw a spanner in the theory of leaving violence to small groups, while letting the larger organisations pursue community support.




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