









External sources (not reviewed)

除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及第XV部第2及第 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在本集团 任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(C) 倘本公司将向任何股东作出有关股份之任何股息或其他分派或 任何其他付款为以有股东作出小额款项之付款,则董事会认为此举就本公司 或股东而言属不可行或花费昂贵,而当时有关股息或其他分派或其他付款可於董事酌 情决定权以有关股东所在国家(按股东名册上有关股东列示之地址)出派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of
such a small amount as
[...] to make payment to that shareholder in the relevantcurrency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or madein the currencyof the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated [...]
by the address of
such shareholder on the register).
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to
achieve, enhanced punctually with this company
[...] intercourse customer to this company [...]
product trust, the delivery, excellent
in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
10.4 在条款 10.2 和 10.3 的规限下及在适用法律允许的情况下,对於因任效(不论是否因侵权(包括疏忽)、违约或其他因素)而引致的任 何收益损失、盈利损失、合约损失、数据丢失或由此引致的任何间接或连 带损失或损害,我们将不会承担经由我们双方签订的合约或其他合约下的 责任。
10.4 Subject to clauses 10.2 and 10.3 and to such extent as permitted by applicable law, we will not be liable under the contract between us or otherwise for any loss of income, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of data or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind howsoever arising or for any damage caused by any product or failure of such product to perform and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise.
此外,他们亦应在产 品出厂、运送以至贮存和零售期间采取措施,包括使用合适的容器和不透光的箱,避免 产品暴露在强光下;保持正确的低温环境(尽量维持温度於摄氏20度或以下,切勿超过 摄氏38度),使用适当的隔并配合付运时间和适当的贮存设施,避免产品暴露 在高温下;以及按先入先出的原则处理
From production throughout shipment to storage and retail, they should also take measures to prevent products from light exposure by means of proper containers and covering boxes; and to minimise heat exposure by maintaining the correct cold chain, preferably at or below 20°C and
critically not above
[...] 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the [...]
first-in-first-out principle.
4.50 本行可随时及毋须另行通知,动用阁下之任何户口及授权使用者(如适用)之任何户口(不 論以阁下或授权使用者之名义,或以阁下或授权使用者及任何其他人士之名义开立)中任任何贷方结余,作为偿还阁下或授权使用者根据本条款及细则拖欠本行之任何债 项(不論以任何身分及属实际或或有债项,亦不論是阁下或授权使用者本身拖欠或是阁下 或授权使用者連同任何其他人士拖欠的债项)。
4.50 We may, at any time and without notice, apply any credit balance in any currency on any account of you and, where applicable, any account of the Authorized User, whether in the name of you or the Authorized User or in the names of you or the Authorized User and any other person, in or towards satisfaction of any indebtedness owed by you or the Authorized User to us under these Terms and Conditions in whatever capacity and whether actual or contingent or whether owed solely by you or the Authorized User or by you or the Authorized User and any other person.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(k) 一般性购买、承租或交换、租用或以其他方式获取本公司认爲对其业务乃属 必需或可为其业务带來方便的任何土地及非土地财产、权利或特权,尤其是 土地、建筑物、地役权、机械、工业装置及商品
(k) Generally to purchase take on lease or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any real and personal property and any rights or privileges which the Company may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of its business and in particular any land buildings easements machinery plant and stock-in-trade.
以下表格显示在资产负债表日其他变量保持固定的情况下,美元滙率的合理可能变化导致本集团税前利润(由资 产 ╱ 负 债 公 允 价 值 的 变 动 )和 权 益 变 化 的 敏 感 性。
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the balance sheet date to a reasonably possible change in the US$ exchange rate, with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity.
葡萄酒在索契与选择的葡萄酒, DÛTI 弗雷亚在索契、克拉斯诺达尔地区与定期客户最富有的是合同的供应,传递从一瓶的 15 分钟,所以酒吧和餐馆做不一定分数仓库酒精、 照顾的存储、 存储管理法规已足以有一个实例,在生产销售的情况下执行库存立即重新排序"免税"为 DÛTI--当然这项服务是对所有酒吧餐厅及商店不可用但只是为客户提供高容量销售但是它提供给很大的竞争优势为所有合作夥伴- DÛTI-"免税"索契。
Wine in Sochi and choice wines in DÛTI FREYA in Sochi, the richest in the Krasnodar region, with regular customers are the contract for the supply, delivery from one bottle-delivery time of 15 minutes, so the bars and restaurants do not necessarily score warehouses alcohol, take care of storage, storage regulations is sufficient to have one instance and in the case of the sale of the produce performs inventory reordering immediately, DÛTI-"duty-free"-of course this service is not available on all bars restaurants and shopsbut only to customers with high volume sales but it gives great competitive advantage for all partners- DÛTI-"duty-free" in Sochi.
(B) 在细则第(C)段的规限下,所有股息及就本公司股份作出的其他分派 须予列账及清偿,倘股份以港元计值,则以港元列账及清偿,及倘股份以任何其值,则以账及清偿,惟倘股份以港元计值,董事会可厘定於作 出任何分派时,股东可选择以美元或董事会选用的任何其按董事会可能 厘定的汇率兑换)收取股息及其他分派。
(B) Subject to paragraph (C) of this Bye-law, all dividends and other distributions in respect of shares in the Company shall be stated and discharged, in the case of shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, in Hong Kong dollars, and, in the case of shares denominated in any
other currency, in
[...] that currency, provided that, in the case of shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, the Board may determine in the case of any distribution that shareholders may elect to receive the same in United States dollars or any other currency selected by the [...]
Board, conversion to
be effected at such rate of exchange as the Board may determine.
(m) 於全球任何地方经营进出口商、一般贸易商、佣金代理、、运 输代理、宝石商人、珠宝商、金器匠、银器匠、钟表制造商、电镀商、 礼物袋制造商、运输商、旅行社及承办商、仓库管理人、烟草商及雪茄 商、剧院票房代理、广告承办商及代理及展览主办单位的全部或任何业 务,并买卖、进出口、制造、运用、利用及为市场筹备,以及处置各物品、材料供应、农产品、商品、日用品、物质、物件及动产(批 发及零售),以及进行各类代理业务及从事制造商代表业务。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers, exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents, forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for
theatrical and opera box office,
[...] advertising contractors and agents, and holders of exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles and chattels of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
至於付运人、分销商、批发商及零售商,在运送和贮 存发酵食品时,应尽量避免食品暴露在高温和强光下;以先入先出的原则处理及向可靠的供应商采购发酵食材。
For shippers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, they should minimise heat and light exposure during transportation and storage of fermented food products, keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle and obtain fermented food ingredients from reliable suppliers.
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、监事及高级管理人员及彼等的 联系人概无於本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及第XV部)的股份、相 关股份或债券中拥有任何个人、家族、公司或其他权益或淡仓,而该等权益根据证 券及第XV部第7及第8分部须知会本公司及联交所(包括根据证券及的条文,被当作或视为拥有的权益或淡仓);或根据证券及第352条须记 入该条例所指的登记册中;或根据标准守则须知会本公司及联交所。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or
other interests or
[...] short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisionsof the SFO),or which were [...]
required, pursuant
to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange.
和先生、吴锁军先生及李卓然先生各自於过往三年内概无在任何其他上市公司担当任何董 事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成员公司担当任何职务,与本公司任何其他董事、高级
[...] 管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关系,亦无拥有本公司股份的任何权益(定义见证 券及(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
ZHU Xiaokun, ZHU Zhihe, WU Suojun and LEE Cheuk Yin, Dannis did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three years and does not hold any position in any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares
of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the
[...] Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. [...]
571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
彼并无亦并无被视为在本公司或其任何相联法团的任何股份、相关股 份或债券中拥有根据证券及第XV部须予披露的任何权益或淡仓。
He does not have, and is not deemed to have any interests or short positions in any Shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations which is required to be disclosed under Part XV of the SFO.
除上文所披露者外,於二零零九年十二月三十一日,概无本公司董事及主要行政人员於 本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及第 XV 部)之股份、相关股份或债券 中拥有根据证券及第 352 条而须予记录之权益及淡仓,或根据标准守则而须知 会本公司及联交所之权益或淡仓。
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2009, none of the Directors and chief executives of the Company had any interests and short positions in the shares or underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) that was required to be recorded pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code.
4.4 经营商品、商品期合约交易商之业务,以及为此订立期合约以购买及出售任何商品,包括(但在不影响前述之一 般性原则下)现时或将来可用於商业买卖之任何原材料、加工材料、 农产品、农畜产品、金条及银条、硬币、宝石或次宝石、商品、物 件、服务权利及权益,而不论有关交易是否对有组织商品交 易或其他交易有所影响及不论是否根据在任何有关商品交换时可予订 立之任何合约售或交换任何有关商品)。
4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any raw materials, processed materials, agricultural products, produce or livestock, gold and silver bullion, specie and precious or semi-precious stones, goods, articles, services, currencies, rights and interests which may now or inthe future bebought and sold in commerce and whether such trading [...]
is effected on an organised commodity
exchange or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange.
(8) 已登记的付运人(公司/机构)必须就所有由负责人及本登记表格第二部分的授权讯息签署人在道料系 统内输入的任何资料及其所引起的一切後果(包括民事及刑事)负上责任。
(8) A registered shipper (company / organization) shall be
fully responsible for all information input
[...] into the Road CargoSystemby the [...]
responsible person and message signatory(ies)
as authorized in Part II of this Registration Form and all liabilities (civil and criminal) arising thereof.
(b) 经营所有或任何作为船东、船舶代理、船舶经纪、证券经纪、船舶管理人 及船运财产包商、水陸营运商、驳船所有者、驳船夫、码头工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供应商、打捞及拖船承包商、其各領 域的工程师理、制冷商、仓库管理人及码头、仓库管理人的业务 及进行公路运输及驳运所有類别业务。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers,
managers of ships and
[...] shippingproperty,freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharvesandgodowns and toconduct [...]
road haulage and lighterage business of all kinds.
结算此等交易产生之汇兑损益以及将外币计值产及负债以结算日汇率换算产生之损益,均於收益表内确认,惟於对冲储备内递延作为合资格现金流量 对冲或合资格净投资对冲除外。
Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement, except when deferred in hedging reserve as qualifying cash flow hedges or qualifying net investment hedges.
(n) 若阁下在任何时候就进行与交易所合约有关的交易而在吾等以外的香港所参与者开立一 个或多个帐户,及若香港所委员会决定该帐户的未平仓总额为“大额未平仓持仓”,阁下应 即时向吾等或(若吾等要求)向香港所报告该“大额未平仓持仓”,并向吾等或香港所(视情况而定)提供其所规定的与该“大额未平仓持仓”有关的资料(包括阁下的姓名及最终受 益人或在公司或团体的情况下,则为公司或团体股本的最终实益拥有人的个人,包括透过代名人或 信托形式持有利益的受益人),及向吾等或香港所(视情况而定)提供其所要求的任何其 他资料(视情况而定)。
(n) if you shall at any time open one or more accounts with exchange participants of the HKFE other than ourselves for the purpose of carryingout transactions relating toFutures orOptions Contracts and if the open positions in such accounts in aggregate amount to a Large Open Position as determined by the board of the HKFE, you shall report to us, or if required by us, the HKFE immediately of such Large Open Position and provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be) with such information as we or the HKFE (as the case may be) may require in connection therewith (including your name and the ultimate beneficiary or in the case of a company or body corporate, the individuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners of the share capital of the company or body corporate, including a beneficiary holding an interest through a nominee or trust) of such Large Open Position and also provide us or theHKFE (as the case may be).
我们特此明确排除任何由法令、普通法或其他法例直接或间接加 诸於我们与顾客之间的合约的任何关服务的任何保证、条款或其 他细则所约束。
Any warranty, condition or other term concerning the goods or any services which might otherwise be implied into or incorporated in the contract between us by statute, common law or otherwise is hereby expressly excluded.
(b) 进行下列全部或任何业务,即:棉纺及并条;亚麻、大麻及粗麻纺纱;亚麻布生产;亚麻、 大麻、粗麻及毛料纺纱;纺纱商务;绒料生产;漂染及生产硫酸盐及漂染物料;以及购买、 梳织、制作、纺织、染制及交易亚麻、大麻、粗麻、毛料、棉质、丝质及其他纤维物质;以 及编织或以其他方式生产、买卖及交易亚麻布、布匹及其布料(不论是织布、绒 布、夹层布或起圈布);以及供电。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses following: Namely, cotton spinners and doublers, flax, hemp, and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute, and woollen spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers and dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials, and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye, and deal in flax, hemp, jute, wool, cotton, silk, and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen, cloth, and other goods and fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted, or looped, and to supply power.
你在本表格提供的个人资料(和随後更新的资料),以及以登记用户身分透过道料系统提交的个人资料(如有的 [...]
话),香港海关可能会为上文第 1 段所提及的任何一个目的,或因有关资料已获授权披露,又或因法例规定,而向其他政 府部门/决策局或海外执法机关披露。
The personal data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and the
personal data, if any, to be submitted by you
[...] throughRoad Cargo System as a registered [...]
user may be disclosed to other Government
departments / bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above; or where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
(A) 除非本公司与任何可换股优先股股东协定任何其他付款方 式,否则本公司将向有关可换股优先股股东寄发港元(或 倘以另一款,则为有关其支票支付因兑 换或赎回优先股而导致的任何现金分派及有关款额,邮寄 地址为该名可换股优先股股东於有关记录日期於股东名册 上所示的登记地址,惟邮误风险概由其自行承担。
(A) Unless any other manner of payment is agreed between the Company and any CP Shareholder, payment of any cash distributions and moneys due on conversion or redemption to such CP Shareholder shall be made by the Company posting a cheque in Hong Kong dollars (or in the case of payments which are to be made in another currency, such other currency) addressed to that CP Shareholder at his registered address appearing on the Register as at the relevant Record Date and at his risk.
5.3 假若阁下未有根据本客户协议及本附表履行本身的任何责任及/或偿还阁下的任何债务,包括未有提供保
[...] 所交易的期权业务发出的进一步指示;(b)将阁下与吾等之间的部分或全部客户合约平仓;(c)订立合约或 进行证券、品的交易以履行所产生的责任或对冲吾等因阁下未有履行责任而须承担的风险;及/ [...]
或 (d)处置保证金或其在任何部分并将该等处置所得收益清偿阁下欠下吾等的债务,及在阁下欠吾等的一
5.3 If you fail to comply with any of your obligations and/or to meet your liabilities under any of the provisions of this Client Agreement including this Schedule, including without limitation failure to provide Margin, we may at our absolute discretion and without prior notice to you or your consent; (a) decline to accept further Instructions in respect of Exchange Traded Options Business; (b) Close Out some or all of your Client Contracts with us;
(c) enter into Contracts or transactions in
[...] Securities, Futuresor Commodities, [...]
in order to settle obligations arising out
to or to hedge the risks to which we are exposed in relation to your failure; and/or (d) dispose of the Margin or any part thereof, and apply the proceeds thereof to discharge your liabilities to us, and any proceeds remaining after discharge of all your liabilities to us shall be returned to you.
若所注销之投资选择单位的计您基本保单的基同,我们会先将有关单位的价值兑换至您基本保单的基若被分配之投资选择单位的计您基本保单 的基同,我们会将由现有投资选择中注销相应单位後 所得的有关价值,兑换至获分配单位之投资选择的计用以在分配单位前决定有关分配单位数量。
If the Units to be allocated are of an Investment Option denominated inacurrency different from the base currency of your Basic Policy, we will convert the relevant value from the corresponding Unit cancellation of the existing Investment Options into the denominated currencyof that Investment Option in respect of which Units are to be allocated in order to determine the relevant amount of Units to be allocated before allocation.




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