

单词 败诉


败诉一方 n

losing party n

See also:

lose (to an opponent)


damage n


External sources (not reviewed)

高等法院 认为提交人的申诉与最高法院审理的上述案件基本类似,因此觉得必须判提交败诉。
Since the High Court found the author’s complaint to be similar, in substance, to the Supreme Court case mentioned above, it felt bound to rule against the author.
工作组还似宜 考虑这类指导意见是否应当述及在破产管理人的确提起诉讼但 败诉 的 情 况下 的支付费用等问题。
It may also wish to consider whether such guidance should address issues such as the payment of costs where the insolvency representative does pursue such an action, but is unsuccessful.
j 裁决判定政败 诉,理 由是执行令是越权行为,因为它没有提供司法补救。
because it did not provide for a judicial remedy.
2002年10月23 日,庇护上诉委员会在审查了联邦移 民局的决定和申诉人的争辩理由之后,得出了她显然 败诉 的 结论,因此驳回了 她的免费请求。
A letter from the complainant dated 6 August 2002 on her precarious financial situation was interpreted by the Commission as a request to waive payment of the procedural fee, which it rejected by decision of 23 October 2002, after examining the decision of the
Federal Office for
[...] Migration and the complainant’s arguments and concluding that, on the face of it, her appeal appeared to [...]
be doomed to failure.
另一方面,当 胜败大体各占一半,或当胜诉的可能性仅稍略微低 败诉 时 ,则有可能会批准提 供法律援助。
On the other hand, legal aid may be granted when the chances of success or failure are about the same, or when the first are only slightly lower than the latter.
5.1 2009年1月26 日,申诉人引述《联邦行政诉讼法》第65条第1 项的规 定:上诉提出后,上诉方如无足够经济能力并提出请求,在其案情并非注 败诉 时,上诉机构可免其交付程序费用。
5.1 On 26 January 2009, the complainant cited article 65, paragraph 1, of the Swiss Administrative Procedure Act, according to which the appeal authority may, once an appeal has been lodged, waive the required fees for any indigent party on request, provided that his or her case does not seem bound to fail.
[...] 并满足关于设定有效担保权的其他要求之前,有担保债权人可能 败诉 给 相 竞 求偿人,例如在预先登记与设定担保权之间的间隔期内获取在设保资产上权益 [...]
Consequently, until the security agreement is actually entered into and the other requirements for creation of an effective
security right are satisfied, the
[...] secured creditor may be defeated by a competing claimant, [...]
such as a buyer that acquires
rights in the encumbered assets in the intervening period between advance registration and the creation of the security right.
加拿大和哥斯达黎加进行了改 革,为所有一败诉的申 诉者设置了上诉程序。
In Canada and Costa Rica, reforms have led to the creation of an appeal procedure for all claimants receiving a negative decision at first instance.
他想知道指定机 构多久才能发现并改正不适当的收费水平,该机构
[...] 是否不会因不相关的理由而寻求订正收费,是否存 在心有不满的仲败诉方因 此类诉讼可有效延迟执 行仲裁裁决最多达 [...]
60 天而质疑收费的风险,正如第 41 条草案第 3 段详细规定的那样。
He wondered how often an appointing authority would detect and correct improper levels of fees, whether it might not seek to revise fees for an unrelated reason and whether there was
a risk that disgruntled losing parties in
[...] an arbitration might challenge the [...]
fees charged because such action guaranteed
a delay in the enforcement of the arbitral award of a total of up to 60 days, as detailed in draft article 41, paragraph 3.
案例法认为,倘若离胜算前景甚远,十有八九 败诉 ,而 且当胜诉看来无确切把握,对于一个有理智,尚有些财力的诉讼人是不会贸然提 出这种可能劳命伤财的诉案时,那就是一桩得不偿失的无望诉案。
Case law considers that a case has no chance of success if the prospects of winning it are considerably less than losing it and if success cannot be seen as a serious possibility, to the extent that a reasonable, well-off litigant would not embark on the procedure on account of the costs they would be liable to incur.
[...] 回了此项免费诉求:无论如何,这项诉讼都显然 败诉 , 因为上诉无新的资料, 而且上诉所附文件并不证明申诉人在流亡期间参与了任何政治活动。
As it referred to the complainant’s precarious financial situation, the Court took it as a request to be exempted from paying the procedural fees, which it rejected
by decision of 19 June 2008: in any case,
[...] the appeal appeared doomed to fail as the [...]
application contained no new information
and the documents attached thereto did not demonstrate that the complainant was engaged in any political activity in exile.
2008年6月19 日的附 加决定中,将申诉人提交给它的用以支持复议申请的各项证据均视为注 败诉。
In its interlocutory decision of 19 June 2008, the Tribunal judged that all the evidence that the complainant submitted to it in support of his application for reconsideration was bound to fail.
6 因此,他认为,鉴于他已就要求将在所有区域 存在作为登记为全国性非政府组织的条件是否适当提出了全面诉讼,并且已败 诉,就 拒绝第二次申请事宜提出诉讼的尝试将是徒劳无益的。
2.24 The author refers to the Committee‟s jurisprudence, affirming that the domestic remedies rule does not require resort to appeals that objectively have no prospect of success5 and that a prior decision on a point of law against the position of a complainant renders the submission by the complainant of the same claim futile.6 He
submits, therefore, that an
[...] attempt to litigate the second registration denial would have been futile in view of the fact that he had already fully litigated – and lost [...]
– the propriety of
requiring a presence in all regions as a condition of being registered as a national NGO.
9条第(1) 款,非法进入、搜查和毁坏其房地;(f) 违反《宪法》第14条 第(1) 款和第(2) 款,侵犯其行动自由。高等法院宣布 诉 人 败诉 , 然 而本案件表 明包括在押候审者在内的所有公民均可以利用法院就《宪法》规定的基本权利提 出问题。
The High Court found against the Applicant, however the case demonstrates that citizens, including those on remand, can use the Courts to raise questions relating to their fundamental rights as provided under the Constitution.
[...] Records因为具争议性的第二张专辑封面被Pan Am航空公司告上法院,最败诉而破 产,乐队也不幸宣告解散,一夜间几乎完全消失在流行音乐的历史里。
In 1970, due to Silver Apples’ controversial second album’s cover,
[...] Pan-Am launched a lawsuit against their [...]
record label KAPP Records, which bankrupted
the label, and brought an end to the band as well.
在王为军的案子中,他的妻子在河北一家医院感染了艾滋病,但医院声称她不是该院的病 人,而且曾和其他男人发生过关系。120 在另外一个著名的案件中,一个九岁的男孩起诉医院,控 告该医院导致其感染了艾滋病毒,但由于缺乏证据 败诉 , 尽 管鉴于男孩的年龄,他不大可能通过 其他的途径感染。
In the case of Wang Weijun, whose wife was infected with HIV by a Hebei hospital, the hospital claimed that she had never been a patient there and alleged that she had had relations with other men.14 In another well-publicized case, a nine-year-old boy lost a suit against the hospital his family claimed infected him with the AIDS virus due to lack of evidence, though the boy’s age made it extremely unlikely he was infected any other way.15 According to Wan Yanhai, the problem is a common one
尼加拉瓜一再深 受其害,为此损失了数千生命,基础设施和经济也受 到破坏。这种恐怖主义行为迫使我国诉诸国际法院; 法院判决尼加拉瓜胜诉,这种恐怖行 败诉。
Those terrorist acts compelled my country to resort to the International Court of Justice, which ruled in favour of Nicaragua and against such terrorist acts.
对于另一些案情,若申诉人并不贫困,或他们的上诉看来注定败诉,对 于不论是要求复审的上诉,还是提出新的庇护申诉,通常会要求预先 [...]
In other cases, if the applicant is
not indigent, or if their application
[...] appears doomed to failure, advance payment [...]
of the fees is usually requested, for either
an application for reconsideration or a new asylum application.
13 (4) [备选案文:网上解决机构应 [至少一年一次]公布以下统计数字:收到投诉 的数目以及其中得到受理、审查、解决或裁定投诉方 诉 或 败诉 的 投 诉的百分 比,包括裁定投诉方完全胜诉的投诉的细节,解决的平均期限和仍然悬而未决 的请求的数目,以及一方当事人拒绝遵守裁决的决定数目。
It aims at fostering amicable resolution of disputes and encouraging parties to make reasonable proposals.
此外,提交人如在一审法败诉,他 们还可就判决向最高法院提出上诉, 后者是民事和刑事案件的最高审判法院。
4.5 In addition, in the event that the authors are unsuccessful before the first instance court, they may appeal the decision before the Court of Cassation, which is the highest court for both civil and criminal matters.
Castello 先生(美利坚合众国)说,拟添加在第 6 款末尾的第二句将解决所关切的问题,即每 败诉 方都 可能要求审查裁决中确定的费用,从而拖延法 庭裁决的执行;该句内容如下:“如果根据第 4 款 提出审查包括关于费用和开支的法庭判决在内的终 局裁决,则裁决中除涉及费用和开支判决外的所有 规定都应当最大限度地按照适用法律行事,并立即 予以承认和执行”。
(United States of America) said that a proposed second sentence, to be added to the end of paragraph 6, would address the concern that every losing party might seek to delay compliance with the tribunal’s award by requesting a review of the fees determined in the award; the sentence would read: “If a final award containing the tribunal’s determination of its fees and expenses is referred for review pursuant to paragraph 4, all provisions in the award other than those that relate to the determination of fees and expenses shall, to the maximum extent authorized by applicable law, be subject to immediate recognition and enforcement”.
阿尔及利亚促请国际社会支持阿富汗政府的努力,并鼓励阿富汗在选举制度中提 高透明度,同时打击与毒品有关的 败。
Algeria urged the international community to support the Government’s efforts
and encouraged Afghanistan to promote transparency in its electoral system and the fight
[...] against drug-related corruption.
如 果粘合败,则 选用其它类型的粘合剂或第一种测试粘合剂的变体继续测试,直到 找到满意的产品为止。
If the bond fails, repeat the test with other adhesives or with variants of the first adhesive until a satisfactory product is found.
支助小组将协助高级管理层协调有关对支助非索特派团的败 有直 接影响的外部行为体的方方面面;(与政治部和维和部相协调)与向非索特派团 支助办信托基金捐款的捐助者相协调,协调为支持非索特派团的部署向部队派遣国 提供的双边支持,必要时与非洲联盟和欧洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟等其他区域机 构联络。
The Support Team will assist senior management in coordinating all aspects relating to external actors with a direct influence on the success of support of AMISOM and coordinate with donors contributing funding for the AMISOM Trust Fund (in coordination with DPA and DPKO), coordinate bilateral support provided to troop-contributing countries in support of AMISOM deployments, and would liaise with the African Union and other regional bodies, such as the European Union, and the League of Arab States as and when required.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反 败 机 构 和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制 败 ; (c )在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 [...]
合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of
domestic institutions, in
[...] particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated [...]
and coordinated way;
(c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护 诉 人 的 情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 [...]
力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内
部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of
[...] selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater [...]
explanation than suitable for a report
of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
国际笔会还对“亵渎”法的存在表 示关注,依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被 诉 、 监 禁和判处死刑,国际笔会 指出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and sentenced to death, and indicated that it would continue to call for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
这些研究包括:所有人权的不可分割、相互联系和相互依存;经济、社会和文化权 利的诉性; 关于衡量实施经济、社会和文化权利,特别是接受教育权利指标的现状,以及 参与文化生活的权利和接受教育的权利。
These studies concern: the indivisibility, interrelation and interdependence of all human rights; the enforceability of economic, social and cultural rights; the state of the art with regard to indicators to measure the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights and in particular the right to education and the right to take part in cultural life and the right to education.
大会还决定,人权理事会应:(a) 应负责 促进普遍尊重对人人没有任何形式的区分,公正、平等地享有所有人权和基本自
由的保护;(b) 充当关于所有人权问题的专题对话的论坛;(c) 承担、审查并在
[...] 必要时改进及合理调整人权委员会的所有任务、机制、职能和职责,以便保持一 个包含特别程序、专家咨询和诉程 序的制度;(d) 在举行理事会首届会议后一 [...]
It decided also that the Council should: (a) be responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner; (b) serve as a forum for dialogue on thematic issues on all human rights; (c) assume, review and, where necessary, improve and rationalize all mandates, mechanisms, functions and responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights in order to
maintain a system of special procedures,
[...] expert advice and a complaint procedure; and (d) [...]
complete the review within one year
after the holding of the Council’s first session.




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