

单词 责任借贷

See also:

责任 n

responsibilities pl
obligation n
obligations pl
commitment n


borrow or lend money
debit and credit items on a balance sheet

责任 pl

liabilities pl

External sources (not reviewed)

关于免债问题,挪威与贸发会议和其他国家一道正在努力制订 责任借贷 和非法债务标准,以制订考虑免除此类债务的条件。
On debt relief, Norway, together with UNCTAD, and other
countries were working towards establishing
[...] criteria for responsible lending and illegitimate [...]
debt to prepare the conditions for
considering cancelling such debt.
对许多贫穷的发展中国家来说,官方发展援助仍至关重要,同时应更注重 责任 借贷的原则。
ODA continued to be of critical importance in many poor
developing countries, while greater attention needed to be given to the
[...] principles of responsible borrowing and lending.
债务的长期可持续能力取决于所有债权人和债务人进行 责任 的 借贷 、 可 持 续经济增长、最不发达国家的结构转型和增强最不发达国家的市场前景。
Long-term sustainability of debt depends
[...] on, inter alia, responsible lending and borrowing by all creditors [...]
and debtors, sustainable economic
growth, structural transformation in least developed countries and enhanced market prospects for least developed countries.
促进和实行责任的借贷和公 共债务管理政策,以避免不可持续的债务负担。
Promote and pursue responsible borrowing and public debt management [...]
policies in order to avoid an unsustainable debt burden.
纲领》还强调必须采取责任的借贷行 为,实现债务的长期可承受性。
The Programme also stressed the
[...] importance of responsible borrowing and lending practices to [...]
achieve long-term debt sustainability.
此外,与会者还对缺 乏有效的债务危机解决机制感到关切,鼓励贸发会议制定 责任 的 借贷 原 则 ,以 促进债务可持续性。
In addition, participants were also concerned about the lack of an effective debt crisis resolution
mechanism, and encouraged
[...] UNCTAD’s work on responsible lending and borrowing principles in order [...]
to promote debt sustainability.
他还提到了联合国贸易和发 展会议草案,该草案致力于建立一个 责任 的 借贷 框架
The UNCTAD draft, designed to create a favourable
[...] framework for responsible loans, had a similar aim.
必须更加重视联 合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)2011 年 5 月公布的责任借贷原则 ,此项原则是 加强债务、贸易、投资与增长之间关系的全球总体努力的一部分。
Increasing attention needs to be given to the
[...] Principles of Responsible Borrowing and Lending that were released [...]
by the United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in May 2011 as part of an overall effort globally towards strengthening the nexus between debt, trade, investment and growth.
强调指出责任借贷的重 要性,强调债权人和债务人必须共同承担起责 任,防止出现不可持续的债务局面,并鼓励所有会员国、布雷顿森林机构、区域 开发银行和其他相关多边金融机构和利益攸关方参与目前在联合国贸易和发展 会议关于提倡负责任的主权借贷行为的倡议框架内进行的讨论,同时考虑到其他 [...]
Stresses the
[...] importance of responsible lending and borrowing, emphasizes that creditors and debtors must share responsibility for preventing [...]
unsustainable debt
situations, and encourages Member States, the Bretton Woods institutions, the regional development banks and other relevant multilateral financial institutions and stakeholders to pursue the ongoing discussions within the framework of the initiative of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to promote responsible sovereign lending and borrowing, taking into account the work on this issue carried out by other organizations and forums
这些机制需要基于曾帮 助我们有效解决许多债务问题的各项原则,其中包括需要确保解决债务问题是所
[...] 持续性是解决债务问题的主要目标;加强所有各方之间的透明度和问责制;提倡责任的借贷做法 ;改进债务管理,增加国家对于债务管理战略的自主权,并促 [...]
These mechanisms need to be underpinned by principles that have served us well in dealing effectively with many debt problems. These include the need to ensure that debt resolution is a joint responsibility of all debtors and creditors, both State and commercial; to recognize that furthering development and restoring debt sustainability are the main objectives of debt resolution; to strengthen transparency and
accountability among all parties;
[...] to promote responsible borrowing and lending practices; to [...]
improve debt management and national
ownership of debt management strategies; and to facilitate equivalent treatment of all creditors.
在全球层面,需要降低不加入国际机构的债权人所提起 的诉讼的影响;应开展关于责任的 借贷 拟 议原则的讨论,同时探讨拟订外债和 人权方面的指导方针。
At the global level, the impact of litigation brought by creditors not participating in international structures needs to be reduced,
and a discussion on proposed
[...] principles for responsible borrowing and lending should be initiated, [...]
together with a discussion
on the development of guidelines regarding foreign debt and human rights.
应通过建立透明的法律框架来加强发展中国家的债务管理能力,并制定 促进责任放贷和借贷的原则章程。
There is a need to enhance the debt management capacity of developing
countries in a transparent legal framework and create a charter of principles
[...] that promote responsible lending and borrowing.
行动纲领 还强调了责任的借款和贷款做 法对实现长期的债务可持续性十分重要。
The Programme of Action also highlighted the
[...] importance of responsible borrowing and lending practices for [...]
achieving long-term debt sustainability.
讨论文件包括的专题有国际政府债务、 责任 的 主 权 借贷 、 以 及从最近的违约行 为中吸取教训以避免可避免的债务危机等。
Discussion papers touched upon topics
such as international
[...] government debt, responsible sovereign lending and borrowing, and avoiding [...]
avoidable debt crises through
lessons learned from recent defaults.
贸 发会议秘书处本着这一目标,制定了一套 责任 的 主 权 借贷 原 则,得到越来越多 发展中国家和发达国家的支持。
With this objective in mind, the UNCTAD secretariat
has developed a set of
[...] principles on responsible sovereign lending and borrowing which have gained [...]
support from a growing
number of developing and developed countries.
就这一套责任 的主权借贷原则 作进一步讨论和建立共识,将有助于防止未来的债务危机。
Further discussion and consensus-building around this set of
[...] principles on responsible sovereign lending and borrowing would contribute [...]
to the prevention of debt crises in the future.
Preserving long-term debt
[...] sustainability is a shared responsibility of lenders and borrowers.
[...] [...] 报告方法、债务统计、债务分析和债务审计的债务管理和金融分析系统培训课程(65); 关于债务管理机构资产负债管理的区域讲习班(2);关于 责任 主 权 借贷 的 区域讲习 班(1);针对特定国家管理人员讲授如何制订政策和安排,确保长期债务可持续性的 [...]
(ii) Training courses, seminars, workshops: DMFAS training courses for administrators and debt auditors from selected countries in recording debt data, reporting, debt statistics, debt analysis and debt auditing (65); regional workshop on asset-liability management in debt
management offices (2);
[...] regional workshop on responsible sovereign borrowing and lending (1); training [...]
course for administrators
from selected countries in the design of policies and arrangements that ensure long-term debt sustainability (1); training workshops on issues related to economic cooperation and integration among developing countries (2); training course workshop on investment, development strategies and trade policy for Palestinian professionals (1)
在这方面,国际社会还应该讨论和促进 责任 的 贷 款 和 借 款。
In this context, it would also be desirable for the international community to
[...] discuss and promote responsible lending and borrowing.
11 月 12 日,在其提倡责任的主权借贷项目 下,他参加了联合国贸易和发展会 议(贸发会议)设立的专家工作组成立会,以便提供技术和政策分析,向有关有助 于促进责任的主权借贷原则 的讨论提供信息。
On 12 November, he participated in the inaugural meeting of the expert working group established by the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development
[...] (UNCTAD), under its project on promoting responsible sovereign lending and borrowing, to provide technical and policy analysis to inform the discussions concerning principles that could promote responsible sovereign lending and borrowing.
会议进一步指出,影响评估借款 方和 放 贷 方 双方 的 责任。
It was further observed that impact
[...] assessments were the responsibility of both lenders and borrowers.
他承认负债可以是发展筹资的一种模 式,债务方和债权方都应该承责任 , 但 他强调,借贷条件的限制,负债国没有足够的操作空间来 制定发展政策,人们倾向于无视这一点。
While indebtedness could be a way of financing
[...] development, and borrowers, like lenders, must demonstrate responsibility, there was a [...]
tendency to ignore the fact that because of the terms of loans, debtor countries did not have
sufficient policy space to draw up their development policies.
发言者强调了放贷方要对贷出款 项的影响 责 , 以 及 借款 方贷方及其公民的双重义务。
The speaker emphasized
[...] the issues of lender responsibility for the impact of their lending on the one hand and borrowers’ dual obligations [...]
to the lender and to their citizens, on the other.
[...] 的管制;建立有效的国际最后贷款人机构;设计一系列准则,通过促进 责任的 主权借款和向主权国贷款限 制偿付能力危机;以及设计处理主权债务危机的机 制(见大会第 [...]
63/303 号决议)。
Such policies involve the promotion of newer and safer debt instruments; regulation aimed at reducing destabilizing capital flows; the creation of an effective international lender of last resort; the design of a set of guidelines aimed at
limiting solvency
[...] crises by promoting responsible sovereign borrowing and lending to sovereigns; [...]
and the design of a mechanism
for dealing with sovereign debt crises (see resolution 63/303).
董事会可行使本公司一切权力筹集 借贷 款 项 及将本公司的全部任 何部份业务、现时及日后之物业及资产及未催缴股本按揭或抵押,并在法例规限 下,发行债权证、债券及其他证券,作为本公司或任何第三方之债项、负债 责任 之十足或附属抵押。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money and to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Law, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities, [...]
whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
2011 年,贸发会议的第八次债务管理会议探讨了一系列问题,其中包括发 达世界的债务上升及其对发展中国家的影响、促进 责任 的 主权 放 贷 和 借 款 原 则 草案、债务解决机制、最佳利用风险管理技巧,以及发展中国家的能力建设需要 等。
In 2011, UNCTAD’s Eighth Debt Management Conference explored a range of issues, including the rising debt of the developed world and implications for developing
countries, the draft principles
[...] for promoting responsible sovereign lending and borrowing, debt resolution [...]
mechanisms, optimal uses
of risk management techniques, as well as capacity-building needs in developing countries.
这些事项包括下列问题:(a) 设保人是否必须借款人 同为一人;(b)担保协议是否对所有相关的义务实行担 保;(c)担保权是否必须服任何法 律限制; ( d ) 贷 款 中 是否必须有明确的支付时 间表;(e)是否有任何特别权利或义务(例如道路权或场地通行权);(f)是否有任 何特别义务保全设保资产;(g)是否有任何义务不得转让设保资产或在该资产上 设定另一担保权;(h)在发生违约和强制执行时如何可以通知设保人和其他利益 相关方;(i)是否应当提及非司法执行;以及(j)是否应当有关于解决纠纷的条 款。
These matters include the questions whether: (a) the
grantor has to be the
[...] same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations; (c) the security right is subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment schedule in the credit; (e) there are any [...]
special rights or obligations
(such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security right in it; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause.
但是,特别报告员认为,委员会责任借鉴《 维也纳公约》整体的逻辑、它的准备工作材料和实践的相关内容来界 [...]
定这个问题的一般性质――充分了解到委员会将不可避免地被要求促进国际法的 逐渐发展。
However, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that the
[...] Commission had a duty to identify general [...]
principles in the matter, drawing on
the overall logic of the Vienna Conventions, their travaux préparatoires and relevant elements of practice – in full knowledge that the Commission would inevitably be called upon to contribute to the progressive development of international law.




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