

单词 财迷

See also:


property n
wealth n
money n


crazy about

External sources (not reviewed)

中心會密切留意有迷迭香 提取物安全性的科學新資訊,以及有關規管的國際發 展。
The CFS would keep in view of the new scientific information on
[...] the safety of rosemary extract as well [...]
as the international development regarding its regulatory control.
的宁静和农村性质的区域,使一个美好的和良好的价值的地方在哪买你的法 财 产 , 有许 迷 人 的 农舍和别墅,全部由当地石材或在传统的colombage的风格。
The tranquillity and rural nature of the area makes for a wonderful and good value
place in which to buy your French
[...] property and has many charming farmhouses and cottages [...]
built entirely from local stone
or in the traditional colombage style.
委员会的关切是, 如果不对关键术语作适当的定义,就报告发现存在欺诈和(或)腐败的合同的总价 值,可能使读者感迷惑,造成财 务 损失的错误看法。
Showing the value of its services in a results-based approach will serve as an example to the other departments of the United Nations with respect to accountability for resources.
这些机构的工作人员由能力低下者组成,其唯一目的是物质占有,这最终促 使不良领导现象的出现并得以持续存在,成为在社会中盛行的产物。青年教育质
[...] 量差得令人无法容忍,或青年没有机会获得任何教育,致使他们长大后成为价值 观存在严重问题的公民迷失在嗜财 、 不切实际的物质占有和地位追求中。
Youth with poor intolerable quality of education or
those without access to any education grow
[...] up to be citizens whose value systems are [...]
blurred with love for money, unrealistic
material possession and status consciousness.
其中一個小組委員會(即研究在香港實施聯合國 安全理事會就制裁事宜所作決議的小組委員會)已獲准在本屆任
[...] 期的餘下會期繼續工作;一個小組委員會(即研究雷曼兄弟相迷你債 券及結構性金融產品所引起的事宜小組委員會)正請求內 [...]
務委員會通過其在本屆任期的餘下會期繼續工作;而另外兩個 小組委員會(即殘疾人士及長者住宿及社區照顧服務事宜小組委
員會和樓宇安全及相關事宜小組委員會) 則已工作不超過12個 月。
Of these, one subcommittee (i.e. the Subcommittee to Examine the Implementation in Hong Kong of Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council in relation to Sanctions) had obtained approval to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; one subcommittee (i.e. the
Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman
[...] Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured [...]
Financial Products) is seeking the endorsement
of the House Committee to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; and the other two subcommittees (i.e. the Subcommittee on Residential and Community Care Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly and the Subcommittee on Building Safety and Related Issues) have been working for less than 12 months.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行
[...] 政管理职责的工作人员的人力财政 资 源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 [...]
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s
leadership and managerial capacity; improve the
[...] human and financial resources [...]
management expertise of programme managers and
staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的
[...] 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the
right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life;
[...] and the right to enjoy property.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
鑒於香港經濟持續迷,失 業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公共交通服務的收費依 [...]
然高企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。
That, as Hong Kong's economy remains
[...] in the doldrums with the unemployment [...]
rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index
falling for three consecutive years, and the worsening deflationary situation, while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public.
这种磋商形式有助于 增加计划和预算选择方案的透明度
[...] ,也可更好地发挥全国委员会的作用,更有助于总部和 总部外办事处之间的分工,以及更好地使用下放 财 力 和 人力资源。
That kind of consultation, by contributing to the transparency of pragmatic and budgetary choices, could be more consistent with the role of the National Commissions, improve
task sharing between Headquarters and field offices and ensure better use of
[...] decentralized financial and human resources.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异 迷 信 , 在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and
had already become infected by
[...] heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, [...]
we may provisionally conclude
from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
即使行業持續受到環球經濟增 長迷影響 ,但Glencore卻成功地拓展其行業業務、在採礦業務創造強勁業績及在石油分部創下紀錄佳績。
Despite the industry continuing to be impacted by low economic growth globally, Glencore successfully expanded its industrial business, producing strong performances in mining and a record performance in the oil division.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这 财 政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 [...]
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even
[...] in difficult financial times, to realising [...]
a world without anti-personnel mines,
where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.




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