

单词 财物

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

一些独立人士向小组提到,该次袭击为利比里亚前利民运指挥官 Nyenzee Barhway 领导,目的是制造不稳定和掠财物。
Several independent sources have mentioned to the Panel that the attack was led by former Liberian MODEL commander Nyenzee Barhway with the aim of creating instability and looting property.
c. 各种行李,包括额外行李,必须只能载有旅客的私 财物 , 其他人的财产均不得带到船舶上。
Baggage of any variety, including excess baggage, must contain only personal effects of the Guest and no Property of others shall be carried onboard the Vessel.
办事处在牙买加之外的其他国家更加有效地参与 到类似的进程的主要阻碍是没有足够的资源(无论 财物 资 源 还是人力资源)来参与 共同国家评估和联合国发展援助框架活动中伴随的许许多多的会议,这些会议非常密 [...]
The main constraint to more effective involvement of the Office in similar processes in
countries outside of Jamaica was
[...] insufficient resources (both financial and human) to [...]
carry out missions to participate
in the numerous meetings associated with the CCA and UNDAF exercises, which are intensive and demanding both in terms of staff time and financial resources.
人们用自家造的香蕉筏挽救他们 财物。
People were trying
[...] to save their belongings by using home-built [...]
banana rafts.
南苏丹特派团还报告,在朱巴、马拉卡勒、本秋、乌韦勒和 Kuajok 发生了 13
[...] 起政府行为体限制进出和行动自由的事件,包括长时间宵禁、在检查站实行暂 时拘留、非法搜查和扣押平财物。
UNMISS also reported on 13 incidents in Juba, Malakal, Bentiu, Aweil and Kuajok concerning the restriction of access and freedom of movement by Government actors, including
lengthy curfews, temporary detentions at checkpoints and illegal searches
[...] and seizures of goods belonging to civilians.
后来,警察毁坏并放火烧了他们 财物 ,包 括两辆摩托车和一个用于运送给养的车辆。
Later, the police destroyed and set
[...] fire to their belongings, including two [...]
motorcycles and a vehicle used for delivering supplies.
所需费用增加的主要原因是:(a) 实际一般工作人员费用支出增加(薪金净额 的 78%,而编入预算的估计数为薪金净额的 69%);(b) 实际薪金支出增加;(c) 按 照地震发生后制定的特别措施,结清地震造成的个 财物 损 失或损坏索赔款项; 以及(d) 向 2010 年 7 月至 12 月期间被派往圣多明各的 68 名国际工作人员支付 每日生活津贴。
The additional requirements were primarily attributable to: (a) the higher actual common staff costs expenditure (78 per cent of net salaries, compared with the budgeted estimate of 69 per cent of net salaries); (b) higher actual expenditures for salaries; (c) the settlement of claims for loss or damage to personal effects resulting from the earthquake under special measures established after the earthquake; and (d) payment of daily subsistence allowances to 68 international staff assigned to Santo Domingo from July to December 2010.
[...] 进她们的家,常常是在晚上,并破坏和洗劫她们的个 财物 , 这是对她们隐私的 创伤性侵犯。
Many women also emphasized the traumatic invasion of their
privacy when security forces raided their houses, typically at night, and vandalized or
[...] looted their personal possessions.
关于预防、控制和治疗传染病的第2/2004 号法律列明相关的疾病,及避免 传播传染病的预防措施,如要求进入澳门特区的人申报其健康状况;当出现对公 共卫生构成危险的情况时,要求入境者填写特定的健康申报书、出具医生声明书 和接受有关的医学检查;以及控制或限制进入澳门特区的 物 、 财物 或 产 品。
Law 2/2004 on the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Contagious Diseases sets up a list of diseases and a number of preventive measures in order to avoid the risk of propagation of contagious diseases, such as the duty of any person who enters the MSAR to declare his/her health condition, or, in case of danger to public health, to declare specific health information, to present medical certificates or declarations, or to be subject to a medical exam.
(d) 共和国政府和任何地方政府不得豁免于涉及其本身行为或者其代理人 的任何行为的讼案;但不得为履行任何判决没收或者扣押共和国政府或地方政府 的财产或任何其财物。
(d) the Government of the Republic and any local government shall not be immune from suit in respect of their own actions or those of their agents; but no property or other assets of the Government of the Republic or of any local government shall be seized or attached to satisfy any judgment.
为了使树高兴,小敏和严峻的贸易偷来 财物 为 一个高价值的米奇Munchle棒球卡,这是值得一百十万美元。
In order to make the tree happy, Mandy and Grim set out to
[...] trade the stolen belongings for a highly-valued [...]
Mickey Munchle baseball card, which
is worth eleventy million dollars.
在加沙外地办事处,一名工作人员促成并参与了一项从采购合同中收取贿赂 的安排,让没有为工程处完成任何工作的承包商接受 财物。
In the Gaza field office a staff member facilitated and participated in an arrangement to receive bribes in return for procurement contracts, for which contractors received money although they had not executed any work for the Agency.
(i) 配偶双方都是工作人员,而且各享有本条细则所规定的搬运个 财物和 家 用物品的权利或托运非随身行李的权利时,考虑到工作人员细则 4.7(d)的规 定,配偶双方应由联合国支付的搬运费的最高数额,为有配偶或受扶养子女同住 在正式工作地点的工作人员可领取的数额。
(i) Where both spouses are staff members and each is entitled to removal of personal effects and household goods or unaccompanied shipment under the present rule, and taking into account staff rule 4.7 (d), the maximum entitlement to removal at United Nations expense for both spouses shall be that provided for a staff member with a spouse or dependent child residing at the official duty station.
g. 每件行李必须牢固包装,并清楚标示旅客的全名、住址、船舶名称、航行日期和目的地,如果旅客未如上述
[...] 行事,承运人及 /或船舶将不对不论如何产生的任 财物 交 付的损失或损害或延迟承担责任。
Each piece of baggage must be securely packed and distinctly labeled with the Guest's full name, home address, name of Vessel, date of sailing and destination and if the Guest fails to do so, the Carrier and/or the Vessel
shall not be liable for any loss of or damage
[...] to or delay in delivery of the property [...]
whatsoever and howsoever arising.
他说,“他们与家人一起住在流离失所者避难所,10至12个人共用一个房间;几乎没有什 财物 可言 —— 也许只有随身穿的衣服和窗户上的塑料布。
They were living in displaced shelters – 10 to 12
in a room with their families, with really
[...] very minimal possessions – maybe just [...]
the clothes on their backs and some plastic sheeting on the windows.
联合国不能保证或承诺停车场内的汽车 财物 的 安 全。使用者 必须认识到并且接受联合国无法保障停车场内任何车辆和留在车内财 物的安全。
The United Nations does not warrant or
promise the safety of
[...] vehicles or property left in the garage, and users acknowledge and accept that the United Nations cannot guarantee the safety of any vehicles, or property inside them, [...]
left in the garage.
办公自动化系统(OA)利用本部门及部门间的基础"数据",提炼出有用的管理"信息",把握业务进程,提高办公效率; 办公自动化系统(OA)可对部门内的人 财 、 物 及 事 件进行”量化”管理,并可有效跟进、监督,并给以指示,改变传统的“粗放”管理到“精细”管理。
Office automation system (OA) using the sector and the basis of inter-departmental "data", to extract useful management "information", and grasp business processes and improve office efficiency; office
automation system (OA) of the
[...] department of human, financial, and objects and events [...]
"quantitative" management, and effective
follow-up, supervision, and give instructions to change the traditional "extensive" management to "fine" management.
2007 年 7 月 25 日第二次修正
[...] 案规定,拉比法院有权在某些情况下,按照法律规定,以循序渐进的方式终止或 扣留抚恤金或其他津贴,以及包括个 财物 和 不动产在内的财产。
The Second Amendment, dated July 25, 2007, enables the Rabbinical Courts, in certain circumstances, to foreclose or withhold pensions and other
allowances in a progressive manner as stipulated in the Law,
[...] as well as possessions including personal [...]
effects and real estate.
(b) 如工作人员在开始有权领取搬运费之日起两年内尚未开始搬运,或预计 工作人员在个财物和家 用物品预定到达之日后继续工作不超过六个月,工作人 [...]
员细则 7.16(a)规定的搬运费领取权利通常即告丧失。
(b) Entitlement to removal expenses under staff rule 7.16 (a) shall normally cease if removal has not commenced within two years
of the date on which the staff member
[...] became entitled to removal expenses or if [...]
the staff member’s services are not expected
to continue for more than six months beyond the proposed date of arrival of the personal effects and household goods.
屋内,他们发现被害死者和他财物 天 翻 地覆的变化。
Inside the house, they find the
[...] victim dead and his belongings turned upside down.
客户谨此 授权
[...] PCGS,于此类费用及其他收费到期时或之后的 任何时间,在 PCGS 视为必要的司法管辖区及办事 处,就完财物抵押 权益,提交适当的统一商业 规范融资声明。
Customer hereby authorizes PCGS to file, at any time on or after the date such fees
and other charges become due,
[...] appropriate uniform commercial code financing statements in such jurisdictions [...]
and offices as
PCGS deems necessary in connection with the perfection of a security interest in the Property.
作为本网站会员,即表示您知道并同意,不会因直接或间接使用及/或倚赖本网站提供的信息、您在本网站的会员资格、以及/或使用合伙用车服务而导致的损失(包括个别或间接损失)、费用、开支 财物 或 个 人损伤(包括死亡),或任何其它赔偿而向SCA 或其合伙人(包括其行政人员、高级职员、总监、雇员、保险商及代理人)追讨权利或索偿。
In consideration of Your becoming a member with this Website, You acknowledge and agree to waive any and all rights to, or claims for, damages (including special and consequential damages), costs, expenses, proprietary or personal injury (including death), or any other compensation of any kind whatsoever against Metrolinx and its Partners, including their respective officials, officers, directors, employees, insurers and agents that arise directly or indirectly with respect to your use and/or reliance on the information provided in this Website, Your membership with this Website and/or Your use of the carpool services and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Metrolinx and its Partners, including their respective officials, officers, directors, employees, insurers and agents for same.
(b) 制定一个程序,供管理当局就提议修改或暂时取 财物 细 则 的事项,与 战略性审计和咨询委员会进行协商,并将任何提议修改或暂时取消的规定,连同 [...]
战略审计和咨询委员会的意见,至迟在任何修改生效之前 30 天通知执行局
(b) the establishment of a process for management to consult the Strategy and Audit Advisory
Committee on any proposed amendments or
[...] suspension of the financial rules, and to [...]
inform the Executive Board of any proposed
amendments or suspensions, together with the advice of the Strategic Audit and Advisory Committee at least 30 days before any changes take effect
[...] 研所,协办方有安全世界基金会和西蒙斯基金会,提 财物 支 持 的有加拿大、中 华人民共和国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国政府、以及安全世界基金会和西蒙斯 [...]
The meeting was organized by UNIDIR with the assistance of Secure
World Foundation and The Simons
[...] Foundation and was supported financially and materially [...]
by the Governments of Canada, the
People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, as well as by the Secure World Foundation and The Simons Foundation.
代表团成员 得知,在一些州已经司空见惯的是,警察无故抓人,用警车将所抓之人运到空地 上或其他偏僻的地方,夺走他们 财物 , 如 果他们做出任何反抗,就威胁将他们 投入监狱,随后将他们释放。
Members of the delegation learned that it is common practice in some states for the police to pick people up without any grounds and transport them in their vehicles to empty plots of land or other isolated places, strip them of their possessions, threaten to put them in jail if they put up any kind of resistance and then subsequently release them.
防范小组委员会注意到第 M-016-2009 号命令是在代表团访问洪都拉斯之后才发布的,其中第 4 条规定:“命令逮捕所有未按规定时间出行的人、被警方和军方怀疑涉嫌伤人或毁 财物的 人 、合伙制造犯罪事件的人或生命受到威胁的人。
The Subcommittee notes that article 4 of Decree No. M-016-2009, which was issued after its visit, contains the following provision: “It is hereby decreed that any persons found moving around during unauthorized periods, or who are in any way suspected by the police or military authorities of causing damage to persons or property, or who gather for the purpose of committing an offence, or whose own life is in danger, shall be detained.
即便驱逐被视为合法,其执行 方式仍应只对外国人或财物造成最低限度的损害,同时不影响驱逐国的安全和利益。
Even where an expulsion is admitted to be justifiable, it should be effected with as little injury to the individual and his property interests as is compatible with the safety and interests of the country which expels him.
更重要的是,就潜在的水渍风险而言,CPVC冷热水管道系统几乎完全消除了管道的冷凝和渗水现象,从而避免了长期滴水对于墙壁、房屋结构 财物 造 成 的严重损害。
Even more important from a potential water damage standpoint, CPVC plumbing systems virtually eliminate condensation and “sweaty pipes” which can cause costly drip damage to walls, structure and contents over time.
[...] 公司、财务、行政、人事、业务等部门有效整合在一起,不再是各自独立的信息孤岛,企业管理层或决策者能迅速得到来自企业内部的各种信息、数据,并可对单位内人 财 、 物 及 事 件等有效跟进、监督,并以此为依据形成企业战略决策。
Office automation system (OA) business hours (a) the company, financial, administrative, personnel, operations and other departments to effectively together, is no longer a separate island information, business management or decision-makers can receive from the
enterprise internal information, data, and
[...] wife of units, financial, and material [...]
and events, such as effective follow-up,
supervision, and the basis for the formation of corporate strategic decision-making.




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