

单词 负外部性

See also:

外部 adv

externally adv
outer adj

外部 n

outside n
exterior n


external part

External sources (not reviewed)

82 政府的监管可以处负外部性和垄 断行为,支持对环境有好处的做 法,同时激励援助穷人的投资,从而最大限度地优化农业知识、科学和技术方面 的私人投资。
Investments in outgrower networks that also share knowledge, information systems and supportive hard and soft infrastructures can make a significant contribution to scaling up sustainable agriculture methods.
在源头缩减资源的使用,首先是对资源的直接节约,从数量上减少了对资源的消 耗,也节约了生产的成本;在生产过程中节约资源,减少中间产品的消耗,是对 资源的间接节约,进一步节约生产成本,减少环境的压力;在源头及过程中投入 的减少,直接导致了排出污染物的减少,减少了对环境的污染, 负 的 外部性最 小 化,同时,也节约了在处理污染物过程中耗费的大量人力和资金,减轻了处理 的负担。
This kind of integrated approach of environmental protection meanwhile saves a large amount of manpower and financial expenses which otherwise would emerge by additional processes of treating pollutants.
安全和安部负责制 定关于突发事件应激反应管理的联合国综合政策,包 括特别针对不性别的规定;外勤 各 个地点所有突发事件(包括工作人员在恶 意伤害情况下的死亡、绑架人质和疏散)做出迅速反应,并在外地一级和总部进 行协调;向所有受影响的工作人员提供适当的心理减压机会和心理压力辅导,包 括涉及不同性别的特有问题,并确保能够得到这种协助;建立和提供心理压力调 控训练服务,包括在维持和平特派团组织同伴互助培训和为各个区域的辅导员开 [...]
The Department of Safety and Security is responsible for the development of a comprehensive United Nations policy regarding the management of critical incident stress, including gender-specific requirements; [...]
of a rapid response to all critical incidents in field locations and coordination at the field level and at Headquarters, including the death of staff members under malicious circumstances, hostage-taking and evacuations; provision of appropriate stress debriefing and counselling to all affected staff, including on gender-specific issues, and ensuring that such assistance is available; establishing and providing stress management training, including organizing peer helper training in peacekeeping missions and conducting certification training for counsellors in their respective regions, and preparing appropriate stress management training materials for the field; and chairing an inter-agency working group on stress management.
特别会议的承诺包括一些基本框架条件,如参 性 、 具 透明度和问 性 的 政 治制 度以及《千年宣言》提出的国家一级和国际一级的善政;承认在全世界所有人权 都不可分割、相互依存和相互联系;通过官方发展援助和减免债务为发展中国家 提供更外部援助 ;承认环境、经济和社会政策的重要相互作用;增加发展中国 家和经济转型国家进入发达国家的市场的机会;减少国际金融动荡 负 面 影 响。
The commitment included essential framework conditions such as: participatory, transparent and accountable political systems, as well as good governance at the national and international levels, as established in the Millennium Declaration; recognition of the universal indivisible interdependent and interrelated nature of all human rights; increased external assistance to developing countries through official development assistance and debt relief; recognition of the important interaction between environmental, economic and social policies; improved access for developing countries and countries with economies in transition to the markets of the developed countries; and reduction of the negative impact of international financial turbulence.
同样,还正在拟定“关性部门 /主题思想”,让驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队了解教科文组织作为一个专门机构的核心能 力的范围和内容,并使教科文组织 部外 办 事 处主 任 / 负 责 人以及广大工作人员向各国政府宣传和解 释教科文组织针对国家发展优先工作能提供的援助以及援助范围。
Similarly, “key sectoral/thematic messages” are being developed to inform resident coordinators and
[...] United Nations Country teams about the scope and content of UNESCO’s core competencies as a specialized agency and to enable UNESCO Directors/Heads of field offices and UNESCO staff at large to advocate and to advise governments about [...]
the scope and availability of UNESCO’s assistance in response to national development priorities.
除了以拘留相威胁外,以 色列还采用禁止旅行等惩性措施 ,限制和平活动家和宣传家的活动,例如对巴 勒斯坦地图专家阿拉伯研究学会的地图和地理信息系 部负 责人 Khalil Tafakji 武断地实行六个月的旅行禁令。
In addition to the threat of detention, Israel is also using punitive measures, such as travel bans, to limit the movement of peace activists and advocates, such as the six-month travel ban arbitrarily imposed on the Palestinian map expert, Khalil Tafakji, who heads the Arab Studies Society’s Mapping and Geographic Information Systems Department.
无论是直接或间接链接外部网站 (链接),瓦克均不对所链接网页以及网页上的链接或广告的内容、可用性、正确性和准 性负 责。
Insofar as WACKER refers
[...] directly or indirectly to external Internet sites (links), WACKER shall not be liable for the content, availability, correctness and accuracy of the linked pages, [...]
their offers, links or advertising.
外,设 计时考虑到大型干预措施的强力项目管理系统同样适用于 小项目,因此无论项目大小都面临同样的程 性负 担。
Furthermore, robust project management systems designed with large interventions in mind are equally applicable to small projects, creating the same transactional burden irrespective [...]
of project size.
Mary Ching不审查所有与本网站链接到其网站,不对任何网站的网页内容的准 性负 责 , 也不对这 外部 网 站 或资源的可 性负 责 ,对直接或间接的隐私做法或对这些网站的内容,包括(但不限于)任何广告,产品或其他材料或服务,或可从此类网站或资源,也没有任何损害,损失或违法行为造成或声称引起的,或与使用或依赖任何内容,商品或服务的提供对外部网站或资源不认可,不承担任何责任。
Mary Ching has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Web Site and
is not responsible
[...] for the content or accuracy of any off-site pages nor are we responsible for the availability of such external websites or resources, [...]
and do not endorse
and are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for the privacy practices or the content of such websites, including (without limitation) any advertising, products or other materials or services on or available from such websites or resources, nor for any damage, loss or offence caused or alleged to be caused by, or in connection with, the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on such external websites or resources.
在总部,已经或正在采取各种措施,以便:(i)从人员配备和资金方面加强总部外协 调局的力量,发挥其作为部负责总 部外 事 宜 部门的作用,(ii)在作为各部门面向总部外 工作的主要联络点和入口处的各部门执行办公室的授权之下,在一般事务类的中高职级中引 入地区总部外办事处联络中心的职位;(iii)在以下两个方面加强总部外协调局和对外关系 与合作部门的合作:为对外关系与合作部门工作人员在总部外遭遇的相关处境提供政治上和 礼仪上的支持,以及同各国全委会开展重要合作。
At Headquarters, various steps have been/are being taken to: (i) strengthen the role of BFC, as the voice of the field at Headquarters, in staffing and resourcing terms; (ii) introduce the functions of regional field office focal points at mid- to senior-GS level, under the authority of the EOs of each sector as primary focal and entry points for the field in each sector; and (iii) enhance cooperation between BFC and ERC in terms of both the political and protocol backstopping of ERC staff for relevant situations encountered in the field and also of the all-important cooperation with National Commissions.
咨询委员会获悉,执行主任对禁毒办的对内和 外 一 致 性负 有 最 终责任,但 D-1 级处长也会通过将理事机构秘书处、捐助者关系和资源调动工作、战略规划及宣 [...]
It was informed that, while the
Executive Director was ultimately responsible
[...] for internal and external coherence of UNODC, the [...]
D-1 Chief of Branch would
also contribute to ensuring coherence by linking together the Secretariat of the Governing Bodies, donor relations and resource mobilization, strategic planning, and communication and advocacy.
经社会强调,保持合理的财政状况对于加强各国应 外部 需 求 冲击的 能力和实现中期公共债务可持性十 分 重要。
The Commission underlined the importance of maintaining comfortable fiscal conditions, both to
strengthen the ability of
[...] countries to cope with external demand shocks and to achieve medium-term public debt sustainability.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利外部 经 济 环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一性,使 之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation,
including through
[...] the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the [...]
international trading,
monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
另一 最不发达国家关切地指出,联合国部分地根据经济脆弱程度指数的标准,将 其确定为可能脱离最不发达国家行列的一个候选国,但该国认为,不应当将 这些标准作为脱离最不发达国家行列的强 性 标 准 ,因为该国 外部 冲 击面 前高度脆弱。
Another least developed country expressed concern that the United Nations had identified it as a possible candidate for graduation based in part on the Economic Vulnerability Index criterion, which, in
that country’s view, should
[...] not be made mandatory for graduation as the country was highly vulnerable to external shocks.
委員獲告知,根據野鳥在本港呈現的高致病性禽流感的 流行病學情況,並假設所發現的高致 性 禽 流感病毒全部可經 受污染物料從野鳥直接或間接傳染人類,當局建議,一旦在3公 里半徑範圍內發現帶有H5病毒的死野鳥,米埔自然保護區、香 港濕地公園的外部分、由康樂文化事務署及海洋公園管理的 觀鳥園便會關閉,不准公眾進入,為期21天。
Members were advised that based on the local epidemiological picture of HPAI in wild birds and the assumption that all HPAI viruses found could be transmitted from wild birds to humans directly or indirectly through contaminated materials, it was recommended that if dead
wild birds were found to
[...] have H5 virus within 3 km radius of the Mai Po Nature Reserve, the outdoor section of the Hong Kong Wetland Park, the walk-in aviaries managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Ocean Park would be closed to public access for a period [...]
of 21 days.
最不发达国家未能克服经济脆性, 未 能对经济进行结构转型或建设复原力 以抵御外部冲击和危机。
Least developed countries have been unable to
overcome their economic vulnerability and
[...] structurally transform their economies or build resilience against internal and external shocks and crisis.
办事处由一名助理秘书长级别 的秘书长特别代表领导,特别代表向主管维持和平行 部 、 外 勤 支助部和政治事 务部的副秘书长报告,但对办事处的监督主要由政治事 部负 责。
The Office is headed by a Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the Assistant Secretary-General level, who reports to
[...] Under-Secretaries-General of the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations, Field Support and Political Affairs, but the Department of Political Affairs is primarily responsible for oversight [...]
of the Office.
在按成本初始確認後,投性房地產按公允價值列賬,公允價值指 外部估 值師於每個報告日期釐定的公開市值。
After initial recognition at
[...] cost investment properties are carried at fair value, representing open market value determined at each reporting date by external valuers.
审计师说他们审查了参与人数据的 部 一 致 性 及 合 理性,没有理由怀疑其实质准 确性,并且项目厅对该信息的有效性、准确性和完 性负 有 完 全责任;如所提供 的基础数据或计划条款不完整或不准确,则估值结果可能与预期不同,或可能需 要修改。
The actuaries stated that they
had reviewed the
[...] participant data for internal consistency and reasonableness and had no reason to doubt its substantial accuracy, and that UNOPS was solely responsible for the validity, [...]
accuracy and comprehensiveness
of the information; that the results could be expected to differ and might need to be revised if the underlying data or the plan provisions supplied were incomplete or inaccurate.
缔约国应当根据委员会以往结性意 见中的建议 (CAT/C/CR/30/7,第6(i)段),立 即采取步骤,作为一个预防酷刑和虐待的措施,将临时拘留设施从内务部完全转 归司部负责。
As recommended in the previous concluding observations of the Committee (CAT/C/CR/30/7, para. 6 (i)), the State party should take
[...] immediate steps to fully transfer the responsibility for temporary detention facilities from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Justice as a measure to prevent torture and illtreatment.
在许多最不发达国家,结构转型非常有限,面外 部冲击的脆性并未降低。
In many least developed countries structural transformation was very limited, and
[...] their vulnerability to external shocks has not been [...]
部外联服务的核 心是充当对全世界各国人负责的 工具,各国人民通过直接参与和质问,帮助确 定联合国的愿望和活动,当然还有确保其机构代表和提供法律方向的会员国的愿 望和活动。
The core of the Department’s outreach services is to be an instrument of this accountability [...]
to the peoples of the world
who have, through their direct participation and questioning, helped define the Organization’s aspirations and activities as assuredly as the Member States who ensure their institutional representation and provide legislative direction.
因此,为了响应号召,提交对35 C/3所需的材料,传播和信 息部门请部外办事 处和各部门“更新”他们各自的登陆, 部负 责 的 工作人员对提交到战略规 划编制局和内部监督办公室的材料进行必要的编辑。
Hence, in response to the call for submissions of contributions to
document 35 C/3, the
[...] Sector got the field offices and the various sections to “update” their respective entries, and for the responsible staff member at Headquarters to undertake [...]
the necessary compilation
of the material submitted to BSP and IOS.
性部门负责在 各自职责范围内,按照与各国一起制定的知识产权战略或国 家规划,与地区局合作执行各项计划。
The substantive areas are responsible for delivery, [...]
within their areas of competence and always in cooperation with the
Regional Bureaus, in accordance with the national IP strategies or country plans developed with each country.
服務內容包括協調和完成信息系統的一般審查和應用系統的監控點有效性的審查 - SSAE16
[...] 驗證(即以前的SAS70等)、信息系統的一般監控審查和其他特別審查、 按美國薩班斯-奧克斯利 (Sarbanes-Oxley) 法案的要求作信息系統的監控及實施和協助企業進行測試的工作、為數據中心及其信息系統在應用系統的監控和一般信息系統的監控作審查 、內部網絡審查 - 如IBM的AS/400、Unix、 Microsoft Windows和其他操作系統核實其安性、 建 立IT審計方法和工作方案以協助進行 部 和 外部 審 計 等。
In recent years, Ester is providing IT auditing and consulting services to the clients in Hong Kong and in the United States covering manufacturing, retail businesses, education, banking and financial services industries, etc. Details of services include coordinating and completing information systems general and application controls SSAE16 (previously SAS70) examinations, Information Systems General Control Reviews and other specialized reviews; assisting organizations with the implementation and testing of Information Systems in support of Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements; performing Information Systems reviews of data centers, focusing on application controls and general control
areas; experience reviewing
[...] network and operating system’s security such as IBM AS/400, UNIX, Microsoft Windows and others; assisting in creation of IT audit methodologies and work programs for both internal and external audits performed.
除其他事项外,国家政府应开展媒体和其他提高认识的运 动,针对青少年、成年人、弱势群体以及关键利益相关者,如社区领导和学校教 师进行宣传,宣性别平 等的信息,改革可能除与民间社会进行合作之外,需外部捐助者提供资金的立法。
Among other things, the national Government should undertake media and other awareness-raising campaigns targeted at adolescents, adults and disadvantaged groups, as well as at key stakeholders, such as community leaders and school teachers,
to disseminate
[...] messages promoting gender equality and changes in legislation that may require funding from external donors in addition to cooperation [...]
with civil society.
在泡沫塑料生产企业技术转换的增支成本方面,讨论了以下问题:与先前核准的项 目中商定的其他类似成本相比,储藏罐、注入机改造以及安全相关设备等若干设备项目的
[...] 有企业均采用类似的单位成本;减少预混站和多元醇缓冲罐数量的可行性;以及使产品和 工艺试验、工艺和安全培训、安全审计/认证以 外部 技 术 专长相关成本合理化的可性,除 其他考虑因素之外,这一因素可能会使若干企业转用相同的技术。
With regard to the incremental costs of the conversion of the foam manufacturing enterprises, the following issues were addressed: the higher unitary costs proposed for several equipment items, such as storage tanks, dispenser retrofit, and safety-related equipment, as compared to other similar costs agreed in previously approved projects; the application of similar unitary costs to all enterprises irrespective of the output capacity or the age of the equipment, or the number of equipment items in the baseline; the feasibility of reducing the number of premixing stations and polyol buffer tanks; and the potential for rationalizing costs related to product and process trials,
process and safety
[...] training, safety audit/certification and external expertise given that among other considerations, [...]
enterprises will be converted to the same technology.
在过去的六年里,这个框架有所完善,目标的陈述有所 改进,而且更加符合总部的工作人员结构(在这方面,不大可能总是 指派工作人员到部外负责每 个工作重点)。
During the past six years it has been refined, the statements of objectives have been improved, and it has been aligned
better with the staff
[...] structure at Headquarters (it is not always possible in the field to have staff assigned to each main line of action).
外,负责对外关系和公众宣部门 的 助理总干事(ADG/ERI)在总干事与会员国和全国 委员会关于编制 37 C/4 和 37 C/5 文件的地区磋商会议(科特迪瓦的阿比让;越南的清化) [...]
Furthermore, the Assistant Director-General for External Relations and [...]
Public Information (ADG/ERI) explained Participation
Programme criteria and modalities during the Director-General’s regional consultations of Member States and national commissions on the preparation of documents 37 C/4 and 37 C/5 in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) and Than Hoa (Viet Nam).




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