

单词 负债累累

See also:


liability (finance)
be in debt
incur debts





External sources (not reviewed)

牙买加因此积极要 求承认有一个特殊的国家类别,即所谓 负债累累 的 中 等收入国家。
Jamaica was therefore at the forefront in calling for recognition of a special category of
[...] countries known as highly indebted middle-income countries.
截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日,近东救济工程处有 关地区工作人员休假变现的工作人员服务终 负债累计 2 440 万美元。
UNRWA accrued a total of $24.4 million relating to end-of-service liabilities for area staff leave encashment as at 31 December 2009.
大多数缅 甸人民日常生活的特点是极度贫困 负债累累 、就 业率低和缺乏社会服务。
Daily life for most is characterised by deep poverty,
[...] high levels of indebtedness, lack of employment [...]
opportunities and a dearth of social services.
负债累累,这 给我们的财政带来沉重负担。
The level of our indebtedness is very high and places a great burden on our treasury.
部分由负债累 累,加共体成员国几乎没有能力用反周期措施应对危 机。
Due, in part, to their
[...] high levels of indebtedness, CARICOM member [...]
States had almost no capacity to respond to the crisis
with countercyclical measures.
[...] 发展合作的报告(A/66/220),但同时对报告没有提 及以下现实情况表示失望:该类别中的小岛屿发展 中国家开放、脆弱负债累累,贫 困现象严重,需 要国际社会提供包括减免债务、优惠等援助,以及 专门用于增加经济和发展空间的援助,以解决它们 [...]
While welcoming the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/220) on development cooperation with middleincome countries, CARICOM States were disappointed that it did not refer to the fact that the small island developing States in that
category were open,
[...] vulnerable and heavily indebted, with deep and intractable pockets of poverty, and [...]
required assistance from
the international community, including debt relief, concessions and assistance specifically tailored to increase economic and developmental space, in order to cope with their situation.
特拉维夫区法院作为行政法院,命令荷隆市政当局全部补贴教科书书本 费,并为母亲患精神疾病负债累累 或 父 亲过世的儿童提供上学的交通费用。
The Tel-Aviv District Court, while residing as an Administrative Court ,ordered the Municipality of Holon to fully subsidize the cost of
school books and school transportation for the child of a mentally ill
[...] mother, deeply in debt, and whose father [...]
passed away.
[...] 争辩说,债务负担调整对衡量会员国的实际支付能力是必要的,因为仍存在会员负债累累的情况。
Others argued that the debt burden adjustment was necessary for measuring the real capacity
of Member States to pay, bearing in mind the situation that there are still
[...] a number of heavily indebted Member States.
负 债累累的综合医院在许多方面都处境 堪忧。
The indebted maximum care hospital [...]
was in poor condition in many respects.
这一点对负债累累的欧元区经济体尤其如此,既包括已经得到欧洲联盟国际货币基金组织一整套拯救援助的希腊和葡萄牙,也包括公共融资成本在 [...]
2011 年猛增的意大利和西班牙。
This particularly holds for the debt-ridden euro area economies, [...]
including Greece and Portugal, which have already received
European Union-International Monetary Fund bailout packages, and Italy and Spain, which saw the costs of public financing soar in 2011.
鉴于许负债累累的加勒比共同体成员国被迫 求助于商业贷款,联合国和其他适当的论坛应更多关 注新的顾及债务可持续性涉及的多方面问题的主权 [...]
Given that many heavily indebted CARICOM member States [...]
had been compelled to resort to commercial loans, the United Nations
and other appropriate forums should accord greater attention to the need for and feasibility of new sovereign debt restructuring and debt resolution mechanisms that took into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability.
该集团要求秘书处说明费用发生拨款制的运作 方式及其与离职后健康保险有关 负债累 积 问 题的 关系;鉴于折现率的重要性,它想知道为何为 [...]
2005 年选定的 5.5%到 2007 年底都没有改变。
The Group sought clarification from the Secretariat as to how the pay-as-you-go approach
functioned and how it was
[...] related to the accumulation of after-service [...]
health insurance liabilities; in view of the significance of the discount
rate it wished to know in particular why the 5.5-per-cent rate chosen for 2005 had remained unchanged until the end of 2007.
这种失衡导致美国的对负债累积增 加,因为美国的 增长模式带来庞大的贸易赤字,并在其他地方,例如德国、日本、中国和其他亚 洲主要出口国和石油出口国,产生大幅贸易盈余。
The imbalances have led to cumulative increases in external liabilities for the United [...]
States as its growth pattern induces
large trade deficits and which have a counterpart in large trade surpluses, elsewhere, such as in Germany, Japan, China and other Asian major exporters and oil-exporting countries.
因此,第 75 段指出“截至 2007
[...] 年 12 月 31 日,基金经精算未安排资金负债已 累 计达 6.4 亿美元”有两点是不对的:一是截至 [...]
2007 年 12 月 31 日离职后医疗保险未安排资金的负债是 6.14 亿美元,二是医疗保险基金属于单独的
工作人员信托基金,截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日拥有 2700 万美元的准备金。
In consequence, the statement in paragraph 75, that the
[...] Fund “has already accumulated actuarially determined [...]
unfunded liability amounting to
US $640 million as of 31 December 2007” is not correct on two counts: the unfunded liability attributable to after-service health insurance was $614 million as of 31 December 2007, and the Medical Benefit Fund, which is a separate Staff Fiduciary Fund, had a reserve of $27 million as of 31 December 2009.
如前所述,职工福利方面的其负债 包 括 累 积 的未休年假、解雇和回籍福利金(津贴 和旅费),与离职后健康保险相比,其数额较小。
As stated earlier, other liabilities
[...] for employee benefits including accumulated unused annual leave, [...]
termination and repatriation
benefits (grants and travel), are of lesser significance when compared to the ASHI liability.
自然灾害、传染病和内 乱负面影响使债务累累的发 展中国家变得更穷。
The negative impact of natural disasters, epidemics and civil unrest serve to make debt-ridden developing [...]
countries poorer still.
在有商定的筹资战略的情况下,国际公共部门会计准则通过公 负债 水平累资金 资产的比较,突出成员国的责任。
Where there is an agreed-to funding
strategy, IPSAS will
[...] highlight the responsibility of Member States by disclosing the level of liabilities compared to the assets of the accumulated fund.
除了 2009 年和 2010 年,乌克兰的赤字相对较小,但国营企业 累 的 或 有 负债将 来可能引起问题。
Ukraine has had relatively small
deficits except in 2009 and 2010, but State-run
[...] enterprises are accumulating contingent liabilities [...]
that may prove problematic.
金融监管机构将确保减少银行部累 积 负债 总 额 中对外负债的比例。
Financial regulators will ensure the reduction of the share of external liabilities of the banking
[...] sector in the cumulative amount of its [...]
2012 年,儿童基金会将转而执行《国际公共部门会计准则》(公共会计准 则)(见第
[...] 29 段),在财务报表上将需要列示离职后健康保险应 负债 及 相 关 累计 支出,无论资金额度是多少。
With the shift to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in 2012 (see paragraph 29), UNICEF will be required to show the accrued
after-service health insurance
[...] liability and associated accrued expenses on the face [...]
of the financial statements, regardless of the level of funding.
秘书长表示,两法庭作为临时机构成立以来,离职 后健康保险负债一直在不累积,但始终未曾供资,等待大会核准建 立供资机制(同上,第 [...]
79 和 81 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates that since the establishment of the Tribunals as temporary bodies, the liabilities
pertaining to after-service health
[...] insurance have been accruing but remain unfunded, pending approval [...]
by the General Assembly of
a funding mechanism (ibid., paras. 79 and 81).
2012 年,儿童基金会将转而执行《国际公共部门会计准则》,在财务报表上 将需要列示离职后健康保险应负债 及 相 关 累 计 支 出,无论资金额度是多少。
With the shift to IPSAS in 2012, UNICEF will be required
[...] to show the accrued ASHI liability and associated accrued expenses [...]
on the face of the financial
statements, regardless of the level of funding.
其中最为重要的是粮食价格 持续上涨并导致营养缺失;过去四年商品价格极度波动对增长造 负 面 累 积影 响,并威胁到来之不易的发展成就,特别是导致在其他方面采用健全宏观经济政 策的最不发达国家出现通货膨胀;国际金融危机及其后续调整的延续性影响;以 及通过预算借款提债务水 平和降低许多最不发达国家的增长预期,使债务可持 续性遭受损害。
Among the most important are the secular rise in food prices and the resulting nutrition scarcity; extreme volatility in commodity prices during the
past four years, which
[...] has had negative cumulative effects on growth and has threatened to unwind hard-earned developmental successes, not least by inducing inflation in least developed countries that were otherwise following sound macroeconomic policies; lingering effects of the international financial crisis and subsequent adjustments; and undermining debt sustainability [...]
by increasing debt levels
through borrowing for budgetary support, and by lowering growth prospects for many least developed countries.
各位部长表示关切,世界金融和经济危机仍在威胁一些发展中国家 债务 可 持续性,除其他外,通过影响实体经济以及为减轻危 负 面 影响而增加借 款。在这方面,他们呼吁各国政府推动并促进讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当 论坛内,讨论新的主债务重组和债务解决机制的必要性和可行性,并考虑到 债务可持续性的多个层面,及其在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展 目标方面的作用。
The Ministers expressed concern that the world financial and
economic crisis is still
[...] threatening the debt sustainability in some developing countries, inter alia, through its impact on the real economy and the increase in borrowing undertaken in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis, and in that regard called upon all Governments to promote and contribute to the discussions, including within the United Nations and other appropriate forums, on the need and feasibility of new sovereign debt restructuring [...]
and debt resolution mechanisms
that take into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability and its role on the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
咨询委员会从审计委员会的报告(A/63/5/Add.11 和
12)中注意到, 审计委员会已对这两个法庭发表了经修订的审计意见,其中的强调事项 是 2007 年 12 月 31
[...] 日终了的两年期的财务报表,涉及这两个法庭准备金 和基金结余方面的亏绌,原因是在财务报表中已确认在服务终 负债, 包括离职后健康保负债。
The Advisory Committee notes from the reports of the Board of Auditors (A/63/5/Add.11 and 12) that, for both Tribunals, the Board issued a modified opinion with an emphasis of matter on the financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 in relation to the deficits in the reserves and fund balances of the two Tribunals, owing to the
recognition on the face of the financial
[...] statements of end-of-service liabilities, including after-service [...]
health insurance.
咨询 委员会获悉,虽然审计委员会主张联合国披露离职后健康保 负债 ,但 审计委员会并未就这负债的供 资选择办法采取任何立场,除了下列实 体及方案和活动之外:(a) 任务有限、且任务期限将要届满的实体,如 卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭;(b) 自愿供资的 方案和活动,无供资和不断增加的离职后健康保 负债 可 能 在自愿捐款 不足时消耗掉方案资金。
The Advisory Committee was informed that, while the Board of Auditors had advocated for the disclosure of
after-service health
[...] insurance liabilities by the United Nations, the Board had not taken a position on funding options for those liabilities, except for (a ) entities with limited mandates that were to expire, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; and (b ) voluntarily funded programmes and activities, for which unfunded and growing after-service health insurance liabilities could consume [...]
programme funds when
voluntary contributions fell short.
在该等细则的规限下,本公司可以董事会厘定的任何方式出售本公司 拥有留置权的任何股份,惟除非存在留置权股份的某些款额目前应付或存在留置权 股份有关负债或协 议须要现时履行或解除,且直至发出书面通告(声明及要求支 付现时应付的款项或指负债或协议及要求履行或解 负债 或 协 议及通知有意出售 欠缴股款股份)已送呈当时的本公司股东或因其身故或破产而有权收取的人士后十 四个足日已届满,否则不得出售。
Subject to these Articles, the Company may sell in such manner as the Board determines any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien
exists is presently
[...] payable, or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged nor until the expiration of fourteen clear days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable, or specifying the liability or engagement [...]
and demanding fulfilment
or discharge thereof and giving notice of the intention to sell in default, has been served on the registered holder for the time being of the share or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.
审计委员会在 A/57/201 号报告中总结了关于联合国系统十五个组织 2001 年 12 月 31 日 终了财务期间账目的审计报告中提出的主要调查结果、结论和建议,突出强调了离职后健康 保负债迅速 增长的问题,并建议联合国及其各基金和计划署审查为离职后福 负债 做 出安 排的机制和目标。
The Board of Auditors in its report A/57/201 which summarized the principal findings, conclusions and recommendations contained in the audit reports on the accounts of 15 United Nations system organizations for the period ended 31 December 2001, highlighted the issue of the
rapid growth in the ASHI
[...] liabilities and recommended that the United Nations and its various funds and programmes review mechanisms and targets for providing for post-employment benefit liabilities.




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