单词 | 贞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 贞—chasteExamples:女贞n—privetn 贞操带—chastity belt 忠贞n—fidelityn allegiancen
女孩和妇女被迫成为新 [...] 娘,因为比较容易控制她们,而就女孩而言,她们的处女贞节可以得到保障,而 且她们生孩子的生育期较长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Girls and women are forced to become brides because it is [...] easier to control them and, in the case [...] of girls,their virginity can beguaranteed [...]and they have longer reproductive periods [...]in which to produce more children. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,凤凰会的密令聚集在女贞路和护送哈利的安全,使用复方汤剂,以创建6个诱饵Harrys。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, the Order of the [...] Phoenix gather atPrivet Drive and escort [...]Harry to safety, using Polyjuice Potion to create six decoy Harrys. seekcartoon.com |
24 妇女会因不守忠贞遭到指责。25政 治异见者的妻子也会被迫与之离婚。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, it is reported that women [...] have toundergovirginity tests ifthey are [...]to climb up the bureaucratic ladder.24 [...]They are blamed for infertility.25 The wife of a political dissident is also pressured to divorce him. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中 17 人据称被转移到 [...] Heikstep 军事监狱,她们在那里受到贞操检查,并被威 胁说,“发现不是处女的妇女”将被指控卖淫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Seventeen of them were allegedly transferred to a [...] military prison in Heikstep, where they were [...] subjectedto virginity testsand were [...]threatened that “those not found to be [...]virgins” would be charged with prostitution. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 从《刑法》中删去“贞洁妇女”的歧视性概念,这一概念以前适用于 某些侵害妇女的性暴力案件 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The removal from the Penal Code of the discriminatory concept of an “honest woman”, previously applied in certain cases of sexual violence against women daccess-ods.un.org |
据称村民攻击 他,指责他协助叛乱分子参与抢劫和破坏他们的财物,并指称他本人即是叛乱分 子,要杀死他,并向驻在村庄的忠贞士兵检举他。 daccess-ods.un.org | The village’s inhabitants reportedly attacked him, reproaching him for helping the rebels by taking part in the pillaging and destruction of their property and accusing him of being a rebel himself. daccess-ods.un.org |
还创建了中缅边境第一个景颇族年轻妇女少 [...] 数民族领导力网络,负责解决紧迫需求,在下列相关问题中将年轻妇女和女孩包 [...] 括进来:减少伤害的干预措施;组织印度尼西亚年轻人讨论欢愉、童贞及与宗教 原教旨主义之间的关系,作为向创建性健康和生殖健康权利方面最大的青年网络 [...]迈出的一步;为越南工厂青年工人争取权利,通过工人的权利运动主张工人的性 [...]权利;以及动员菲律宾 180 个跨行业的青年网络,旨在要求制定生殖权和健康权 法案,解决青少年在此方面的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has also led to the creation of the first ethnic group leadership network for young women of the Jingpo people along the China-Myanmar border, which addresses the urgent need to include young women and girls in issues related to harm [...] reduction intervention; to discussion [...] about pleasure and virginityandtherelationship [...]to religious fundamentalism among [...]young people in Indonesia as a step to create the largest youth network on sexual and reproductive health rights; to attaining young factory workers rights in Viet Nam, in respect of upholding their sexual rights, through their workers’ rights movement; and to the mobilization of 180 cross-sector youth networks in the Philippines aimed at asking for a reproductive and health rights bill to address the needs of young people and adolescents in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织的宗旨是促进婚姻贞洁、教授自然计划生育并鼓励其应用,指导并促 进母乳喂养、通过增加对自然计划生育的运用来强化家庭关系,并参加天主教教 会的传授工作,讲授有关爱情、婚姻和性的神圣真理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mission of the organization is to promote chastityin marriage, to teach natural family planning and encourage its application, to provide instruction in and promote breastfeeding, to strengthen families by increasing the use of natural family planning, and to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church to teach the divine truth about love, marriage and sexuality. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还呼吁缔约国立即停止对女孩施行童贞测试。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further calls upon the State party to immediately [...] cease imposing virginity testing on girls. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织力求为未出生的婴儿、残疾人、体弱者和老人代言,促进尊重从受精 到自然死亡的所有人类生命,加强和推动公众对生命问题的理解和知识,包括但 [...] 不限于胎儿发育、人工流产、新的生殖技术、领养、安宁看护、安乐死、医生协 助自杀、人体实验、人工流产后综合征及贞节/禁欲教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization seeks to advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly by promoting respect for all human life from fertilization to natural death by fostering and promoting public understanding in and knowledge of life issues, including, but not limited to, foetal development, abortion, new reproductive technologies, adoption, palliative care, [...] euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, [...] post-abortion syndrome and chastity/abstinence education. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为长远预防对策,应在公教学校,为青少年提供性教育的整合课程;于堂区主日学及青少年培育,加入相关的课程;并特别推广贞洁的德行。 catholic.org.hk | As long-term preventive measures, integrated courses on sex education should be provided for teenagers in Catholic schools; related courses should be incorporated into [...] Sunday schools and the youth formation programmes in parishes; and in particular, [...] the virtueof chastity should be fostered. catholic.org.hk |
他最着名的代表作包括一系列《圣女贞德》的生活绘画,目前收录在华盛顿可可然艺术画廊。 wdl.org | His best-known works include a series of paintings on the life of Joan of Arc, now in the collections of the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC. wdl.org |
西弗勒斯·斯内普在马尔福庄园到达通知伏地魔和他的食死徒哈利的号4离开女贞路。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Severus Snape arrives at Malfoy Manor to inform Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters of Harry’s [...] departure from No. 4 Privet Drive. seekcartoon.com |
部分房间都配备了女贞浴室,一个壁炉和中央供暖系统,以及为我们的独家客户共享间的学生和冒险游客。 instantworldbooking.com | Some of the rooms [...] come equipped with privetbathrooms, a fireplace [...]and central heating for our exclusive clients as well [...]as shared rooms for students and adventure tourists. instantworldbooking.com |
强加一个复杂的办法,要求至少将 50%的预防资金用于鼓励禁欲和忠贞的方案,而不允许有经验的机构确定如何以最佳方式根据当地的情况使 用这些资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | imposed a complex formula that calls for at least 50 per cent of prevention funding to be spent on abstinence and faithfulness programs, rather than allowing experienced agencies to decide how best to spend the funds depending on local circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港纺织及成衣研发中心的总监(研究及发展)何继超博士及项目经理张佩贞女士早前与香港理工大学访织及制衣学系Luximon 博士参观两间广州的鞋楦及皮鞋制造厂。 hkrita.com | Dr KC Ho, Director, Research and Development, and Ms Eunice Cheung, Project Manager of HKRITA, accompanied by Dr Luximon Ameersing, Assistant Professor of Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, visited a shoe last factory and a leather shoe factory in Guangzhou. hkrita.com |
由左至右,左五起)香港UA影院董事包伟龙先生;澳门银河影院营运行政经理翁栋良先生;澳门银河非博彩营运高级副总裁麦佩欣小姐;澳门银河市场发展高级副总裁简佩瑜小姐;澳门银河市场策略副总裁贺慧贞小姐与一众UA银河影院及澳门银河市场发展部同事共同领取由「亚洲电影博览会2012」颁发的「最佳服务奖」。 galaxymacau.com | (from left to right, starting fifth from the left) Mr. Bob Vallone, Director of UA Cinemas Hong Kong; Mr. Perry Yung, Executive Manager of Cinema Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Gillian Murphy, Senior Vice President of Non-Gaming Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Janette Kendall, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Joanna Barnes, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Galaxy Macau and the UA Galaxy Cinemas and Galaxy Macau marketing team receive the “Best Service Award” at CineAsia 2012. galaxymacau.com |
如果不向面对占领、非正义和压迫坚贞不屈的我 们的兄弟姐妹巴勒斯坦人民表示敬意,并为他们感到 骄傲,那我们就失职了。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would be remiss not to salute and express our pride in our brothers and sisters, the Palestinians, who remain steadfast in the face of occupation, injustice and oppression. daccess-ods.un.org |
教区出版了‘爱与生命’教育系列,对于婚姻的意义、家庭生活的真谛、贞洁的德行、性教育、人际关系和生命的意义提供了家庭生活教育的素材和教学方法。 catholic.org.hk | The Diocese has published a series of "Love and life" education learning units, which provide teaching materials for teaching the significance of marriage, true meaning of family life, virtue of chastity and sex education, human relations and the meaning of life. catholic.org.hk |
他的传记的隐士,约寺院生活,童贞,罗马的信心,我们的祝福夫人,他的话圣人遗迹,有行使很大的影响。 mb-soft.com | His biographies of the hermits, his words about [...] monasticlife, virginity, Romanfaith, [...]our Blessed Lady, relics of saints, have exercised great influence. mb-soft.com |
其中,日本成员有:东北大学大学院医学系研究科伊藤贞嘉教授(肾・高血压・内分泌学、附属创生应用医学研究中心先进综合肾脏科学中心)以及埼玉医科大学的片山茂裕教授(院长) 。 tohoku.ac.jp | The clinical investigation has been conducted as an international joint research and led by Professor Haller from Hannover, Germany as Chairman and 12 committee members including Professor Sadayoshi Ito at Center for Advanced and Integrated Renal Science (CAIRS), United Centers for Advanced Research and Translational Medicine (Art), Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Shigehiro Katayama at Saitama Medical University from Japan. tohoku.ac.jp |
斯沃琪集团不仅在发布会上请到了大中华地区首席执行官陈素贞和副总裁Tang Jie, 还举行了一场“逆时针行走”比赛,8位获胜的幸运粉丝获得购买限量款的优先权。 spla-t.com | In addition to the launch, which featured appearances by Swatch’s Greater China CEO Susan Chen and Vice-Director Tang Jie, the Swatch Group sponsored a “Back In Time” contest duringthe event that awarded 8 lucky fans first opportunity to purchase the limited-edition timepieces. spla-t.com |
它 们想把和平的机会埋葬在针对坚贞不屈的加沙的战 争瓦砾之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | They wish to bury the chances for peace under the rubble of the war against steadfast Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后,耀中国际学校副校监杨雪贞女士在典礼中致辞,阐述了耀中致力于全球教育的目标和重要性。 ycis-bj.com | The ceremony commenced with a musical welcome from the senior orchestra playing Pomp and Circumstance and a speech from Deputy Director of Yew Chung International School, Ms. Priscilla Yeung, highlighting the importance of global education. ycis-bj.com |
1603年,童贞女王伊丽莎白一世去世,由于没有继承人,詹姆斯六世(苏格兰女王的儿子)以亲属关系远赴伦敦继承王位,成为大不列颠联合王国第一位国王,即詹姆斯一世。 visitbritain.com | With Elizabeth leaving no successor, James VI, King of Scots (son of Mary, Queen of Scots), succeeded as James I, King of England, effectively making him the first King of Great Britain. visitbritain.com |
13,“疾病和痛苦,霜冻和发烧,饥荒和死亡,剑和圈养”,但比恐怖和元素引起的将是道德corruptionand颠倒,邪恶和不贞洁预计在先知异象破坏,权力更大对(叙利亚文载脂蛋白C巴鲁克,立法会和RSD 2-8。 mb-soft.com | 13, "illness and pain, frost and fever, famine and death, sword and captivity"; but greater than the terror and havoc caused by the elements will be [...] the moral corruptionand perversion, the [...] wickedness and unchastity anticipated [...]in prophetic visions, and the power of evil spirits (Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
针对伊斯兰教等某些宗教的不宽容现象在世界 各地都所有增加,但他并不认为宗教作为信仰的载 [...] 体应得到保护,免于面对关于教义的坚贞纯洁、或 其内在协调一致的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the signs of a growing intolerance in the world to certain religions, including Islam, he did not subscribe to the view that religion, as a body of [...] belief, should be protected from challenges as to [...] the robustness or purityof doctrine, [...]or its internal consistency and coherence. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于新任APIMC执行理事陈明贞女士公告 经中欧化工制造商协会汽车塑料及创新材料委员会(APIMC)执行理事会提名,并经APIMC主席Jean-Claude Steinmetz签署,同意增选吉力士热塑混合材料(苏州)有限公司亚洲区总经理陈明贞女士为APIMC执行理事,现委任吉力士热塑混合材料(苏州)有限公司亚洲区总经理陈明贞女士为新一届APIMC执行理事执行理事一职,一届任期3年(2012-2014年度),陈明贞女士将代表APIMC执行理事会履行执行理事职务,参与APIMC联席会议及各项重要活动和协会发展决策,享有协会执行理事单位权利和义务,共同维护塑料及材料制造商成员福利和行业领域的共同权益。 secma.org.cn | On the announcement of the new executive director of the APIMC Ms. Chen mingzhen The Central Chemical Manufacturers Association of automotive plastic and innovative materials Committee ( APIMC ) Executive Council nominated, and by the APIMC chairman Jean-Claude Steinmetz signed, agreed to co-opt Ms. Chen mingzhen who is the Aisa general manager of GLS Thermoplastic Elastomers as the executive director of the APIM,a term of 3 years ( 2012-2014 year ). secma.org.cn |
最大化的空间感,歌剧院的美景和错综复杂的说明引发和由Emily Forgot设计的坐垫,模特穿成圣女贞德,侯爵萨德,玛丽·安托瓦内特,高更和图卢兹劳特累克。 luxe-immo.com | Common to all is maximising the feeling of space, great views of the Opera and intricately illustrated throws and cushions designed by Emily Forgot featuring models dressed as Joan of Arc, the Marquis de Sade, Marie Antoinette, Gaugin and Toulouse Lautrec. luxe-immo.com |
认识到历史上人数最多的一代青少年目前正进入性生活和生育期,他们 能够获得性健康和生殖健康方面的资料、教育和护理及计划生育服务和用品,包 括男用和女用安全套,以及自愿禁欲和忠贞,对于实现 17 年前在开罗制定的各 项目标至关重要 daccess-ods.un.org | that the largest generation of adolescents in history is now entering sexual and reproductive life and that their access to sexual and reproductive health information, education and care and family planning services and commodities, including male and female condoms, as well as voluntary abstinence and fidelity are essential to achieving the goals set out in Cairo 17 years ago daccess-ods.un.org |