

单词 贝尔实验室

See also:


Bell (person name)

验室 n

laboratory n

验室 pl

labs pl

实验 n

test n

External sources (not reviewed)

加入 UL
[...] 之前,Chapin 博士曾在朗讯科技公司贝尔实验室 光 纤解决方案部铜和光纤材料开发组担任技术经理。
Before joining UL, Dr. Chapin was Technical Manager of the Copper
and Fiber Optic Materials Development Group at Lucent
[...] Technologies' Bell Laboratories Optical Fiber Solutions [...]
该集团是全球最具盛名的研发中心— 贝尔实验室 的 母 公司,是众多通信基础发明的诞生地。
The Group
[...] is the home of Bell Labs, one of the world's [...]
most renowned research centers, led to discoveries that have shaped
the field of communication networks.
Dennis:我确实喜欢我贝尔实验室的 工 作(而且还将继续下去)。
Dennis: I have indeed enjoyed my career at Bell Labs (which continues).
Before that, he was a Member of
[...] Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, principally involved [...]
in materials development and fire
research associated with fiber optic cable, electronic wire and cable, and premises cable products.
目前,Dennis M. Ritchie 正担贝尔实验室/朗讯 科技公司(原AT&T实验室)下属的计算科学研究中心系统软件研究部的主任一职。
Currently, Dennis M. Ritchie is head of the System Software Research department in the Computing Science Research Center of Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies in Murray Hill, NJ.
在去Applied之前,辛哈博士在AT&T的 贝尔实验室 工 作20年,这期间他在位于Murray Hill和Allentown的超大规模集成电路工艺技术和制造部门担任负责人。
Prior to Applied, Dr. Sinha worked for 20
[...] years at AT&T Bell Laboratories where he served as Head of [...]
the VLSI Process Technology and
Fabrication departments at Murray Hill and Allentown.
如果不是贝尔实验室工作 的话,你会不会也投入到类似于 Linux 的项目中来呢?
Can you see yourself involved in projects like
[...] Linux, or similar, if you were not at Bell Labs?
他的工作得到了很多计算机组织的公认和表奖,如:美国计算机协会(ACM)授予的系统及语言杰出论文奖(1974);电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)的 Emmanuel Piore 奖(1982);贝尔实验室特别 人员奖(1983);美国计算机协会(ACM)的图灵奖(1983); [...]
NEC公司的 C&C 基金奖(1989);电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)的优秀奖章(Hamming Medal)(1990), 等等。
His work has been recognized by numerous computer organizations: ACM award for the outstanding paper of 1974 in systems
and languages; IEEE Emmanuel Piore
[...] Award (1982), Bell Laboratories Fellow (1983); [...]
Association for Computing Machinery Turing
Award (1983); C&C Foundation award of NEC (1989): IEEE Hamming Medal (1990), etc.
公司在科研设施建筑方面的主导地位始于1941年。 当时,在新泽西州设计贝尔实验室 , 后 于1965年设计NASA的戈达德太空飞行中心。
The firm’s preeminence in research facilities begins in 1941
[...] with the seminal Bell Labs project in New Jersey [...]
and continues with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in 1965.
2011年,IZP继续加大研发投入,已在成都建立成都研究所,并分别 贝尔实验室 、 斯 坦福大学、中科院研究生院、北京大学和四川电子科技大学等高校展开广泛地技术合作。
In 2011, IZP continued to expand its R & D efforts and founded the Chengdu Research Institute while engaging in extensive technical cooperation with higher education institutions such as the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology.
LF:回顾一下你贝尔实验室的工 作,你看起来每时每刻都在做着自己真正喜欢的项目。
LF: Taking a look to
[...] your career at Bell Labs, it seems that you [...]
have worked at every moment in the projects you really
liked, and I presume this is also true with Inferno.
第一个问题是:很多公司做出决定开始开发 Linux 下的软件(包贝尔实验室的 Inferno 也有了与 Linux 的接口),你是如何看待 [...]
Linux 的全部动力及上述现象的呢?
First of all, what is your opinion about all the Linux momentum, and the
decision of many companies to start developing
[...] software for it (Bell Labs, for example: Inferno [...]
has its own port to Linux)?
曾在众多知名公司如美国国家半导体公司、硅谷设计 验室 、 贝尔实验 室 分 拆的公司以及Oracle公司任职。
An IT industry executive with extensive experience with high-tech Silicon Valley companies such as National Semiconductor Corporation, Mentor Graphics Corporation, and Oracle Corporation, Mr. Wungsoontorn is a welcome addition to the Skyworth TTG management committee.
世界艾滋病基 金会与罗马和尔的摩实验室合作 开展一个名为“非洲家庭第一”的项目。
The project, entitled “Families First Africa”, is a cooperative venture between the World
[...] Foundation for AIDS, and laboratories in Rome and Baltimore.
贝尔格莱德区检察官办室向贝尔格 莱德区法院提出要求,根据《刑法》 第 288 条第 2 款以及第 278 条,对 Milan Živanović 进实施破坏一般安全 的严重犯罪调查,并根据《刑法》第 104 条和 103 条,对其进行有关袭击位 于贝尔格莱德 Ulica Kneza Miloša 46 号的美利坚合众国大使馆的严重纵火 [...]
The Office of the District Public Prosecutor in Belgrade filed a request to the district court in Belgrade to institute an investigation of Milan Živanović for the [...]
commission of the criminal act of grave
offence against general security under article 288, paragraph 2, in conjunction with article 278, of the Criminal Code, and the criminal act of grand larceny under article 104, in conjunction with article 103, of the Criminal Code, related to the attack on the Embassy of the United States, located at Ulica Kneza Miloša 46, Belgrade.
从沙特阿拉伯、哥伦比亚到印度,Scott去过全球很多地方,随身携带笔记本和 LAN-XI
[...] 数据采集系统,以执行各种不同的任务,从现场解答客户问题到指导和培训通用电气医疗保健的印度员工如何使用 PULSE,帮助安装在班加尔的实验室 , 或在北京使用振动器进行振动测试。
From Saudi Arabia to Colombia to India, Scott travels the world with his laptop and LAN-XI data acquisition system, performing a multitude of different tasks ranging from troubleshooting at customer's sites to teaching and training GE Healthcare’s Indian
staff how to use PULSE,
[...] helping set up a laboratory in Bangalore or performing [...]
vibration testing using shakers in Beijing.
土耳其埃拉泽菲拉特大学医学院教授(2000 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事 医学院副教授(1993 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事医学院助理教授(1991 年); 大不列颠及北尔兰联 合王国伦敦伦敦大学、皇家免费医学院、神经科 实验室 和生物力实验室研究员(1988 年);土耳其安卡拉 Hacettepe 大学医学院解剖专 家(1986 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事医学院医师(1983 年)。
Professor, Firat University Medical School, Elaziğ, Turkey (2000); Associate Professor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1993);
Assistant Professor,
[...] Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1991); Research Fellow, London University, Royal Free School of Medicine, Neurological Science Laboratory and Biomechanics Laboratory, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern [...]
Ireland (1988);
Specialist in anatomy, Hacettepe University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey (1986); Medical Doctor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey (1983).
秘书处还指出,蒙特尔议定 书缔约方在第 XIX/17 号决 定中决定,把对第 5 条国家遵守分析实验室流程 用途的四氯化碳的管制措施的情况的审 议推迟至 2010 年进行,并促请这些国家通过运用现行为非第 5 条国家制订的实验室和分析 用途四氯化碳全球豁免的标准和程序,将四氯化碳消费量降至最低。
The Secretariat also noted that, through decision XIX/17, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol decided to defer until 2010 consideration of the compliance status in relation to control measures for CTC used by Article 5 Parties for analytical and laboratory processes, urging those countries to minimize CTC consumption in these uses by applying the criteria and procedures for global exemption of CTC in laboratory and analytical uses that are currently established for non-Article 5 Parties.
尔文提供实验室解决 方案,用于研究影响配方及生产的参数;以及在线颗粒测量解决方案,用于对钻井泥浆进行监测。
Malvern offers laboratory solutions used [...]
in studying the parameters influencing formulation and manufacture and on-line
particle sizing solutions for in-use monitoring of drilling muds.
在法国的科学伙伴是 昂热大学医疗系生实验室和图尔大 学 医疗和空间生理组。
The scientific partners in France are
[...] the Physiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Angers and the [...]
Medicine and Space Physiology Unit of the University of Tours.
因此,对会员国来说,方案(b)可能更容易接受,在这种情况下,总干事将承诺实际零增长的预算上限内吸贝尔 蒙 计划贷款的偿还及安全措施的开支,并在这个总预算 范围内对某些领域进行加强。
Hence, option (b) might be more acceptable to Member States and in this case the
Director-General would undertake to
[...] absorb the requirements for the Belmont Plan loan repayment and security [...]
measures within the ZRG
budget ceiling and would also provide for strengthening of certain areas within this budget envelope.
此外,塞尔维亚共和 国负责战争罪行的检察官办室、内 务部揭露战争罪行办 室 、 国 家安全委员 会、外交部、司法部、安全信息局 贝尔 格 莱 德地方法院负责战争罪行的委员会 及证人保护股在与国际法庭合作上发挥重要作用,证人保护股设立在内务部揭露 战争罪行办公室内。
Furthermore, the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes of the
Republic of Serbia, the Office of
[...] the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Disclosing War Crimes, the National Security Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Security-Information Agency, the War Crimes Council of the District Court of Belgrade and the Witness [...]
Protection Unit
have an important role relating to the cooperation with the Tribunal, which was established within the Office for Disclosing War Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
秘书处代表回答说,眼下只贝尔蒙 先 生确定的最紧迫的优先事项(有关安全问 题)能用可动用的正常预算和预算外资金 实 施 , 不过这个楼区需要彻底翻修。
The representative of the Secretariat replied that,
[...] for the time being, only the most immediate priorities established by Mr Belmont (relating to safety) can be covered, by combining available regular budget [...]
and extrabudgetary
resources, however the buildings required a complete renovation.
在这方面,它依靠的是亚的斯贝巴 联 络办 室 以 及 各地区性经 实体 ( CER)的协调员,即:教科文组织非洲地区教育办事处(BREDA)和非洲地区科技办事 处(ROSTA)的地区办事处主任以及哈拉雷办事处(东部和南部非洲共同市场(COMESA) 和南部非洲发展共同体(SADC))、阿布贾办事处(西非国家经济共同体(CEDEAO))、利 伯尔办事 处(中部非洲国家经济共同体(CEEAC))、拉巴特办事处 (萨赫勒-撒哈拉国家共 同体 CEN-SAD 和阿拉伯马格里布联盟 UMA)、雅温得办事处(中部非洲国家经济与货币共 同体 CEMAC)、巴马科(西非经济货币联盟 UEMOA)、达累斯萨拉姆办事处 (东非共同 体 CAE 和印度洋委员会 COI)和亚的斯亚贝巴办事处(政府间发展组织 IGAD)的主任或 负责人。
For that purpose, it draws on the UNESCO Office in Addis Ababa and Liaison Office with the African Union and the REC focal points, namely the Directors of the Regional Bureaux, BREDA and ROSTA, and the Directors and Heads of the Offices in Harare (COMESA and SADC), Abuja (ECOWAS), Libreville (ECCAS), Rabat (CEN-SAD and AMU), Yaoundé (CEMAC), Bamako (WAEMU), Dar es Salaam (EAC and IOC) and Addis Ababa (IGAD).
世界品实验室主席、诺贝尔经济 学奖得主、“欧元之父”罗伯特•蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell),牛津大学赛德商学院教授斯蒂芬•沃格(Stephen [...]
Woolgar)博士,耶鲁大学管理学院教授莱维•多尔(Ravi Dhar)博士等嘉宾出席盛会并发表演讲。
Professor Robert Mundell as
[...] President of the World Brand Lab, a Nobel laureate in economics [...]
and the Father of the Euro,
Dr. Stephen Woolgar as a professor of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Dr. Ravi Dhar as a professor of Yale School of Management and other honored guests attended the grand meeting and gave a speech.
会议期间,先创电子凭借“中海油曹妃甸WGPA(平台)”及“FPSO(油轮)移动网络覆盖系统和登录Internet系统”的优异表现通过中国移动、中国联通、TD-SCDMA产业联盟、中国 尔实验室 等 单位专家的评审,入选中国“十佳无线通信室内覆盖解决方案”。
With the elaborate designing of “WGPA platform” of China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) and solution of “mobile network coverage system and internet access system” of Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO), the CCTF’s project was successfully approved by the experts from China Mobile, China Unicom, TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance and CTTL, and was awarded as "Top Ten Indoor Wireless Communications Coverage Solutions".
行预咨委会回顾,根据大会第 64/288 号决议于 2010 年 7 月 1 日成立的联合 国驻非洲联盟办事处集成了设在亚的斯 贝 巴的 4 个实体, 它们各自担负着和非 洲和平与安全有关的单独任务:(a) 联合国驻非洲联盟联络处;(b) 非洲联盟和 平与支助小组;(c) 非洲联盟索马里特派团(非索特派团);(d) 达尔富尔混合行 动联合支助和协调机制的新政职能(A/64/792,第 3 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that UNOAU, established on 1 July 2010 pursuant to General
Assembly resolution 64/288, integrated four entities located in Addis Ababa with separate mandates with regard to peace and security in Africa: (a) the United Nations Liaison Office to the African Union; (b) the African Union Peace and Support Team; (c) the United Nations Planning Team for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); and (d) the administrative functions of the Joint Support and Coordination Mechanism of UNAMID (A/64/792, para. 3).
牢记着尔诺贝利灾难的验教训 ,我们深信,对于利用核能的一切活动实施安 全措施必须继续是最优先的工作。
Keeping in mind the lessons learned from the Chornobyl disaster, we are convinced that application of safety measures must continue to be a top priority in all activities related to nuclear energy use.
他的成就包括: 在 UL 开展 Gage R&R
活动、在梅尔维尔 (Melville) 市举办为期 16 周的新工程师培训项目、创建梅尔维尔数据采集团队、作为志愿者加入
[...] FIRST Robotics 机器人竞赛活动、在纽约州立大学法明尔 (Farmingdale) 电实验室担任讲师等。
Among his accomplishments are: Gage R&R activities at UL, development of 16 week new engineer training program at Melville, creation of Melville data
acquisition team, FIRST Robotics volunteer, instructor at
[...] State University of NY at Farmingdale electricity laboratory.
许多国家建议,必须大力加强各级科技教育(包括支持青年科学工作者和为建立图书 馆实验室动员 潜在的捐资者),还建议教科文组织应在教育部门与自然科学部门之间扩大 [...]
32 C/5 中的跨部门联合行动。
Many countries suggested that science and technology education at all levels needs to be significantly strengthened (including
support to young scientists and the mobilization of potential donors for the
[...] establishment of libraries and laboratories) and that UNESCO should [...]
expand the joint
intersectoral action of document 32 C/5 between the Education Sector and the Natural Sciences Sector.




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