单词 | 贝克汉姆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 贝克汉姆 —David Beckham (1975-), British midfield footballerless common: Beckenham or Beckham (name) See also:贝克—becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq) • Baker or Becker (name)
此外,贝克汉姆和妻子维多利亚选择了联合国儿童基金会作为其于2006年5月21日举行的全明星晚会(Full [...] length and Fabulous Party)的受益者之一 。 unicef.org | In addition, David Beckham and his wife [...] Victoria chose UNICEF to be one of the beneficiaries of their ‘Full length and Fabulous [...]Party’ held on 21 May 2006, with funds raised going to support this campaign. unicef.org |
贝克汉姆已承诺对目前开展的“携手儿童青少年,携手抗击艾滋病”运动的支持,并已在一系列影片中担任角色,推广该运动的讯息。 unicef.org | Mr. Beckham pledged his support [...] for the ‘Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS’ campaign and took part in a series of films [...]to promote the campaigns’ messages. unicef.org |
之后,贝克汉姆为联合国儿童基金会在该地区的紧急人道主义工作,发起了一项募捐集资的全球呼吁。 unicef.org | There he helped launch a television fundraising appeal with the recording of a public service announcement, an important asset in that campaign. unicef.org |
2003年,贝克汉姆作为 团队的一部分,帮助发起了联合国儿童基金会于英国进行的‘制止剥削儿童’的运动。 unicef.org | Mr. Beckham and his team-mates took part in campaigns and fundraising activities to establish education and recreational programmes involving football for children around the world. unicef.org |
重回欧洲他的心指向南非 2008年末,在万众瞩目下,贝克汉姆完 成了从洛杉矶银河到AC米兰为期三个月的租借。 glifr.com | While football on Robben Island might sound like a contradiction, thousands of documents discovered by historians in Cape Town after the prison was closed down proves this was not the case. glifr.com |
贝克汉姆担任 中国足球大使将是其继担任2012伦敦奥运会特使后又一次发挥自己的影响力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Beckham's Chinese football [...] debut will be another influential role after his special ambassadorship for the London 2012 Olympic Games. tipschina.gov.cn |
2013赛季中超联赛将于3月8日开球, 贝克汉姆 的 支持将有助于提高全中国对这项冠军联赛的关注度。 tipschina.gov.cn | The 2013 Season of the Chinese Super League will kick-off on March 8th and Beckham's support will bring increased national attention to the country's Championship League. tipschina.gov.cn |
中国足协的一位官员表示:“2013年是中国足球职业化20周年 , 贝克汉姆 担 任特使将会吸引全世界关注中国足球和中超联赛。 tipschina.gov.cn | 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of professional football in China and the special ambassadorship of David Beckham will attract global attention to Chinese football and the CSL," said a CFA official. tipschina.gov.cn |
大卫·贝克汉姆(Da vid Beckham)将创造历史,成为首位中国足球全球大使。 tipschina.gov.cn | David Beckham is to make history by becoming the first global ambassador for Chinese Football. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝克汉姆的商业伙伴Simon Fuller表示:“贝克汉姆受中 国足协之邀担任他非常热爱的足球运动的大使,此举进一步加强了他在全球的影响力和知名度。 tipschina.gov.cn | Simon Fuller, David Beckham's business partner commented, "With David being invited by the Chinese FA to become an ambassador for the game he loves so much, it really underlines the scale and reach of his global popularity. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝克汉姆转会 到巴黎现在不光只是体育媒体的头条新闻,同时也刊登在各大时尚杂志的首页。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Beckham’s transfer to Paris [...] did not only make headlines in the sports sections of the press; it also demanded front-page [...]attention in the lifestyle and showbiz pages. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我们非常高兴在这个特殊时期邀请 贝克汉姆 先 生 访华。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are pleased to invite Mr. Beckham to visit China at this special moment. tipschina.gov.cn |
中超联赛10周年、中国足球职业化20周年 和 贝克汉姆 的 全球影响力三者叠加,将确保每一个中国青年对足球运动产生兴趣。 tipschina.gov.cn | The combination of the 10-year anniversary of the CSL, the 20th anniversary of professional football in China and the global appeal of David Beckham practically ensures that every young person in the country will have a new found interest in the game. tipschina.gov.cn |
IMG Worldwide董事长兼首席执行官Mike Dolan表示:“对像贝克汉姆这样的偶像级人物来说,这是引领推动中国足球发展的努力的绝佳时机。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mike Dolan, Chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide, which has a 10-year deal as a strategic partner and promoter of the CFL, said, "This is the perfect time for an icon like David Beckham to be spearheading the effort to promote football in China. tipschina.gov.cn |
巴洛特利签约AC米兰是一月转会市场最重磅的新闻-至少这还是跟足球有关的,不 过 贝克汉姆 跟 巴 黎圣日耳曼签约绝对是吸引了更多人的目光。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Mario Balotelli’s signing with AC Milan has got to be the most significant news in the January transfer window- as far as football is concerned. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
2007年,贝克汉姆加盟 洛杉矶银河俱乐部并移居美国,作为一名联合国儿童基金会亲善大使他在那里继续工作着。 unicef.org | His visit supported the launch of UNICEF 2008 State of the World’s Children Report, which focussed on child mortality and brought worldwide coverage to the issue. unicef.org |
我相信,贝克汉姆自己的经历加上其对足球运动的热爱,将激励新一代中国儿童踢足球,将使中国足球在世界舞台上占据一席之地。 tipschina.gov.cn | I believe Beckham's own story and his love of the game will inspire a new generation of children to play football in China so Chinese football will take its place on the world stage. tipschina.gov.cn |
邀请贝克汉姆担任 中国足球大使,最重要的原因 是 贝克汉姆 在 推 动草根足球运动发展,特别是重视鼓励儿童踢足球上发挥的作用日益明显。 tipschina.gov.cn | The most important reason that makes this ambassadorship a reality is Beckham's growing role to promote this great game on the grassroots level with particular emphasis on inspiring young children to play football. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝克汉姆业已收到了中国足协(CFA)的邀请函,这也是有史以来外国运动员首次在中国获得此类头衔。 tipschina.gov.cn | He has received the invitation from the Chinese Football Association, the first ever honor of its kind bestowed on an International sportsman in the country. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝克汉姆自己 的经历以及作为体育代言人日益重要的作用让其成为中国足协的不二人选。 tipschina.gov.cn | Beckham's own story and his [...] growing role as the spokesperson of sport have made him the perfect candidate to the CFA. tipschina.gov.cn |
自在曼彻斯特联队时,大卫.贝克汉姆 就 一直支持联合国儿童基金会的活动。 unicef.org | David Beckham, the British born soccer star, is admired by legions of fans around the world for his skilful moves and powerful kicks on the field. unicef.org |
没错,维多利亚·贝克汉姆的确 向世人证明了其作为专业设计师的品位和资质:同名品牌的推出以及多次和国际知名设计师/品牌的合作。 citij.com | Second of all, [...] that's true, Victoria Beckham has proven herself [...]against the skepticism of many to be a serious designer [...]with her own fashion business understanding and taste for style by launching her own name-sake brand, its bridge brands (Victoria Beckham Denim, etc.) and through numerous collaborations with famous designers and international fashion brands. citij.com |
此外,随着过去两年中超联赛的快速发展,相 信 贝克汉姆 的 中国之旅不仅将把中国足球和中超联赛带到世界舞台,而且还将在中国进一步普及这项体育运动。 tipschina.gov.cn | Meanwhile, with the rapid growth of the Chinese Super League, the country's Championship league in the past two years, it is believed that Beckham's China tour will further popularize the game in the country as well as bringing Chinese football and the CSL to the world stage. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝克汉姆表示 :“在中国足球的这样一个特殊历史时期被邀请担任这样一个重要的职位,我感到非常荣幸。 tipschina.gov.cn | I am honored to have been asked to play such an important role at this special time in Chinese football history," Beckham said. tipschina.gov.cn |
中国足球管理机构中国足协希望依靠 贝克汉姆 卓 越 的体育精神和专业素养,以及他作为全球最受钦佩的运动员和偶像级人物的公信力,进一步向全国超过13亿人口推广这项全球最伟大的体育运动,激励儿童参与这项运动。 tipschina.gov.cn | CFA, the governing body of the game in China, hopes to realize its goal of further promoting the world's greatest game to over 1.3 billion people in the country and inspiring young children to play the game by relying on Beckham's credibility as one of the most admired sportsmen and iconic figures in the world as well as his outstanding sportsmanship and professionalism. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们预期贝克汉姆在中 国的出现将会对普及足球运动产生极其重要的影响。 tipschina.gov.cn | We expect that David's presence in the country will be massively important in popularizing the sport. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于贝克汉姆仍忠于曼联,好像他对银河队一样(正如他自己所说),我认为他说的一切纯粹是一些美国球员的偏见。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Since Beckham remains as loyal to [...] Man U as he is to Galaxy (as he himself said), I can take his words as those of an actual [...]United squad member, bias and all. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
同时,贝克汉姆除了 是足球员动员和名人之外还是一位商人,虽然他刚在他的合同当中拿出5百万捐给儿童慈善基金会,但我们还是无法想象他会通过新的代言,赞助可以挣到多少钱。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | For although he declared that he will donate the entire 5-million on his contract to a children’s charity, we still can’t conceive yet how much he’ll make with new endorsements, sponsorships, and what not. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
雷克先生对威廉姆斯女士成为联合国儿童基金会大使表示热烈欢迎,在其之前,丹尼.凯 (Danny Kaye)、奥黛丽.赫本 (Audrey Hepburn)、哈里.贝拉方特 (Harry Belafonte)、米亚.法罗 (Mia Farrow)、大卫.贝克汉姆 (David Beckham)、奥兰多.布鲁姆 (Orlando Bloom)、金妍儿 (Yuna Kim) 和夏奇拉 (Shakira) 等许多知名人物都相继担任过联合国儿童基金会大使。 unicef.org | Mr. Lake expressed his excitement to have Ms Williams join the company of past and present UNICEF Ambassadors that includes Danny Kaye, Audrey Hepburn, Harry Belafonte, Mia Farrow, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, Yuna Kim and Shakira. unicef.org |