

单词 豪绅



local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia

See also:


member of gentry

External sources (not reviewed)

而且太绅士韦伯公司通过数字文 件形式提供技术性说明,这使得我们可以为全波兰的客户提供服务。
Moreover, JP Weber offers the technical feasibility of accounting with digital documents making it possible to provide services for clients all over Poland.
[...] 廣奧運的活動,藉北京奧運推廣國民教育,加深青少年對祖國 的認識,培育他們的民族豪感。
We will also proactively bolster youth participation in the promotional programmes and capitalise on the Beijing Olympics to
promote national education, so as to enhance the youth’s understanding of our country and their
[...] sense of national pride.
我认为,我们大家都为属于这一村庄而感 到豪。
And I think
[...] that we are all proud to belong to [...]
that village.
文化认 知是我公司商业战略的基石,这也使得太 绅 士韦 伯公司始终将客户的感受作为自身工作的衡量标 准。
Cultural awareness is a cornerstone of our business strategy, enabling our team to fully integrate with our customers, ensuring that customer experience remains a positive benchmark for JP Weber.
位太绅士和 社区领袖组成的独立委员会会对拘留所进行暗访,确保被拘留 者不受虐待。
Independent Boards consisting of over 50 Justices of the Peace and community leaders make unannounced visits to the places of detention to ensure there is no ill-treatment of detainees.
江诗丹顿自Trophée Bailli
[...] de Suffren赛事创立之初,便一直与保持着紧密联系;並為能夠延續这项由19世纪末 绅 士 水 手们所传承至今的经典古董游艇比赛的精神而引以 豪 ; 这 种蕴涵谦和有礼、公平竞争、尊重传统及气度优雅的真正运动精神,也同时是江诗丹顿所珍视的价值。
Vacheron Constantin has been associated with the Trophée Bailli de Suffren from the outset and is
proud to contribute
[...] to the safeguarding of the spirit of Grand Classic Yachting displayed by the gentlemen sailors of the late 19th [...]
century; a true sporting
spirit allied to values cherished by Vacheron Constantin: courtesy, fair play, respect for tradition, and elegance.
看来原先这绅士是过着极度奢靡的生活:拥有大量 豪 华 轿车 , 豪 宅 和 餐厅,一艘87英尺长的游艇,一架波音727喷气私人飞机 – 最后但并非最不重要的- 还有那数量多达262支的百达翡丽,劳力士等高级腕表的收藏。
It seems, the gentleman had an extravagant lifestyle with plenty of luxury cars, houses, restaurants, an 87-foot yacht, a Boeing 727 jet and – last but least – the collection of 262 Patek, Rolex and other fine watch brands.
在最近广受好评的热播电影《北京遇上西雅图》里,吴秀波成功塑造了一个新好男人的形象,而在现实生活中他也是一位追求不凡品质 绅 士。
In his latest movie "Beijing Meets Seattle", Wu Xiubo successfully portrays the stylishness of the new man, a gentleman in everyday life who is always in pursuit of the extraordinary.
简易操作 Dock & Go进出港口操控系统绅士55 中的应用可使船东们更轻松自如的 驾驶船艇进出港口。
Maneuvering simplicity The use of Dock & Go technology for the SenSe's (55’) motorization is possible for owners looking for simplicity.
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關 本公司將予宣派的末期股息的進一步資料,以及所有其他合理所需的資料,以便彼等就投票
[...] 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道 豪 酒 店 三樓Queensway及Victoria [...]
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company
to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room,
[...] Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, [...]
Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2
: 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
旅舍是一幢宏伟的建筑,建于1860年代末,原是一 绅 士 的 居所。
[...] a stately gentleman's residence, [...]
built in the late 1860's, it is now protected under the NZ Historic Places Trust.
內務委員會主席表示,譚豪議員 所 動議的議案的主題是"積極落實《內地與香港關 [...]
於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》及相關新措 施,推動香港新產業發展"。
The Chairman said that the subject of the motion to be
[...] moved by Dr Samson TAM was "Actively [...]
implementing the Mainland and Hong Kong
Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and the relevant new measures to promote the development of new industries in Hong Kong".
伯爵始终致力于推广马球运动,这项高难度 绅 士 运 动与品牌大胆、高品质、和精准的价值观不谋而合,同时伯爵也出资举办同名世界杯马球赛,与棕榈滩马球俱乐部的名声鹊起息息相关,而时至今日,还冠名赞助USPA金杯赛。
Committed to promoting this extreme sport, which mirrors its own values – daring, high standards, and precision – it has been connected with the promotion of polo at Palm Beach since its beginnings, through supporting the World Cup and today sponsoring the famous USPA Gold Cup to which it lends its name.
但是在男权社会的古代中国,她的统治遭到了 绅 、 大臣的普遍反对,他们讽刺武则天是“母鸡司晨”。
However, in ancient China, a 100 percent male-centered society,
her rule was totally unacceptable to male
[...] ministers and gentry classes who scorned [...]
her that the hen took the cock's place, crowing in the morning.
2012 年 5 月 18 日 19 时 00 分,Hadi ibn Hussain al-Ayzuqi(生于 1982 年) 声称四名携带自动步枪的蒙面者盗走了他的车(现代 绅 特 ,车牌号为 708293(哈 马省))、他的个人身份证、他的驾驶执照、他的手机、总金额为 500 万的叙利亚 镑和他兄弟 Fadi 的个人身份证。
At 1900 hours on 18 May 2012, Hadi ibn Hussain al-Ayzuqi (born 1982), alleged that four masked individuals, armed with automatic rifles, had stolen his car, a Hyundai Accent, licence plate No. 708293 (Homs), his personal identity card, his driver’s licence, his cellular telephone, the sum of 5 million Syrian pounds, and a personal identity card belonging to his brother Fadi.
轻松航绅士55 的设计使得其能轻松舒 适的航行,完美的船身设计和升帆后绝佳 的平衡保障了其惊人的航行速度和单体帆 船中独一无二的航海性能。
Its excellent hull rigidity and perfect balance under sail, guarantee surprising sailing speeds with sea keeping second to none among mono hulls.
首层的“旅行探索区”充满了各类精致考究的皮具、阳刚优雅的珠宝配饰、充满吸引力的趣致类产品,置身其中仿佛时光的故事在此静静流淌;二层的成衣零售区、量体裁衣定制服区、高级定制室全面定义一 绅 士 在 各种场合的服装造型;三层的会员制KEE Club餐厅和酒吧绅士的 品位生活提供饕餮美食与美酒;顶层的Alfred Dunhill尊属贵宾室让小酌和休憩充溢着怡情的况味,踱步阳台便能领略优雅英式花园之美景。
The “Travel and Discovery Room" on the ground floor is filled with all kinds of dedicate and fine leather, masculine and elegant jewelry and accessories, attractive gifts, just like the quiet flowing of time; the first floor is menswear section, custom room, and bespoke tailoring room, defining the clothes and images of a gentleman at various occasions; the membership KEE Club and bar on the third floor provide fine food and wine for tasty gentlemen; the VIP room of Alfred Dunhill on the top floor is a great place to relish a sip of wine and have a rest, and the balcony provides a wonderful view of an elegant English-style garden.
我们不要忘记,通报者是军官绅士 , 他们虽 然说了很多,但还有许多没有说。
Lest we forget, the briefers are officers and gentlemen, so while a lot has been said, so much has not been said.
关于草案第 9
[...] 条的措辞,有人强调,在这种情形下提到的尊严对于每一个人来说 是一样的,不应该同个人的荣誉或 豪 概 念 混淆起来,这可能因人而异。
With respect to the wording of draft article 9, it was emphasized that the dignity referred to in that context was the same for every human being
and should not be confused with individual
[...] perceptions of honour or pride, which could vary [...]
from one person to another.
说到男装,完美与自负之间往往只有一线之差,当前这两种极为接近的气质体现了全新年轻配饰品牌hook+ALBERT背后 绅 士 风 范。
WHEN IT COMES TO MENSWEAR THERE IS A FINE LINE BETWEEN PERFECTION AND PRETENSION, and two of those currently toeing that line are the gents behind fresh young accessories label hook+ALBERT.
绅士发掘者》(The Gentleman Digger)是一部设定发生在 1889 年南非约翰内斯堡的虚构小说。
The Gentleman Digger is a fictional work set in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1889.
绅士赛车手弗朗哥•科纳奇亚后来成为了玛莎拉蒂在米兰的代言人,他常常驾驶3500 GT沿索勒高速公路来往于米兰与摩德纳,在这条约160多公里的路段上,科纳奇亚创造了39分钟的单程纪录。
Franco Cornacchia – a gentleman racing driver, who later became Maserati’s representative in Milan – regularly drove 3500 GTs between Milan and Modena on the Autostrada del Sole, setting a toll-to-toll record of 39 minutes over approximately 160 km.
在寺庙内少有人光顾的这个角落,只有来自窗户的间接照明,气氛异常的阴郁;只有一位衣着白色的年 绅 士 , 坐在那里静静地祈祷着… 这种照明条件就需要我用ISO 2000的高感光度,才能拍出墙上的精美细节和覆盖着黄布、积满灰尘的古钟;我采用35mm 富士龙镜头的最大光圈进行曝光。
A less visited nook with-in the temple with indirect illumination coming in from a window, yet exceptionally gloomy and where an elderly gent dressed in white was seated in silent prayer... The level of light required me to use a high ISO of 2000 so as to capture the exquisite detail on the walls and an ancient bell covered in a dusty yellow cloth and exposing at maximum aperture on the 35mm Fujinon lens.
泰国素万那普国际机场执行长绅差 • 沙瓦地盆先生(Somchai Sawaddeepol)向记者透露了本次活动的相关详情:“由于素万那普国际机场飞行区跑道是机场全体工作人员执行工作的主要场地,其包括:跑道及升降带、滑行道、停机坪等相关场地,因此泰国素万那普国际机场每天均会定期展开飞行区安全须知等相关培训活动,以加强机场工作人员们的防范意识。
Mr. Somchai Sawasdeepon, Director of Suvarnabhumi Airport, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) disclosed about the details of the Safety Week Project in the aviation zone for the Year 2555 that Suvarnabhumi Airport gives precedence to the safety of the staff working in the broaden aviation zone, where many staff are working each day on the runways, aircraft parking yards and aviation related areas.
黄祖耀先生是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具有威望的华社领袖;丹斯里拿督李深静 绅 是 马 来西亚举足轻重的著名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白手起家,拥有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈启宗先生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。
Tan Sri Dato Lee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung Chun-ying is a respected professional distinguished by his involvement in a global property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate industry and well-known for his involvement in the world of academia.
与天鹅绒的柔软质地不同,爱德华的‘drape style’更强调雕塑感,单排扣翻领夹克,及膝的长度,搭配同色系或色差大的裤装,加之修身的紧身衬衣和锦缎背心, 绅 士 感 爆棚。
Inspired by Edwardian styles the look consisted of an Edwardian ‘Drape’ style jacket with a long knee length, single breasted jacket with cuffs and lapels in contrasting velvets or satin.
新昌营造集团常务副主席王英伟SBS太 绅 士 致 欢迎辞时特别提到:「我要感谢大家的支持,我有信心集团在2011年的发展一定会比往年更好。
With the support of those of you gathered here, we are confident that we can scale even greater heights in 2011,” said Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP, Executive Deputy Chairman of Hsin Chong Construction Group.




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