

单词 豪滕省

See also:


vassal state of Zhou in Shandong
Teng county in Shandong
surname Teng

External sources (not reviewed)

1945年,部分完工的原型车在帕德博恩附近 豪 斯 滕 贝 克 被盟军发现。
The partly assembled prototype was found in 1945 by allied troops in Haustenbeck near Paderborn.
历任阿玛斯拉煤矿开采公司技术员、机械工程师、首席工程师,机械工程师协会巴 滕省 部 主 席,土耳其机械工程师协会联合会省协调委员会主席。
He served as technical expert, mechanical engineer and chief engineer in the Directorate of Amasra Anthracite Institute.
丰富的矿产资源也足以让云省为之 自 豪 , 云 南有中国储量最多的铝、 铅、锌、锡,此外还蕴藏着大量的铜和镍。
Yunnan also prides itself in its rich mineral [...]
resources, with China’s largest reserves of aluminum, lead, zinc and tin,
as well as large reserves of copper and nickel.
第四,按照这些措施,我们收复了以前被毒品贩 运者控制的大片领土,特别是北部 滕省 超过 138 000 公顷的玛雅生物圈;48 000 头牛被逐出该地,并且政 府已经重新控制它。
Fourth, in accordance with those measures, we recovered whole territories previously dominated by drug traffickers, particularly the Mayan biosphere in the northern Department of Petén, consisting of more than 138,000 hectares; 48,000 head of cattle were expelled from the area, and the Government has retaken control of it.
How much money has he saved for these millionaires and Henry TANG?
此外,副秘書長楊文銳是民建聯成員;林家 禮是監事會成員,吉林省政協;霍震宇是監事會成員,北京政協;王 維基是浙省政協;譚豪議員是廣 省 政 協 ;駱永基是河南省青年 聯合會成員。
In addition, the Director-General Duncan CHIU is a member of the DAB; the incumbent Vice-President Witman HUNG is a member of CPPCC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee; the Founding President Dr Elizabeth QUAT is a member of the DAB; the Honourable Deputy Secretary Gary YEUNG is also a member of the DAB; Dr Lee G. LAM, member of the
Supervisory Committee, is a
[...] member of CPPCC Jilin Provincial Committee; Mr Benjamin FOK, also a member of the Supervisory Committee, is a member of CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee; Mr Ricky WONG is a member of CPPCC Zhejiang Provincial Committee; Mr Samson [...]
TAM is a member of
CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Committee; and Mr Joe LOK is a member of Henan Provincial Youth Federation.
為何梁小姐為豪生孩 子會被少女視為偶像呢?
Why would Miss LEONG be regarded as young girls' idol for giving
[...] birth to a child for a tycoon?
豪議員 就梁君彥議員議案動議修正案的議題經提出待議, [...]
Question on Dr Hon Samson TAM’s amendment [...]
to Hon Andrew LEUNG’s motion proposed, put and agreed to.
我覺得梁富華議員的發言,似乎只有是 豪 才 會有那麼好的遠景、那麼 好的遠見,所以我便替梁富華議員改名為“梁 豪 " , 希望他真能代表基層 勞工爭取權益。
Mr LEUNG Fu-wah's speech made me
[...] feel that only tycoons have such good prospects and visions, so I will change Mr LEUNG Fu-wah's name into "LEUNG Fu-ho" (LEUNG, the tycoon) and hope he [...]
can really fight for
the rights and interests of grass-roots workers.
在布国的乌布滕加省(Ou britenga)设置一座可生产五万株以上不同种树苗的苗圃。
A nursery
[...] created in the Province of Oubritenga [...]
has allowed more than 50,000 plants of various species to be produced.
在 7 月 23 日第 46 次会议上,理事会面前有理事会副主席 滕 · 韦 特 兰(挪 威)根据非正式协商提出的题为“联合国系统在执行关于经济及社会理事会 2009 年实质性会议高级别部分通过的关于全球公共卫生的国际商定发展目标和承诺 的部长宣言方面的作用”的决议草案(E/2010/L.13)。
At its 46th meeting, on 23 July, the Council had before it a draft resolution entitled “The role of the United Nations system in implementing the ministerial declaration on the internationally agreed development goals and commitments in regard to global public health adopted at the high-level segment of the 2009 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council” (E/2010/L.13), submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Morten Wetland (Norway), on the basis of informal consultations.
约有 40 人在辩论中发了言,包括联合国常务副秘书长阿莎·罗丝 · 姆 滕盖 蒂 ·米吉罗、中非国家经济共同体秘书长路易·西尔万·戈马和联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办公室执行主任安东尼奥·马里亚·科斯塔。
Some 40 speakers took part in the debate, including the Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, Asha-Rose Migiro, the Secretary-General of the Economic Community of Central African States, Louis Sylvain-Goma, and the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa.
专家组有文件证明乐峰给蒙托亚的两笔汇款:2011 年 2 月(日辨认不清)汇出 1 169 000 欧元现金(100、200 和 500 欧元的现钞);2011 年 3 月 2 日从日内瓦汇 出 88 万欧元现金,伯纳德·斯滕格和 扬恩·普罗诺思特在场(见附件 25)。
The Group has documented two remittances from Mr. Lafont to Mr. Montoya: in February 2011 (day unreadable), a delivery of EUR 1,169,000 in cash (100, 200 and 500 euro notes); and on 2 March 2011, a delivery in Geneva of EUR 880,000 in cash, in the presence of Bernard Stenger and Yann Pronost (see annex 25).
何鍾泰議員、吳靄儀議員、涂謹申議員、梁劉柔芬議員、黃宜弘議員、 劉江華議員、劉皇發議員、劉慧卿議員、譚耀宗議員、石禮謙議員、 李鳳英議員、馮檢基議員、余若薇議員、王國興議員、林健鋒議員、
梁君彥議員、張學明議員、黃定光議員、湯家驊議員、詹培忠議員、 劉秀成議員、甘乃威議員、李慧琼議員、林大輝議員、陳茂波議員、
[...] 陳健波議員、梁美芬議員、黃成智議員、黃國健議員、葉偉明議員、 潘佩璆議員、譚豪議員、梁家傑議員、陳淑莊議員、陳偉業議員及 [...]
Dr Raymond HO, Dr Margaret NG, Mr James TO, Mrs Sophie LEUNG, Dr Philip WONG, Mr LAU Kong-wah, Mr LAU Wong-fat, Ms Emily LAU, Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Mr Abraham SHEK, Ms LI Fung-ying, Mr Frederick FUNG, Ms Audrey EU, Mr WONG Kwok-hing, Mr Jeffrey LAM, Mr Andrew LEUNG, Mr CHEUNG Hok-ming, Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Mr Ronny TONG, Mr CHIM Pui-chung, Prof Patrick LAU, Mr KAM Nai-wai, Ms Starry LEE, Dr LAM Tai-fai, Mr Paul CHAN, Mr CHAN Kin-por, Dr Priscilla LEUNG, Mr WONG
Sing-chi, Mr WONG Kwok-kin, Mr IP Wai-ming, Dr PAN
[...] Pey-chyou, Dr Samson TAM, Mr Alan [...]
LEONG, Miss Tanya CHAN, Mr Albert CHAN and
Mr WONG Yuk-man voted for the amendment.
[...] 廣奧運的活動,藉北京奧運推廣國民教育,加深青少年對祖國 的認識,培育他們的民族豪感。
We will also proactively bolster youth participation in the promotional programmes and capitalise on the Beijing Olympics to
promote national education, so as to enhance the youth’s understanding of our country and their
[...] sense of national pride.
我认为,我们大家都为属于这一村庄而感 到豪。
And I think
[...] that we are all proud to belong to [...]
that village.
在 7 月 23 日第 46 次会议上,理事会面前有理事会副主席 滕 · 韦 特 兰(挪 威)根据非正式协商提出的题为“理事会对按照包括第 61/16 号决议在内的大会 相关决议统筹协调执行和贯彻联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的作用”的决 定草案(E/2010/L.11)。
At its 46th meeting, on 23 July, the Council had before it a draft decision entitled “Role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16” (E/2010/L.11), submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Morten Wetland (Norway), on the basis of informal consultations.
租用德国海格罗赫附近位于斯滕的 盐 矿,以确保原材料供应(该盐矿于1960年被瓦克收购)。
Leasing of the salt mine in Stetten near Haigerloch, Germany, to secure raw materials supply (subsequently acquired in 1960).
发行此书的另一个目的是试行编写教师辅导手册。克里 滕 森 基金会提供了预算外经费,用 于 2007 年在澳大利亚举行国际专家会议,协助制订指导方针和方法,用以确保在研究和调动乡土知 识方面继续保持严谨的态度。
Extrabudgetary funding was secured from the Christensen Fund to hold an International Experts Meeting in Australia in 2007 that will contribute to the elaboration of guidelines and methods to ensure the continuing rigour of indigenous knowledge research and mobilization.
Bünting 曾在德国滕伯格大学学习神学,成为了一名新教牧师和神学家,但在他的某些教义引发争议后便不再担任牧师职务。
Bünting studied theology at the
[...] University of Wittenberg in Germany [...]
and became a Protestant pastor and theologian, but retired
from the ministry after controversy arose over some of his teachings.
出版公司,联合王国切滕纳姆 ),就制造业 的水平、增长和结构提供世界性的统计数字,并为对 制造业活动进行详细的国际比较提供便利。
Cheltenham, UK), which provides worldwide statistics on level, growth and structure of the manufacturing industry and facilitates detailed international comparison relating to manufacturing activities.
然而,事發至今,當局仍不斷傳出醜聞,在 大會今天辯論此事前,有指發展局局長陳茂波出任香港會計師公會主
[...] 席時,不當處理該會有關編寫課程的合約;在梁振英山 豪 宅 僭建事 件中,屋宇署亦涉嫌包庇;特首夫人則被指藉註冊公司染指公共政策 [...]
Before the Council held the debate on this issue today, it was alleged that when Secretary for Development Paul CHAN acted as President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, he improperly handled the Institute's contract concerning compilation of its course materials. In the
incident of unauthorized building works at
[...] LEUNG Chun-ying's luxury mansion on the Peak, [...]
the Buildings Department was suspected
of harbouring him, whereas the Chief Executive's wife was alleged of having a hand in the public policy through a registered company without being subject to public regulation.
挪威代表团还包括挪威常驻联合国代 表滕·韦特兰及若干名顾问。
The delegation of Norway also included Morten Wetland, Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations, and a number of advisers.
The factory has abundant technical power equipped with advanced CNC Gantry-type Milling Machine, processing center, CNC engraving machine, depth drill and other precision mould machining equipments and plastic injection molding machines from Mc2oog-Mc8000g, adopt and apply world best skills CAD/CAM/CAE on our production so we have manufacturing larger, complex, deep cavity and precision mould capability.
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關 本公司將予宣派的末期股息的進一步資料,以及所有其他合理所需的資料,以便彼等就投票
[...] 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道 豪 酒 店 三樓Queensway及Victoria [...]
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company
to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room,
[...] Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, [...]
Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2
: 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
內務委員會主席表示,譚豪議員 所 動議的議案的主題是"積極落實《內地與香港關 [...]
於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》及相關新措 施,推動香港新產業發展"。
The Chairman said that the subject of the motion to be
[...] moved by Dr Samson TAM was "Actively [...]
implementing the Mainland and Hong Kong
Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and the relevant new measures to promote the development of new industries in Hong Kong".
关于草案第 9
[...] 条的措辞,有人强调,在这种情形下提到的尊严对于每一个人来说 是一样的,不应该同个人的荣誉或 豪 概 念 混淆起来,这可能因人而异。
With respect to the wording of draft article 9, it was emphasized that the dignity referred to in that context was the same for every human being
and should not be confused with individual
[...] perceptions of honour or pride, which could vary [...]
from one person to another.
Tartaretus(约1495),巴黎大学的校长,而不是济;萨克森选腓特烈三世在他牺牲了他的哲学介绍到评论 滕 贝 格 大学。
Tartaretus (about 1495), rector of the University of Paris, and not a Franciscan; Elector Frederick III of Saxony had his philosophical commentaries introduced into the University of Wittenberg at his expense.




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