单词 | 豪宅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 豪宅 —mansionless common: grand residence 豪宅 noun —mansions pl • luxury property n See also:豪—grand • heroic 宅 n—mansion n • residence n 宅—(coll.) stay in at home • hang around at home
FBI到达的豪宅,由 戴尔·格里森(弗雷德·汤普森),在那里他们试图拼凑线索,随着宾克的父母和他的爱:保姆Gilbertine(辛西娅尼克松)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The FBI arrives at the mansion, headed by Dale Grissom (Fred Thompson), where they try to piece together clues along with Bink’s parents and his loving nanny Gilbertine (Cynthia Nixon). seekcartoon.com |
这是一个古色古香的豪宅里, 部分城市的遗产。 instantworldbooking.com | This is an antique mansion, part of the city's heritage. instantworldbooking.com |
横跨这条河在La Doutre,你可以找到一些的中世纪豪宅 和 房 屋和附近的15日到17世纪tapestrys显示。 leapfrog-properties.com | Across this river in La Doutre you can find some medieval mansions and houses and nearby displays of 15th to 17th century tapestrys. leapfrog-properties.com |
通脹預期、低息環境和內地買家需求持續增長,加上政府承諾增加土地供應,有望促進本港物業市場,尤其 是豪宅市場的持續穩健發展。 wingtaiproperties.com | The combination of rising inflationary expectations, a low interest rate environment, continued demand from mainland buyers, and the government’s pledge to increase land supply will likely [...] result in the healthy and sustained growth of the local property market, [...] particularly at the luxury end of the spectrum. wingtaiproperties.com |
然而,對於在豪宅發現 的僭建物,若有關業主不遵守 清拆令,建築事務監督只會把針對該物業業權的清拆令登記在 [...] 土地註冊處,而不會採取進一步行動。 legco.gov.hk | However, for UBWs found at luxury houses, if the owner [...] concerned did not comply with the removal order, the Building Authority [...]would only register the removal order against the title of the property in the Land Registry and no further action would be taken. legco.gov.hk |
有些人选择 豪 宅 居 住,但是,当越来越多的人涌 入 城 市 ,则需相应 分 配 房 屋 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some people chose luxurious houses but when more [...] and more people came into the city, the houses were shared accordingly. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,政府應明確規定地產發展商除了興建供 富裕階層購買的豪宅之外,亦要為基層人士興建公共房屋,因為 後者亦應有同等權利享受美麗的海港景色。 legco.gov.hk | Thus, the government should stipulate clearly a requirement for the property developers to build not only high class buildings for the rich, but also public housings for the grassroots who should have the same right to enjoy the beautiful harbour view. legco.gov.hk |
Herriman得到Mac和布卢保持可可的方式,但最终它是只有当的的恩人错误可可Herriman先生的妻子说,他认为福斯特,并邀请他们到他 的 豪宅 , 在 那里他将决定哪一家慈善组织获得钱。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mr. Herriman gets Mac and Bloo to keep Coco out of the way but in the end it is only when the benefactor mistakes Coco as Mr. Herriman’s wife that he considers Foster’s, and invites them to his mansion where he will decide which charity gets the money. seekcartoon.com |
該物業名為傲璇,由太古公司擁有,是普里茨克建築獎得主法蘭克蓋瑞 (FrankGehry) 所設計的頂級豪宅發展項目。 swirepacific.com | Known as OPUS HONG KONG, the [...] property is a prime residential development designed [...]by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Frank Gehry. swirepacific.com |
内陆地区东南的布洛涅,通过扫农村的林地和河流峡谷到达阿拉斯这是明显的一个最漂亮的城镇,位于法国北部著名的为它的挂毯和内衬修复的17世纪和18世纪 的 豪宅。 leapfrog-properties.com | Further inland south-east of Boulogne, through sweeping countryside of woodland and river valleys you reach Arras which is noticeably one of [...] the prettiest towns of Northern France renowned for its Tapestries and lined with restored 17th [...] and 18th century mansions. leapfrog-properties.com |
杜拜聞名於世的特色,若非造型獨特的摩天大樓,即為填海造陸的離 岸 豪宅 , 如 今也有愈來愈多的機構與計畫,都力圖創造藝術創意的永續基礎,以下簡介幾項內容。 thisbigcity.net | Often upstaged by the new iconic [...] skyscraper being built across the road, or [...] the new off-shore luxury housing estate on reclaimed [...]land, Dubai has a growing number [...]of institutions and initiatives that are showing signs of creating a sustainable base of artistic creativity. thisbigcity.net |
调低非豪宅物业 交易的印花税,从而减低市民在购买自置居所的交易成本。 chi.mazars.cn | Allow tax deduction for rental payments for principal residence mazars.cn |
这间豪宅最大 的特色是落地玻璃,能够俯瞰Los Angeles Basin和太平洋。 ba-repsasia.com | The house features floor-to-ceiling glass walls and overlooks the Los Angeles Basin and the Pacific Ocean. ba-repsasia.com |
在中國市場,除發展上海陸家嘴的江 景 豪宅 項 目 外,本集團亦將在一線城市密切留意合適的發展項目。 wingtaiproperties.com | As for the China market, apart from the [...] development of our luxurious river-view project [...]in Lujiazui, Shanghai, the Group will [...]also keep a close eye on suitable development projects in first tier cities. wingtaiproperties.com |
歷史上的新王朝標誌是永恆的爭鬥和 豪宅 發 展 和文科,在發生什麼樣的對手確定為老式的緊縮政策的思路和方式。 mb-soft.com | The history of the new dynasty is marked by perpetual strife and the [...] development of luxury and the liberal [...]arts, in place of what their opponents identified [...]as old-fashioned austerity of thought and manners. mb-soft.com |
我的所见所闻证明了这一点,好像前不久的年轻中国移民现金买下$1200万的西 温 豪宅 , 还有中国买家竞标土地,不管最高价是多少,他总愿意再加10万。 homewithtyra.com | What I’ve heard and my personal experience approved that many times, like a young Chinese immigrant bought a $12million house with CASH, or Chinese investors bid with one other, someone says no matter how much the highest bid is I will always offer 100,000 more. homewithtyra.com |
本月天才制表师Franck Muller将回顾他的职业生涯和突破性的创作,在我们的房地产板块,我们又为您精选了一系列上佳绝 美 豪宅 供 您 欣赏。 luxe-immo.com | This month the talented watchmaker Franck Muller looks back over his career and ground-breaking creations, and we have another fine selection of beautiful properties for you to admire in our real estate section. luxe-immo.com |
苏富比国际地产(Sotheby's International [...] Realty)网络创立于1976年,主要为独立经纪人提供强大 的 豪宅 营 销 和中介服务,它将全球最好的独立房地产公司与最有声望的客户联系在一起。 tipschina.gov.cn | Founded in 1976 to provide independent [...] brokerages with a powerful marketing and [...] referral program for luxury listings, the Sotheby's [...]International Realty network was [...]designed to connect the finest independent real estate companies to the most prestigious clientele in the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
各个房间都有其与众不同的个性,而所提供的服务,独一无二,可与私 人 豪宅 媲 美。 lvmh.cn | The rooms each have a distinctive character, with personal services comparable to those available at private residences. lvmh.com |
中国人在海外可投资的资产类别有限,房地产是为数不多的几项之一:据估计,中国人是伦 敦 豪宅 第 二 大的买家。 mckinseychina.com | Individuals may have fewer options for diversifying their asset base outside the country, but buying real [...] estate is one of them: by some reckonings, the Chinese are now the [...] second-largest acquirers of luxury property in London. mckinseychina.com |
应用经销商组方面,今年夺得“杰出应用大奖”桂冠的设计是武汉万达中心二 期 豪宅。 emerson.com | The Emerson Cup, Future Star Award aims to encourage engineering students to develop innovative HVACR system designs. emerson.com |
在考獲紐約州建築師執業牌照後,鄒加入了本地著名設計公司EDGE,專門負責設計一系列私 人 豪宅 及 遊 艇、以及服務式住宅等。 designdirectory.hk | Upon receiving his New York State Architectural license, Nelson took a position at the award winning Hong Kong [...] practice Edge Design Institute designing privately [...] commissioned houses and yachts, as well as [...]commercial serviced apartments. designdirectory.hk |
創新、試驗與評鑑中心」(CITE)預計於2015年開幕,占地20平方哩,與美國中級城市相當,住宅與基礎建設可容納3.5萬居民,耗資10億美元,結合都會與郊區各式新舊設計元素,包括符合LEED綠建築標準的辦公大樓,以及一九八零年代風行的巨 型 豪宅 ( Mc Mansions)。 thisbigcity.net | With housing and infrastructure to accommodate 35,000 people, the $1 billion plan features both old and new elements of urban and suburban design, from LEED-certified office buildings to 1980s-era ‘McMansions’. thisbigcity.net |
富士達為該大型豪宅項目提供總數達57台EXDN升降機,包括6幢住宅大樓速度達每分鐘180米之高速升降機及設於商場及停車場之低層升降機。 fujitec-hk.com.hk | FUJITEC supplied to this luxury residence a total [...] 57 EXDN lifts, including high speed lift of 180m/min for the 6 residential [...]blocks and low-rise lifts to the shopping mall and car park levels. fujitec-hk.com.hk |
於二零零六年底,本集團及聯營公司合共管理超過 [...] 1,300,000 平方米(二零零五年:790,000 平方米)之物業,當中包括豪宅、服務式公寓、公共屋苑及商業物業。 kdc.com.hk | At the end of 2006, the Group and its associated companies together manage properties totalling over [...] 1.30 million sq m (2005 : 790,000 sq [...] m) which included luxury residential and serviced apartments, [...]public housing estates and commercial premises. kdc.com.hk |
看来原先这位绅士是过着极度奢靡的生活:拥有大量的豪华轿车 , 豪宅 和 餐厅,一艘87英尺长的游艇,一架波音727喷气私人飞机 – 最后但并非最不重要的- 还有那数量多达262支的百达翡丽,劳力士等高级腕表的收藏。 iontime.ch | It seems, the gentleman had an extravagant lifestyle with plenty of luxury cars, houses, restaurants, an 87-foot yacht, a Boeing 727 jet and – last but least – the collection of 262 Patek, Rolex and other fine watch brands. iontime.ch |
欢迎到Pisobarcelona.com,我们是最专业的地产代理与国际公司的经验,购买和在巴塞罗那的Diagonal Mar区豪宅物业租金:旁边的海滩,海景,安全和私人游泳池,或在卵阿尔塔:最独特的residencial季度,国际学校旁边。 pisobarcelona.com | Wellcome to Pisobarcelona.com, we are the most specialized property [...] agency with Internacional experience, to [...] buy and rent your luxury property in Barcelona [...]Diagonal Mar area: next to the beach, [...]with sea view, security and private pool, or in Zona Alta: the most exclusive residencial quarter, next to international schools. pisobarcelona.com |
該 P 地段佔地約68,000平方米,為保利達資產持有80%權益之發展 項目,將會分階段發展為多幢豪宅大 廈 ,並設有一個大型商場、 會所及停車場,總建築樓面面積約為699,700平方米。 kdc.com.hk | Lote P covers an aggregate site area of approximately 68,000 sq m. This project, in which Polytec Asset has an 80% interest, will be developed by phases into various luxury residential towers, together with a large shopping arcade, a club house and numerous car parking spaces, with an aggregate gross floor area of approximately 699,700 sq m. The master plan of the development has been approved and the building plan has been submitted to the relevant government authorities for approval. kdc.com.hk |