单词 | 象鼻山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 象鼻山—Elephant trunk hill in GuilinSee also:象n—elephantn ivoryn appearancen shapen 鼻n—nosen mouthn foreheadn
象鼻山靠近漓江和桃花江,外形酷似将鼻子深入河中饮水的大象,是大自然鬼斧神工的石灰石造型杰作。 shangri-la.com | Located in close proximity to where Li River and Peach Blossom River meet, Elephant Trunk Hill is a stunning limestone formation which resembles an elephant drinking water. shangri-la.com |
象鼻山高出江面55米,宽约100米,长108米。 shangri-la.com | Standing at an impressive 55 meters [...] above theriver, the hillis approximately [...]100 meters wide and 108 meters long. shangri-la.com |
公园有许多当地的濒危物种,如矮黑猩猩、刚果孔雀、雨林象,以及一种口鼻部细长的被称为“假”( false)鳄鱼的非洲动物。 glifr.com | It is the habitat of many endemic endangered species, [...] such as the dwarf chimpanzee, the Congo [...] peacock, the forestelephant and the African slender-snouted [...]or 'false' crocodile. glifr.com |
平常,连他画的无款内画鼻烟壶还是钤象徵性的印。 e-yaji.com | Even his unsigned works normally have at least token seals, whereas here there is nothing. e-yaji.com |
这幅从 Pasuruan 城镇看到的景象显示从山顶正冒出一缕烟雾。 wdl.org | This view from the town of Pasuruan shows a [...] plume of smoke coming fromthe topofmountain. wdl.org |
品种:有13个不同品种的臭鼬:条纹,白头鹤,韦斯特尔猪鼻,东猪鼻and安第斯山臭鼬仅举几例。 zh.northrup.org | Species: There are 13 [...] different species ofskunk: The Striped, Hooded, Wester Hog-Nosed, Eastern Hog-NosedandAndes skunk [...]to name a few. northrup.org |
这些奖项的颁发对象为旧金山湾区对於增进职业女性权利有功的优良公司。 seagate.com | The awards honor the top Bay Area companies to advance women in the workplace. seagate.com |
永生》是由三频道视频和照片组成的装置作品,以圣城耶路撒冷的安息山为创作对象。 shanghaibiennale.org | Kept Alive is a three channel video and photo installation [...] focused on Jerusalem’sMountain of Rest. shanghaibiennale.org |
大家印象中的旧金山华埠是个怎样的地方呢? ktsf.com | As the first exhibition in the Episode series, the Chinese Culture [...] Foundation welcomesImages of Chinatown, photographs by Maurice H. Edelstein. ktsf.com |
本壶比较有名,是早期象牙鼻烟壶最大、最有威风的例子之一,而且是最早发表的例子之一。 e-yaji.com | This is one of the largest and most impressive of the early examples and was one of the first published, so it has become rather famous. e-yaji.com |
即便有堆得象Akhdar山那么高的药片也不够这么多人服食。 daccess-ods.un.org | A pile of pills the [...] size ofthe Akhdar Mountainswouldnotbe enough [...]for that many people. daccess-ods.un.org |
Aquamid可以灵活运用於一些整形术後的修饰,如脂肪移植後的不平整、隆鼻的山根不够高或太明显,或歪斜的小幅调整…等,让患者可以免於再次手术,其用量则视修补范围而定。 wishclinic.com.tw | Aquamid can be used flexibly in some post cosmetic surgery adornment, such as unevenness after [...] fat transplant, the [...] bridge ofthe noseis still not high enough or too obvious aftera nosejob or tilted or [...]other smaller degree amendments [...]and etc. With suitable amounts of Aquamid to mend the unsatisfied area, patients do not have to go through another painful surgery and still get the result they desired. wishclinic.com.tw |
中山金龙在2011年8月的GTI广州展是以龙城国际)为号召,在1号馆的A2展位,以758平方米面积集合了中山碧海、中山大象、日东科技、爱乐游艺设备作联合展出,声势慑人而效果显着。 taiwanslot.com.tw | In the GTI Asia China Expo held this August, Zhongshan Dragon World International Game & Amusement Sourcing Platform occupied the A2 stand in Hall 1 of the Poly World Trade Expo [...] Center and gathered Golden Dragon, [...] OceanAmusement, Elephant SculptureArt(ESAC),[...]Nitto Fun and AIRO Equipment to jointly [...]showcase products on the exhibit space which spanned an area of 758 square meters. taiwanslot.com.tw |
他沿袭利玛窦 (Matteo Ricci) [...] 的知识传教策略,进一步借由中国人熟悉的九重天概念包装与推广陌生的天文与宗教,将上帝所在的天堂安排在第十二重(称之为“天堂山”),以可视化、形象化的方式加强中国读者对上帝与天堂的认识。 wdl.org | Following the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci’s method of explaining Christian concepts in terms familiar to the Chinese and taking into consideration the Chinese people’s familiarity with the nine spheres of heaven, Diaz repackaged and promoted the unfamiliar astronomy and religion [...] by placing God in the [...] 12th division, calledMountain of Paradise, thus in a visual andsymbolic way strengthening [...]the Chinese reader’s [...]knowledge of God and Paradise. wdl.org |
本公司生产的LT9-450连续退火机组采用连拉连退加双盘收线(或象鼻子卸线)生产模式,形成整条生产线连续作业,拉丝机从Ф8.00mm铜杆进线直接拉到型号铜丝。 wxwds.com | This company produces LT9-450 continuous annealing line used with pull-plus [...] double-disc received Continuous Annealing [...] Line (or, asthenose unloading line) [...]production model, the formation of the entire [...]production line continuous operation, drawing machine from a copper rod into the line of direct pull Ф8.00mm Model copper wire. wxwds.com |
自怡子画的五个黄忠肖像都显示谭氏的头和肩上部,面孔就相称地大,而面孔特别传神,这确是描绘一个正在饰演某角色中的谭鑫培;马少宣画的黄忠肖像则显示上半身和双手,黄忠身前拿着象鼻刀,这就是顶天立地奇男子,勇冠三军大丈夫的肖像。 e-yaji.com | By emphasizing the head, Ziyizi has chosen to make the actor the subject of his portrait, but in a particular role, whereas Ma’s versions tend to portray the role with a particular actor indicated, even though, at that time in Beijing, to show the role would have been to identify the actor, since Tan Xinpei made it his own with so definitive a version. e-yaji.com |