单词 | 象徵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 象征—symbolizesignifyless common: token stand for 象征noun—symbolismnless common: emblemn badgen Examples:象征主义—symbolism 象征性—token 象征性n—emblematicn emblemn 生命征象—vital signs See also:征象n—signn 征象—symptom 象n—appearancen elephantn shapen ivoryn
对於某些维修店来说,如果手表不是从那里购买的,可能需要象徵性地收取表带调 节的费用。 citizen.com.hk | Some repair shops may charge a nominal fee for adjustment if the watch was not purchased directly from them. citizen.com.hk |
可是我仍对家用能源监测领域感到忧心,好奇「这是否象徵另一项绿色希望破灭? thisbigcity.net | However, I do still fear for the home energy monitoring field and ask myself ‘does this [...] signal the death of another such great-green-hope? thisbigcity.net |
但是,手表的爱好者超过了象徵性的注意力集中在表盘下方的是什麽样的,该剧的颜色和亚洲的观众显然注定要皇帝的典故。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But watch [...] enthusiastsexceedthe symbolic focus theirattention [...]on what lies beneath the dial that the play of colors and [...]the allusion to the emperor clearly destined to Asian audiences. en.horloger-paris.com |
这项法案基本是象徵性的﹐因为白宫此前已暗示明确反对﹐参议院民主党领导人坚称参议院不会对该法案进行投票。 htisec.com | The bill waslargelysymbolic as the White House [...] had signaled its clear opposition and Senate Democratic leaders had insisted [...]they wouldn't bring the legislation up for a vote in that chamber. htisec.com |
文华东方酒店集团旗下每间酒店各自都有代表其独特风格的摺扇,每一把别具意义的摺扇标志象徵集团秉承的东方传统精髓,集豪华与优雅於一身,并显示旗下各间酒店糅合本土文化的魅力。 yp.mo | Each Mandarin Oriental hotel is distinguished by its own unique fan, a profoundly meaningful symbol of its oriental culture that embodies the group’s luxurious and elegant image, while also being reflective of each hotel’s local charm. yp.mo |
翡翠是和谐与诱惑的象徵,让人想起年轻优雅的现代女性,天真而活泼并不自觉的散发出诱惑魅力。 aster.com.hk | Jade is a symbol of harmony and temptation, is reminiscent of a modern and elegant young women are not consciously naive and lively and the dissemination of the charm of a temptation. aster.com.hk |
别人口中的废址,在她眼中却是个机会,张坎蒂带着几罐油漆,将社区衰退象徵改造为集体期望的标志。 thisbigcity.net | But where others saw blight, Chang saw an opportunity, and armed with a few buckets of paint, she transformed the derelict house from a symbol of the community’s decay into an emblem of its collective aspirations. thisbigcity.net |
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) [...] 与因时/地制寸的情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming [...]/ Designing完整过程,因此命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。 officedesignhk.com | Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and [...] hope, in addition to meet the functional needs [...] of and as a personalsymbol, the [...]same time is also a result of time / space [...]due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction. officedesignhk.com |
本公司股本为 300,000,000 港元,分为 3,000,000,000 股每股象徵价值或面值 0.10 港元 的普通股,而在法律许可的情况下,本公司有权在公司法(二零一零年修订版)及 组织章程细则的规限下赎回或购买其任何股份,以及增加或削减前述股本,以及发 行其任何部分股本,不论为原有、赎回或新增的股本,并可附带或不附带任何优惠、 优先或特权或受任何延後权利或任何条件或限制所规限,以使除非发行条款明确声 明,每次股份发行(不论宣布为优先或其他类别)均须受前述所载权力所限。 sitoy.com | The share capital of the Company is HK$300,000,000 divided into 3,000,000,000 shares of a nominal or par value of HK$0.10 each with power for the Company insofar as is permitted by law, to redeem or purchase any of its shares and to increase or reduce the said capital subject to the provisions of the Companies Law (2010 Revision) and the Articles of Association and to issue any part of its capital, whether original, redeemed or increased with or without any preference, priority or special privilege or subject to any postponement of rights or to any conditions or restrictions and so that unless the conditions of issue shall otherwise expressly declare every issue of shares whether declared to be preference or otherwise shall be subject to the powers hereinbefore contained. sitoy.com |
Evo Blue 2.0共有神秘黑及军装绿二款颜色,延伸Evo [...] Blue家族举世闻名的「X」设计概念,其机身二侧印有刚毅的X型图腾,独到吸睛的电竞风格,再再象徵着曜越精湛科技工艺在效能与美学上的完美平衡融合,以及电竞超越极限、永不妥协的战斗精神。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | The Evo Blue 2.0 has a flashy and vivid appearance that comes in black or military green, features a [...] bold and rigid “X” shape with a [...] prominent Evo Blue 2.0 logo design on both [...]sides of the chassis and a large 14cm crystal [...]LED fan to endure the gaming essence. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
承授人於接纳购股 权时,须向本公司支付象徵式代价1港元。 equitynet.com.hk | A nominal consideration of HK$1 is payable by the grantee on acceptance of the grant of an option. equitynet.com.hk |
经过一段时期以後,蒙古帝国结束了线的caliphs在1258年,逊尼派伊斯兰不再需要连象徵性的作用,哈里发。 mb-soft.com | By the time the Mongol Empire ended the line of caliphs in 1258, Sunni Islam no longer [...] needed eventhesymbolic roleof the caliphate. mb-soft.com |
1954年是赵无极转向抽象绘画关键的一年,他从克利的影响中挣脱出来,从叙事性,情节性的描绘,过渡到抒发物象之外纯粹的象徵意义,以其自由而独特的方式,投身於抽象绘画的世界。 ravenelart.com | The crucial year for Zao's switch to abstract painting was 1954, when he moved from the narrative, material and specific to the existential, non–representational and universal, from concrete objects to symbolic meanings in the highly personal form of abstract painting. ravenelart.com |
你真的,象徵环白金密镶钻石和装饰用彩色石(morganite,黄水晶,紫晶,绿紫晶,法国,海蓝宝石,玫瑰墨晶),是一个重新诠释传统的订婚戒指价格从€1295。 zh.horloger-paris.com | You really, symbol ring white gold paved with diamonds and decorated with a colored stone (citrine, morganite, amethyst, green amethyst, Rose de France, aquamarine, smoky quartz), is a reinterpretation of the traditional engagement ring with Price from € 1295. en.horloger-paris.com |
陈荣声先生指出:「AIA 香港及澳门全资购入澳门友邦广场,象徵着我们一直对港澳以 至大中华地区的长远经济前景充满信心。 aia.com.hk | Our investment in AIA Tower Macau underscores the confidence of AIA Hong Kong and Macau in the longterm economic prospects for Hong Kong, Macau and the Greater China region. aia.com.hk |
2000 年,创新科技署及香港应用科技研究院(简称「应 科院」)成立,象徵了政府在推动高新科技创业方面的努力。 gemconsortium.org | In 2000, the creation of the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) showed that the government was favoring high technology entrepreneurship. gemconsortium.org |
Winprop 亦以象徵式代价从永泰置地购入永泰置地之前向 Winworth 提供之部份贷款,Winworth 分别欠下 Winprop 及永泰置地之贷款 之比例因此亦定为 15%及 85%。 wingtaiproperties.com | Winprop also acquired from WTL a portion of the loan previously advanced by WTL to Winworth for a nominal consideration such that the loans owing by Winworth to Winprop and WTL respectively are in the proportion of 15% and 85%. wingtaiproperties.com |
黑者魔战-天使白BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE】独特的两侧白化线条设计理念,其黑白交间颜色象徵中国古代阴阳哲学里的和谐与平衡,但整体视感观却有别黑色系不过却继承着黑者魔战-BLACK Element的优良血脉,相信会是玩家情有独钟的高阶电竞雷射滑鼠新选择。 ttesports.com.tw | The BLACK Element COMBAT WHITE design concept is unique in its white body-line stripes at both sides of the mouse, and obtrusively standing-out when both the scroll wheel and light pipes are glowing. ttesports.fr |
半乳浊玻璃套多彩料,都含大小的零散气泡;平唇、平敛底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圆形 ; 雕单层套图案,腹下部有象徵地、湖石的一圈纹饰,一正面雕蝙蝠口衔卍字纹,下有松树一棵,另一正面雕竹、梅,其形式有一点像“福”字的偏旁两部分;侧面雕蝙蝠耳,一只衔灵芝,一只衔桃枝 e-yaji.com | Transparent ruby-red, sapphire-blue, yellow, semi-transparent turquoise- blue, brown-streaked green, and milky glass, all with scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous rocky ground, one main side with a bat holding a beribboned fylfot in its mouth flying above a pine tree, suggesting the form of the character shou (‘longevity’), the other with a blossoming prunus tree and bamboo, suggesting the form of the character fu (‘happiness’), with two further bats positioned to stand for handles, one with a lingzhi in its mouth, the other with a branch with two peaches e-yaji.com |
天皇变成只是国家统一的象徵,它的政治权力或被削去,而立法及行政部门〈分别 代表国会及内阁〉则接受这等权力。 hkahe.com | The Emperor was reduced to a mere symbol of the state and national unity, his political powers were taken from him, and passed onto the legislative branch (Diet) and the executive branch (Cabinet). hkahe.com |
此外,象徵着女士感性一面的琥珀和令人温暖舒适的麝香,亦加强了香柏木和檀香木的天然芳香。 hk.eternal.hk | The base note of amber and musk mix with sandalwood and cedar for sensual but feminine undertones. hk.eternal.hk |
4.3.11 请注意,表 4.1 [...] 所述的填海面积为永久填海面积,包括为各 隧道方案构想预留的初部为象徵重置要求的用地(供渡轮 码头、海水抽水站及冷却水抽水站等)。 devb.gov.hk | 4.3.11 It should be noted that the areas of reclamation given in Table 4.1 are the areas [...] of permanent reclamation, and include a [...] notional allowance for reprovisioning [...]requirements (for ferry pier, salt water pumping [...]station, cooling water pumping stations, etc) associated with each of these tunnel variation options. devb.gov.hk |
也必须提到忽略的Atars ,天才的消防,考虑到具有特殊的重要性和神圣重视火灾的象徵的神和其突出使用的邪教(这已引起了完全错误的概念,拜火教为“火崇拜” ,和Parsees为“消防信徒” ) 。 mb-soft.com | Nor must mention be omitted of Atars, the Genius of Fire, on account of the particular importance and sanctity attached to fire as a symbol of the divinity and its conspicuous use in the cult (which has given rise to the entirely erroneous conception of Zoroastrianism as "Fire-worship", and of the Parsees as "Fire-worshippers"). mb-soft.com |
就像给予这款Prada新香水广告灵感的古代浮雕一样,琥珀已被褪去了其原本经典的内在,以体现缪斯女神的优雅和清新,这就是 Prada 新女性气质的象徵。 hk.eternal.hk | Like the ancient bas-reliefs that inspire the advertising of this new Prada fragrance, amber has been stripped of its original classical context to embody the grace and freshness of a modern muse, symbol of Prada's new femininity. hk.eternal.hk |
同时,Apollo亦精通箭术,百发百中,从未射失;故曜越太阳神即以其为象徵,代表团队光明磊落与热情,甫以前头冠以集团名称及队中有多名选手,称为曜越太阳神(Thermaltake [...] Apollos)。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo also mastered in archery; he could [...] shoot with unfailing accuracy. This was where Tt APOLLOS got [...] the namefrom, symbolizingintegrity and [...]passion of the team. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
B. 强调忠於国家、服从天皇 日本军国主义强调军人必须要对上级服从,对天皇要绝对忠诚,因为天皇是国家的象徵;军人也要爱护国家,甚至是要准备为国家而牺牲,个人的利益是不重要的。 hkahe.com | They also had to be absolutely loyal to the emperor, since he was the symbol of the country. hkahe.com |
在 分目 080 的士专营权税项下,由於的士牌只在有需要时才签发,并无预设的发牌限额,政府以 10,000,000 元的象徵式数目,作为厘定收入预算之用。 budget.gov.hk | Under Subhead 030 Bridges and tunnels, the increase of $48,770,000 (282.9%) is mainly due to the anticipated revenue from Route 8 between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin scheduled to be commissioned in late 2007. budget.gov.hk |