

单词 豆荚

豆荚 ()

pod (of legumes)

豆豆 noun ()

pigmentation n

See also:


beans pl
bean n
soy n
pea n


sacrificial vessel

External sources (not reviewed)

加纳籽是一种原产于西非的灌木,可结出椭圆形 豆荚 , 种子常被当做蔬菜食用,且据说有轻度的催情作用。
Native to West Africa, the Griffonia shrub produces an oval pod containing seeds traditionally eaten as vegetables and said to provoke a slightly aphrodisiac feeling of well-being.
阿兰藤黄为热带森林常见之树木,主要以 豆荚 提 炼 的油深受农产品加工业和美容业等的青睐。
The oil from Allanblackia pods, a tree common [...]
to tropical forests, is used in the food and cosmetics industries.
通过其多年业务积累的长期经验,Lazzarin Cafè生产几类全豆咖啡的混合物,研磨咖啡 豆荚 , 它 可以迎合和满足在世界上最受欢迎的饮料鉴赏家的口味。
Through its long-standing experience over many years of business,
Lazzarin Cafè produces several
[...] blends of whole bean coffee, ground coffee and pods that can tickle [...]
and satisfy the palate of all
connoisseurs of the most popular drink in the world.
Family Life:  Many
[...] dolphin species live in pods.
其中一个例子就是预防以经济利益驱动的替代物掺假,如果不能区分由香 豆荚 制 造 的香草产品(允许在标签中标注为“香草精”)和由木浆制造的合成香草(必须标注为“人造香草”),则会上当受骗。
One example is the prevention of economic substitution, which would occur if one
could not distinguish between vanilla
[...] produced from vanilla beans, which is allowed to [...]
be labeled as "vanilla extract," versus
synthetic vanilla manufactured from wood pulp, which must be labeled as "artificial vanilla.
这与影响 宽荚鱼鱼 量的严峻环境和科学工作组编写的相关 报告直接相连。
It is directly linked to the critical situation affecting the stock of jack mackerel and the related report prepared by the Science Working Group.
另一方面,产荚膜梭 状芽孢杆菌等部分致病细菌则主要在人体内释出毒素。
On the other hand, some pathogenic bacteria like Clostridium perfringens, primarily release toxin inside your body.
这些设施拥有一条从卸载到装运荚 鱼 和 鲐鱼等产品的综合加工线。
These facilities will have an integrated processing line from unloading to shipping for products including "Sekiaji" horse mackerel and "Sekisaba" common mackerel.
上世纪90年代突出的研究成果包括鉴定并确认硼和锌在棉花(Rashid等人 2000)、小麦、 柑橘、芒果和其它作物缺乏的面积,确定苹果 荚 果 作物(如花生和鹰 豆 ) (R ashid等人, 1997; Rashid和 Din, 1992) 以及柑橘(Rashid等人. 1991)的铁缺乏,修正了更有效和经济的微 量营养素土壤测试(如Zn、Cu、 Fe和Mn的AB-DTPA以及B的盐酸稀释法) (Rashid 等人 1997c; Rashid等人, 1994),并且制订了一系列本地农作物基因型的植物分析诊断标准(Table 3)。
Salient research accomplishments of 1990s included identification and establishment of field scale deficiencies of B and Zn in cotton (Rashid et al., 2000), wheat, citrus, mango, and other corps, establishment of Fe deficiency in apple and legume crops (like peanut and chickpea) (Rashid et al., 1997; Rashid and Din, 1992) and citrus (Rashid et al. 1991), calibration of more efficient and economical soil tests for micronutrients (i.e., AB-DTPA for Zn Cu, Fe and Mn and dilute HCl for B) (Rashid et al., 1997c; Rashid et al., 1994) and determination of plant analysis diagnostic criteria for a number of locally grown crop genotypes (Table 3).
为 评 估 中 学 生 从 食 物 摄 入 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 情 况 , 用 以 估 计 摄 入 量 的 食 物 项 目 , 是 根 据 食 环 署 在 二 零 零 零 年 进 行 的 「 香 港 中 学 生 食 物 消 费 量 调
查 」 所 涵 盖 的 种 类 而 定 ,
[...] 其 中 包 括 (i) 谷 类 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) 肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 [...]
制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱
古 力 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 , 以 及 (vii) 咖 啡 和 茶 。
In order to assess the dietary exposure of secondary school student to ochratoxin A, the food items used for exposure assessment were based on those covered in the Food Consumption Survey in Secondary School Students carried out by FEHD in 2000
including the following
[...] food groups: (i) cereals and cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products [...]
(iii) meat, poultry
and products (including offals), (iv) chocolate, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, and (vii) coffee and tea.
为 评 估 现 时 香 港 食 物 含 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 水 平 , 这 项 研 究 包 括 含
有 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 主 要 食 物 类 别 , 即 (i) 谷 类
[...] 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) [...]
肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱
古 力 及 可 可 制 品 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 ; (vii) 咖 啡 和 茶 , 以 及 (viii) 香 料 和 调 味 料 。
To study the prevailing levels of ochratoxin A in the Hong Kong retail market, this study covers major food commodities associated with ochratoxin A
contamination including (i) cereals and
[...] cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products [...]
(iii) meat, poultry and products (including
offals), (iv) chocolate and cocoa products, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, (vii) coffee and tea, and (viii) spices and condiments.
秘鲁的金枪鱼、荚鱼、 鲐鱼以及大鱿鱼法律要求悬挂该国国旗 的船主遵守适用的国家和区域养护和管理措施。
Peru’s legislation for tuna, horse mackerel, chub mackerel and giant squid fisheries required shipowners operating vessels flying its flag to comply with applicable national and regional conservation and management measures.
由于已知的、大量 水层鱼类资源,包括金枪鱼和荚鱼 等 具有很高单位价值的鱼种,这些资源的长 期开发对这一区域的经济和粮食安全具有重大意义。
Fisheries resources within 200 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia have been conservatively estimated to be capable of providing sustainable annual catches of 200,000 tons.26 Because of the known substantial pelagic fish resources, including tuna and mackerel species which have high unit values, the long-term development of these resources could be of vast importance to the economy and food security in the region.
Â赛亚空荚通过 空间碰撞地飞行在地球上,其中一个受伤的Broly爬出来。
A Saiyan space pod flying through space crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Broly crawls out.
它也表明一个赛季2插曲,莫妮卡有一个暗恋他的她吻他作为他回到她的日记和她的 Ĵ - 荚 从 老 师的“没收藏匿”衣柜里的插曲年底,而他也将返回一些其他项目,其他一些学生。
It is also shown in an episode in season 2 that Monica has a crush on him as she kisses him
towards the end of the episode as he returned her
[...] diary and her J-pod from the teacher’s [...]
“Confiscated Stash” closet, while he
also returns some other items back to some other students.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽管在未来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得性不是主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要
[...] 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如 豆 、 玉米 和动物副产品提取物)。
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably fish oil over the next ten years may not be a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be
sustained, and these inputs will have to come from
[...] other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered [...]
animal by-products).
会议 建议 粮农 组 织与 成员 国共 同致 力 于提 高对 粮食 不安 全 和营 养不 足人 群 的饮食尤为重要的作物的生产率,其中包括淀粉类主食 豆 类 、粗粮、蔬菜、园艺 作物和油料作物。
The Conference recommended that FAO work with member countries to increase productivity of crops that are of particular relevance to the diets of food- and nutritionally-insecure people, including starchy staples, pulses, coarse grains, vegetables, horticultural crops and oil crops.
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec
[...] 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定长粒糙米、中粒糙米、 豆 、 高 粱、硬质小麦、硬白麦、软白麦、软红冬麦、硬红春麦、硬红冬麦、燕麦、玉米、大麦的水分、蛋白质和脂肪含量分析。
USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination of moisture, protein & oil
content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium
[...] Grain Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum or Milo, [...]
Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft
White Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn, Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley.
署以“回扣”形式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪瓦炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de
[...] raffinage)以 及科特迪瓦咖啡可豆业管 理委员会(Comité de Gestion [...]
de la Filière Café Cacao)。
Other unofficial funds supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived mainly from the Ivorian customs agency in the form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société
ivoirienne de raffinage), and the Ivorian
[...] management agency for cocoa and coffee (Comité [...]
de gestion de la filière café cacao).
有人举出南太平洋渔管组织通过的临时措施为例, 说明非及时通过或非建立在可靠的科学数据之上的措施,可以导致对物种的过度 开发,如南太平洋宽荚鱼。
The adoption of interim measures in SPRFMO was cited as an example of how measures that were not adopted in a timely manner or on the basis of sound scientific data could lead to the overexploitation of stocks, such as South Pacific jack mackerel.
通常果一2瓣裂蒴果,通常称长角果(siliqua)什么时候长度3 * 或超过宽度,或(silicula)什么时候长度少于3 * 宽度, 开裂或者不裂, 有时schizocarpic,坚果状,具荚,翅 果状的或,与否裂片,圆柱状,有棱,扁平对隔膜平行的或具宽隔膜或, 裂爿2(或3-6); 假隔膜(持久的胎盘)绕行,很少使或具翅变平; 隔膜完全,在上打孔,退化至一凸缘,或缺乏; 花柱1,离生,废退,或无; 柱头头状或圆锥状,全缘或2裂,有时裂片和离生或合生。
Fruit typically a 2-valved capsule, generally termed silique (siliqua) when length 3 × or more than width, or silicle (silicula) when length less than 3 × width, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes schizocarpic, nutletlike, lomentaceous, or samaroid, segmented or not, terete, angled, or flattened parallel to septum (latiseptate) or at a right angle to septum (angustiseptate); valves 2(or 3-6); replum (persistent placenta) rounded, rarely flattened or winged; septum complete, perforated, reduced to a rim, or lacking; style 1, distinct, obsolete, or absent; stigma capitate or conical, entire or 2-lobed, sometimes lobes decurrent and free or connate.
李 斯 特 菌 及 产荚 膜 梭 状 芽 胞 杆 菌 等 致 病 菌 通 常 存 在 于 泥 土 中 。 如 没 把 蔬 菜 清 洗 干 净 , 这 些 致 病 菌 或 会 污 染 三 文 治 制 成 品 (1) 。
Vegetables if not properly cleansed would be contaminated with Listeriamonocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens commonly found in soil(1).
46 竹荚鱼(Trachurus symmetricus)种群自 2000 年代初以来依 然被轻度开发。
The state of the straddling fish stocks in the south-west Pacific remains basically unchanged,47 with the only variation being that Spanish mackerel, flying squid and flying fish are likely to be moderately exploited.
一 些 微 生 物 , 例 如 弯 曲 菌 类 、 沙 门 氏 菌 、 肉 毒 梭 菌 、 产荚 膜 梭 状 芽 胞 杆 菌 和 蜡 样 芽 胞 杆 菌 , 是 生 肉 和 内 脏 天 然 存 在 的 微 生 物 (1) 。
Clostridiumbotulinum, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus,are the normal floras naturally present in raw meat and offal (1).




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