

单词 谱牒

See also:

score (music)
set to music
spectrum (physics)


table n
list n
chart n

(official) document

bank of a river

External sources (not reviewed)

这些项目的目标不尽相同,从肯尼亚 文化产业谱绘制 、为贝宁音乐产业开发新的商业模式,到支持马达加斯加图书 出版业等。
The projects vary in objective from mapping Kenya’s cultural industries, developing new business models for the music industry in Benin to support for book publishing in Madagascar.
[...] 亚政治进程的结果,仅给一方设定了最后 牒 , 并 把政权更迭视为解决叙利亚国 [...]
In fact, these scenarios prejudge the outcome of the political process in
[...] Syria, set ultimatums for one side [...]
alone, and see political regime change as
an absolute prerequisite for resolving the issues in Syria.
美 國 總統布 殊 在香港時 間 星 期 二早上 , 向 伊 拉 克 總統侯 賽
[...] 因 發出 48 小 時 最 後牒 , 令 形 勢 急 轉 直 下 。
In the morning of Tuesday, Hong Kong
time, United States President George BUSH
[...] issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Iraqi President [...]
Saddam HUSSEIN and the situation took a sudden turn for worse.
陸恭蕙議員問(譯文):總督先生,㆗國政府有否正式向英國政府發出關於改革建議的 最後牒及具 體說明將會採取甚麼報復行動?
MISS CHRISTINE LOH: Mr Governor, has the Chinese Government
[...] delivered a formal ultimatum to the British [...]
Government on the reform proposals, accompanied
by a specific declaration of intended retributive action?
[...] 白来源,不仅比其他来源的动物蛋白便宜,还因为喜好以及是当地和传统 谱中 的一个部分。
For them, fish and fishery products often represent an affordable source of animal protein
that may not only be cheaper than other animal protein sources, but preferred and part of
[...] local and traditional recipes.
该仪器将自动寻找选定的颗粒并从每个颗粒的中心收集拉曼 谱。
The instrument will automatically find the selected particles and
[...] collect a Raman spectrum from the center [...]
of each one.
可是,他們最近接獲地政處的最後 牒 , 指這 一類樓上商鋪並不符合地契原訂的工業用途,屬於違法,必須在今年 [...]
4 月底 前成功取得改變土地及建築物用途豁免書,否則便要全部結業,因而令一眾 小商戶感到很彷徨。
But recently, they
[...] have received an ultimatum from the Lands [...]
Department, saying that this type of shops operating on the
upper floors of a building are not covered by the original industrial use in the land lease and are therefore breaching the law, and that they must obtain the waiver for changing the use of land and building before the end of April, or else they would have to terminate their operation.
一位霍加利妇女在 1992 年 4 月 28
[...] 日接受《赫尔辛基观察》报的采访时说: “亚美尼亚人发出了最后牒…… 即霍加利居民最好手持白旗离开村镇。
A Khojaly woman said, in an interview with
Helsinki Watch on 28 April 1992, “The Armenians
[...] delivered an ultimatum … that it [...]
was better for the Khojaly inhabitants to leave the town with a white flag.
我们的报告的确发现,Khojaly 镇的许多平民可能已预先得到关于即 将发生军事行动的警告,因为亚美尼亚军队已向当时的 Khojaly
[...] 镇民兵首领 Alif Gajiyev 发出最后牒,他也接着警告了平民。
Our report indeed found that many residents of Khojaly may have had advance warning of the impending
military operation, since Armenian forces
[...] had given an ultimatum to Alif Gajiyev, [...]
then head of the Khojaly militia, who in turn warned civilians.
工艺转让合同的签署可以进行通过书面合同或与书面 具有相当价值, 包括电报, 电传, 传真, 数据牒和 依法规定的其他形式。
A technology transfer contract shall be entered into in writing or in other equivalent forms, including telegram, telex, fax, data message or other forms as provided for by law.
您可以在The One Bar、顶级航行休息厅和独享餐厅的不同 谱 上 享用意大利和各种国际美食,MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以尝试到各种口味的菜肴,从健康的到特殊的,包括了多种特色蔬菜、开胃菜和开胃酒。
With an extensive choice of Italian and international gourmet specialities from different menus in The One Bar, Top Sail Lounge and dedicated restaurant, MSC Yacht Club guests are assured of superior dining to delight the most varied and discriminating tastes, ranging from the healthy to the superbly indulgent, and including many vegetarian specialities as well as finger food appetisers to accompany your aperitif.
以往研究发现最后牒博弈 中对不公平提议的反应与负性情绪相关,但对最后 牒 和 独裁者博弈中提议者决策的神经机制还缺乏了解。
Previous studies have demonstrated that reactions to unfair offers in the ultimatum game are correlated with negative emotion.
在这些情况下,墨西哥重申,呼吁向这一论坛发出最后 牒 , 规 定开展工作 的时限,开展工作是其真正的存在理由。
In these circumstances, Mexico reiterates its
[...] call for an ultimatum to be delivered [...]
to this forum that will set a time limit
for the performance of the work that is its true raison d’être.
预期成果 16:关于会员国协助促进和保护濒危语言以及土著语言的工作方面,已经在线更 新了《濒危语言谱》,并出版了英语、法语和西班牙语的印刷版本。
Expected result 16: With regard to assisting Member States in promoting and protecting endangered languages and indigenous languages, the online version of the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger was updated and the English, French and Spanish print versions were published.
我们认为,以最后牒和制裁来威胁 叙利亚当局是不可接受的。
We deem unacceptable the
[...] threat of an ultimatum and sanctions [...]
against the Syrian authorities.
1914年 塞 拉 耶 佛 行 刺 後 ﹐奧 地 利 向
[...] 塞 爾 維 亞 送 交 最 後牒 ﹐要 求 塞 國 鎮 壓 所 有 [...]
反 奧 社 團 ﹑ 撤 轉 所 有 奧 地 利 不 喜 歡 的 官 員 ﹐ 以 及 容 許 派 駐 奧 國
官 員 以 檢 查 塞 國 執 行 上 述 兩 個 要 求 。
12 After the Sarajevo Assassination 1914,
[...] Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia, demanding [...]
Serbia to suppress all anti-Austrian
societies, to dismiss all officials to whom Austria objected and allowed Austrian officials to enter Serbia to ensure that the first two demands were implemented.
奧 地 利 向 塞 國 發 出 最 後牒 ﹐ 作 出 了 三 項 要 求 ﹕ [...]
第 一 ﹐ 塞 國 需 撤 銷 所 有 反 奧 會 社 ﹔ 第 二 ﹐ 塞 國 要 撤 換 所 有 奧 地 利 反 對 的 官 員 ﹔ 最 後 ﹐ 奧 地
利 官 員 可 進 入 塞 國 以 確 保 前 兩 項 要 求 已 經 落 實 。
Austria gave an ultimatum to Serbia, demanding [...]
that first, Serbia was to suppress all anti-Austrian societies, second, Serbia
was to dismiss all officials to whom Austria objected; and finally, Austrian officials were to enter Serbia to ensure that the first two demands were carried out.
王國興議員: 主席女士,較 早 時 , 新界大埔 林 村 的 許 願樹因 被 市民拋擲 過多牒 導 致 斷枝,據報該樹 只 剩 下 三 成生命 力。
MR WONG KWOK-HING (in Cantonese): Madam President, earlier, a branch of the Wishing Tree in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po snapped off because too many incense papers with tangerines were thrown onto the tree.
可是,政府當局卻完全漠視了這個慣常 程序及 1968 年的協議的規定,單方面繞過在官職雙方共同申明無法就爭議 事項達成協議的情況下才能啟動的仲裁機制,強行發出最後 牒 , 表 明將會 以立法形式削減公務員薪酬。
That is why representatives of the staff side expressed their disagreement with the decision of a pay cut and proposed a pay freeze. But the Administration disregards this normal procedure and the stipulations in the agreement made in 1968 and bypasses the arbitration mechanism which should be triggered off only when both sides fail to reach any agreement on the matter under dispute.
教資會唯政府命是從,人盡皆知:當李國章發出先禮後兵的合併牒後, 林李翹如就直指合併已有時間表,還批評教職員不要只顧自己“飯 [...]
碗 ”;當政府要削減大學經費時,她又附和政府說:大學經費一定有削 減空間;當政府要撤走副學位的資助時,她說:不要政府無止境負擔不 是太有需要的開支。
It is a well known fact that the UGC dances to the Government's tune: After
Prof Arthur LI had adopted a courteous
[...] means of issuing an ultimatum on the merger before [...]
resorting to force, Dr Alice LAM LEE
Kiu-yue stated pointblank that a timetable for the merger had already been drawn up. She even criticized members of the academic staff and urged them not to bend their efforts only to protecting their "rice bowls"; when the Government proposed to slash university funding, she concurred with the Government saying that there must be room for so doing; when the Government proposed to withdraw the subsidies provided to associate degree programmes, she said she did not want to see the Government afford infinitely expenses that were not very necessary.
即 所 謂 大 戰 的 近 因 。 奧 地 利 譴 責 塞 爾 維 亞 策 劃 了 這 起
[...] 事 件 ﹐ 向 塞 國 發 了 最 後牒 。
Blaming Serbia for engineering this incident, Austria sent Serbia
[...] an unacceptable ultimatum.
主要統計資料:圖書館數目、書籍及視聽資料數目、登記讀者人數及公共圖書館使用情況(借出書籍、期刊、盒式錄影帶、鐳射唱片及唯讀 牒 數 目 、參加推廣活動人次數目)。
Major statistics available: No. of libraries, library stock (books and audio-visual materials) and usage of public libraries (books, periodicals, audio-cassettes, compact audio disc, CD-ROMs, reference books consulted and attendance of extension activities).
针对这一入侵行为,安理会于 1990 年 11 月 29 日通过第 678(1990)号决议,向伊拉克发出了撤出科威特的最后 牒。
In response to the invasion, the Security Council adopted resolution 678 (1990) on 29 November 1990, which delivered an ultimatum for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait.s The failure of Iraq to comply with this direction led to Security Council-authorized armed action against Iraq.
这些驱逐是在赤道几内亚外交、合作和法语国家事务 部 2009 年 5 月 12 日最后牒到期后发生的,最后牒 命 令 所有非正常情况外国 人于 5 月 26 日之前离境。
They fended for themselves or were deported to the border between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon in inhumane conditions. These expulsions occurred after the expiration of the ultimatum issued by the Equatorial Guinean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and la Francophonie on 12 May 2009, which urged all aliens in an unlawful situation to leave the country before 26 May.
第四张专辑[4 ],标题的象征意义表明了这是他们出道以来第 4张牒作品 ,他们结成第4年,如果从新排列“4”的英语单词 变为“For U”,也表明这是作为礼物献给一直支持他们的歌迷 们的作品。
The fourth album, [4], was titled so because it was their fourth album, fourth year together and was dedicated to the fans, the concept being that if you rearranged the letters and you’d get, “For U”.
因 此,在 布 殊 總統發出最 後牒 後,全 球 原 油 價格普遍急 [...]
跌 , 市場似乎預期 英 美控制 伊 拉 克 之後,會大 幅 增 產 , 以 滿足英 美 的 需求。
Therefore, the crude oil prices worldwide
dropped rapidly after President George BUSH had
[...] issued the ultimatum and the market [...]
seemed to anticipate substantial increases
in production by Britain and the United States after they have assumed control over Iraq to meet the demands in Britain and the United States.
为了凑份呼唤大家维护环境使大自然变得清洁、健康,Eco Drink 健康咖啡馆因此出生,想要向每一个所来这里的食客带来一个青色 牒 : 一 起维护环境。
Wishing to have a little contribution to call people to protect the environment and bring green-clean space, Eco Drink was born so as to send each guest a “green message” of joining the environment protection.
美 國 總統布 殊前日向伊拉克總統侯賽因發出最後 牒, 演 說 中 布 殊 提出 攻打伊拉克的 三 大 原 因,其中之一是 因為伊拉克總統侯賽因一向對美國及其 盟友極為 仇視。
In his speech, George BUSH stated the three major reasons for the attacks on Iraq, one of which being Saddam HUSSEIN's long-standing hostility towards the United States and its allies.
難道對行政長官說, “我們向你發出了最後牒,如 果你仍不回覆以解決分歧,我們便根據第 [...]
37(2)條 作 出 披 露 , 如 你 再 不 回 覆 , 我 們 便 認 為 這 項 披 露 是 必 需 的 了 。
Are they supposed to inform the Chief Executive saying, "Given that we
[...] have issued an ultimatum to you, if you [...]
still do not give a reply so as to resolve
the differences, we will make a disclosure in accordance with clause 37(2).
吳亮星議員:主席女 士 ,國際 政 治 歷史今 天 又 出現了
有強權無公 理 的局面 , 那便是擁 有 全 球 最 強大軍 事 機 器 而 又霸氣 十 足 的 美 國,無視國 際 間的反對, 在
[...] 向伊拉克發出了 所 謂 開 戰的最後牒後, 今 天正式展開了不 義 之戰,和平 [...]
馬 上 成 了 泡 影 。
MR NG LEUNG-SING (in Cantonese): Madam President, today, the history of international politics again witnesses another instance of power overriding justice, as the United States, a most overbearing country with the
strongest military machine in the world, issued a
[...] so-called war ultimatum to Iraq to the [...]
neglect of opposition in the international
arena, thus officially starting a war of injustice today and immediately dashing all hopes for peace.




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