单词 | 谬种流传 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 谬种流传 —pass on errors or lies (idiom); the propagation of |
更为重要的是,各种分析 还提到,国际社会主导者所推崇的发展模式存 在谬 误和缺陷。 daccess-ods.un.org | More importantly, various analyses also pointed to flaws and shortcomings of the model of development promoted by dominant players in the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去 20 [...] 年来,巴西举国上下都对艾滋病作出了反应,从而 促使各类国家和国际组织齐心协力,共同控制和扭转 这 种流 行 病 的 传 播 蔓 延。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Over the past 20 years, the Brazilian national response to HIV has brought together a highly [...] diverse group of national and international bodies in a joint effort to [...] contain and reverse the spread of the epidemic. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如 果说保障这些权利的义务只是指不歧视或者在权利遭到侵犯的情况下提供补救的 话,那么这种说法是荒谬的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would be absurd to say that the duty to guarantee those rights refers only to the obligation to not discriminate or to the obligation to provide a remedy in the case of a violation. daccess-ods.un.org |
小儿麻痹症的传播仍然是一个令人关注的严重问题, 阿富汗和巴基斯坦之间不断的人口流 动 使 这 种传 播 变 得更为容易。 daccess-ods.un.org | Polio transmission remains a serious cause of concern and is facilitated by the constant population movements between Afghanistan and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们一致重申《中期战 略》(31 [...] C/4)中涉及传播和信息的以下三个战略目标(10、11 和 12)的重要性:鼓励思想的自由 交流和普遍利用信息;在各种传媒和 世界信息网络中促进多元化和文化多样性的表现形式;以及确 保全民利用,尤其是在公有领域利用信息和传播技术,并重申它们仍适用于文件 [...]33 C/5 今后的行 动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They unanimously reaffirmed the importance of the three strategic objectives 10, 11 and 12 of the MediumTerm [...] Strategy (31 C/4) related [...] to communication and information – namely, Promoting the free flow of ideas and universal [...]access to information; [...]Promoting the expression of pluralism and cultural diversity in the media and world information networks; and Access for all to information and communication technologies – and their relevance for future action in document 33 C/5. unesdoc.unesco.org |
箔电阻器和电流传感器应用于各种需 要 高精度和高稳定性的应用,例如医疗测试设备、高性能音频设备、精密测量仪器以及航空航天与军事应用。 digikey.cn | Our foil [...] resistors and current sensors are used in applications requiring a high degree of precision and stability, such as in medical [...]testing equipment, high [...]performance audio equipment, precision measuring instruments and aerospace and military applications. digikey.ca |
铭记诺鲁孜节中的各种传统和 仪式的基础反映了东西方文明的文化和古老 习俗,通过人的价值观的相互交流影 响 了东西方文明 daccess-ods.un.org | Bearing in mind that the foundations of the traditions and rituals of Nowruz reflect features of the cultural and ancient customs of the civilizations [...] of East and West, [...]which influenced those civilizations through the interchange of human values daccess-ods.un.org |
每种传感器均含有一个微流控网 络以及一个与特定频率产生共振的微型悬臂。 malvern.com.cn | Each sensor comprises a microfluidics network and [...] a minute cantilever which resonates with a particular frequency. malvern.com |
封锁继续是一种荒谬的、 非法的、不道德的政策,不能、将来也不能实现它的目的,即改变古巴人民保全 [...] 其主权、独立和自决权利的决心;它只会造成人民贫困和痛苦,限制和推迟国家 的发展和严重损害古巴的经济。 daccess-ods.un.org | The embargo [...] continues to be an absurd, illegal and [...]morally unsustainable policy that has not succeeded and will not succeed [...]in its purpose of crushing the resolve of the Cuban people to preserve its sovereignty, independence and right to self-determination; however, it leads to shortages and suffering for the people, hampers and delays Cuba’s development and seriously harms the economy of Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府试图将大火扑灭储蓄银行 - 这种荒谬的卷钱从哪里转移? zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The government tries to extinguish the fire [...] saving banks - this absurd volume of money [...]is diverted from where? en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
有国际社会支持的另外一些 组织不那么勤奋,很遗憾,这种情况导致未经适当调查确认的数字到 处 流传 ,基 于未核实报告的惊人故事的广泛传播。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other organizations that have backing from the international community are less diligent, a situation that, unfortunately, leads to figures being circulated that are not confirmed by proper inquiry and the spread of alarmist stories based on unverified reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
并非巧合的是,这种荒谬想法 就像纸牌搭的房子一 样在大量能证明与亚美尼亚方面的说法完全相反的证据面前站不住脚。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is no [...] coincidence that such a preposterous idea immediately [...]collapses like a house of cards under the weight of evidence [...]testifying of a situation diametrically opposite to that represented by the Armenian side. daccess-ods.un.org |
在二十一世纪的欧洲,任何人提出这 种 说 法 都是 荒谬和危险的。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is an absurd and dangerous claim for anyone to [...] make in twenty-first century Europe. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚美尼亚关于大规模屠杀霍贾利镇和平的阿塞拜疆居民的 宣 传 解释 基于荒谬的、 违反常理的意图,试图让情况显得似乎是阿塞拜疆人自己阻止平民 撤离军事行动区,而且枪杀自己的同胞,以便出于国内政治目的利用大规模的平 民伤亡事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reasoning behind the Armenian propaganda explaining the massacre of the peaceful Azerbaijani population of Xocali is based on the absurd aspiration, which flies in the face of common sense, to represent matters in such a manner as if it were the Azerbaijanis themselves who allegedly obstructed the evacuation of the civilian population from the area of military hostilities and, even worse, gunned down their own fellow countrymen, in order to exploit the large numbers of civilian casualties for their own internal political ends. daccess-ods.un.org |
修道开始在埃及与保罗和安东尼,并蔓延到叙利亚从埃及;圣亚他那修它带来了知识向西方,以及杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,Honoratus和马丁,科伦巴笃和西方monachism,总是望着以东,安东尼和帕 科 谬 斯 和 伊拉里,尤其是进入罗勒,其最完美的模型。 mb-soft.com | Monasticism began in Egypt with Paul and Anthony, and spread from Egypt to Syria; St. Athanasius brought the knowledge of it to the West, and the Western monachism of Jerome and Augustine, of Honoratus and Martin, of Benedict and Columba, always looked to the East, to Anthony and Pachomius and Hilarion, and above all to Basil, for its most perfect models. mb-soft.com |
关于虚构的阿塞拜疆“反亚美尼亚情绪崛起” 的 种种 猜 测 十分 荒 谬 , 招 致很 多批评。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speculations on the fictitious “rise in manifestations of armenophobia” in Azerbaijan are also ridiculous and beneath all criticism. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,亚美尼亚方面所谓历史说的一个生动例子是,亚美尼亚总统把占领阿 塞拜疆的 Daghlyq Garabagh 说成是占领者的“祖祖辈辈的故土”或“祖国”,这 些说法都是荒谬虚假 的,唯一目的是误导国际社会并使暴力扩张领土政策合理 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers historical assertions of the Armenian side, a vivid example of which is the reference by the President of Armenia to the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh region of Azerbaijan as allegedly the occupiers’ “historical land” or “fatherland”, as false and having the sole purpose of misleading the international community and justifying the policy of violent territorial expansionism. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第一届青少 年奥运会上,主办国新加坡发起了种 族 宗教和谐计 划,鼓励新加坡青少年与来自全世界的运动员 交 流, 传递竞先、友谊和尊重等奥运精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, on the occasion of the inaugural Youth [...] Olympic Games [...] organised in Singapore, the Government initiated a programme for racial and religious harmony to encourage young Singaporeans and [...]athletes from all over [...]the world to meet and exchange the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. daccess-ods.un.org |
每种传感器均含有一个微流控网 络,阿基米德使样品流经该网络以及一个含有内嵌式微流控通道的微型悬臂结构。 malvern.com.cn | Each sensor contains a microfluidics network, via which sample is flowed by Archimedes, [...] and a micro-cantilever structure [...]containing an embedded microfluidics channel. malvern.com |
全球的 22 种主要宗教除 3 种以外在澳大利亚均有流传。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Of the 22 major religions of the world all except three are practised in Australia. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
Optimat高级系统的一个重要组成部分, 这 种传 送 带 专为快速和耐久性而开发,均匀的饲 料 流 过 系 统的同时清空搅拌机和填充饲喂行车。 delaval.cn | A vital component of the Optimat master system, this conveyor has been developed for [...] speed and durability, to empty the mixer and fill the wagon with an even flow through the system. delaval.com |
它动员起整 [...] 个科学界,延揽杰出专家,起草了一些驳斥种族主义理论的科学文件,从而产生了一系列揭 示各种种族偏见谬误的 历史性宣言:《关于种族问题的宣言》(1950 [...] 年)、《关于种族和 种族差异的宣言》(1951 年)、《关于种族的生物特性的建议》(1964 年)等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was able to mobilize the scientific community, calling upon eminent specialists to draft scientific texts refuting racist theories. A series of historic [...] statements were thus produced, helping [...] to demonstrate the absurdity of racial prejudice: [...]Statement on Race (1950), Statement [...]on the Nature of Race and Race Differences (1951), Statement on the Biological Aspects of Race (1964). unesdoc.unesco.org |
A/C.2/65/L.31 这种荒 谬的决 议草案应当被真正的伙伴关系所取代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fallacious draft resolutions such as A/C.2/65/L.31 [...] should be replaced by genuine partnerships. daccess-ods.un.org |
Honeywell S&C 拥有超过 50,000 种产品 ,从快动开关、限位开关、拨动开关和压力开关到位置传感器、速度传感器、压力传感器、扭矩传感器和 气 流传 感 器 ,应有尽有,因此可以满足任何行业和公司的需求。 digikey.cn | (S&C) With more than 50,000 products ranging from snap action, limit, toggle and pressure switches to position, speed, pressure, torque and airflow sensors, Honeywell S&C has a product [...] to meet any industry’s needs, any company’s needs. digikey.ca |
该国的发展成果评估发现, 开发署作出了重大贡献,包括将艾滋病毒从一个健康问题转变为一个发展问题。 评价指出,“人们认为开发署起到了开展 宣 传 并 帮助将该国关于 这 种流 行 病 的对 策纳入国家发展议程的作用”[6]。 daccess-ods.un.org | The evaluation noted, “UNDP is credited with advocating and helping to mainstream the county’s response to the pandemic into the national development agenda” [6]. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 审计师关于是否需要成立和维持认购权利储备,而如是,储备的金额,关 于认购权利储备的用途,关于被用以弥补本公司的损失的程度,关于须要 分配给行权认股权证持有人并入账列为全部缴足股款的额外股份的票面 值,及关于任何其他与认购权利储备有关的事情的证明或报告,(在没有 明显谬误下 )应为最终证明或报告,对本公司及所有认股权证持有人和股 东有约束力。 cr-power.com | (e) A certificate or report by the auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to an exercising warrantholder credited as fully paid and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders. cr-power.com |
文化流传组织指出,洪都拉斯的土著人民面临着丧失其祖先家园及其自然 资源基础的危险,并遭受暴力侵害和威胁恐吓。105 该组织还表明洪都拉斯必须 对非法伐木业表现出更坚定的反对立场;必须减少水力发电项目和旅游业对土著 群体的不利影响,并确保给予受这些项目影响的土著人民表达意见的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cultural Survival (CS) indicated that Honduras’s indigenous people risk loss of their ancestral homelands and their [...] natural resource [...]base and face violence and intimidation.105 CS indicated that Honduras must take a stronger stand against the illegal logging industry; mitigate the negative effects of hydroelectric projects and tourism on indigenous groups, and ensure that a voice is given to the indigenous populations affected by these projects. daccess-ods.un.org |