

单词 谦诚

谦诚 adjective ()

humble adj

See also:


modest adj



true adj

External sources (not reviewed)

TECNO LITE公司的所有成员,不 论头衔和职能,必须保谦恭、诚 实、公平、专业的职业操守和工作 作风。
All members of TECNO LITE, regardless of their title or function, must
[...] maintain respectful, honest, fair and professional [...]
索比代表巴勒 斯坦人民就影片的修谦虚坦诚地与 杰米里进行了交流。
Amre Moussa is the head of the secretariat; he invited Jeremy to Cairo to speak with representatives there.
He was a model of a modest and sincere human being.
站在这个地方,铭记我 的各位前任留下的巨笔财富,我为各位成员的信任而 感谦卑, 也为我们的共同使命感而感到振奋。
Standing in this place, mindful of the immense legacy of my predecessors, I am humbled by members’ trust and inspired by our sense of common purpose.
当每位学生身着校服的时候都要意识到他们代表着泰达国际学校的价值和期望, 因此每位学生都要以最高的标准来要求自己 谦 恭 有礼 、 诚 实 守信并具有高度的社 会责任感。
Students should be aware that when they are wearing the school uniform they are representing the values and expectations of TIS, and as such should conduct themselves according to the highest standards of courtesy, integrity and social responsibility.
调解人的个人素质:能促进信任的能力、同情、有力 谦 逊 、 耐心诚 实。
Moreover, experience has shown us that, in the final analysis, it would be a mistake to emphasize or stress the impartiality or neutrality of the mediator. The parties accept a mediator not so much for his or her impartiality but for that person’s ability to influence, protect or expand their interests.
谦卑而 兴奋地启动和架构卓越而多样化机构的该网络。
We are humbled and excited to anchor and work with this network of superb and diverse institutions.
在驳斥他们的错误,奥古斯丁对待他的对手犯错误的朋友,而不是为异端, 谦 虚 地补充说,在他的主教祝圣(约396),他本人也陷入了“类似的错误”的,直到著作中的一段话圣保罗(哥林多前书4:7)开启了他的眼睛,“思想的信仰,其中我们相信上帝,不是神的礼物,但我们是在自己,通过它,我们得到的礼物让我们生活节制,公正,并 诚 地 在 这个世界上“(德prædest。
In refuting their errors, Augustine treats his opponents as erring friends, not as heretics, and humbly adds
that, before his episcopal consecration
[...] (about 396), he himself had been caught in a "similar error", until a passage in the writings of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 4:7) had opened his eyes, "thinking that the faith, by which we believe in God, is not the gift of God, but is in us of ourselves, and that through it we obtain the gifts whereby we may live temperately, justly, and piously in this world" (De prædest. sanct., iii, 7).
同那时的真理一样,此时的真理也分 出诚挚谦卑之 人,并因此引领他们向前, 立刻进入知识领域,并坚固和启导他们, [...]
使他们不至被大群名义上的基督徒绊倒; 但是那些冷漠而又自满的人拒绝此时揭示的 真理,因为他们的双眼被自己错误的心态 蒙蔽。
And back of all this knowledge must
[...] lie holiness and humility, which must pave [...]
the way for its reception by enabling the
child of God to remove prejudice from his heart and to search diligently to know what has been revealed.
会议首先由越南社会 主义共和国副总理范谦阁下 致词,他对本国与教科文组织之间的合作给予了积极评价。
The consultation was opened by H. E. Pham Gia Khiem, Vice Prime-Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, who reviewed the positive state of cooperation between his country and UNESCO.
然而,我国代表谦卑地 认为,我们在实现包括 “千年发展目标”在内的国际商定目标方面正在经历 [...]
的欠缺,其很大一部分是捐助方在兑现认捐与承诺方 面未信守诺言造成的。
However, my
[...] delegation is of the humble opinion that a [...]
sizeable share of the shortfall that we are experiencing in the realization
of international agreed goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), is a result of promises that were not kept in the fulfilment of donor pledges and commitments.
谦逊开 始协和先锋志愿工作者和他们家人,是最初核心小组,卫理公会爱加倍堂,现在每周出席有大约三百成人,青年和儿童都定期出席每个星期天。
From its humble beginnings comprising [...]
an initial core group of pioneer volunteer workers and their families, Agape Methodist
Church now has a regular weekly attendance of about three hundred adults, youth and children each Sunday.
挪威承认,普遍定期审议要取得成功,需要持续的努力和政治意愿,挪威 希望就所有问题和该国暂不支持的建议进行 诚 布 公和包容性的对话。
Norway acknowledged that the success of the universal periodic review would require sustained efforts and political will, and looked forward to an open and inclusive dialogue on all the issues and recommendations that could not be currently supported.
朝鲜代 表团重申,朝鲜遵守国际文书,积极推动通过国际机制开展 诚 的 对 话与合作, 如普遍定期审议机制。
The delegation reaffirmed the State’s compliance with international instruments and the promotion of sincere dialogue and cooperation through international mechanisms such as the universal periodic review.
我将永远怀着极大的敬佩之 情和深切谦卑之感记住他们。
I will always remember them all with the greatest
[...] admiration and a deep sense of humility.
伊斯兰合作组织及其成员对叙利亚国及其人民感到关切,应通过以下方式表 示,即进行诚和建 设性努力,以恢复叙利亚的安全与稳定;并呼吁进行全面国 [...]
家对话,以达成在叙利亚领导下的政治解决方案,同时遵循《伊斯兰合作组织宪 章》第 27 段的规定,即如果争端继续存在可能损害伊斯兰人民的利益,或可能
危及维护国际和平与安全,则作为当事方的会员国应通过斡旋、谈判、调查、调 停、和解、公断、司法解决或国家自行选择的其他和平方法,求得解决。
The concern of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its members
for the State and people of Syria should be
[...] expressed by sincere and constructive [...]
efforts to restore security and stability
to Syria, and a call for comprehensive national dialogue to reach a political solution under Syrian leadership, guided by the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, paragraph 27, which provides that the Member States, parties to any dispute, the continuance of which may be detrimental to the interests of the Islamic Ummah or may endanger the maintenance of international peace and security shall, seek a solution by good offices, negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means of their own choice.
规划、合规和监察科的职权范围包括为总部和外地办事处采购人 员规划和举办关于操守诚信、内部控制及相关程序问题的培训方案,并协调总 部和其他办事处从事采购工作的工作人员的外部采购培训。
The terms of reference for the Section include the planning and delivery of training programmes to procurement staff at Headquarters and other offices on ethics and integrity, internal controls and related procedural matters and the coordination of external procurement training for staff involved in procurement activities at Headquarters and other offices.
我们所面临的一 些挣扎会不会正是神在尽力教导我 谦 卑 的 功课呢?
Could it be that some of the struggles we face are actually
[...] God’s efforts to teach humility?
学会了做人的基本道理:通过实习,“看到了什么是严谨、什么 谦 虚 , 什么是胸怀, 什么是乐观,什么是热心,什么是细心,什么是勤奋,什么是俭朴”。
Learned basic principles how to make yourself a good person: Through
practice, we learned what it really means by
[...] seriousness, humbleness, broad bosom, [...]
optimism, enthusiasm, charity, diligentness and thriftness.
在那里,我不仅重拾了对于书法和绘画的热情,还找回了对自己拥有灵长类拇指的自豪,在人类内心深处所激荡着的那股剧烈而带有破坏性的本性面前,我找回了那 谦 逊 与 平复。
A couple of weeks ago I went back to Korea, where I recovered not only my love for calligraphy and
drawing, but also the pride for my opposable
[...] thumbs and my humbleness in the face [...]
of the fierce and destructive nature that stirs within us.
其他与会嘉宾包括住友商事专务报行董事梶 谦 治 、东软董事长刘积仁、美国驻华大使兼前商务部长骆家辉、中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会副主任邵宁以及塔塔咨询服务有公司副董事长Ramadorai Subramanian。
Other panel speakers included Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Corporation Kenji Kajiwara, Chairman & CEO of Neusoft Corporation Liu Jiren, US Ambassador and Former Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Vice Minister of State Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of China Shao Ning, and Vice Chairman of TCS Ramadorai Subramanian.
问责制包括按照所有决议、条例、细则和道德标准,及时、具有成本效 益地实现各项目标和高质量的成果,全面执行和交付联合国政府间机构及其 所设立的其他下属机关授权秘书处的所有任务 诚 实 、 客观、准确并及时地 报告工作结果;负责任地管理资金和资源;工作情况的所有方面,包括一个 明确的奖惩制度;对监督机构的重要作用予以应有的承认并全面遵守已接受 的建议。
Accountability includes achieving objectives and high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner, in fully implementing and delivering on all mandates to the Secretariat approved by the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and other subsidiary organs established by them in compliance with all resolutions, regulations, rules and ethical standards; truthful, objective, accurate and timely reporting on performance results; responsible stewardship of funds and resources; all aspects of performance, including a clearly defined system of rewards and sanctions; and with due recognition to the important role of the oversight bodies and in full compliance with accepted recommendations.
知 识在许多头脑的应用中演化,经常是在他人的成果之上递增。艾萨克·牛顿爵士很久以前谦虚地写道:“如果我能够看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人肩膀上。
Sir Isaac Newton modestly wrote a long time ago: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
而我们都知道,福音的话,和使徒,是关于主,由神学家,一个人看后在一些常见的应用[向两个性质 ]属于;他人归因于一个两个性质,并认为他们告诉我们的一些传统是神圣的进口,以适应基督神性的,性质属于他人 谦 虚 , 他的人性。
And we are aware that the words of the Gospels, and of the Apostles, concerning the Lord are, by theologians, looked upon some as applying in common [to the two natures] as belonging to the one Person; others as attributed to one of the two natures; and that they tell us by
tradition that some are of divine import, to suit the Divinity of
[...] Christ, others of humble nature belonging [...]
to His humanity.




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