

单词 谢忱

谢谢 ()

thank you

谢谢 verb ()

thanks for v

See also:

surname Xie
wither (of flowers, leaves etc)



thank v

External sources (not reviewed)

理事会对来自哥伦比亚的成员在拟订该建议中提出的倡议表 谢忱 , 并 注意到秘 书处编写的文件 IFAP-2003/COUNCIL.II/INF.4。
The Council acknowledged the initiative of the Member from Columbia in developing this proposal and noted document IFAP-2003/COUNCIL.
此外,理事会还对那些提供了现金捐款的成员和准成员致谢忱,认 为它们的这些行动表明了其对统计所相关活动具有主人翁 责任感。
In addition, the Council acknowledged with appreciation the members [...]
and associate members that had made cash contributions,
through which they had demonstrated a sense of ownership over the Institute’s activities.
我谨代表科特迪瓦共和国总统阿拉萨内·瓦塔 拉先生阁下,向联合国系统所有国际实体转达科特迪 瓦人民和政府对它们谢忱和赞 扬,感 谢 它们为化解 选举后的危机以及在重建对我国经济发展和社会进 步至关重要的和平与稳定过程中所做出的奉献。
On behalf of the President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, His Excellency Mr. Alassane Ouattara, I would like to convey to all international entities of the United Nations system the gratitude and recognition of the people and Government of Côte d’Ivoire for their commitment to settling the post-electoral crisis and in the process of re-establishing the peace and stability that are so crucial to economic development and social progress in our country.
我要借此 机会再次向非盟的双边和多边伙伴表示诚挚 谢忱, 感谢它们 在为非索特派团提供财政和后勤的支助。
The AU and the United Nations Development Programme are currently developing an integrated support plan for the Somali Police Force, and I would like to seize this opportunity to once again extend the African Union’s sincere appreciation to its bilateral and multilateral partners who are providing financial and logistical support to AMISOM.
谢阁下的热忱合作 ,使委员会得以完成任务。
Thank you for your cooperation and [...]
interest in enabling the Commission to fulfil its task.
乍得还谢各种 形式的援助,这将有助于其在审 议框架内履行它的承诺。
Chad was also grateful for all forms [...]
of assistance that would help in the implementation of the commitments it had made
in the framework of the review.
我們宣佈我們作爲一間上市公司派付每股0.05美元的首次股息, 忱 歡 迎新股東的投資。
We welcome our new shareholders with the payment of our maiden $ 0.05 per share dividend as a public company.
由于缺乏应有的技术和职业培训,以及缺乏学习意识和创新 忱 , 自 然就产生了 难以就业的问题。
Lack of technical and vocational education and training, including entrepreneurship and training for creativity, hampers employability.
乍得还谢三国小组成员,即 法国、斯洛文尼亚和赞比亚,以及秘书处所做的工作。
Chad also thanked the troika members, [...]
France, Slovenia and Zambia, and the secretariat for the work done.
麦克尼先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):我谨代表加 拿大政府感谢法国召集今天的重要辩论,并感谢副秘 书长今天上午的通报,也谢他为保护平民所做的忱的努力。
(Canada): On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to extend my thanks to France for convening this
[...] [...] important debate today, and to thank the Under-Secretary-General [...]
for his briefing this morning and for all his very dedicated efforts for the protection of civilians.
公眾參與活動的目的,是為了培養公眾的認同感、建立 共識(在這方面不應排除一個動態的參與過程),並在一個充滿忱、活 力與智慧的公民社會基礎上,發展出一個健康而有機 的文化生態。
The objectives of the public engagement process are to foster a sense of ownership among the public, to build up consensus (this however should not preclude a dynamic participatory process), and to develop a healthy and organic cultural ecology for WKCD founded on the enthusiasm, vividness and wisdom of the civil society.
与会代表对于向 他们提供的信息以及有关非洲发展新伙伴关系、非洲联盟以及本组织在非洲开展的合作活动 的文件表示谢。
Participants were thankful for the information that had been forwarded to them and the documents made available on NEPAD, the African Union and the activities of cooperation of the Organization in Africa.
[...] 表团对发展伙伴及其他伙伴提供国际援助表示 谢 , 认为这些援助与国家努力相 互结合和补充,已帮助最不发达国家在实现国际商定发展目标方面取得了一些重 [...]
Least developed country
[...] delegations expressed gratitude for international [...]
support received from development partners and
others, and stated that that assistance, in combination and complementarity with national efforts, had helped least developed countries make some important progress towards achieving internationally agreed objectives, particularly in areas related to the empowerment of women, primary education and health.
我自信我的忱將可以成為我 在基金籌募委員會中服務的基礎, 並做出重大貢獻.
I am confident my passion will give me the foundation to serve on the Fundraising Council and provide a significant contribution.
因此,教科文组织国 际工作人员协会忱希望 这一人力资源管理中期规划能予进一步推敲,以便进一步完善本组 织在招聘、轮换、内部评估计划、晋升、培训计划和机会及责任制(Accountability)等重要 领域的政策。
It is therefore ISAU’s fervent wish that this medium-term human resources strategy may be further refined as soon as possible in order to complete the Organization’s policy in such important areas as recruitment, rotation, internal evaluation programmes, promotions, training programmes and opportunities and the accountability system.
多年經驗、創新忱和致 力品質,使 Seagate 執行管理團隊成為科技產業中最受推崇的頂尖團隊之一。
Years of experience, passion for innovation, and dedication to quality make the Seagate executive management team among the most respected in the technology industry.
我 再次邀请世界各国抱着和我 们一样的忱,同 我们一道继续努力预防非传染性疾 病,降低其发病率和死亡率,从而减少其对发展的不 利影响。
Once again, we invite the rest of the world to share our passion and join us in our continued efforts to prevent or reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality from NCDs and subsequently to reduce its negative impact on development.
同样,利比亚全国参与革 命的妇女也希望将其忱投入 民主和发展进程。
Likewise, women across Libya who were involved in the revolution expect to apply their commitment to the democratic and development processes.
你周遭的事物有多少是經雄圖策略規劃而成,又有多少是滿腔 忱 下 得 出的碩果?
How many of the things around you are the result of grand strategic planning, and how many the fruit of passion?
他们谢根据 大会上届会议的指示所做的工作,并对清楚地阐述总体目标和战略性 计划目标,将非洲和性别平等确定为整个《中期战略》期间仅有的两个全球优先事项,制定专门针对青年、最 不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家的具体活动,以及重视注重结果的管理和评估文化等方面,表示欢迎。
They acknowledged the efforts to respond to the directions given by the last General Conference, and welcomed the clear statement of overarching and strategic programme objectives, the designation of Africa and gender equality as the only global priorities throughout the period of the Medium-Term Strategy, the specific and targeted interventions envisaged for youth, LDCs and SIDS, as well as the attention to results-based management and the culture of evaluation.
當時, 我一方面不明白我們的國家領導人為何會以一種如此冷漠和無良的態度來 對待這羣年青人的訴求和熱誠,以及如此殘酷地折磨他們,但另一方面,我 又覺得中國有這羣年青人,以他們如此 忱 於 國 家的未來,如此關懷國家的 現況,可見國家是有將來的。
At that time, on the one hand, I did not understand why the leaders of our country would adopt such an indifferent and heartless attitude towards the aspirations and ardour of this group of young people and torment them so cruelly; on the other hand, I thought that since China had such a group of young people with such enthusiasm for the future of the country and who were so concerned about the situation of the country, it could be seen that our country would have a future.
考虑到在马德里和伊斯坦布尔举办的上两届论坛的 重要性和结果,我们满怀希望和忱 , 期 待着预计将 于 2010 年在巴西举办的下一届论坛。
Taking into consideration the importance and results of the last two forums held in Madrid and Istanbul, we are looking forward to the next forum, expected to take place in Brazil in 2010, with high hopes and dedication.
赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认 赞赏地确认一些非洲国家慷慨、忱 、 富有团结精神,继续容留因近期人道 主义危机和旷日持久难民局势而大量涌入的难民,在这方面表示特别赞赏相关邻 国在科特迪瓦、利比亚和非洲之角近期人道主义危机中作出的承诺和努力,此外 还赞赏地确认联合国对人道主义援助所作的协调以及各捐助方、包括联合国难民 事务高级专员办事处在内的联合国系统各机构、区域组织、国际机构、非政府组 织和其他伙伴为解决紧急情况中难民的困境而持续作出的努力,包括促成自愿回 返、重返社会和重新安置
the generosity, hospitality and spirit of solidarity of African countries that continue to host the influx of refugees due to recent humanitarian crises and protracted refugee situations and, in this regard, expressing particular appreciation for the commitment and efforts of neighbouring countries in the recent humanitarian crises in Côte d’Ivoire, Libya and the Horn of Africa, and further acknowledging with appreciation the coordination of humanitarian assistance by the United Nations as well as the continuing efforts of donors, the United Nations system, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, regional organizations, international agencies, non-governmental organizations and other partners, with regard to, inter alia, voluntary return, reintegration and resettlement, in addressing the plight of refugees during the emergency
然而,我们 的忱无法 掩盖这样的事实:不扩散制度仍面临着巨 大困难,尤其是核武器或核材料落入非国家行为体、 特别是恐怖分子之手的威胁。
Our enthusiasm, however, cannot conceal the fact that the non-proliferation regime is still facing considerable difficulties, in particular the threat of nuclear arms or materials falling into the hands of non-State actors, especially terrorists.
The Chinese Department for “enthusiasm and commitment in utilising the culture of China and of the school community to enhance the educational experiences of the students”.
White-Ra』,世界级的星际电竞指针性人物,此次与曜越Tt eSPORTS合作,就是本着对电竞的忱;这 位 来自乌克兰的星际好手,从接触电竞后就分别参加世界级的大型赛事且藉由其对战经验中独创White-Ra独门星际战术,而其亲和与热爱分享的性格也快速融入粉丝群中,只要到各地征战皆会热心地与玩家们分享游戏心得。
Aleksey Krupnyk, or “White-Ra”, is an iconic pro-gaming legend of SCII. Travelling from his home country of Ukraine to compete in global gaming tournaments, with his gentle characteristics, his love of gaming, and his Special Tactics of Protoss race, White-Ra wishes to share his passion of gaming further with his fans worldwide.
1972 年,美洲人权委员会发表了题为 “特别保护土著居民:采取行动打击种族主义和种族歧视”的决议,其中呼吁成 员国以最大的忱采取 行动,捍卫土著人民的人权,确保土著人民不受任何歧视。
In 1972, it issued the resolution entitled “Special protection for indigenous populations: action to combat racism and racial discrimination”, which called on Member States to act with the greatest zeal to defend the human rights of indigenous peoples, who should not be subjected to any kind of discrimination.
健康专家都认同老化不应削弱一个人的忱和生 产力,尤其是当今医药和科技的发 达,更说明了年龄上的老化不代表身体的 限制。
Health experts are of the opinion that ageing should not sap out the enthusiasm and productivity, especially with the modern medicines and forays in technology, which have been finding answers for most of the body’s limitations – irrespective of age.
[...] 你,苏丹政府本着加强与联合国在人道主义领域开展工作的各机构已有合作的忱,已 制定了程序以进一步组织和调节与这些机构的工作关系。
Further to my previous correspondence in regard to the humanitarian situation in the two States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, I have the honour to inform you that the
Government of the Sudan, consistent with its
[...] keenness to enhance the already existing [...]
cooperation with the United Nations agencies
working in the humanitarian field, has laid down procedures to further organize and regulate the working relationship with those agencies.
早自1875年开始,来自瑞士布拉苏丝(Le Brassus)的爱彼即在独特风格、制表 忱 及 创 新灵感等理念的引领下深耕钟表世界,并以这些坚持深深地启发了赛车界。
Since 1875, the Manufacture from Le Brassus in Switzerland has been guided by the values which inspire its philosophy, those of exclusivity, passion and inspiration values that inspire the world of automobiles.




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