单词 | 谛 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 谛—truth (Buddhism)Examples:梵谛冈—Vatican 真谛n—real meaningn 谛听—listen carefully
为实现吾辈之使命,奋斗是唯一之真谛,舍此精神无法赢得真正的和平与进步。 panasonic.net | No matter how talented we are as individuals, without cooperation and team spirit we will be a company in name only. panasonic.net |
贝克指出,「学生上课时想着『我们』,不再只有『我』,每个人都负责特定角色,但不只是同侪领导学习,不光是天赋较高的年轻人协助他人,合作式学习的真谛并非如此,谁都不能霸占学习机会,也都不能无所事事。 thisbigcity.net | Everyone is given a specific role: it’s not as simple as peer-led learning whereby the ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’ youngsters help the others. thisbigcity.net |
本计划透过为客户提供全方位的专业资料复原服务解决方案组合,为注册的合作夥伴谛造提升获利能力的机会。 seagate.com | It gives registered partners the opportunity to increase their profitability by providing customers with a complete solution-set of professional data recovery services. seagate.com |
九月澳门国际烟花汇演,新濠锋於各殿堂级餐厅均推出主题盛宴,让宾客与家人一同欣赏皎洁明月或漫天绽放的璀璨烟花的同时,大啖美食佳肴,谛造温馨难忘时刻。 yp.mo | Sample exceptional cuisine at Altira Macau and savor the magical moment when glittering fireworks light up the Macau skyline - a truly amazing experience unavailable anywhere else in Macau. yp.mo |
谛造Pipeline HD 硬碟机卓越可靠度的关键,就是因耗电量低,导至废热的减少。 seagate.com | Key to the Pipeline HD drive's remarkable reliability is the reduced heat output enabled by its low power consumption. seagate.com |
无论你想暂时放下工作休息一会、为办公室谛造清新环境、抑或为会议准备饮品招待客户,bigboXX提供超过900款种类齐全的茶水间用品,式式俱备,令你随心所欲。 bigboxx.com | Whether it be tea-break snacks and drinks, maintaining a clean and fresh office environment or entertaining your clients make sure you are never caught short with bigboXX's complete supply of breakroom needs. bigboxx.com |
合成钻石的生产成本尚未降至具有吸引力的水准,已届订婚年龄的男士不愿冒险选择合成钻石戒指,以免惹怒未来的未婚妻!此外,正如绘画与其他艺术,市面上充斥着毕卡索、马谛斯与梵谷等大师的伪作,然而当真正的杰作在市场上现身时,艺术监赏家仍愿意高价收购真迹。 ravenelart.com | Also, like paintings and other fine art, there are plenty of fake Picassos, Matisses and van Goghs, but when the real masterpieces come on the market, art connoisseurs are still willing to pay high prices for the real thing. ravenelart.com |
保时捷特别藉全新 Cayman来具体表达弯道定律的真谛,在设计上回避了传统的汽车制造原则,从创新的角度诠释人们对於跑车的热情:中置引擎的设计有效降低车体重心,带来更平衡精准的驾驶体验。 pap.porsche.com | The code is purposefully enacted by the new Porsche Cayman, which offers a unique new design with a compelling mid-engine concept that delivers high performance and enhanced efficiency. pap.porsche.com |