

单词 谑而不虐

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承认儿童的 特殊需而允许 的正面歧视,其目的是纠正实有对儿童 不 平 等或 受 虐 待 的情 况。
Positive discrimination is therefore admissible with the purpose of correcting existent inequalities or abusive situations, thus recognizing children’s particular needs.
在网络视频范畴中的术语‘高清视频’,似乎被 谑 已 久
The term HD has been bantered about quite a lot in the context of Web video.
(8) 就 本而 言 , ‘ 壓 逼 ’ 包虐 待 、 不 人 道 或 有 辱 人 格 的 待 遇 、 使 用 暴 力 或 威 脅 使 用 暴 力 [...]
( 不 論 是 否 進 行 虐 待 ) 。
(8) In this section “oppression” includes torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, and [...]
the use or threat of violence (whether or not amounting to torture).
那 种只是寻求改虐待情况而不着眼 改变妇女的现实的干预措施,并不触动基本的 性别不平等和造成虐待的歧视现象。
Interventions that seek only
[...] to ameliorate the abuse and which do not factor [...]
in women’s realities are not challenging the
fundamental gender inequalities and discrimination that contribute to the abuse in the first place.
为使讨论更为集中,重点讨论的内容是制定和实施措施,以预防和保护儿不受性虐待及 剥削,以及解决许多儿童所面临的多形式歧视的问题,包括因残而导致的歧视。
To focus the discussions, emphasis was placed on the
creation and
[...] implementation of measures to prevent and protect against the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and to tackle the issue of multiple [...]
forms of discrimination
faced by many children, including as a result of disability.
我们的语言大师、我不同的年龄组、我们通谑语建 立的亲切关系、我 们家族姻亲之间开玩笑互嘻以及我们的寓言故事传 统,都是导致形成民族文化群体之间对话与和平文化 的元素和载体。
or familial joking among in-laws; and our parable tree are all elements and vectors that contribute to a culture of dialogue and peace between ethno-cultural groups.
主席先生,自從本年㆔月傳媒就兩宗涉及兒童受到性侵犯及嚴重虐待案件作廣泛報導 後,社會㆖再次對虐兒問題關注起來,事實㆖,近年的虐兒問題確有日益嚴重的趨勢, 很多個案的兒童受虐待性質不是普 通的身 虐 待 , 而 是 牽 涉性虐待及嚴重的身體傷 害。
In fact, the problem of child abuse is worsening and in many cases the children do not suffer merely from ordinary physical abuses but sexual abuse is involved and serious bodily harm occasioned.
它还特别关切的是,一些移徙工人说,他们遭受了酷刑虐待,而在某些情况下,他们不得 不 与 施 虐 者 住 在一起。
It is particularly concerned by situations in which undocumented migrant
workers who claim to
[...] have been tortured and ill-treated in some cases have to live alongside the perpetrators of [...]
these violations.
些慘被父母虐 待的幼兒不但身心受創,在沒有適當的輔導㆘長大後,往往變成 虐 者 , 轉 而虐待 ㆘㆒代,將虐待變成家族的傳統。
Those children who have been unfortunately
ill-treated by their
[...] parents suffer not only from physical and mental wounds; without proper counselling, they will grow up to be sadists who in turn [...]
will ill-treat their own offsprings,
passing on ill-treatment as a family tradition.
這樣,我們不會為了預虐待兒 童, 而 令 兒 童家庭破 碎,使他們失去家庭溫暖,甚至使他們覺得大概是自己做錯事,才會使家庭破碎,才 會失去父母。
In doing so, we will not start with the intention to prevent child abuse but end up instead in having the [...]
families of these children
broken up, depriving them of the warmth of family life; or even worse, end up making them feel that it might well be their fault that led to the breaking up of their families and the losing of their parents.
小组 委员会还注意到,关虐待的申诉不 仅 会引发行政调查 而 且 被转交至检察署进 行刑事调查。
The Subcommittee also takes note
[...] of the fact that complaints of ill-treatment not only give rise to administrative [...]
inquiries but are
also referred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for criminal investigation.
瑞典就为加强打击家庭暴力现象的现行立法的执行而采取的措施提出了一 些问题,并就西班牙将据以执行立法,以便视是否因性别或性取向遭 虐 待 而给 予 难民地位的措施提出了一些问题,执行相关法旨在处理这一关切,即先前的立 法可能产生限制个人申请庇护的权利 不 利 影 响。
Sweden raised questions about measures taken to reinforce the implementation of existing legislation to combat domestic
violence, and
[...] about measures whereby it would implement legislation granting refugee status on the basis of mistreatment based on gender or sexual orientation, in order to address concerns that that legislation might [...]
have adverse
effects in terms of limiting individuals’ right to apply for asylum.
他强调,缅甸、 联合国和东南亚国家联盟(东盟)以及飓风纳尔吉 斯虐缅甸后不久出 现的新合作伙伴之间的首次合 作,表明应该走团结合作的道而非 孤 军奋战。
The unprecedented level of cooperation that had been
[...] established between Myanmar, the United Nations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other partners in the aftermath of cyclone Nargis, which had ravaged the country, showed that priority should be given to cooperation rather than isolation.
目前,即使動物售賣商牌照持牌人因殘酷對待 虐待 動 物而根據《防止殘酷對待動物條例》(第 169 章)被定罪,漁 護署署長也因為第 139B 章並無特定賦權條而不能撤銷其牌 照。
There is currently no specific provision in Cap. 139B that empowers DAFC to revoke an ATL if the licensee has been convicted of an offence related to cruelty to and maltreatment of animals under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169).
建议包 括:(a) 确保开发署工作人员不仅在评价办公室和联合国评价小组有代表 而且 参 与组成征聘过程中的审查小组;以及(b) 明确规定所有工作人员的权利(包不受权威虐待/骚 扰、业绩争议等)应受开发署标准程序的制约。
Suggestions include: (a) ensuring UNDP staff members, in
addition to those representing the Evaluation Office and UNEG, are part of the final interview panel in
[...] the recruitment process; and (b) making it explicit that all staff rights (including protection from abuse of authority/harassment, performance disputes, [...] [...]
and so forth) are subject to standard UNDP procedures.
如果 执法机构不发出“ 绝不容忍暴力行为”的强有力讯号,犯罪分子将继 虐 待 妇而不必担心遭到制裁。
Without a strong message from law
enforcement mechanisms that violence will not be tolerated, perpetrators
[...] can continue to abuse women without fear of sanctions.
将儿童置于危险中的具体做法包括将儿童送 虐 待 环 境 而不 进 行 后续监测;要求 儿童指认有可能实施了犯罪行为的同龄人;要求儿童向成人报告暴力行为而成人 [...]
却未采取任何行动;将培训机构设在儿童必须在不安全的环境下走很长一段路程 的地方;以及违反保密原则。
Examples of practices putting children at
risk included returning children to
[...] abusive environments without follow-up monitoring; [...]
asking children to identify peers
at risk for committing crimes; asking children to report violence to adults who then did not act; situating training facilities where children had to walk long distances in unsafe settings; and breaches of confidentiality.
這些虐兒個案,較多是屬於身體和心理 虐 待 ,而 性虐待亦有增加的趨勢。
Most of these cases involved physical
[...] and mental abuse, and the number of sexual abuse cases is also [...]
on an upward trend.
针对“健康是一种完全享有身心健康和社会福祉的状态 而 非 仅 仅是没有病 痛”的概念,国际人口与发展会议扩大了性健康与生殖健康概念,将消除性别暴力、 有害做法、胁迫虐待、以及两不 平 等 纳入其中。
By addressing a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence
[...] of disease or infirmity”, the International Conference on Population and Development definition of sexual and reproductive health also incorporates the elimination of gender-based violence, harmful practices, coercion or abuse, and gender inequalities.
副主席先生,我們的確需要制訂㆒套獨立而全面的法律,去保障兒童的權益,去制 裁那些長期而嚴重的虐待,甚至是父母對兒童的性虐待,但對於那些只因㆒時之氣不能自制而虐兒的父母,卻應當給予輔導和教育,尤其重要的,是給與機會,使他們 反省和重建與子女的關係。
Mr Deputy President, we must enact comprehensive and separate legislation to protect children's rights by outlawing child abuse of a prolonged and serious kind, including particularly the sexual abuse of children by their own parents.
这些包括:任意拘留;酷刑或其他残忍 不 人 道或有辱人 格的待遇和处罚;即决处决和法外处决;性暴力,包括强奸、 虐 待 和 性剥削行 为,以及出于歧视原因,侵害妇女的其它暴力形式。
These included: arbitrary detention; torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment; summary and
[...] extrajudicial executions; sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation; and other forms of violence grounded in [...]
discrimination against women.
去年,本會通過《2006 年防止殘酷對待動物(修訂)條例草案》,提 高有關殘酷對待動物的刑罰,而, 虐 待 動 物事件 不 斷 發 生;為維 護動物權益,本會促請政府採取各種措施,確保動物得到法律保護; 有關措施應包括
That, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill 2006 was passed by this Council last year to increase the penalty for cruelty to animals, yet incidents of animal cruelty still continue to occur; in order to protect the rights and interests of animals, this Council urges the Government to adopt various measures to ensure that animals are protected under the law; the relevant measures should include
例如︰家庭的年長成員有可能被與他同住的其他家庭 成員虐待;父母也可能被行為暴戾的子 虐 待 ; 而 一 名男同性戀者或女同 性戀者的伴侶也可能變得不理性或患上強迫性神經病。
For instance, an elderly member of a family may be abused by those with whom he is living; parents may be abused by their violent child; and a gay or lesbian partner may become irrational or obsessive.
(c) 说明各地近期通过法令,允许以劳教制度作为对“异常上访”案件进
[...] 行处罚的情况,以及近期有报告说,包括陈玉莲和刘嘉远在内的一些个人因实际 上访或被认为可能上访而受到警察虐 待 的 情况。
(c) The recent decrees passed by localities permitting the use of the RTL system as punishment in cases of “abnormal petitioning” as well as recent reports that
individuals, including Chen Yulian
[...] and Liu Jiayuan, were abused by police as a result [...]
of their actual or assumed status as petitioners.
制订适用于所有特派团的福利和娱乐基本标准的目的是:(a) 协助适应特派 团生活;(b) 通过改进工作与生活两者间的平衡,大大提高工作人员的生产力; (c)
提高特派团人员的士气和团队精神;(d) 提高特派团的效力和整体行动能
[...] 力;(e) 通过减少可能会造成包括性侵犯和 虐 待 在内 的 不 端 行为以及其他纪律 问题的条件,促进良好行为与纪律;(f) [...]
有助于应付压力,缓解无聊、孤独以及 被孤立和脆弱的感觉;(g)
有助于缓解容易造成某些身体和心理疾病的条件;以 及(h) 有助于使特派团任务更易于管理,预防工作人员频繁更替。
A basic standard of welfare and recreation in all missions aims, inter alia, at (a) facilitating adjustment to life in the mission; (b) bringing about a significant improvement in the productivity of personnel through a better work-life balance; (c) improving the morale and team spirit of mission personnel; (d) improving productivity and the overall operational capability of the mission; (e) promoting good conduct and discipline by alleviating conditions that may
contribute to misconduct, including
[...] sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as other breaches [...]
of discipline; (f) helping to
manage stress and alleviate boredom, loneliness and feelings of isolation and vulnerability; (g) helping to alleviate the conditions that contribute to certain physical and psychological illnesses; and (h) contributing to making mission assignment more manageable and preventing high staff turnover.
所以,我們認為警方高層應督促前線人員重視虐待動物案件和加強巡邏 各區後巷,只要警方認真、嚴肅和依法處理,便不會有人心存僥幸,繼續不 斷地對動物虐,而市民也不會隨 便容忍這些虐畜行為,會加強舉報,令虐 畜者被繩之於法的機會大大提高。
Therefore, we think that the top management of the police should instruct front-line officers to take animal cruelty cases seriously and step up the patrolling of back alleys in various districts.
[...] 點,然後在整個社會推行㆒個大眾認同的運動 不 讓 這些 肆 虐 其 他城市的可怕社會問 題在香港滋長。
The meeting is not merely a public education exercise, it is to try to get a focus and try to get an agreed campaign going right
across the community, so that we can stop in Hong Kong the same dreadful
[...] social problems that have ravaged other communities.
与会者还强调说,战略目标和优先事项 不 断 变化的(例如,由于艾滋病毒/艾滋 病在非洲的虐,这 方面的需求明显增加,一些与会者认为应在 31 C/4 中增列这样一个新的 横向专题—也请参见下文第 69 段)。
Participants also underlined the evolving character of the strategic objectives and priorities (e.g. the dramatically increased needs as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa which warrants in the view of several participants the introduction of a new cross-cutting theme in document 31 C/4 – see also para. 69 below).
行预咨委会回顾,秘书长在关于所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体 影响的报告(A/63/675
和 Corr.1)中指出,制订适用于所有特派团的福利和娱乐基
[...] 本标准将有若干好处,包括通过减少可能会造成包括性侵犯和 虐 待 在内 的 不 端行为以及其他违反纪律问题的条件,促进良好行为与纪律;协助适应特派团生活;提 [...]
高特派团人员的士气;有助于使特派团任务更易于管理,预防工作人员频繁更替(另 见下文 107 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in his report on welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and the detailed implications thereof (A/63/675 and Corr.1), the Secretary-General stated that the establishment of a basic standard of welfare and recreation in all missions would have a number of benefits including promoting good conduct and discipline by alleviating conditions that may
contribute to misconduct, including
[...] sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as other breaches [...]
of discipline; facilitating adjustment
to life in the mission; improving the morale of mission personnel; and contributing to making mission assignment more manageable thereby preventing high staff turnover (see also para. 107 below).
儿童权利法》―― 第 6
[...] 条:“国家保护儿童不受侵犯,保护其免受任何形 式的剥削、歧视和身体及精神暴力,免受残忍、粗暴及蔑视待遇、侮辱虐待,不参与 犯罪活动,不参与消费酒精饮料、非法使用毒品和精神药 品、赌博和乞讨,不参与或被迫参与任何形式的非法性活动、不遭受以卖 [...]
Law on the rights of children – article 6: “The State protects the child’s inviolability, protecting him from any form of exploitation,
discrimination, physical and moral
[...] violence, not accepting cruel, rude, disdainful treatment, insults and maltreatment, involvement [...]
in criminal activity,
involvement in consumption of alcoholic drinks, illegal use of drugs and psychotropic substances, gambling, begging, involvement or constrain into any form of illegal sexual activity, exploitation with the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual practices, in pornography and materials with a pornographic contents including from parents or persons with legal custody, relatives.




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