

单词 谎称

谎称 verb ()

pretend v

See also:


lies pl


lie v

External sources (not reviewed)

(g) 工作人员不得故意对会员国或对联合国以外任何实体或人 谎称 本身 的职能、职衔或职务性质。
(g) Staff members shall not intentionally misrepresent their functions, official title or the nature of their duties to Member States or to any entities or persons external to the United Nations.
它促请哥伦比亚通过许多措施,承认伸张 人权活 动的合法
[...] 性,但 说 ,高级官 员 继 续 将 人权维护谎 称 为 恐怖分 子 。
It urged Colombia’s adoption of the many recommendations to
acknowledge the legitimacy of human rights advocacy, but said senior officials
[...] continued to falsely label defenders [...]
as terrorists.
然后,不法分子把这些钻谎称为几 内亚钻石,交给几内亚当局。
These diamonds are then fraudulently presented to the Guinean authorities as being diamonds of Guinean origin.
有趣的是,目前世界上唯一的核罪 谎称 正 打 击核武器的扩散,然而,它毫 无疑问没有在这方面采取任何严肃的措施,它永远也不会这样做。
The interesting point is that the only nuclear criminal in the world currently falsely claims to be combating the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
(d) 利用由厄立特里亚直接指挥和控制 谎称 为 国内反对派的代理人 部队,违反了第 1907(2009)号决议。
(d) Operations using proxy forces that fall under direct Eritrean command and control, falsely “flagged” as domestic opposition groups, in violation of resolution 1907 (2009).
[...] 望操纵民众的情绪,包括在星期五祈祷后当人们从清真寺走出来游行时,有一些 武装分子和极端分子混入其中谎称 他 们代表所有民众。
The delegation emphasized however that some of those calling for change were not willing to engage in dialogue but rather manipulated the emotions of people, including at the time of Friday prayers, when people coming out of the mosques and
engaging in demonstrations were joined by armed elements and
[...] extremists, who falsely purported to represent [...]
the whole people.
这些被告被指称在攻击中扮演的角色如下:Badreddine 是攻击的总指挥;Ayyash 协 调负责实施实际攻击的暗杀小组;Oneissi 和
[...] Sabra 除了同谋外还制作和发送谎称负责的视频材料,力图栽赃他人,以保护共谋者逃避司法制裁。
The roles that the accused are alleged to have played in the attack are as follows: Badreddine served as the overall controller of the attack; Ayyash coordinated the assassination team that was responsible for the physical perpetration of the attack; and Oneissi and Sabra, in
addition to being conspirators, prepared and
[...] delivered the false claim of responsibility [...]
video, which sought to blame the
wrong people, in order to shield the conspirators from justice.
在哥伦比亚,特别报告员关注军队成员处决平 民的问题,这些军人为了领取奖金 谎称 这 些 受害 者是参战人员。
With regard to Colombia, he had considered the problem of civilian killings by members of the military who reported the incidents as combat killings in order to obtain rewards.
一次,他同一个年轻女孩Kanak网上聊天时 谎称 自 己 是24岁年青有为的作家!自打那以后,他的焦躁转为无限的希望和爱。
His life
[...] changes when he lies to a young girl, [...]
Kanak, on an Internet-chat site that he is a famous and successful writer, only 24 years old!
例如, 索马里监测组在其 2006 年第一次报告谎称厄立 特里亚向索马里派出 2 000 名 士兵。
In its first report in 2006, for instance, the Somali Monitoring Group falsely maintained that Eritrea had sent 2,000 soldiers to Somalia.
(f) 埃塞俄比亚政权反复重弹老调,指控厄立特里亚是多个反对派运动军事 活动的罪魁祸首谎称这些 活动是“厄立特里亚所构思、谋划和执行的”,这种 举动十分可笑,也实在令人难以捉摸。
(f) The repeated harpings of the Ethiopian regime to implicate and portray Eritrea as the main culprit in the military activities of its multiple opposition movements and to repackage those activities as “conceived, planned and executed by Eritrea” is risible and really difficult to fathom.
联合国注意谎称由联 合国和(或)其官员发出或与之合作发出的各种函件正从因特网网站通过电子邮件,以及通过普通邮寄或传真发送。
The United Nations has been made aware of [...]
various correspondences, being circulated via e-mail, from Internet web sites,
and via regular mail or facsimile, falsely stating that they are issued by, or in association with the United Nations and/or its officials.
不 幸的是,该报告不符合某些阿拉伯和非阿拉伯方面的 阴谋,他谎称承诺 用阿拉伯办法解决叙利亚危机, 但却同时采用各种手段中止观察团的工作,并且针对 [...]
The report, unfortunately, went
against the schemes of some Arab and non-Arab
[...] parties who falsely claimed a commitment to [...]
the Arab role in settling the Syrian
crisis while they simultaneously worked, using different means, to abort the observer mission while waging a fierce political and media war against it.
以色谎称这些浮标是黎巴 嫩领水南疆的大概位置。
Israel makes the fraudulent claim [...]
that those buoys approximate the southern border of Lebanese territorial waters.
我希望安理会成员自己得出结论,为何向这个自诩为 新闻频道的机构发出政治指示,要求它加紧对安全理 事会施加压力谎称叙利 亚境内正发生大屠杀。
I leave it to Council members to draw their own conclusions from the political instructions given to that
self-proclaimed news
[...] channel to falsely step up the pressure on the Security Council by claiming that massacres are being carried out in Syria.
谎称被拘 留的公民是美援署的工作人员,他 只是试图联系犹太人社区。
The United States had lied when it had [...]
said that the citizen detained was a USAid worker who had simply tried to contact the Jewish community.
乌兹别克斯坦便是这样一个范例—— 完全是由于乌兹别克斯坦国家臭氧机构与俄罗斯联邦环保当局自环境规划署组织的独联体
[...] 国家区域讲习班召开以来所建立的联系,乌兹别克斯坦才截获了装有 6 吨谎称为回 收利用 的四氯化碳(实为真正的四氯化碳)的船只。
A good example was given by Uzbekistan – only due to the links forged between the Uzbekistan NOU and Environmental Authorities in Russian Federation since the Regional
Workshop for NIS countries organised by UNEP the shipment of 6
[...] tonnes of CTC falsely declared as recycled [...]
could be stopped.
联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)了解到,通过电子邮件、互联网站以及普通邮件或传真分发的许多信 谎称 它 们 是由粮农组织和/或其官员发送或与其相关。
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is aware of various correspondences, being circulated via
e-mails, from Internet Web sites, and via regular
[...] mail or fax, falsely stating that [...]
they are issued by or associated with FAO and/or its officials.
由于挤压膨化工艺,是利用淀粉独有的糊化性质得来,因此对不含淀粉的秸秆类物料是不适用的,但由于它能实现自动挤压生产及商业方面的原因, 谎称 自 动 汽爆。
As the extrusion process is the use of starch pasting properties unique to come, so the straw does not contain starch material is
not applicable, but
[...] because it can automatically squeeze the production and commercial reasons, it lied Automatic steam burst.
人权理事会实况调查报告无视以色列国防军的这些条例,没有提出任何证据 谎称 指 挥部调查 “破坏犯罪现场”,使刑事调查“几乎不可能。
Ignoring these IDF regulations and without citing any evidence, the Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Report falsely claims that command investigations “destroy the scene of the crime,” making criminal investigations “nearly impossible.
在陋居,哈利折磨着伏地魔,他声称奥利凡德他撒 谎 , 声 称 伏 地 魔会杀了哈利的唯一途径是通过使用其他人的魔杖的奥利凡德的魔杖制造商的愿景。
At the Burrow, Harry has a vision of the wand-maker Ollivander being tormented by Voldemort, who claims that Ollivander had lied to him by claiming that the only way Voldemort could kill Harry was by using another person’s wand.
2012 年初人阵在加拿大开 展的一次筹款活动谎报为 一场援助厄立特里亚孤儿和儿童的运动,这种做法可 [...]
能违反了加拿大法律(见附件 3.1)。
A PFDJ fundraising drive in Canada
[...] in early 2012 falsely presented itself [...]
as a campaign to assist Eritrean orphans and children,
in potential violation of Canadian law (see annex 3.1.).
这些标准要求我按规定做出计划和进行审计,以便确证 这些财务报表没有重大谎报情况。
These standards require that I organize and perform my work in such a way as to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
我们津巴布韦在通过全面收回本国自然资源,主 要是我们的土地和矿产,努力革除殖民主义和种族主 义的积弊时,曾经遭受过、现在也仍然遭受着前所未
[...] 有的中伤和极具危害性的经济制裁,而原因——也谎言——据称是我们践踏了法治、人权和民主,而这 种情况从来就没发生过。
When we in Zimbabwe sought to redress the ills of colonialism and racism by fully acquiring our natural resources, mainly our land and minerals, we were and still are subjected to unparalleled
vilification and pernicious economic
[...] sanctions, the reasons — lies again — alleged to be violations [...]
of the rule of law, human rights
and democracy, which never, never occurred.
这场运动的开端是采用先进的视频和通信技术,播 放做了手脚的称是描 绘阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内发生的事件的影像带,以此编 造对我国境内发生的事件谎言。
The campaign began with the fabrication of stories about events in the Syrian Arab Republic with advanced visual and communications technology being used to show fake footage, allegedly of events unfolding in the Syrian Arab Republic.
[...] 员却抢在联合调查得出结论之前,迅速在政治上利用这次事件来散布一系谎 言,指控黎巴嫩境内的一方或本区域的某些方面要为在 [...]
Mazra’at Sardah 安置爆 炸物负责。
Although the investigation is still at an early stage, and the nature and source of the explosives have yet to be determined, Israeli officials pre-empted the findings of the joint investigation and quickly took
political advantage of the incident by
[...] spreading a series of lies alleging that [...]
a Lebanese party or regional parties were responsible
for planting the explosives in Mazra’at Sardah.
阿塞拜疆这种写欺骗信的运动包含一系列歪曲的事实和假设、关于亚美尼 亚、纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫、该区域事件的进展以及欧洲安全与合作组织明斯克小 组领导的和平进程的明谎言。
The deceptive letter-writing campaign of Azerbaijan contains a series of distorted facts and assumptions, obvious falsities about Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh, the progression of events in the region as well as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group-led peace process, which Azeri leadership spares no effort to derail.
另外,申诉人在面对签证申请资料时透露她是一本护照的持有 人;缔约国认为,很明显,申诉人早些时候在这个问题上撒 谎。
It is also clear, in the State party’s view, that the complainant has lied about the fact that she was the holder of a passport, as she revealed this when she was confronted with the information about the visa application.
北部的首府,斯特拉斯堡,Saverne的和维桑堡,提供令人印象深刻的废墟中北孚日,而到南部沿着Route du Vin的,你可以找到许多风景如画的中世纪的村庄,值得一游的像科尔马例如 谎 的 城 镇。
North of the capital, Strasbourg, lie the towns of Saverne and Wissembourg which offer access to impressive ruins in the Northern Vosges whilst to the south along the Route du Vin you can find many picturesque medieval villages worth visiting like Colmar for instance.
最新的影视制作已经使用了该制片厂的设施,包括《加勒比海盗:在陌生人潮》、《美国队长:第一复仇者》、《哈利波特与死圣:第一部分》、《罗宾汉》、《月球》、《格列佛游记》、《小杜丽》、《冰上舞蹈》、《魔术师》、《ZingZillas》、《别对我 谎 》 和《雷吉-佩林》。
Recent film and TV productions that have used the Studios' facilities include Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Captain America: The First Avenger; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1; Robin Hood;
Moon; Gulliver's Travels; Little Dorrit, Dancing on Ice, The Magicians,
[...] ZingZillas, Would I Lie To You and Reggie Perrin.




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