单词 | 谍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 谍 noun —spy nExamples:间谍软件—spyware 反间谍 n—antispyware n 间谍活动—espionage • spying
监察组很难评估有多少人这样做,因为这些组织的国际人员几乎不可能进 入实地,进行查问会增加当地工作人员被指控为“ 间 谍 ” 可 能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been difficult for the Monitoring Group to evaluate the scope of such practices, because international access to the field by these [...] organizations became nearly impossible, and inquiries could put local staff at even greater [...] risk of being accused as “spies”. daccess-ods.un.org |
Microsoft恶意软件删除工具可准确地检测并删除系统中约80%的已知病毒和 间 谍 软 件。 support.dell.com | The Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool accurately detects and removes about 80% of [...] known viruses and spyware from your system. support.dell.com |
由于担心有间谍,佤 邦士兵还加紧了对在停火地区和 掸东其它地区间来往的游客和车辆的检查。 crisisgroup.org | Wa soldiers also stepped up inspections of travellers and vehicles moving between ceasefire areas and the rest of Eastern Shan State, due to fears of espionage. crisisgroup.org |
在上个月的一个令人骇人 [...] 听闻的事例中,他们绞死了一名七岁儿童,指控他是 政府间谍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last month, in a particularly gruesome example, they hanged a sevenyear old child, accusing him [...] of being a Government spy. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列间谍网还构成对黎巴嫩主权的公然侵犯,因为以色列情报机构特工不 止一次为摩萨德特工通过海路秘密进入黎巴嫩境内提供便利,以便从死信信箱取 [...] 走物品,向特工提供钱款,或由摩萨德特工自己在黎巴嫩境内实施暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli spying networks also constitute [...] a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty because, on more than one occasion, [...]the agents of Israel’s intelligence agencies facilitated the surreptitious entry of Mossad agents into Lebanon by sea in order to retrieve items from dead letter boxes, provide money to agents or for the Mossad agents themselves to carry out assassinations in Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
各缔约国应界定并限制私营军事和保安公司的活动范围,并明确禁止将被定 [...] 义为国家固有职能的职能外包给私营军事和保安公司,这些职能包括:直接参与 [...] 敌对行动;发动战争和/或作战行动;接收囚犯;制定法律; 间 谍 ; 情报;转让 有军事、安全和治安用途的知识;使用大规模毁灭性武器及其他有关活动;警察 [...] 的权力,特别是逮捕或拘留的权力,包括审问被拘留者的权力;以及缔约国视为 [...]国家固有职能的其他职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each State party shall define and limit the scope of activities of PMSCs and specifically prohibit the outsourcing to PMSCs of functions which are defined as inherently State functions, including direct participation in hostilities, waging war [...] and/or combat operations, taking [...] prisoners, law-making, espionage, intelligence, [...]knowledge transfer with military, security [...]and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction, police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention including the interrogation of detainees, and other functions that a State party considers to be inherently State functions. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们声称这名福伊特人是一名间谍, 当场将他关押起来。 voith.com | They claim the [...] Voithian is a spy and lock him up [...]there and then. voith.com |
各位部长表示他们支持黎巴嫩政府的立场,呼吁国际社会充分执行安全理 [...] 事会第1701(2006)号决议,制止以色列不断违反该决议以及对黎巴嫩持续进行 威胁和间谍行为 ;重申黎巴嫩基于这一决议的要求,要求永久停火并遵守《塔 [...] 伊夫协定》中规定的《休战协定》,还要求以色列对其野蛮入侵黎巴嫩造成的 [...] 损失予以赔偿,释放囚犯并归还烈士遗体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers expressed their support to the position of the Government of Lebanon which calls on the international community for the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701(2006) and to put an end to the ongoing Israeli violations to [...] this resolution and to the continuous [...] threats and acts of espionage it is exercising [...]against Lebanon; and which reiterates [...]Lebanon’s demand based on this resolution, for a permanent cease-fire and to adhere to the Truce Agreement, as provided for in the Taef agreement , also demanded Israel to compensate Lebanon for the damage it has inflicted as a result of its obsessive aggression upon it, and to release the prisoners and return the bodies of martyrs. daccess-ods.un.org |
他在苏丹 一 侧 的对应 方 是 Mabrouk Mubarak Salim(见上文第 358 和 359 段)和 Hamid Abdallah,后者是喀土穆的一个富有 的商人,也是苏丹和厄立特里亚两国情报部门的 间 谍 , 与 监控苏丹-厄立特里 亚边界的边界警察关系亲密。 daccess-ods.un.org | His counterparts on the Sudanese side are Mabrouk Mubarak Salim (see paras. 358 and 359 above) and Hamid Abdallah, a wealthy Khartoum-based businessman who is also an asset for both the Sudanese and Eritrean intelligence services, and who has kinship ties to border police monitoring the Sudan-Eritrea border. daccess-ods.un.org |
塔利班将他们视为国家的敌人,不信伊斯兰教的异教 徒以及间谍,因为他们在伊朗长大且不会说普什图语 daccess-ods.un.org | The Taliban considered them as enemies of the State, infidels [...] of Islam, and spies, because they [...]grew up in Iran and did not speak Pashto (the [...]language spoken in most areas of Afghanistan). daccess-ods.un.org |
阁 下 及 阁 下 的 客 户 代 表 必 须 首 先 确 定 电 子 仪 器 或 电 脑 网 络 不 含 任 何 病 毒 丶 间 谍 软 件 丶 破 坏 性 元 件 丶 恶 性 程 式 码 或 任 何 可 能 或 将 会 危 害 本 行 或 客 户 进 入 及 / 或 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 及 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 服 务 之 其 他 软 件 或 元 件 , 以 及 没 有 任 何 其 他 人 士 假 装 客 户 代 表 而 能 够 察 看 或 抄 录 其 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 之 过 程 , 方 可 准 许 客 户 代 表 于 任 何 与 区 域 网 络 ( LAN ) 或 任 何 公 众 互 联 网 装 置 的 电 子 仪 器 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 。 bank.hangseng.com | You and your Customer Delegates must not permit Customer Delegates to access Hang Seng Business e-Banking from any electronic devices connected to a local area network (LAN) or any public Internet access device or access point without first making sure that the electronic devices and the network are free of virus, spyware, destructive or disruptive component, malicious code or any other software or component which will or may compromise either the Bank’s or the Customer’s access to and/or use of Hang Seng Business e-Banking and Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services and that no-one else will be able to observe or copy their access or get access to Hang Seng Business e-Banking pretending to be a Customer Delegate. bank.hangseng.com |
对正常运营组织中,针对偷盗、破坏以及经济 间 谍 等 情 况进行有效的保护措施,根据当地结构具体情况,我们形成并且实施安全概念措施。 tuv-sud.cn | For effective protection against theft, sabotage [...] and economic espionage in a properly [...]functioning organisation, security concepts [...]need to be developed and implemented that are tailored to the given local and structural conditions. tuv-sud.com |
这些可能包括固有安全性问题、电源和接地问 题、软件病毒、间谍软件和所需的(但尚未实施)软 [...] 件修补程序和服务软件包。 novatechweb.com | These may include intrinsic safety issues, power and grounding issues, [...] software viruses, spyware, and required, [...]but not implemented, software patches and service packs. novatechweb.com |
此外,P2P软件有时可能含有“间谍软 件”,这种软件 在用户不知情也未经用户同意的情况下收集计算机的信息。 wipo.int | In addition, P2P software can [...] sometimes contain “spyware” which gathers [...]information about the computer without the user’s knowledge or consent. wipo.int |
在尝试过行走辅具、转台和行走桌都无功而返后,家庭助理发出了最后 通 谍 : 他 们要求使用一种能够挽救他们的背部和手腕的辅助设备;他们不能为了让Valter变得更积极而牺牲自己的健康。 liko.com | Having tried with walking aid, turning plate, and walking table without success, the Home Help aides presented an ultimatum: they required an aid which spared their backs and wrists; they could not sacrifice their health in order for Valter to be more active. liko.com |
本文介绍了什么是病毒、间谍软件 和恶意软件,如何消除可疑的恶意软件感染以及保护系统免受攻击的方法。 support.dell.com | This article describes [...] what viruses, spyware and malware [...]are, how to remove a suspected malware infection and ways to protect your system against attack. support.dell.com |
此外,关于 第一申诉人提出的解释,称其因在瑞典为寻求庇护者担任口译员而被秘密警察记 [...] 录在案,喀布尔的瑞典大使馆报告说,未曾听闻现阿富汗安全部门参与“庇护间 谍活动”,也未曾听闻其案卷中载有关于阿富汗寻求庇护者的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, with regard to the explanation given by the first complainant that he has been registered with the secret police because of his work as an interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden, the Swedish embassy in Kabul has reported that it has no knowledge of [...] the present Afghan security service [...] engaging in “asylum espionage” or if its registers [...]contain information on Afghan asylum-seekers. daccess-ods.un.org |
楚国的士兵还以为江水还像间谍说的一样浅,连侦察也没做,就在 间 谍 做 了 标记地方跳进了江里。 chinesestoryonline.com | Without any scouting, the soldiers of Chu jumped into the river at the place with the marks. chinesestoryonline.com |
这些职能包 [...] 括:直接参与敌对行动、发动战争和/或作战行动、接收囚犯、制定法律、间 谍、情 报、转让有军事、安全和治安用途的知识、大规模毁灭性武器的使用及其 [...] 他有关活动、警察的权力(特别是逮捕或拘留的权力,包括审问被拘留者的权 力),以及缔约国视为国家固有的其他职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among such functions are direct participation in hostilities, waging war [...] and/or combat operations, taking [...] prisoners, lawmaking, espionage, intelligence, [...]knowledge transfer with military, security [...]and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction and police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention including the interrogation of detainees and other functions that a State party considers to be inherently State functions daccess-ods.un.org |
美国情报服务局负责人 艾伦·平克顿将监视罗斯·葛琳皓作为其反 间 谍 活 动 的一部分,并找到了足够的证据把她软禁。 wdl.org | Head of U.S. Intelligence Service Allan Pinkerton observed Rose Greenhow as part of his counterintelligence activities and found sufficient evidence to place her under house arrest. wdl.org |
法国向德黑 兰大学派遣了间谍,并在那里培训学生,以组织对该 国的抗议活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | France had sent agents to the University of Teheran, where it had trained students to organize protests against the State. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦网友不慎上当,特洛依木马程序便会下载并启动其他恶意档案,联机到网站以建立点对点控制的殭尸网络 [...] (botnet),使个人计算机自动下载广告软件、 间 谍 程 序 及其他恶意软件,成为传送垃圾邮件的傀儡,更会进一步链接到殭尸网络下载病毒下载器 [...] (Downloader ),以便随时更新病毒,进一步窃取企业机密。 jfetek.com | Once users inadvertently taken, the Trojan horse program will start the download and other malicious files, connect to the Web site in order to establish point-to-point control of the zombie network [...] (botnet), so that the PC automatically [...] download adware, Spyware and other malicious [...]programs to send spam to become a puppet, [...]but also further links to the zombie network to download virus-download (Downloader), in order to update the virus, and further to steal corporate secrets. jfetek.com |
受访人员 [...] 说,前往佤邦联军控制地区的三名缅甸游客据说在 2010 年初因被指控为间谍而被处决。 crisisgroup.org | Sources said that three Burmese travellers to UWSA-controlled areas were reportedly executed in early 2010 [...] under the charge of espionage. crisisgroup.org |
圣诞老人和他的精英小精灵的团队使用 间 谍 般 的 特技提供数十亿美元的礼物,世界上所有的孩子在一个令人难以置信的夜晚。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Santa and his [...] elite elf team use spy-like stunts to [...]deliver billions of presents to all the world's children in one incredible night. seekcartoon.com |
有人指 [...] 出,在一国领土上从事非法活动的间 谍 和 外 国特务并不享有外国刑事管辖豁免。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that spies and foreign agents [...] carrying out unlawful acts in the territory of a State did not enjoy immunity [...]from foreign criminal jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
故事开始于罗宾汉所追求的警长Notthingham和杰里汤姆,贪婪的约翰王子的 间 谍 被 追 赶的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The story begins with Robin Hood being pursued by the Sheriff of Notthingham and Jerry being [...] chased by Tom, the spy for the greedy Prince John. seekcartoon.com |
此外,“针对 2010 年 6 月 15 日 和发布的欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会关于法国的报告,〔法国〕政府指出, 法国目前没有批准上述公约的计划……16 但是,尽管已经决定暂不讨论法国批准 该公约的问题”,但是应该铭记的是,虽然“《公约》第 7 条并不排除将剥夺国籍 程序存在作为‘严重损害缔约国重大利益行为’的处罚措施,但是《公约》所附 的解释性报告称,来源于 1961 年《减少无国籍状态公约》17 的这一措辞显然包 括了叛国和危害有关国家重大利益的其他活动(例如为外国 间 谍 机 关 工作),但不 包括普通刑事犯罪,不论这些刑事犯罪如何严重’”。 daccess-ods.un.org | ...16 However, while it was decided to leave the question of France’s ratification open”, it should be borne in mind that although “article 7 of the Convention does not preclude the existence of a deprivation-of-nationality procedure as a penalty for ‘conduct seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the State Party’, the explanatory report annexed to the Convention explains that that wording, taken from the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness,17 ‘notably includes treason and other activities directed against the vital interests of the State concerned (for example work for a foreign secret service) but would not include criminal offences of a general nature, however serious they might be’”. daccess-ods.un.org |