

单词 谋财害命

See also:


plot against sb's life
conspire to murder


kill sb.

External sources (not reviewed)

在实质方面,恐怖主义通 过暴力害生命或财产的 手段攻击国家(或国际)权力机构,而国际核心罪行攻击 [...]
In substance, terrorism amounts to an attack against State (or
international) authorities by means of
[...] violence against life or property, whereas in the [...]
case of international core crimes the
target of the attack is one or more individuals or groups.
个人权利以及最基本的人权遭到独裁者及其内阁的践踏,甚至连那些级别不 高的官员都在干着财害命的勾当,却能够逍遥法外。
Personal rights and the most fundamental human rights were flouted by the dictator and his
entire cabinet, on such a scale that even lower-level
[...] officials amassed fortunes and violated rights [...]
with complete impunity.
进一步强化各种措施以消除对妇女和女孩歧视的传统有害习俗, 特别是童婚、与寡妇继财产相关的 谋 杀 和 “荣誉”
Further strengthen measures to eliminate
[...] traditional harmful practices which are discriminatory against women and girls in particular child marriages, dowry related murders and honour killings (Chile)
Karemera 和 Ngirumpatse 被判
[...] 定犯有灭绝种族罪和直接公开煽动实施灭绝种族罪、灭绝罪和强奸及性攻击罪等 危害人类罪,和造成暴力害生命、健康或身心福祉 谋 杀 罪 ,构成严重违反《日 内瓦四公约》及其《第二号附加议定书》共同第 [...]
3 条。
Karemera and Ngirumpatse were convicted of genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, extermination and rapes and
sexual assaults as crimes against
[...] humanity, and murder as causing violence to life, health and physical [...]
or mental well-being
as serious violations of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II.
[...] 已经确定的恐怖主义的定义包括:为政治目的进行的导致恐怖的任何活动,绑 架、扣留或隐藏人质,劫持行驶的船只,未经马尔代夫政府事先批准进口枪枝、 炸药或任何爆炸性物品,使用相同行动 害 一 个 人的 命 或 财 产 , 纵火破坏命 或财产,口头或书面威胁害人身或财产在马尔代夫相当于恐怖活动。
Under this Act, terrorism has been defined to include: conduct of any activity for a political purpose that result in terror, kidnapping, held hostage or hiding, high-jacking travelling vessels, import of guns, bombs or any such explosive without the prior
permission of the Maldives
[...] Government, using the same to harm a person’s life or their property, arson to damage lives or property, warnings of damaging [...]
persons or property
verbally or in writing amount to terrorist activities in the Maldives.
德黑兰命法庭 26 分庭援引伊斯兰刑法典第 500、610 和 19 条作为其裁 决的依据,列举了“集会和谋意在 实施 害 国 家 安全罪以及宣传反对伊朗伊斯 兰共和国”等罪名。
Branch 26 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court cited articles 500, 610 and 19 of the Islamic Penal Code as the basis for its ruling, listing charges such as “assembly and [...]
collusion with the intent
to commit a crime against national security, and propagating against the Islamic Republic of Iran”.
发展中国家面临长期自然害带来 的巨大挑战 和由此造成的大量命、财产和基础设施的损失以及 消极的社会、经济和环境后果。
The developing countries face tremendous
[...] challenges caused by long-term natural disasters and resulting massive losses of life, property [...]
and infrastructure,
as well as negative social, economic and environmental consequences.
在瑞士日内瓦举行的 2011 年信息社会世界首脑会议论坛(5 月 16-20 日)期间,教科
[...] 文组织还举办了信息社会世界首脑会议(WSIS)C10(信息社会的伦理内涵)行动方针会 议,会议主题是“网络与信息伦理:自由与安全、隐私、 谋 与 伤 害 、 财 产 ”
UNESCO also organized the WSIS C10 (Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society) Action Line Meeting under the theme “Cyber and Information
Ethics: Freedom and Security,
[...] Privacy, Malice and Harm, Property” at the 2011 [...]
WSIS Forum (16-20 May) in Geneva, Switzerland.
2007 年以来,各种人身攻击谋害性命的 事件 已大幅下降;发生的次数已低于以往数年,并甚至低 于某些更加先进的民主国家。
Incidents ranging from assault to homicide have significantly declined since 2007; they are less frequent than in previous years and even less frequent than in some more established democracies.
在关于移徙者保护的 66/172 号决议中,17 大会表示关切跨国和本国有组织 犯罪实体的活动以及其他在危害移徙者、特别是危害妇女和儿童的犯罪活动谋利者 的活动日趋猖獗,这些活动无视危险和不人道的状况,还表示关切人口 贩运者及其同伙和其他有组织犯罪实体成员往往有罪而不受惩罚;鼓励各国保 护遭受本国和跨国有组织犯罪活动之害的受害人,包括通过保障医疗、心理和 法律援助的提供;鼓励各会员国制定国内立法并加强国际合作,认识到这些犯 罪行为有可能害移徙者的命,或 使他们遭受 害 、 劳 役或剥削,其中还可 能包括债役、奴役、性剥削或强迫劳动,从而打击此类贩运和偷运行为。
In its resolution 66/172, on the protection of migrants,17 the General Assembly expressed concern about the increase in the activities of transnational and national
organized criminal entities
[...] and others who profited from crimes against migrants without regard for dangerous and inhumane conditions, as well as the high level of impunity enjoyed by traffickers, their accomplices and other members of organized criminal entities; encouraged States to protect victims of national and transnational organized crime, including by guaranteeing access to medical, psychosocial and legal assistance; and encouraged Member States to combat international trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants by enacting domestic legislation and strengthening international cooperation, recognizing that those crimes might endanger the lives of migrants or subject them to harm, servitude or exploitation, [...]
which might
also include debt bondage, slavery, sexual exploitation or forced labour.
一旦公布会会被合理的认为造成下列后果的信息免于公开:危及个人 命 或 人身安全,或对 建筑系统、其他财产,运输工具,或方法,计划等的安全造成威胁,对个人保护体系、公共 安全或公财产造成危害。
Information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to endanger life or physical safety, the security of a building, system, other property or means of transport, or systems for protecting individuals, property or systems is also the subject of an exception (section 38).
最近发生在东盟成员国的害造成命、财产和 生计的损失,阻碍了实现可持续发展 和区域一体化进程。
The loss of
[...] life, property and livelihood caused by recent disasters in ASEAN member [...]
countries hampered both the achievement
of sustainable development and regional integration processes.
2010 年 7 月 27 日,缅甸军事当局在实兑逮捕了若开邦的著名历史学家、僧 侣 Ashion Pyinya Sara,对其提出了若干指控,包括:与一名妇女发生性关系; 给宗教抹黑;害国家安全,包括持有颠覆性文件等政治罪行;用 财谋 私 利
On 27 July 2010, the Myanmar military authorities arrested the well-known Rakhine historian monk Ashion Pyinya Sara in Sittwe on several accusations, including sexual relations with a woman;
bringing disgrace to the
[...] religion; endangering State security, which covers political offences such as being in possession of subversive documents; and gaining personal benefit from religious property.
美国大屠杀纪念博物馆主办的题为“ 命 药 物 :创造优等人种”展览展示了 纳粹政权如何滥用药物和科学推行其 害 、 谋 杀 和种族灭绝政策。
An exhibit entitled “Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race”, organized by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, addressed how the Nazi regime perverted medicine and science in its policies of persecution, murder and genocide.
一个通过使 用毒谋害 人性命来赚 钱的组织。
Group of
[...] people who carried out murders with poison for a fee.
举 例而言,这可包括以下领域的经验:国内严重和复杂罪行的辩护,如恐怖主义、 杀人、非谋杀人 、贩运和复杂的白领罪行等罪案;涉及国际层面的案子的辩护 经验,诸如国际司法协助、复杂的移民案、超国家的罪行;以及战争罪、灭绝种 族罪和害人类罪的辩护经验。
For example, this may include experience in the following areas: the defence of those charged with serious and complex crimes at the domestic level,
such as terrorism,
[...] homicide, manslaughter, trafficking and complex white-collar crimes; the defence of cases with international dimensions, such as those involving international judicial assistance, complex immigration issues or supranational crime; and the defence of those charged with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
那些杀戮女性谋害妇女 、出于维护“声誉”的杀戮和激情犯罪等诸如此类 的术语均用于界定杀戮女性的行为。
Terms such as femicide, feminicide, honour killings and crimes of passion, among others, have been used to define such killings.
在相同期间, 在东帝汶每 100 000 人中发生 3.2 件谋害性命事件, 而在一个主要工业化国家则发生 5.6 件。
During the same period, there were 3.2 homicides per 100,000 people in TimorLeste and 5.6 in a major industrialized country.
任何个人或团体,包括公共主管部门,除有权酌情要求偿付预防措施和 恢复措施的费用外,还有权对有害环境活动造成的 命 丧 失 或人身 害 、 财 产损 失或损坏以及纯经济损失进行索赔。
Any person or group of persons, including public authorities, should be entitled to claim compensation for loss of life or personal injury, loss of or damage to property and pure economic loss in consequence of the occurrence of damage caused by activities dangerous to the environment in addition to, where appropriate, the reimbursement of the costs of preventive measures and reinstatement measures.
在这方面,我们强调必须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动的办法,以及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当作攻
[...] 击目标和在没有双重标准的情况下保护平民的 命、 财产及合法利益,同时铭记必须完全尊重各国的主权 [...]
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to be taken to persuade all countries and parties to conflicts throughout the world to fulfil their
commitment not to target civilians
[...] and to protect their lives, property and legitimate [...]
interests without applying double
standards, bearing in mind the need to fully respect the sovereignty of States and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
在这种情况下,委员会可能会回 答这个问题的区别在于害怕参与共 谋 剥 夺 性 命 的 程 度至少并不是明显的。
In such a case, the Committee might answer that the
distinction lies in the
[...] fact that the level of complicity in the involvement in the [...]
feared deprivation of life is one that is at least not self-evident.
关于获得住房、地产和其财产以及 谋 生 机 会的问题,代表认为,在多数 情况下,问题来自于法律和预算框架不完善,其根源在于:受影响的民众往往来 自传统的或者新的边缘化社会阶层,而主流社会感到可以不予理会。
With regard to access to housing, property and possession, as well as to livelihoods and work, the Representative felt that in most cases problems resulted from an inadequate legal and budgetary framework, and were also rooted in the fact that the affected often came from traditionally or newly marginalized sectors of society which mainstream society felt it could safely ignore.
不遵循本警告将导 致死亡、严重害或财产损失。
Failure to follow this warning can result in
[...] death, serious injury, or property damage.
巴基斯坦坚决支持最不发达国家和内陆发展中 国谋求其特殊财政和 技术需求得到更好的认 可,并致力于帮助它们克服在实现发展目标方面的 障碍。
Pakistan strongly supported least developed and
landlocked developing
[...] countries in their quest for greater recognition of their special financial and technical [...]
needs, and was committed
to helping them to overcome the obstacles to their development goals.
至于国家立法,捷克共和国重申了关于新《刑法》(第 40/2009 号法)的资料
(A/65/175、第 23 段),并指出,该刑法涉及与恐怖活动有关的其他罪行,如共
[...] 同危险、危害飞机和民用船只安全、非法将飞机开往国外、破坏、 害 和 危 害公 共事业谋杀、 劫持人质、敲诈、非法武装或拥有军火、非法制造和拥有核物质 [...]
Concerning national legislation, the Czech Republic reiterated the information concerning the new Criminal Code (Act No. 40/2009) (A/65/175, para. 23), noting also that the Code contained other crimes connected with terrorist activities such as common danger, endangering the safety of an aircraft or civil vessel, unlawful taking of an
aircraft abroad, sabotage, damage
[...] and endangerment of public utilities, murder, taking of hostages, [...]
extortion, illegal armament
or possession of arms, illegal manufacturing and possession of nuclear and hazardous substances, and spreading of untrue alert messages.
事实调查委员会调查巴基斯坦前总理贝布托遭暗杀的事实和情况报告得出 结论认为,巴基斯坦当局有责任开展认真,可信的刑事调查,确定是 谋 划 、命 令和 从事这一罪行,以将责任人绳之以法。
The report of the fact-finding commission to investigate the facts and circumstances of the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, concluded that a serious, credible criminal investigation to determine who conceived, ordered and executed the crime with a view to bringing those responsible to justice remains the responsibility of the Pakistani authorities.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国在 1990 年成立了全国
[...] 咨询委员会,该委员会由武装部队总部、伊朗 伊斯兰共和国军队总谋部、伊斯兰 命 卫队谋部、外交部、伊朗伊斯兰共和国法律和 国际事务局、教科文组织伊朗全国委员会,以 [...]
The National Advisory Committee was created in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1990 and is constituted of representatives of the Armed
Forces General Headquarters, the Joint Headquarters of the Army of the Islamic Republic of
[...] Iran, the Joint Headquarters of the Islamic Revolution Guards, the Ministry of [...]
Foreign Affairs, the
Legal and International Services Bureau of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO and the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization.
[...] 人格权利的其他措施,不包括违犯临时禁止令,如果对他人的 命 、 健康 或财 产构 成威胁,或者一再违犯禁止令或其他保护人格权利的其他措施,可以处以经 [...]
Violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right, except violation of a temporary
restraining order, if this poses a
[...] danger to the life, health or property of persons, [...]
or repeated violation of a restraining
order or other measure of protection of personality right is punishable by a pecuniary punishment or up to one year of imprisonment.
产生 差异还由于计划在混合行动 19 555 人核定总兵力(其中包括 360
[...] 个军事观察员和 联络官)中将部署的军事谋人数从 2010/11 年财政期间的 410 人增至 2011/12 年期间的 [...]
460 人,混合行动生活津贴所需资源因此而增加。
The variance is also attributable to additional requirements in respect of mission subsistence allowance owing to the planned increase in the deployment
levels of military staff officers,
[...] from 410 in the 2010/11 financial period to 460 personnel [...]
in the 2011/12 period, within the
Operation’s total authorized strength of 19,555 military personnel, including 360 military observers and liaison officers.
当谈及为解决若开邦持续不断的暴力冲突需 要深度对话时,吴登盛强调,“冲突中任何一方的命财产损失都是国家的损失”。
Speaking of the need for further dialogue to address the ongoing conflict in Kachin State, he stressed that “any loss of life and property from either side in the conflict [is] a loss for the country”.




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