

单词 谋杀罪

See also:

谋杀 adj

murderous adj


premeditated murder


seek v

External sources (not reviewed)

2.1 2004年3月2
[...] 日,塔什干市法院认定提交人之子犯有情节严重 谋杀罪与 暴力抢劫罪,并判处其有期徒刑
2.1 On 2 March 2004, the Tashkent City Court found the
[...] author’s son guilty of murder with aggravating [...]
circumstances and robbery with violence,
and sentenced him to 20 years’ imprisonment.
Karemera 和 Ngirumpatse 被判 定犯有灭绝种族罪和直接公开煽动实施灭绝种族罪、灭绝罪和强奸及性攻击罪等
[...] 危害人类罪,和造成暴力侵害生命、健康或身心福祉 谋杀罪 , 构 成严重违反《日 内瓦四公约》及其《第二号附加议定书》共同第 [...]
3 条。
Karemera and Ngirumpatse were convicted of genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, extermination and
rapes and sexual assaults as crimes
[...] against humanity, and murder as causing violence [...]
to life, health and physical or mental
well-being as serious violations of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II.
7 月 4 日,佩奇一名地方法官和两名欧盟驻科法治团法官组成的合议庭判处
[...] Nazif Visoqi16 年监禁,罪名是严谋杀罪。
On 4 July, a mixed panel of one local and two EULEX judges at Pejë/Peć sentenced Nazif Visoqi to 16 years of
[...] imprisonment for aggravated murder.
上诉分庭确 认 Renzaho 犯有灭绝种罪和谋杀罪,是反人类罪,并严重违反《日内瓦四公约》 及其附加议定书的共同第 [...]
3 条,同时推翻了对他的两项定罪。
The Appeals Chamber affirmed Renzaho’s
[...] convictions for genocide, murder as a crime against humanity [...]
and as a serious violation
of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II thereto, while reversing two of his convictions.
5月13日,加沙的一家法院驳回了于2011年4 月被判犯谋杀罪的一 名巴勒斯坦人的死刑上诉请 求,使今年加沙确认的死刑案达到5件。
On 13 May, a Gaza court rejected an
appeal against the death penalty for a
[...] Palestinian convicted of murder in April 2011, [...]
bringing the number of death sentences
confirmed in Gaza this year to five.
由两名欧盟驻科法治团法官和三名科索沃法官组成的科 索沃最高法院小组确认普里什蒂纳地区法院和最高法院本身以前在所谓 “Podujevë/波杜耶沃案”所做的判决,其中一人被判犯有严 谋杀罪 、 未 遂严谋杀罪和非法藏有武器的刑事罪行,并因此被判处 30 年徒刑。
A panel of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, composed of two EULEX judges and three Kosovo judges, confirmed previous decisions by the Pristina District Court and the Supreme Court itself in the so-called Podujevë/Podujevo case, wherein an individual was convicted for the criminal offences of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder and unlawful possession of weapons, and was consequently sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment.
死刑作为一种 非常惩罚措施,只针对最严重罪行而设,其适用仅限于造成死亡 谋杀罪 和 叛国 罪。
The death penalty, an exceptional punishment
intended only for the
[...] most serious crimes, is applicable but is limited to murder and treasonable [...]
offences resulting in death.
在没有任何实际证据能证明他们参与了爆 炸活动的情况下,通过在 Aung Thabyay 审讯中心对他们施加酷刑得到了供词, 然后在他们得不到法律顾问帮助的情况下,利用这些供词在永盛监狱举行的军事 法庭非公开庭审上谋杀罪将他 们定罪,并因此判处他们死刑。
In the absence of any actual evidence of involvement in the bombing, confessions were extracted under torture at Aung Thabyay interrogation centre and used to convict them on murder charges in a closed court military tribunal hearing at Insein prison, without their having access to legal counsel, and for which they were sentenced to death.
我丈夫曾在 2008 年被指控犯谋杀罪,被法庭宣布无罪,但在获释几天 后,于 2008 [...]
年 10 月 22 日又被送回监狱。
In 2008, my husband had been
[...] charged with murder and acquitted by the court [...]
but was taken back to prison a few days after
his release, on 22 October 2008.
我们特别注意到,关于针谋杀罪和 基于政治理 由的迫害这两套法律诉讼程序——即控告赛义夫·伊 斯拉姆·卡扎菲案和控告阿卜杜拉·赛努西案——利 [...]
We note specifically that, with regard to the two sets of
[...] legal proceedings for crimes of murder and persecution [...]
on political grounds — the case against
Saif Al-Islam Al-Qadhafi and the one against Abdullah Al-Senussi — the Libyan Government has acted to show its resolve to cooperate with the Court.
此外,2 月 13 日,数 月未开庭的北基伍军事行动法庭 谋杀罪 判 处 五名刚果(金)武装力量士兵死刑, 以强奸罪判处另一名士兵 20 年徒刑,以任意逮捕罪判处两名士兵五年徒刑。
On 13 February, the Operational Military Court in North Kivu, which
had not convened for
[...] several months, sentenced five FARDC soldiers to death for murder, one to 20 years [...]
of imprisonment for
rape, and two to 5 years of imprisonment for arbitrary arrest.
依据存在疑问的供词,他 被宣布面谋杀罪审判
He also declared that he was facing
[...] a trial for murder on the basis [...]
of the statement in question.
Connection)的相同街巷,还是安大略有组织犯罪的神经中枢,故事即在这样的背景下围绕我们的主人公Patrick Farley(又名Lucky
[...] 7)展开,讲述有关失去、爱恋与救赎的故事,Lucky7在漂泊异乡九年后返回家乡,然而却被诬陷犯 谋杀罪。
Taking place on the gritty, urban streets of Hamilton, the same streets that once hatched the real "French Connection," and the nerve centre for organized crime in Ontario, is the backdrop for our story of loss, love, and redemption centered on our main character Patrick
Farley, aka Lucky 7, who returns to his home town after a nine year absence only to find
[...] himself being framed for murder.
提交人诉称,强加于他的死刑对 谋杀罪 是 强 制性的,这似乎提出《公 约》第六条下的问题。
3.4 The author claims that the
death sentence imposed upon him is
[...] mandatory for the crime of murder, which appears [...]
to raise issues under article 6 of the Covenant.
美洲法院在判决书第 100 段得出结论认为,特立尼达人身罪法 将所有被指控犯谋杀罪的嫌 犯都诉诸一个不考虑嫌犯各自情况和所犯罪行的司法程序,因此 违反了《美洲公约》第 4 条第 1 款和第 4 条第 2 款的禁止任意剥夺生命的规定。
At para. 100 of its Judgement, the Inter-American
Court concluded that
[...] because the Offences Against the Person Act of Trinidad submitted all persons charged with murder to a judicial [...]
process in which the
individual circumstances of the accused and the crime were not considered, the aforementioned Act violated the prohibition against the arbitrary deprivation of life, in contravention of articles 4 (1) and 4 (2) of the American Convention.
死刑不带有强制性,只对被判 犯谋杀罪并且 没有从轻处罚情节及犯有叛国罪行的成年人实施。
The death penalty is not mandatory and it may only be imposed
[...] on adults convicted of murder without extenuating [...]
circumstances and treason.
委内瑞拉在得知这种情况之后,在 2005 年 5
[...] 月要求美国政府逮捕路易斯·波萨达·卡里略斯, 以便对他破坏古巴飞机之事遭到控诉的 73 项一谋 杀罪进行审判。
Having learned of this situation, in May 2005 Venezuela asked the United States Government to arrest Luis
Posada Carriles so as to try him on 73 counts
[...] of first-degree murder in relation to [...]
the sabotage of the Cuban aircraft.
[...] 条,确保由丈夫和其他男性亲属对妇女所进行的 凶杀如任何其谋杀罪一样 得到起诉和惩治。
The State party should repeal article 232 of the Penal Code to ensure that homicides
committed against women by their husbands or male relatives are prosecuted and punished
[...] in the same way as any other murders.
[...] 预先提出的问题时 ,巴哈马表示,在巴哈马,死刑可合法――但不 是必须――适用谋杀罪和叛国罪。
In addressing advance questions, the
Bahamas stated that the death penalty is legal in the Bahamas, but not
[...] mandatory, for the crimes of murder and treason.
HRCSL 指出,尽管宪法审查委员会和TRC 都建议废除死刑,但是法律仍 然规定可对叛罪、谋杀罪和抢 劫罪判处死刑。
HRCSL stated that despite recommendations by the Constitutional Review Committee
and the TRC to abolish the death penalty, it remained in
[...] law for the offences of treason, murder and aggravated [...]
[...] 都已经过审判并判定他们对人类犯下的一些最恶毒 罪行,其中包括灭绝种罪、谋杀罪 和 强 奸罪,并 认定这些罪行都是危害人类罪。
The defendants convicted in tribunal proceedings to date have been tried and found
guilty of some the most heinous crimes known to humankind, including
[...] genocide, murder and rape, as crimes against humanity.
欧盟驻科法治团继续对纳泽姆布拉察(因被指控严 谋杀罪 和 有 组织犯罪而 于 12 月 1 日遭软禁)一案展开调查。
EULEX continued investigations into the case of Nazim Bllaca
(who had been placed under house arrest on 1 December in connection with charges of
[...] aggravated murder and organized crime).
日刑讯逼供的供词和法医检查的非结论性结果,3 法庭还在未对指控进行 审查的情况下裁定她儿子犯有因强奸而罪加一等 谋杀罪。
Based on the confession of 12 July 2000 extracted under torture and the inconclusive finding of the forensic
medical examination3 , the court also
[...] found her son guilty of murder aggravated by [...]
rape, without examining this charge.
据大赦国际说,其中包括在对两名少年犯未满 18 岁时犯下强奸谋杀罪 定罪之后于 2011 年 4 月 20 日在 Bandar [...]
Abbas 公开执行处决。
According to Amnesty International, this included the public
execution of two juvenile offenders in Bandar Abbas on 20 April 2011,
[...] following their conviction for rape and murder, committed when [...]
they were under the age of 18.
[...] 申请了一切可获得的补救办法,包括两次提出宪法权利保护申请,第一次是为处 理他的酷刑申诉,第二次是为反对关于恐怖主 谋杀罪 行 的 定罪。
3.6 With regard to the exhaustion of domestic remedies, the complainant maintains that he applied for all the remedies available before the domestic courts under Spanish law, including two applications for constitutional amparo, the first of which he filed with a
view to settling his torture claim, and the second in order to challenge his
[...] conviction of the crime of terrorist murder.
[...] 中,波波维奇和贝亚拉被判犯有属于危害人类罪的灭 绝种族罪、灭绝罪和迫害罪,以及属于违反战争法规 或惯谋杀罪行。
Among those convicted, Popović and Beara were found guilty of
genocide, extermination and persecution as crimes against
[...] humanity and of murder as a violation [...]
of the laws or customs of war.
它 指出,2006
[...] 年,枢密院司法委员会废 除了对巴哈马裁谋杀罪名成立者的 强 制死 刑判决,裁 定 强 制 死刑判决 [...]
违反了 《 巴哈马宪法》 。
It noted that, in 2006, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
abolished the mandatory death
[...] sentence for those convicted of murder in the Bahamas [...]
and ruled that the mandatory death
sentence was in violation of the Bahamian Constitution.
[...] 明,表示:“我没有任何可信的证据表明死刑 谋杀罪 有 阻 吓作用”以及“本州 为维持死刑制度花费的巨额资金将更好地用于预防犯罪,并协助遇难者家属克服 [...]
When the bill was signed, the Governor of Illinois released a statement indicating that: “I have found no credible
evidence that the death penalty has a
[...] deterrent effect on the crime of murder” and “the enormous [...]
sums expended by the state in
maintaining a death penalty system would be better spent on preventing crime and assisting victims’ families in overcoming their pain and grief.
8月16日,位于卡莱赫的布卡武军事法庭分别判处因在 2006 年 6 月至 2007 年 1 月期间在南基伍犯有反人类罪、包 括 强奸谋杀罪的解放卢旺达民主力量两 名战斗人员终身监禁和30年监禁。
On 16 August, the Bukavu military tribunal in Kalehe condemned two combatants of the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda to life imprisonment and 30
years in prison,
[...] respectively, for crimes against humanity, including rape and murder, committed in [...]
South Kivu between June 2006 and January 2007.
Ros Savannareth 的谋杀罪判处 15 年徒刑;缔约国没有表明为确保对未 决案件的有意义和独立审查采取了哪些具体措施。
The Committee notes with concern the report of the ILO mission to the State party conducted in 2008 stating that the Cambodian judiciary is plagued by serious problems of capacity and a lack of independence; that the conviction of Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun for the murder of trade union leader Chea Vichea was held in a trial marked by procedural irregularities, including the court’s reluctance to entertain evidence of their innocence; that Thach Saveth was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the murder of trade union leader Ros Savannareth; and that no concrete steps had been indicated by the State party to ensure a meaningful and independent review of the outstanding cases.




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