

单词 谋利益者

See also:

谋利 v

gain v

利益 n

interest n
benefit n
behalf n
sake n

益者 pl

beneficiaries pl


(in sb's) interest

External sources (not reviewed)

鼓励各缔约国制定适当的国家机制,使权利受到侵犯的儿童和代表其行事、 为谋求利益者,能 够在国内获得有效的补救办法,酌情考虑有必要采取对儿童 敏感的程序
Encouraging States parties to develop appropriate national
mechanisms to enable
[...] a child whose rights have been violated or those acting on his/her behalf and in his/her interest to have access [...]
to effective remedies
at the domestic level, taking into account the need for child-sensitive procedures, where relevant
粮食和农业研究与发展倡议必须由农民推动并由社区领导,并主 要为小规模粮食生者谋利益。
Food and agriculture research and development initiatives must be farmer-driven, community-led and
[...] primarily for the benefit of small food producers.
知 识产权机制甚至使小规模粮食生者 面 临 被起诉和羞辱的风险,而同时种子公司则 从危机谋取高额利益。
The intellectual property rights
(IPRs) regime has even put
[...] small food producers at risk of being sued and harassed while seed companies have been making excessive profits from the crises.
双方因进程陷于 停顿而受益,因为这样双方都可谋 求 自己 的 利益 : 或 无视国家的分裂,或积极 防止国家分裂。
Parties benefit from a stalled process, which allows each of
[...] them to follow its own interests: either ignoring the [...]
division of the country or working actively to prevent it.
决议的通过也向 巴勒斯坦人民发出了一个明确的信号,即巴勒斯坦 人民的权利和资源正在被占领国窃取,仍然为占领 国所掌控,国际社会支持巴勒斯坦人民及其过体面
[...] 富足生活的不可剥夺的权利,他们的自然资源就用 于为他们谋取利益的权利,而不是为非法定 者谋 取利益。
The adoption of the resolution also sent a clear message to the Palestinian people, whose rights and resources were being stolen and remained under seizure by the occupying Power, that the international community stood with them and their inalienable right to a life of dignity and
prosperity, in which their natural resources were employed for their benefit and not
[...] for the benefit of the illegal settlers.
还强 调了重要的是在计划/项目的整个存续期间,从启动一直到实施以及最后阶段,让所有利益
[...] 攸关方参与进来,以确保自主权和可持续性,并且在监测期间从所 利益 攸 关 者 那 里 获取反 馈信息。
Also stressed is the importance of involving all stakeholders during the lifetime of the programme/project, from inception all throughout implementation and the final stages
to ensure ownership and sustainability, as well as to allow feedback
[...] information from all stakeholders during monitoring.
迄今所作的努力包括提供小额贷款和开展创收活 动,鼓励妇女和青年自立经营谋生 , 增强贫 者 的 组 织能力和交易能力;提供接触市场和 享有教育和保健服务的机会;宣传各种公民 利 和 政治 权 利 ; 为贫 困 者 提 供 创新和交流场 所。
To date, these efforts include micro-finance and income generation, enterprise and livelihoods for women and youth, increasing organizing capacity and bargaining power of the poor; providing access to markets, education and health services; information on a variety of civil and political rights; providing an innovative and communicative space for the poor.
(a) 跨国和本国有组织犯罪活动以及其他在危害移 者 、 特 别是危害妇女 和儿童的犯罪活动谋利的人的活动日趋猖獗,这些活动无视危险和不人道的状 况,公然违反国内法和国际法,违背国际标准
(a) The increasing activities of
[...] and national organized crime and others who profit from crimes against migrants, especially [...]
women and children, without
regard for dangerous and inhumane conditions and in flagrant violation of domestic laws and international law and contrary to international standards
[...] 为以下目的的买卖儿童行为定为刑事犯罪,包括非法收养、强迫劳动、以及通过 移植器谋取利益,这 被定为是情节严重的贩运儿童行为,但并未被作为单独的 [...]
However, the Committee is concerned that the legislation does not seem to criminalize the sale of children for the purpose of illegal adoption, the sale of children for the engagement of the child in forced labour
and the sale for the transfer of organs
[...] of the child for profit, which is punished [...]
as an aggravated form of trafficking,
but not as a separate offence.
该研究应进一步补充各区域委员会为区 利益 攸 关方 谋福利的既定资产,并为此加强联合国系统的凝聚力。
It should further leverage the established assets of the regional commissions for the benefit of regional stakeholders and bring the United Nations system together to that end.
2000年通过了《印第安艺术与工艺品法》(IACA),该法旨在促进美国土著人民的艺术和工艺品的发展;保护和保存文化遗产;防止将其商品和服务与土著人民虚假关联 谋 取 商 业 利益 的 行 为。
The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 2000 (IACA) was passed to promote the development of Native American arts and crafts, to protect
and preserve cultural heritage, and to
[...] prevent commercial interests from falsely associating [...]
their goods or services with indigenous peoples.
除上文披者外, 於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有益或淡倉,而該等 益 或 淡 倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本益(或 與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有 利 可 於 任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all [...]
circumstances at general
meetings of any other member of the Group.
同時, 由於保險公司並非利機構,㆒切開支都只會轉嫁到市民的供款,加㆖大部分保險公 司都會向某些病㆟,包括長期病患者收取高昂的保費,因此,在強制性醫療保險計劃 ㆘,結果只有醫生和保險公司成為真正的 益者 , 對於基層病㆟而言,依然得不到應 有的保障。
Therefore, it will only result in doctors and insurance companies becoming the real beneficiaries whereas patients who need the primary health care will still be unable to get the protection.
缺乏适当的培训、在容易造成侵犯人权 的局势中加谋利动机、以及这种承包商往往不太可能受到司法和议会问责制的 监督,所以这些是成员国确保追究这些行 者 责 任应考虑的因素。
The combination of a lack of proper training, the
[...] introduction of a profit motive into situations which are prone to human rights violations, and the often questionable prospect that such contractors will be subject to judicial and parliamentary accountability mechanisms are all elements that should be considered by Member States to ensure that those actors are accountable.
委员会也严重关切关于“婴儿农场”的报告;儿童在那里 被出售给准收养人,而者转售儿童 谋利。
The Committee also expresses grave concern
about reports of “baby farms” where children are sold to prospective adoptive
[...] persons who in turn sell them for profit.
楊耀忠議員原則上同意,維持有效競爭是保障 消者利益的最佳方法,他並問及消委會可能採取的行 [...]
動,以打擊有關寬頻互聯網服務的指稱具欺騙性的銷售 行為/具誤導性的廣告,以及此等行動是否包括公開譴 責或公布產品/服務的資訊,令消費者能夠作出明智的 決定。
While agreeing in principle that
effective competition was the best
[...] safeguard to protect consumer interest, Mr YEUNG Yiu-chung [...]
enquired about the possible courses
of action that could be taken by CC against alleged deceptive sales conduct/misleading advertisements on broadband Internet services, and whether such action included public censure or publication of product/service information to enable consumers to make informed choices.
还有人说,驱逐还必须用于合法 目的,并符合驱逐国益与被驱逐 者利益 之 间相比适度的标准。
It was also said that expulsion must serve a legitimate purpose
and satisfy the criterion of
[...] proportionality between the interests of the expelling State [...]
and those of the individuals being expelled.
這種 損害消者利益的不當商業行為,與現時社會以客為尊,講求提供高效率及 具誠信的專業服務精神背道而馳,是絕對不能為消費者所接受的。
These improper business practices to the
[...] detriment of consumer interests are against [...]
the prevalent spirit of professional service
which stresses the "customer first" principle as well as efficiency and integrity in the provision of service, and are absolutely unacceptable to consumers.
特别是,对于发展中国家,《突尼斯议程》第 72 段请秘书长向所利益攸关谋划策 ,使他们能够提出加快因特网在发展中国家的普及并使人用得起的方 [...]
案; 加强和促进各利益攸关方,特别是发展中国家的利益攸关方参与现有和(或) 未来的因特网治理机制;充分利用当地的知识和专业技术资源,为发展中国家在
In particular, with regard to developing countries, paragraph 72 of the
Tunis Agenda asked the
[...] Secretary-General to advise all stakeholders in proposing ways [...]
and means to accelerate the availability
and affordability of the Internet in the developing world; strengthen and enhance the engagement of stakeholders in existing and/or future Internet governance mechanisms, particularly those from developing countries; and contribute to capacity-building for Internet governance in developing countries, drawing fully on local sources of knowledge and expertise.
全球化的许多 益处,例如更加方便快捷的通讯、资金流动和国际旅行,都被犯罪集团加以利
[...] 用,以实施犯罪活动,掠夺个人、野生生物和环境,利用法律和监管制度的薄 弱环节,并盗用政府资谋取利益。
Many of the benefits of globalization, such as easier and faster communication, the movement of finances and international travel, are used by criminal groups to carry out criminal activities, exploit individuals, wildlife and the environment,
take advantage of weaknesses in legal and regulatory regimes and steal from government
[...] coffers in order to derive profits.
我们也呼吁科索沃政 府尽最大努力为少数族裔民谋利益。
We also call on the Kosovo Government to do its utmost for those belonging to national minorities.
[...] 知情参与;发展惠益;对土著人民土地的影响;土著人民的迁移;利用土著人民 的文化资源、知识、创新或做谋取 商 业 利益。
These standards concern, inter alia, the prevention of adverse effects of projects; disclosure, consultations and informed participation; the benefits of development; the impacts on indigenous peoples’ lands; the relocation of indigenous
peoples; and the use of cultural resources, knowledge, innovations
[...] or practices of indigenous peoples for commercial profit.
其它的一些法律则简单地提到要在信息获取权与处于优先地位的公众 或个利益中谋求平衡。
Other laws refer simply to a need to balance the right of access against
[...] overriding public or private interests.
1984 年和 1998 年,古 巴就针对美国国利益的恐怖阴谋向 美 国发出预警,并且向美国提供了关于针对 [...]
In 1984 and 1998, Cuba had warned the United
States of terrorist plots against the
[...] latter’s national interests and also provided the [...]
United States with considerable information
on terrorist acts committed against Cuba.
(C) 董事會可作出彼等認為一切必要或適宜的行為及事宜,以根據本 公司細則第(A)段的規定實施任何撥充資本事宜,在可分派零碎股份的情況下,董事 會並有全權作出其認為合適的有關規定(該等規定包括據此將全部或部份零碎權益結 集及出售並將所得款項淨額分派予享有 益者 , 或不理會零碎權益或將零碎權益上計 或下計至完整數額,或據此零碎益 的 利益 歸 於 本公司而非有關股東)。
expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Bye-law with full power to the Board to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the members concerned).
者一致 认为,最不发达国家及其国际商业伙伴和其 利益攸 关 方都应提出更有针对性的倡议,采取措施消除体制差距和创造适当奖励,以便 通过更有效的国际协作开拓投资机会,利用尚未开拓的贸易机会,并确保开展更 加高效和更有利于企业的知识分享活动,特别是分享最佳做法和其他类型的专门 技能,包括转让适当技术。
What was required, speakers concurred, was more targeted initiatives by both least developed countries and their international commercial partners and other stakeholders to implement [...]
measures that would
overcome institutional gaps and create appropriate incentives for more effective international collaboration to exploit investment opportunities, capitalize on unexploited trade opportunities, and assure more efficient and business-enabling knowledge sharing, especially best practices and other types of know-how, including the transfer of appropriate technologies.
大型非利组织的受益者数量众多,也 使得挪用钱款的风险很小,尤其是在非营利组织享有半自治地位,在监管机构和 执法机关的管辖之外开展活动时更是如此。
The sheer number of beneficiaries of large non-profit organizations also [...]
allows the diversion of funds with little risk,
especially where non-profit organizations enjoy a semi-autonomous status that takes their activities outside the scope of regulators and law enforcement authorities.
确 立多重身份本来就是移徙者情况的一部分,是与居住国和原籍国的文化相联系 的。39 更全面研究和讨论移徙者在东道国社会中的公民权利和政治参与问题可
[...] 反映移徙者在各国面临的不同情况,发现通过参与影响移 者利益 问 题 的决策成 功融入东道国社会的最佳做法和实例。
It is inherently part of the migrant condition to develop multiple identities, which are linked to the cultures both of the homeland and of the country of origin.39 A more thorough research and discussion on the civil rights of migrants and their political participation in host societies could reflect the different
situations faced by migrants in various
[...] States and identify best practices and examples [...]
of successful integration in host
societies through participation in the decision-making process affecting the interests of migrants.




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