

单词 谈虎色变

See also:


change color
change countenance
become angry

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,印度公主,虎百合(Carsen灰 色 ) 捕 捉约翰和迈克尔意外,就在铁钩船长(积逊艾萨斯)是通过寻找男孩的森林。
Meanwhile, the
[...] Indian princess Tiger Lily (Carsen Gray) captures John [...]
and Michael by accident, just before Captain Hook
(Jason Isaacs) comes through the forest looking for the boys.
事實上,癌症令香 港市民有虎色變的感覺。
In fact, the talk of cancer strikes fear in the Hong Kong public.
颜色:浅黄褐色(颜色可能在浅黄褐色和深鹿 色 间 变 化 ) 或 虎 斑 色 ( 底 色为浅黄褐色,其上为深色或黑色、沿肋骨方向散布的条纹
Color: Fawn (in various shades from light fawn to dark deer red) or brindle colors (fawn background with dark or black stripes running parallel to ribs).
此外,我们还支持尽快恢复叙利亚和 色 列 的会 谈,成 功完成这一会谈对该地区稳定是必要的。
Furthermore, we support a resumption, as quickly as
[...] possible, of talks between Syria and Israel, whose success [...]
is necessary for stabilization of the region.
这一次,我们正在寻求执行工作计划或任何其他提议,使裁谈会能够按照香 农授权开谈判一项裂变材料 禁产条约。
This time, we are seeking the implementation of the programme of work or of any other
proposal that would allow the
[...] Conference to begin negotiations on a fissile material cut-off [...]
treaty in accordance with the Shannon mandate.
泰国代表团还指出,亚太城市论坛所开展的讨论以及提出的行动 建议十分有用,应予切实执行,以期推进本区域的可持续城市发展, 并为此特别请秘书处把以下三项工作列为优先重点:第一,着手制订 城市分类的标准和基准,诸如“可持续的城市”、“生态城市”、以 及“绿色工业 城市”等,以便在区域和次区域两级为确定可持续城市 发展的基准提供准则;第二,在区域和次区域两级建立数据库和网 络,以便融入城市和农村人口统计数据、以及经济、社会和自然诸领 域的数据,包括环境和地理-气候方面的数据;第三,在各成员国之 间举办关于城市气变化问题的谈 会 , 以便相互交流在努力实现可 持续的城市发展方面的经验和最佳做法。
The delegation of Thailand also noted that the discussions and recommendations for action from the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum were very useful and should be implemented to promote sustainable urban development in the region, and particularly requested the secretariat to prioritize three areas of work: firstly, to develop criteria and standards for city classification, such as
“sustainable city”,
[...] “eco-city”, and “green industrial city” to provide a guideline for benchmarking sustainable urban development at the regional and subregional levels; secondly, to develop databases and networks at the regional and subregional levels that would include urban and rural population statistics and economic, social and physical data, including environment and geo-climatic data; and thirdly, to hold a symposium on urban climate change among member States [...]
in order to exchange
experiences and best practices towards achieving sustainable city development.
在 1848 年法﹑德等國的革命中﹐中產階級害怕工人階級的影響不 斷冒升﹐對社會主義思想亦虎色變。
During the 1848 revolutions in France and Germany the middle classes feared the growing influence of the working classes, and the impact of their socialist ideas.
我们大家必须认识到,谈开始 以来, 色 列面 临的威胁已变得更 加多样和更加危险:伊朗代理人 哈马斯和真主党的火箭弹、全球恐怖主义和伊朗追求 核武器的企图。
We must all recognize that
[...] since the advent of peace talks, the threats facing Israel have grown more diverse [...]
and dangerous: the
rockets of Iranian proxies Hamas and Hizbullah, global terrorism and the pursuit of nuclear weapons by Iran.
[...] 进程和文书的权威或授权,或可能以任何方式影响气 变 化 问 题 谈 判 进 程,包括 定于 2011 年底在南非举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第十七届 [...]
The Group of Arab States emphasizes that no Security Council presidential statement or press statement should be issued, nor any action taken, after the forthcoming open debate, in particular any statement or action that might undermine the authority or mandate of the relevant organs, processes and instruments, or
that might affect in any way the course
[...] of climate change negotiations, including the [...]
seventeenth meeting of the Conference
of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, scheduled to be held in South Africa at the end of 2011.
发 达国家只同意接受他们在千年首脑会议、世界贸易组织和气 变 化 谈 判 等 其他论 坛上商定的承诺。
They have refused to accept commitments beyond those
already agreed in other forums like the Millennium Summit, the World Trade
[...] Organization and climate change negotiations.
通过与会员国、政府间组织和民间社会加强接触与合作,裁军方案向各方提 出了《全面禁止核试验条约》早日生效的必要性,而且裁军谈判会议——在 10 年僵局之后——作出决定,要启动关于缔结一项禁止生产核武器所用 变 材 料条 约谈判。
With enhanced engagement and cooperation with Member States, intergovernmental organizations and civil society, the disarmament programme brought forward the need for the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and — after a 10-year impasse — a decision was made by the
Conference on
[...] Disarmament to start negotiations on a treaty banning the production of fissile material for [...]
nuclear weapons.
不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会行动计划之行动 15 规定 “[…… ]裁军谈判会议应在一个商定、全面和均衡的工作方案范围内, 根据 1995 年特别协调员报告(CD/1299)和其中所列的任务,立即开始关 于禁止生产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的 变 材 料 条约 谈 判 ”
Action 15 of the action plan of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons states that “[…] the Conference on Disarmament should, within the context of an agreed, comprehensive and balanced programme of work, immediately begin negotiations of a treaty banning the production of fissile material for use in nuclear weapons or other explosive devices in accordance with the report of the Special Coordinator of 1995 (CD/1299) and the mandate contained therein”.
目前正进行类似进程,与土著居民和当地居民磋商,就林地所有 变 更 事项 进谈判。
A similar process was under way with the conversion of titles to forest land in consultation with the indigenous and local populations.
这个成语原作“与狐谋皮”,后来因为“虎”、“狐”发音相似,逐 变 为 “ 与 虎 谋 皮 ”。
This idiom is originally known as "Asking Foxes for Their Skin", but since Fox (狐, hú)
and Tiger (虎, hǔ) in Chinese have very similar pronunciations,
[...] it gradually changed into "Asking Tigers for Their Skin".
Frida Giannini穿着米兰时装周期间全新发布的2012 SS 女装系列中的黑色乔其纱长袖流苏cocktail
[...] dress,裙身以金属细节刺绣和金色金属细链构成几何图形,脚穿饰有金色细链细节的黑色麂皮露趾凉鞋,携带 色 蜥 蜴 皮珐 虎 头 细 节手包。
Frida Giannini wore a Gucci one of a kind Spring/Summer 2012 black georgette long sleeved fringed cocktail dress, embroidered with a graphic pattern of black and gold metal chains with
black suede open toe high heeled sandals with gold chain detail
[...] and small black lizard clutch with enamel tiger head detail.
例如,如果您拥有表格的不同打印件而且具有稍微不同的 颜色,可使用此功能来更新您现有的自定义滤色以处理新表格上的色 变化。
For example, if you get additional prints of a form and it has a slightly different
color, this feature can be used to update your existing custom
[...] color to handle the variability in the new form’s color.
[...] Arterton)身着古驰2012-2013秋冬12号透明绉丝长袖衬衫搭配同款绉丝长裤,佩戴18k黄金Diamantissima项链及18k黄金马衔扣手镯;手执镶嵌珐 虎 头 装 饰的 色 鳄 鱼皮晚宴手拿包。
Gemma Arterton wore Fall/Winter 2012-2013 brandy iris printed silk georgette long sleeved shirt with matching brandy iris printed silk georgette trousers, 18kt yellow gold
Diamantissima necklace and 18kt yellow gold horsebit bracelet
[...] with a black crocodile evening clutch with enamel tiger head detail.
教會辦教育和家務助理員的服務都是出於對㆟的關懷和愛心,連他們都有恐慌, 就難怪市民普遍有虎色變的反應。
It is out of concern and love for people that the church is providing education and the home helper his service. If
there be fear of AIDS even among them, no wonder the general
[...] public should go pale with fear at the [...]
mere mention of AIDS.
更为糟糕的是,许多捐助方虽然在《联合国气 变 化 框 架公约 谈 判 过程中承诺 为气候资金提供新的和额外的资助,却要么减少援助,要么将援助转用于支付气 候变化造成的损害。
Even worse, many donors are either reducing their aid or
diverting it to pay
[...] for climate change damage, despite their commitments in UNFCCC negotiations to provide new [...]
and additional funding for climate finance.
此外,秘书处亦强调指出,其色不 是 为 谈判 进 程提供支助,而是支持长期的综合发展规划。
In addition, the secretariat stressed
[...] that its role was not to support the negotiation process, but to [...]
support long-term integrated development planning.
[...] 是唯一违反裁军方面国际条约的国家,将这个多边裁 谈 判 论 坛 变 成 与我们摊牌 的场所,爱尔兰代表团应该对此负全部责任。
My delegation wishes to highlight that the Irish delegation should take full responsibility for having described our country as the sole violator of the international treaties related to
disarmament and for turning the multilateral
[...] disarmament negotiating forum into an arena for [...]
a showdown with us in its statement this afternoon.
[...] 文组织-海委会管理下的全球海洋观测系统(GOOS),并赞赏其在提供全球数据支持气变 化谈判以及政府间气候变化专门委员会的报告方面发挥的重大作用。
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) managed by UNESCO-IOC was recognized and honoured by the UNFCCC COP 16
(Cancun, Mexico) for its major role in providing global data underpinning the
[...] climate change negotiations and the IPCC reports.
(b) 支持旨在提高气变化谈判者语言能力的计划,包括研究金方案和在 线语言课程。
(b) Support to initiatives that aim to improve the language skills
[...] of climate change negotiators including fellowship [...]
programmes and online language courses.
一些记者邀请“另一方”的同事参加电台 访 谈 ; 在 以 色列 和巴勒斯坦领土,都刊登了有关对话讨论会的文章。
Several of the reporters invited colleagues from “the other side” to take part in radio interviews; newspaper articles on the dialogue seminar have been published in both Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
自相矛盾的是,以色列仍然拒绝承认第 181(II)
号决议赋予巴勒斯坦人的合法性,以便让他们像以色 列国那样,在一块巴勒斯坦的区域建立巴勒斯坦国,
[...] 认为如果有一天要建立这样的国家,那只会是同色 列谈判的结果,即,基于以色列的同意及其自己的条 [...]
件,而不是作为第 181(II)号决议规定的一项权利。
It is paradoxical that Israel continues to reject the legitimacy bestowed by resolution 181 (II) on the Palestinians to establish the State of Palestine in an area of Palestine, like the State of Israel, considering that such a State, if it is ever to be
established, would only
[...] be the outcome of negotiations with Israel — that [...]
is, based on Israel’s consent and on its own conditions,
and not as a right enshrined in resolution 181 (II).
主席先生,自㆒九九㆓年馬會宣布大球場重建事宜後,已引來㆒連串的問題,先是 就開幕禮的龐大支出是否用得適當進行爭辯;繼而是演唱會帶來嚴重的噪音問題, 引起附近居民多宗投訴;接著是大球場本身的保安問題;再進㆒步將以㆖問題引伸
[...] 開去,則關係到市政局的功能及環保署的權力問題,㆓者是否只扮演「無牙 虎」 的角色?
Then came the serious noise nuisance created
[...] by pop concerts held in the stadium [...]
and this drew many complaints from the local people.
今年大阪 Sibos
[...] 年会的技术主题系列活动重点讨论的是监管、网络犯罪和技变 革;Vanbever 谈到了当时讨论的一些亮点,重申了 SWIFT [...]
首席执行官 Gottfried Leibbrandt 说的话:我们其中一 项最重要的工作是确保后向兼容,确保所有新事物能与旧事物兼容,我们的客户能依赖
SWIFT 搭建桥梁,不用担 心他们的传统系统与 T2S 一类的新市场计划不兼容。
Touching on some of the highlights from the Technology Stream at this year’s
Sibos in Osaka, where regulation,
[...] cybercrime and technology change were top of the agenda, [...]
Vanbever reiterated the message
passed by SWIFT’s CEO Gottfried Leibbrandt that one of our priorities is ensuring backward compatibility, making sure that all the new works with the old, and that our customers can rely on SWIFT to bridge the gap so that they don’t have to worry about their legacy systems not being compatible with new market initiatives such as T2S.
她对气变化条约谈 判中 忽略人权的做法表示遗憾,希望在哥本哈根举 行的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方大会第十五届 [...]
会议所做出的决定能够重点考虑人的因素和人的保 护。
She regretted the lack of importance given to
[...] human rights in negotiations on the climate [...]
change treaty and hoped that the individual
and his or her protection would have a central place in decisions taken in Copenhagen at the fifteenth session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
瑞典的代表建议,委员会应参照在联合国气候变化框架公约(气候公约)主持下于 2008 年 8 月 21 日至 27 日在加纳阿克拉举行的气变化问题 会 谈 的 成果,在议程项目 8 下 审查第 55/2 号决定。
The representative of Sweden proposed that under agenda item 8 the Committee review decision 55/2 in the light
of the results of the
[...] Climate Change Talks held in Accra, Ghana, on 21-27 August 2008 under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).




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