

单词 谈朋友

See also:


talk v
chat v
speak v

surname Tan

谈谈 v

talk about v

External sources (not reviewed)

我们不是到处乱跑一的束crazies在灌木,得到扔石头和,它是(主要)是35-60岁那里和的人们(有)一个了不起的周末受教育 谈 论 朋友 和 谈 论 好处和情况出现关于对大麻的医学用途在加拿大。
We’re not a bunch of crazies out in the bush, getting stoned and running around, it’s (mostly) people that are 35-60 years old that are out there and (having) just a
great weekend of educating each other
[...] and talking about friends and talking about the [...]
benefits and the situations that
are arising about the medical use of cannabis in Canada.
孩子们会挨家挨户地走访,朋友, 谈 论 不 同的话题。
Children can go to every
[...] house, make new friends and talk about different issues.
昨晚新闻 报导了什么,电视剧上演了什么情节,这些 常常是公司同事朋友之间最常谈论 的 话题 。
The events covered on last night’s news, and the
happenings on last night’s serial or sitcom are often the most common
[...] topics of conversation with co-workers and friends.
通过结交朋友和与人交谈,你可 以维持社会联系。
By making new friends and interacting with others, [...]
you can maintain your social wellness.
在避难 所和教会等场所,您可以与这些人或关系好 朋友谈谈 心。
Speak with those
[...] people and with good friends at the emergency [...]
shelter or at church.
他们承认,被剥夺自由者依靠其家人 朋友 获 取 食物, 这得到了警察和宪兵的证实。
They acknowledged, as confirmed by
police officers and gendarmes, that persons deprived of their liberty relied on
[...] their families and friends to receive food.
马来西亚敦促对古巴实施或执行这类单方面措 施的国家立即停止这样做,通过对话 谈 判 友 好 解 决争端。
Malaysia urges States that apply or implement such unilateral measures
against Cuba to immediately cease their practices and to resolve
[...] their disputes amicably through dialogue and negotiation.
来到 Diep Pho
[...] 3,您就可以一边与合作对象商谈工作或 朋友 们 交 谈 日 常 小事一边把身心投入 Trinh Cong [...]
Son、Tuan Ngoc 的情歌以及充满活力的歌曲之中,或者倾听Paul Mauriat、Richard Clayderman之佳音。
Coming to Diep Pho 3, you can both discuss the
[...] work with partners, friends and drop yourself [...]
in the soothing melodies of love songs
by Trinh Cong Son, Tuan Ngoc combied with youthful songs, and surf the same emotions on the keyboard of Paul Mauriat, Richard Clayderman.
主席友被要求向谈会报 告专家组已展 开的工作,他们的报告已经张贴在特定常规武器公约的网站上。
The Friends of the President had been asked [...]
to report to the Conference on the work done by the Group of Experts, and their
reports had been posted on the CCW website.
尽管如此, 在以色列的利益得不到任何平视代表的情况下依然进行了磋商 谈 判 , 尤其是由 主席和主席友小组举行谈判。
In spite of this,
[...] consultations and negotiations proceeded without the interest of Israel being represented in any manner, particularly those held by the President and the Group of Friends.
例如,2005 年 7 月-8
[...] 月间,本协会的代表协助 GS 级同事与副总干事谈,寻求友好解决对其职位重新定 级提出的申诉。
For instance, in July and August 2005, representatives of the Association assisted GS colleagues in their
meetings with the Deputy Director-General for the
[...] purpose of reaching amicable solutions to post [...]
reclassification appeals.
家庭佣工,特别如果他们和雇主居住在一起,往往发现他们从人身和社会方 面完全与他们的家庭朋友和同 龄人隔绝。
Domestic workers, especially if they
live with their employers, often find themselves physically and socially isolated from
[...] their families, friends and peers.
多米尼加共和国欢迎海地总理让-马克斯·贝勒 里夫先生阁下的光临,并感谢我们 朋友 、 秘 书长特 别代表埃德蒙特·姆莱特大使所做的全面通报,他还 [...]
介绍了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定团(联海稳定团) 内容丰富的报告(S/2010/200)。
The Dominican Republic welcomes the presence of His Excellency Mr. Jean-Max Bellerive, Prime Minister of Haiti, and expresses
its gratitude for the comprehensive
[...] briefing given by our friend, Ambassador Edmund [...]
Mullet, Special Representative of the
Secretary-General, who also introduced the highly valuable report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (S/2010/200).
越来越多的工作人员 认为目前的招聘做法是为直接任命大开方便之门,甚至没有登招聘通知也无需工作人员个人
[...] 问题咨询委员会(PAB)的举荐意见, 要不然就是通过熟人朋友关系 ,而置内部晋升和现行的 规定于不顾。
In the opinion of a growing number of the staff, current recruitment practices are designed to facilitate direct appointments, made in some instances without publication of a vacancy notice or a recommendation by a
Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) but
[...] through personal acquaintance or cronyism, thus disregarding [...]
internal promotion and the rules in force.
据几名证人所述,这起仇恨犯罪为未遂私刑,当时被占领的东耶路撒冷 Ras Al-Am 居民区的一名
[...] 17 岁居民 Jamal Julani 和他的四朋友正走 在西耶路撒冷 的锡安广场,突然他们发现一群年轻人在追赶自己,这些年轻人叫嚷着“阿拉伯 [...]
The hate crime — described by several witnesses as an attempted lynching — occurred as Jamal Julani, 17 years old, a resident of the Occupied
East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras
[...] Al-Amud, and his four friends were walking in West [...]
Jerusalem’s Zion Square, when they
suddenly found themselves being chased by a group of youths shouting “Arabs, death to Arabs”.
与此同时,请允许谈一谈主席之 友小组 所建议的一些初步想法,这些想法有可能为 加强和推动这些关系提供一种框架。
In the meantime, allow me to share a few preliminary ideas suggested by the Chairs group that could provide a framework for strengthening and taking forward these relations.
大家會發 覺很多所謂受害人士,大多數其實是屋邨裏的長者或年紀大的人,亦有些是朋友。
Members will find that the majority of the so-called victims were in fact elderly people or people advanced in age, while some of them were children.
关于修订后的《国家语言法》的新问题,斯洛伐克表示满意,因为该问题 正在成朋友邻里 之间正常的礼貌性对话的话题。
Regarding the new issue of the amended State Language Act, Slovakia
expressed its satisfaction that the matter was becoming part of normal and civilized
[...] dialogue between friends and neighbours.
(c) 为娱乐目的或因与一般意义上的父母不能或不愿意提供适当照料无关 的理由,儿童自愿与亲属朋友在一起的非正规安排。
(c) Informal arrangements whereby a child voluntarily stays with relatives or friends for recreational purposes and reasons not connected with the parents’ general inability or unwillingness to provide adequate care.
当移民局断定说情况不是这 样时,申诉人说,她朋友可能 用了另一张,但她不知道。
When the Migration Board asserted that
it was not the case, the complainant then
[...] stated that her friend might have used [...]
another photo but that she did not know.
参与塞尔维亚政府和欧洲安全与合作组织开展的题为“校警——儿童 朋友 和保护者”的项目,目的在于制定和实施预防措施、以防在校学生滥用药物(2002 [...]
年);出席了国际发展法组织组办的“通过打击洗钱来加强善治”会议(2004 年); 参加欧洲联盟和欧洲理事会针对打击有组织犯罪文书的第一模块组织的国际(社
区援助)方案 CARDS(2006 年);与塞尔维亚教育部合作开展的题为“防止在校学 生滥用药物”的项目的专家小组成员;担任警察学院在欧洲警察学院协会的代表; 国际刑事专家协会会员。
Participated in a project conducted by the Serbian Government and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe entitled “School police
[...] officer-children’s friend and protector”, [...]
directed at creating and implementing preventive
measures in the field of drug abuse in school populations (2002); attended a meeting on strengthening good governance through curbing money-laundering organized by the International Development Law Organization (2004); participated in the international CARDS (community assistance) programme, organized by the European Union and the European Council, on the first module of the instrument for fighting organized crime (2006); member of the expert team conducting the project entitled “Prevention of drug abuse in school populations” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Serbia; Academy representative at the Association of European Police Colleges; member of the international association of criminalists.
谈到也门近来的可悲事 件,阿尔及利亚重申其支持该国的安全、稳定与统一。
Referring to the recent painful events in Yemen, Algeria reaffirmed its support for the country’s security, stability and unity.
这个美丽的地球,而我属于我自己,我给大部分的欢迎本国和外国游客谁是纯净的空气,请温暖,他们永恒的雪,教堂和百年公园的大山,用石块铺成的街道,多彩我们的本土市场之一,蒸汽火车和在天花板坐着马车之旅,他们的主要食物的气味和接触在街头魅力酒店,收集的特殊性质,我们的小母国,它给我的人它的嘉宾 朋友 们 的舒适性,安全性和注意力,让他们首选的住宿是他们完成随和。
Of this beautiful earth to which I belong myself I give most warm of the welcomes the national and foreign visitors who please of the pure air, the great mountains with their eternal snows, the churches and centennial parks, the streets paved with stones, the colorful one of our indigenous markets, a steam train and the trip seated in the ceiling of wagons, the smell of their meals and mainly the contact with my people in the streets GLAMOUR HOTEL, gathers that special nature of
our small mother country, and it gives
[...] to its guests and friends them the comfort, [...]
security and preferred attention so that
their stay is of their complete affability.
因此,世 界各國,例如東南亞的國家,對於從事學前教育工作者質素的要求很高, 因為他們知道,幼兒教育工作者的責任並不只是教導 朋友 基 本 知識,如「ABC」這 樣簡單,而是通過教「ABC」的過程,讓 朋友 明 白怎樣與其他㆟相處;明白社會的 規律和明白怎樣表達自己的思想等。
Therefore, countries all over the world, such as Southeast Asian countries, have set very high standards in respect of the quality of pre-primary educators because they understand that educators for pre-school children are not just responsible for teaching preschool children simple basic knowledge as ABC, but rather that in the process of teaching ABC, pre-school children are made to understand how to get along with others; that they are made to understand the rules of society and know how to express their ideas.
此外,与家人朋友的沟 通能力 可以成为防范虐待的一种保障,在最封闭的环境中虐待行为往往大量增加。
Moreover, the ability to communicate
[...] with family and friends can be a safeguard [...]
against ill-treatment, which tends to flourish
in the most closed environments.
员说:“与这么多中美烟花界朋 友会面和交谈是令人鼓舞的,他们 都真诚地致力于生产安全而又精彩 的烟花产品。
On her overall impression of the trip, Commissioner Nord noted “It was heartening to meet and talk to so many U.S. and Chinese fireworks industry representatives who seem genuinely committed to producing safe yet enjoyable fireworks.
周末活动通常是在海中游泳或冲浪、参加或观看体育比赛、 朋友 们 一 起烧烤,以及陪家人共度闲暇时光。
A typical weekend may include a swim or
surf in the ocean, participation or attendance at a sporting match,
[...] a barbecue with friends and spending time [...]
with family.
鉴于认识到的上述缺点,加上认识到近年来投资人与国家间争议数目迅速 增加2 (UNCTAD 2010 及《投资人与国家间争议:预防和仲裁替代办法二》,即
[...] 将出版),贸发会议秘书处已开始探讨替代争议解决方法,寻求通 谈 判 或 友好 解 决来解决现有争议,如国际调解或调停。
forthcoming), the UNCTAD secretariat has started to explore methods of alternative dispute
resolution that seek to resolve existing
[...] disputes through negotiation or amicable settlement [...]
such as international conciliation or mediation.
在澳大利亚期间,如果能充分利用各种社交机会,就像在自己国内一样,您便能更快更容易地适应当地生活,广泛地结 朋友 , 从 而拥有一种宾至如归的感觉。
If you make the most of social opportunities during your life in
Australia, just as you would back home, it will be quicker and easier for
[...] you to fit in, make friends and feel at home.
由于北京和苏丹的 关系之前几乎完全通过喀土穆及其执政党全国大会 党(NCP)的政治渠道维系,所以中国政府不得不 从头开始建设与南苏丹的关系,特别是与南苏丹执
[...] 政党苏丹人民解放运动(SPLM)的关系,同时还 要让喀土穆消除疑虑,表明自己无意与 朋友 分道 扬镳。
Because Beijing’s relationship with Sudan was previously channelled almost exclusively through Khartoum and its ruling National Congress Party (NCP), it has had to build a relationship in the South, particularly with the ruling Sudan Peoples’
Liberation Movement (SPLM), from the ground up, while reassuring Khartoum that it has no
[...] intention of leaving old friends behind.




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