

单词 谈及



with respect to

See also:


talk v
speak v
chat v

surname Tan

External sources (not reviewed)

总之,如谈及风险 ,就不能不冒着将其 形容为真实或个人风险的风险。
In sum, while there may be a risk, it is unsafe to define that risk as real or personal.
每当在安理 会谈及缅甸 问题,中国都会强调,它不认为缅甸对国际和平 与安全构成了威胁。
Whenever China speaks about Myanmar in the Council, it underlines that it does not consider the country to be a threat to international peace and security.
工作规划丝毫谈及 可能出现的结果,如更廉价的能源要是那样的话,就能够提供有用的 管理信息了。
None of the work planning information discussed possible outcomes like cheaper energy that would have provided useful management information.
谈及为解决若开邦持续不断的暴力冲突需 要深度对话时,吴登盛强调,“冲突中任何一方的 生命财产损失都是国家的损失”。
Speaking of the need for further dialogue to address the ongoing conflict in Kachin State, he stressed that “any loss of life and property from either side in the conflict [is] a loss for the country”.
委员会在 2011 年 6 月 7 日第 4 次会议上,审议了内部监督事务厅的报告, 其谈及方案 和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行 情况三年期审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支持的外地特别政治任务 (E/AC.51/2011/3)。
At its 4th meeting, on 7 June 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on the triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of political affairs: field special political missions led by the Department of Political Affairs but supported by the Department of Field Support (E/AC.51/2011/3).
我们将以国家代表的身谈 及报告中其他事项。
We will speak on
[...] other matters in the report in our national [...]
谈及向常 驻代表咨委会提交的一份关于向节 纸型经社会届会过渡的报告时,c 非正式工作组商定建议常驻代表咨 委会应试用该报告中所提出的一些建议,其中包括以省纸方式举办 常驻代表咨委会和(或)其工作组(如决议草案非正式工作组等)的会 议,并为此采用一种分阶段的渐进做法,最终达到取消使用纸页文 本和立即停止分发文件纸页文本的目的。
Referring to a report submitted to the Advisory Committee on moving towards paper-lean Commission sessions,c the informal working group agreed to recommend that the Advisory Committee should pilot some of the recommendations contained in that report, including conducting paper-lean meetings of the Advisory Committee and/or its working groups (such as the Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions) through a phased approach in order to attain the goal of eliminating the use of hard copies and immediately discontinuing the delivery of hard copies of documents, which were already emailed to all members and associate members and posted simultaneously on the Advisory Committee’s web page, where they could be downloaded by delegations.
实际上,几谈及全面 审查重大计划 II 和 III 的答复,都强调了不仅在 所有科学内容之间需要更多的互动,而且还应与教科文组织计划的其它部分,如教育以及传 播与信息开展更多的互动。
Virtually all of the few responses addressing the issue of the overall review of Major Programmes II and III stressed the need for a greater interaction not only between all science components, but also with other parts of UNESCO’s programmes, namely education as well as communication and information.
我们通常都谈及我们的女儿,但如 果我们想的话也可以互相交流。
We don’t always talk about our girls but if we want to we can.
在同一封信中,主谈及塞拉 利昂政府就审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段规定的向塞拉利昂运送武器或相关物资的通知要求提出的建议,并告知塞拉利 昂常驻代表,委员会成员认为,就武器禁运的未来作出决定属于安全理事会的职 权范围,因此委员会决定将常驻代表的信转递安全理事会主席,并提请特别关注 就第 1171(1998)号决议规定的通知要求提出的建议。
In the same letter, and in connection with the Government of Sierra Leone’s suggestion regarding the review of the notification requirements for the delivery of arms or related materiel to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of resolution 1171 (1998), the Chairman informed the Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone that the members were of the view that decisions on the future of the arms embargo fall within the purview of the Security Council, and that the Committee had therefore decided to convey the Permanent Representative’s letter to the President of the Security Council, drawing particular attention to the suggestions related to the notification requirements set out in resolution 1171 (1998).
在简要的导言之后,特别报告员在报告第二节中提到自他上次向大会提交报 告(A/64/271)以来,在年度报告、会议、研讨会和其他会议 谈及 的 专 题问题。
Following a brief introduction, the Special Rapporteur refers in section II of the report to thematic issues addressed in annual reports, conferences, seminars and other meetings since his last report to the Assembly (A/64/271).
塞尔维亚共和国考虑到上述一切,希望再 谈及 1999 年科索沃冲突之后的贩卖人体器官和失踪人员 等严重问题。
Taking all of this into consideration, the Republic of Serbia wishes to address once again the grave issues of organ trafficking and persons unaccounted for after the Kosovo conflict in 1999.
最后,谈及移民来源国和接收国的责任,特 别是对于非法移民问题的责任问题时,特别报告员 特别强调说,由于存在对非法移民劳动力的需求, 所以国际移民问题出现的原因和造成的后果都是双 方面的,而这一因素却在有关移民的成本和好处的 辩论中被掩盖,它是通过基于权利和联合国提出意 见而采取措施的障碍。
With regard to the responsibilities of countries of origin and host countries — including in the area of illegal immigration — he stressed that international migration had bilateral causes and consequences, especially given the local demand for labour that was aimed at undocumented migrants.
他指出,业务计谈及三年 期计划中的所 有淘汰需要,以使第 5 条国家能够落实直至并包括 [...]
2007 年在内的控制措施。
He indicated that the
[...] business plans addressed all of the phase-out [...]
needs identified in the three-year plan in order to enable
Article 5 countries to achieve their control measures up to and including those for 2007.
其中一位女性告诉他俄国革命的情况,另一位女性 谈及 1 9 2 9年 全球经济的崩溃,最后第三位女性描述了第二次世界大战。
One woman tells him of the Russian Revolution, another speaks of the global economic crash of 1929, a third of the end of the Second World War.
关于以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内 巴勒斯坦被占领土侵害巴勒斯坦人民人权的行为的 决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.15,她审查了序言部分援引的 可适用国际文书,并着谈及了序 言部分第十八段和 第二十段,这部分详细述及以色列继续实施系统侵 犯,并且其最近在加沙地带实施的军事行动致使当地 的状况日趋恶化,她还特别提及了第 2 段、第 8 段、 第 9 段和第 10 段。
In draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.15 on Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, she reviewed the applicable international instruments cited in the preamble, highlighting the eighteenth and twentieth preambular paragraphs detailing Israel’s ongoing systematic violations and the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of its recent military operation there and made particular reference to paragraphs 2, 8, 9 and 10.
谈及了新 的欧亚陆路交通运输举措 的结果,该举措的结果表明相当大比例的成本和时间耗费在过境关 口。
He referred to the result [...]
of the New Eurasian Land Transport Initiative (NELTI), which showed that a significant percentage
of cost and time were spent at border crossings.
谈及特别报告员提出的准则草案时,丰巴先生说,准则草案3.4( [...]
允许的接 受和反对 ) 并非真正必要,但考虑到实践需要和忠于《实践指南》的实用宗旨, 值得将其保留。
Turning to the draft guidelines
[...] proposed by the Special Rapporteur, [...]
he said that even if draft guideline 3.4 (substantive
validity of acceptances and objections) was not really indispensable, it was worth retaining for practical reasons and in order to reflect the purpose of the Guide, which was to act as a useful tool.
谈及了他的经历和他对“和平日” 的希望。
He talked to Jeremy about [...]
his experiences and his wish for Peace Day.
谈及问题 清单中的问题 2 时,他询及乌兹别克 斯坦政府针对委员会建议的补救措施以及委员会就 个人根据任择议定书提交的来函所发表的有关意见 作出了哪些决定。
Referring to question 2 on the list of issues, he asked where decisions were taken within the Uzbek Government with respect to remedies recommended by the Committee and the Committee’s views concerning communications by individuals under the Optional Protocol.
为检疫和装运前消毒处理所进口的甲基溴有可能被转用于受控目的, 但大多数项目都没谈及此问 题,尽管在评价期间举行的若干次面谈中提到了这个问题。
The possibility that methyl bromide imported for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) uses might be diverted to controlled uses had not been addressed in most projects, although it had been mentioned on several occasions during interviews conducted in the course of the evaluation.
K-Swiss 就通过将即时聊天工具用作客户分析系统的一部分,基于购物行为、点主流历史和 过去在客户服务即时聊天会话中记录的 谈及 电 话 记录构建了客户简介。
By using the live chat tool as part of a customer analytics system, K-Swiss builds customer profiles based on shopping behavior, clickstream history and conversations recorded in past customer service live chat sessions and telephone calls, Tisdel says.
环境署技术、工业和经济司司谈及 马 拉 喀什进程的成就和经验教训以及其 与制定十年期方案框架的相关性,以供可持续发展委员会第十九届会议协商。
The Director of the Division of Technology, Industry and Economics of UNEP spoke about the accomplishments and lessons of the Marrakech Process and their relevance to the development of a 10-year framework of programmes for negotiation at the nineteenth session.
谈及一些 主要成果,并阐述了在年度报告所述六个成果领域中取得的成 [...]
绩、面临的挑战和采取的优先行动,其中主要涉及展示成果、发展国家能力、注 重贫穷问题和千年发展目标、两性平等问题、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、气候变化等环 境威胁、预防危机和恢复、以及改革联合国。
She touched upon key results [...]
and elaborated on achievements, challenges and priority actions in the six outcome areas in
the annual report which relate to, inter alia: demonstrating results; national capacity development; the focus on poverty and the MDGs; gender issues; HIV/AIDS; environmental threats like climate change; crisis prevention and recovery; and United Nations reform.
当我谈及可持 续发展的房屋时,必须超越房屋的实质和情绪层面,进而顾及所谓「绿化」或「自然」的房屋概念,当中包括能减少对环境造成影响的元素,例如减少利用与污染物和漏出物有关连的制成品;更多采用对区内生态破坏较小的本土设计和传统物料;提高能源效益,以及减少对人工冷暖设备的需求而更多采用太阳能。
These include elements that minimize impact on the environment, such as the minimal use of manufactured products associated with pollutants and leakages; more indigenous designs and traditional materials that are less invasive of the local ecology; energy efficiency, less need for artificial heating or cooling, and the greater use of solar energy.
进程中的一些讨谈及了制 定国际目标的附加值,理由是这种“一刀切”的 全球目标的意义对面临自身发展挑战的国家来说可大可小。
In terms of process, some of the discussion has to do with the added value of setting targets at the international level on the ground that such “one-size fits all” global targets may be considered to be of greater or lesser relevance to countries depending on their specific development challenges.




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