

单词 谈不拢

See also:


talk v
chat v
speak v

surname Tan

sum up
draw near to
gather together
comb (hair)

External sources (not reviewed)

好些非政府组织对调查表似 乎是闭不谈教科文组织如何与合作伙伴共同努力的情况表示了关切。
A number of NGOs expressed concern that the questionnaire appeared silent on the manner in which UNESCO will work with partners.
据个人特使介绍,双 方迄今无谈拢的根 本分歧在于自决问题。
According to the Personal Envoy, the fundamental and, to date, non-negotiable difference between the two parties lies in the issue of self-determination.
重视机构和治理不是说要向西 方的机制拢。
A focus on
[...] institutions and governance does not mean convergence on Western [...]
在这方面缺乏透明度可能会导致:(a) 破坏对个 别公共当局及政府和国家机构总体的信任和政治支持,从而危及到公共干预措施 的有效性,并可能带来政治不稳定的危险;(b) 引发大幅度的财富再分配,其方 式不仅不公平,而且可能在某些情况下还是非法的;它会助长寻租行为,不利于 公平竞争,并且会为总体的效率、创新和竞争力提供错误的激励;(c) 延不合 时宜的做法和政治机构,包括拢收 买、腐败和任由特定的行业或集团绑架公共 政策,从而延迟国家机构的现代化,从长远来看会阻碍整体的经济、社会和政治 发展。
A lack of transparency in that respect might (a) undermine trust and political support for individual public authorities and Government and State institutions in general, thus endangering the efficacy of public interventions and risking political instability; (b) provoke significant redistributions of wealth in ways that not only are unfair and, in some cases, possibly illegal, but also favour rent-seeking behaviour, act against fair competition and provide the wrong incentives for efficiency, innovation and competitiveness in general; and (c) prolong outdated practices and political institutions, including co-optation, corruption and the capture of public policies by specific industries or groups, delaying the modernization of State institutions and impeding overall economic, social and political development over the longer term.
但是,撇开短不谈,人 们对这一迅速复苏能否在全球和拉丁美洲 和加勒比变成持续增长仍有疑问。
Beyond the short term, however, a number of questions arise as to whether this rapid recovery will develop into sustained growth at the world level and in Latin America and the Caribbean.
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通谈判和 平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政 不 再 迟 延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进行双谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent resolutions, and the Special Committee on Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have
established that the
[...] way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
关于这 一点,管理局秘书长在回答提问时指出,“区域内”资源的开发或开采尚未开始, 因此谈不上利益共享。
In response to a question in that connection, the Secretary-General of the Authority noted that as
exploitation or mining of the resources of the
[...] Area had not commenced, the sharing of benefits could not as yet take place.
联合国系统各组织立法/理事机构应谴责和禁 不 符 合 道 德标准的做法,例如行政首长职位候选人或支持他们的政府 在甄选/选举期间作出许诺、讨好拢 、 招待请客、赠送礼品 等,用以换取对某些候选人的赞成票。
The legislative/governing bodies of the United Nations system organizations should condemn and prohibit unethical practices such as promises, favours, invitations, gifts, [...]
etc., provided by candidates for the post
of executive head or their supporting governments during the selection/election campaign, in return for favourable votes for certain candidates.
在与巴西利亚办事处工作人员对利息问题进行深入讨论时,我们 获悉,在巴西利亚办事处存在两种普遍情况:对利息的使用问题避不谈的协议[在这种情况下,教科文组织将挣得的全部利息记入信托基 金管理费帐户(FITOCA)贷方 ]和利息的使用问题需由教科文组织和 捐助者之间进行协商的决议(通常他们同意将所得利息 100%地记入项 目贷方)。
In further discussions on interest with Brasilia Office personnel, we were told that there are two general situations in Brasilia: agreements that are silent on the use of interest (in which case UNESCO has credited all interest earned to the FITOCA account), and agreements where the use of interest is negotiated between UNESCO and the donor (usually they agree that 100 per cent of interest earned is credited to the project).
几位发言者强调,过去三十年中,最不发达国家所使用的发展模式未能使其 收入向发达国家和其他发展中国家 拢 , 未 能防止 不 发 达 国家贫困人口数目增 至 4.21 亿,是 1980 年的两倍。
Several speakers emphasized that, for the previous three decades, LDCs had worked with a model of development that failed to achieve their income convergence with both developed and other developing countries, and had been unable to prevent the number of poor people in LDCs from increasing to 421 million — twice as many as in 1980.
双方现在比任何时候都更需要采取步骤相互拢,而不要采取改变实地状况和损害解决办法最终参 [...]
Now more than ever, the parties need to take steps
[...] towards each other, and not unilateral steps that [...]
change the situation on the ground and
prejudice the final parameters for a settlement.
在人道主义和冲突后环境中,有关土地 的问题往往避不谈。在 处理这些问题的地方,重点都是按照联合国关于难民和 流离失所者住房和财产归还原则,为流离失所者恢复原状,尽管也有必要保障使 用权和获得住房、土地和财产。
In humanitarian and post-conflict settings, land-related issues have often been avoided and, where engagement exists, efforts are focused on restitution for the displaced in line with the United Nations Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons, although it is also necessary to address tenure security and access to housing, land and property.
关于与尼泊尔的双边谈,不丹依 然希望一旦情况有利,将与尼泊尔一同 努力恢复会谈。
With respect to bilateral talks with Nepal, Bhutan [...]
remained hopeful that whenever a conducive situation presents itself,
Bhutan would work with Nepal to resume the talks.
我们通常不谈及我们的女儿,但如 果我们想的话也可以互相交流。
We don’t always talk about our girls but if we want to we can.
在过去的两年中,决议已不 谈对解 决世界范围内毒品问题的国际合作给予支持 了,文本中没有提及国际合作。
Over the past two years, the resolutions had moved away from support for international cooperation in resolving the worldwide drug problem, with references to international cooperation disappearing from the text.
[...] 煽动“对亚美尼亚人的仇恨”,并对霍贾里事件进行模糊事实、出于政治动机和 毫无根据的解读,与此同时该代表不仅避 不谈 欧 洲 人权法院和权威的国际非政 府组织 表达的意见,而且也未能澄清该国高级官员和罪行直接参与者透露的口 [...]
While trying to accuse Azerbaijan of alleged “anti-Armenian propaganda” and “hatred towards Armenians” and referring to ambiguous, politically motivated and groundless interpretations of the events in Khojaly, the Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Armenia at the
[...] same time not only refrains from commenting on the views expressed by the European Court [...]
of Human Rights and
authoritative international non-governmental organizations, but also neglects to clarify the revelations of his country’s high-ranking officials and the direct participants in the crime, who in turn unequivocally admit culpability for the extermination of the inhabitants and defenders of Khojaly.
一个《10 年方案框架》的挑战是:确保迅速转向可持续的消费和生产模式, 以便保留在或恢复到生态系统承受能力的范围之内,同时确保国内和国家之间的 生活水平向上拢。
The challenge of a 10-year framework of programmes is to ensure a quick transition to sustainable consumption and production patterns to remain within the carrying capacities of ecosystems while ensuring upward convergence in standards of living within and between countries.
很少的这收集种与有联系在Digitaria ischaemum,但是在无毛小穗和精美方 不 同 , 聚 拢。
This seldom collected species is allied to Digitaria ischaemum, but differs in its glabrous spikelets and delicate, rounded upper glume.
2011 年,审咨委未与道德操守顾问举行私人 谈 , 不 过 计 划在 2012 年 4 月 19 日举行一次私人会谈。
The AAC did not have a private meeting [...]
with the Ethics Adviser in 2011 but a private meeting has been scheduled on April 19, 2012.
对于传统码垛机,该聚拢动作是通过3个 独立电机驱动的推板来实现的,根 不 同 的托 盘尺寸,灵活地自动拢每层产品, 不 需要 手动调节。
For traditional palletisers, the compacting system is composed of 3 individually motorised squaring bars that provide flexible layer compacting for different sized pallets without requiring manual adjustment.
2007年,IBS系统先后实施了“数据专线帐务融合”、“奥运费率卡支撑”、“CP /SP结算、业会拢、个案优惠等功能改造”、“全网智能化二期改造”、“IBS系统融合计费”等多个项目工程,基本实现了跨地域多产品的组合营销策略,初步具备了复杂业务流程的支撑能力。
In 2007, it was upgraded several times to integrate the billing of private data line services, support Olympic rate card, CP/SP settlement, SAI (Service Account Integration System), case preference, network-wide upgrade and integrated billing. Consequently, it can implement a cross-region and multi-product marketing strategy and support complex service processes.
但是为了尽量朝这一目标拢,内 部监督办 公室和战略规划编制局(BSP)做了两件事。
In order to try to move as close as possible to achieving this ideal however, IOS, together with BSP, did two things.
14.27 大会在第 56/253 号和第 57/292
号决议中要求加强联合国内罗毕办事处,并在第 64/243 号决
[...] 议中请秘书长继续设法使联合国内罗毕办事处的财务安排 拢 联 合 国其他同类行政部门的财 务安排,根据这些决议,2012-2013 [...]
两年期拟议方案预算第 28G 款(行政,内罗毕)列入了加强
14.27 Pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 56/253 and 57/292, in which the Assembly requested that the United Nations Office at Nairobi be further strengthened, and 64/243, in which the Assembly requested that the
Secretary-General continue to bring the financial
[...] arrangements of the United Nations [...]
Office at Nairobi into line with those of similar
United Nations administrative offices, proposals for strengthening the programme budget component of the Office are included in section 29G, Administration, Nairobi, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 20122013.
在索马里东北部,海 盗首领在地方和中央各级,通过吸纳和腐蚀 拢 政 府 官员损害了国家机构。
In north-eastern Somalia, pirate leaders have compromised State institutions at both the local and central levels by co-opting and corrupting government officials.
其他令人不安的事态发展 包括联合王国的“三叉戟计划”和法国的核武库中 又增加了一艘配备核武器的弹道导弹潜艇,以及后 者缄不谈以色列的秘密核计划。
Other distressing developments included the United Kingdom’s Trident programme and France’s addition of a nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine to its nuclear arsenals, as well as the latter country’s silence on the underground Israeli nuclear programme.
Gastech 2014国际石油天然气展览会将围绕天然 气产业特点,设计出9大 关注领 域,拢整个供应链的专业人士共同交 流信息。
Gastech Exhibition 2014 will feature 9 focus areas within the natural gas industry to bring professionals working within the supply chain in these sectors closer together.
令人遗憾的是,报告避不谈一个事实,即阿族 当局继续维护用混凝土填埋贾科维察市中心两度被 毁的塞尔维亚教堂遗址这个令人义愤填膺的决定。
Unfortunately, the report passes over in silence the fact that the ethnic Albanian authorities continue to defend the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica that has been destroyed twice.
关于项目 4,他说臭氧消耗物质的原 料用途不受《蒙特利尔议定书》管辖,并指出考虑到重要的经济和保密问题, 应避不谈有关此用途的进一步措施。
Regarding item 4, he said that feedstock uses of ozone-depleting substances were not covered by the Montreal Protocol and that further measures regarding them should be eschewed out of concern for important economic and confidentiality issues.
但是,考察团却查明,最近就有公款被投入上帕拉佩 蒂的私人庄园中,从而使庄园主把好处给了被 拢 的 忠 于主人的瓜拉尼人,4而 那些为自己权利而斗争的瓜拉尼人却什么也没有得到。
Nevertheless, the mission ascertained that recently public funds were invested in private haciendas in Alto Parapetí; so that the hacienda owners have allowed benefits for co-opted Guaraníes who are loyal to the owner,4 while Guaraníes who fight for their rights have received nothing.




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