

单词 调解员

See also:

解调 n

demodulation n



External sources (not reviewed)

大会还请秘书长就下列事项向大会第六十六届会议提出报告: 新的内部司法系统对工作人员和管理当局的关系及工作人员和管理人员的业绩 的影响;对内部司法办公室网站的改进;决议第 53 段要求的资料(在此过程中应
铭记司法独立原则);内部司法系统的范围,尤其是为不同类别编外人员提供的 补救措施;在联合国争议法庭 3 个地点设立专用审判室所需经费;以及需要加强
[...] 对新的内部司法系统所有法官、监察员、法律代理人、书记官 调解员 、 法 院工 作人员和办公室工作人员的教育和培训事宜。
The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the impact of the new system of administration of justice on staff-management relations and the performance of both staff and managers; improvements to the website of the Office of Administration of Justice; the information requested in paragraph 53 of the resolution, bearing in mind the principle of judicial independence; the scope of the system of the administration of justice, in particular remedies available to the different categories of non-staff personnel; the provisions needed for dedicated courtroom space in the three United Nations Dispute Tribunal locations; and the need for enhancing education and training of
all judges, ombudsmen, legal
[...] representatives, registrars, mediators and court and [...]
office staff of the new system of administration of justice.
除 了经常性外展和宣传活动,该办公室将重视增加关键应变小组对危机局势的反应 能力,增进值班监员和调解员库, 缩短该办公室的响应时间。
In addition to carrying out its regular outreach and awareness-raising activities, the Office will place emphasis on increasing its capacity to respond to crisis situations
through a critical response team, by enhancing its pool of
[...] on-call ombudsmen and mediators and improving its [...]
response time.
在总部的监员和调解事务 办公室包括以下由经常预算提供经费的员额: 1 个助理秘书长、1 个 D-1 办公室主任、1 个 D-1 调解司司长、2 个 P-5 调解员、 1 个 P-4 解决冲突干事、1 个 P-3 新闻干事和 3 个一般事务(其他职等)。
The Office of
[...] the Ombudsman and Mediation Services at Headquarters comprises the following posts funded under the regular budget: 1 Assistant Secretary-General, 1 D-1 Director of Office, 1 D-1 Director of the Mediation Division, 2 P-5 Mediator, 1 [...]
P-4 Conflict Resolution Officer, 1 P-3 Information Officer and 3 General Service (Other level).
总体来 讲,根据教科文组织世界报告《着力于文化多样性和文化建设对话》所提出的有关建议,教 科文组织将推动采取各种行动,并动员下属有关各方广泛参与:会员国及其全国国委员会, 教科文组织赞助的各种中心和机构(2 类机构)--例如,“亚洲及太平洋地区国际了解教育
中心”和“非洲女童和妇女教育国际中心”—,教科文组织俱乐部,教科文组织联系学校, 教科文组织教席,议员,市长,教科文组织亲善大使与和平艺术家,非政府组织,科学协
[...] 会,大学和研究中心,新闻记者和传媒,宗教当局,各国的人权机构,妇女协会和青年协 会,私营部门,监员和调解员。
Overall, and in line with the recommendations of the UNESCO World Report Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO will promote a diversity of action by mobilizing a broad range of stakeholders: Member States and their National Commissions, centres and institutes under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2), such as the Asia-Pacific Centre for Education and Intercultural Understanding (APCEIU) and the International Centre for Girls and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA), UNESCO Clubs, UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet), UNESCO Chairs, parliamentarians, mayors, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors and Artists for Peace, NGOs, scientific associations, academia and research centres, journalists and the media, religious authorities, national
human rights institutions, women’s associations and youth associations, the private
[...] sector and ombudspersons and mediators.
总部的监察员办公室人员组成包括由经常预算 供资的 1 个助理秘书长、1 个 D-1 办公室主任、1 个 D-1 调解司司长、2 个 P-5 调解员、1 个 P-4 解决冲突干事、1 个 P-3 新闻干事和 3 个一般事务人员(其他职 等)员额;以及 1 个由支助账户供资的 P-5 高级解决冲突干事员额。
The Office of the Ombudsman at Headquarters comprises one Assistant Secretary-General, one D-1 Director of Office, one D-1 Director of the Mediation Division, 2 P-5 Mediators, one P-4 Conflict Resolution Officer, one P-3 Information Officer and three General Service (Other level) posts funded under the regular budget, as well as one P-5 Senior Conflict Resolution Officer post funded under the support account.
[...] 的参与和作用,包括采取措施,例如为冲突中和冲突后妇女和平运动提 供能力建设支助,建立具有具体方面的性别问题专门知识的妇 调解员 快速反应名册,安排使妇女民间社会团体在和平谈判、捐助方会议和国 际联络会议具有观察员地位,采 取 措 施增加妇女在外交事务部门任职的 [...]
Ways and means to enhance women’s participation and role in formal and informal conflict prevention and mediation efforts, including measures such as capacity-building support for women’s peace movements in conflict and post-conflict situations, the establishment of
a rapid response
[...] roster of women mediators and mediators with sector-specific gender expertise, arrangements for observer status for women’s [...]
civil society groups
at peace negotiations, donor conferences and international engagement meetings, and steps to increase the number of women in the Foreign Service and ensure that women diplomats are engaged in leadership roles in conflict resolution.
罗姆人市调解员试点 项目,旨在由地方城市提供有关罗姆人融入的服 务,确保在地方服务和组织及罗姆人社区之间建立紧密关系。
a Pilot Project for
[...] Municipal Roma Mediators with a view to [...]
provide, in local municipalities, Roma inclusion related services,
guaranteeing the establishment of a close relation between local services and organisations and Roma communities.
这些干预很复杂,需要一名待命监 员/调解员 来 开 展从达成协议 到调解结论以及执行和解协定的冲突化解过程。
The complexity of such interventions requires
[...] an on-call ombudsman/mediator to conduct the conflict resolution process from the obtaining of agreements to mediating the conclusion [...]
and implementation of a settlement agreement.
[...] 这取决于能否对所有法官、监察员、法律代理人、书记官 调解员 、 以及法院和 办公室工作人员进行认真的教育和培训(A/61/205,第 [...]
115 段)。
The Redesign Panel indicated that the efficacy of the proposed reforms to both the formal and the informal systems depends on the careful education and training
of all judges, ombudsmen, legal
[...] representatives, registrars, mediators and court and [...]
office staff (A/61/205, para. 115).
实际上,其职责目前由人权机构― 调解员 办 公 室承担 调解 员办公 室负责解决个人与行政当局之间的争端,任何居住在摩纳哥的个人或法人 无论其公民身份或财富,都可以诉诸法律,并有可能获得法律援助。
The Médiateur was competent for disputes between individuals and [...]
the administration, and legal recourses were available
for any individual or corporate body residing in Monaco, without distinction based on citizenship or wealth, and with the possibility of legal aid.
它包调解员可以 就《儿童权 利公约》承认的权利和自由向未成年人提供信息和指导。
It allowed the Ombudsman to inform and guide [...]
minors with respect to their rights and liberties as recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
在本报告所述期间,人权高专办设在中非、东非、南部非洲和西非的区域办 事处、设在毛里塔尼亚、多哥和乌干达的国家办事处、驻几内亚、大湖区、肯尼
亚、马达加斯加、尼日尔和卢旺达的联合国国家工作队人权顾问以及派驻布隆迪、 中非共和国、乍得、科特迪瓦、达尔富尔(苏丹)、刚果民主共和国、几内亚比绍、
[...] 利比里亚、塞拉利昂、索马里和苏丹的联合国和平特派团人权部门,继续提供关 于在非洲设立和加强监员、调解员 和 其 他国家人权机构的咨询意见和援助。
During the reporting period, OHCHR regional offices in Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa; the country offices in Mauritania, Togo and Uganda; the human rights advisers to the United Nations country teams in Guinea, the Great Lakes region, Kenya, Madagascar, the Niger and Rwanda; and the human rights components of the United Nations missions in Burundi, the Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Darfur (the Sudan), the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and the Sudan continued to provide advice and
assistance in the establishment and
[...] strengthening of Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions in Africa.
考虑到监员、调解员和其 他国家人权机构在促进公共行政部门善治以及在 改进它们与公民间关系和加强公共服务提供方面的作用
Considering the role
[...] of the Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions in promoting good governance
in public administrations, as well as improving their relations with citizens, and in strengthening the delivery of public services
作为 PACSICOM 的一项后 续活动,教科文组织海委会与联合国环境规划署 (UNEP)和世界保护自然联盟(IUCN)合作,发展了
与保护海洋咨询委员会(ACOPS)、(由开普敦会议 3
[...] 指定的作为发展与保护撒哈拉以南非洲的沿海和海洋 环境的非洲进调解员的一个非政府组织)的合作伙 伴关系,并正在协调由撒哈拉以南非洲的 [...]
11 个沿海 国家参与的全球环境基金(世界银行--环境规划署-开发计划署)的一个中型项目,该项目的目的是发现
As a follow-up to PACSICOM, IOC developed in cooperation with IOC of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN), a partnership with the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS)
(an NGO designated by the Cape Town
[...] Conference 3 as the facilitator of the African [...]
Process on Development and Protection of
the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa, ACOPS), and is coordinating a Global Environment Facility (World BankUNEP-UNDP)- medium-size project- with the participation of 11 coastal countries of sub-Saharan Africa, with the purpose of detecting the most pressing environmental issues in their coasts and designing integrated intervention projects.
[...] 在题为“预防性外交:交付成果”的报告(S/2011/552)中总结称,近年来,联合 国特使调解员在政 治部的支持下,帮助加强了脆弱的民主过渡,将对抗转化为 [...]
As summarized in the Secretary-General’s report entitled “Preventive diplomacy:
Delivering results” (S/2011/552), United
[...] Nations envoys and mediators, supported by [...]
the Department, have in recent years helped
to shore up fragile democratic transitions and channel confrontation into dialogue.
部分正在执业调解员当获 委任为个案 调解员 时 会使用自己的办事 处,作为这些个案的调解场地。
Some practising mediators would use premises of their offices as mediation venues for cases of which they are the appointed mediators.
在本报告所述期间,人权高专办向下列国家的政府和(或)监 员 、 调解员和 其 他国家人权机构提供了咨询意见和援助:阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、贝宁、博茨瓦 [...]
纳、巴西、科摩罗、刚果、智利、哥伦比亚、吉布提、厄瓜多尔、格鲁吉亚、海 地、印度尼西亚、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、科索沃、科威特、马来西亚、马里、
墨西哥、摩纳哥、莫桑比克、瑙鲁、尼日尔、尼日利亚、挪威、巴勒斯坦被占领 土、巴布亚新几内亚、摩尔多瓦共和国、南非、塔吉克斯坦、东帝汶、土耳其、 巴拿马、塞尔维亚、索马里、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、 乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
During the reporting period, OHCHR provided
advice and assistance to the
[...] Governments and/or Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions of Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Comoros, the Congo, Djibouti, Ecuador, Georgia, Haiti, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Monaco, Mozambique, Nauru, the Niger, Nigeria, Norway, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Panama, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Somalia, South Africa, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.
确定了不同区域的待调解员,这些 调解员 会 说当地语言并了解当地固 有的文化特性,这将确保服务快捷高效,并有助于节省差旅费。
The identification of on-call mediators in the different regions who speak the local language and understand the cultural sensitivities inherent in each will ensure fast and efficient service delivery and contribute to saving travel costs.
强调为了使监员、调解员和已 设置的其他国家人权机构能够审议与其管辖 领域有关的所有问题,必须保持他们的自主和独立性
Underlining the importance of the autonomy and independence of the Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions,
where they exist, in order to enable them to consider all issues related to the field of their competences
调解员的指导材料、调解培训方案和调解工具的制订中应该经 常列入儿童保护要素,并且要确立一些模式,使儿童保护行为者与调解人和调解 [...]
Child protection elements should be routinely included in guidance
[...] materials for mediators, in mediation [...]
training programmes and in development of
mediation tools, and modalities should be established for regular briefings and exchange between child protection actors and mediators and mediation support focal points.
在苏丹,文调解员向社 区和卫生 专家宣传切割女性生殖器官对女性健康的后果。
In Sudan, cultural mediators sensitized local [...]
communities and health professionals to the consequences of FGM on women’s health.
员、调解员和其 他国家人权机构在促进和保护人权方面的作用 大会第六十三届会议考虑到监员、 调解员 和 其 他国家人权机构在促进公共 行政部门善治以及在改进它们与公民间关系和加强公共服务提供方面的作用,请 秘书长向大会第六十五届会议报告本决议的执行情况(第 63/169 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly, considering the role of the Ombudsman, mediator and other national human rights institutions in promoting good governance [...]
in public administrations,
as well as improving their relations with citizens, and in strengthening the delivery of public services, requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 63/169).
对于双方无法解决的任何争议将提交调解,然后在 10 个工作日内由双方共同指定的司法、仲裁和调解服务 (JAMS) 的调解员进行调解。
Any dispute the parties are unable to resolve between themselves will be
submitted to mediation before a
[...] mutually agreed mediator of Judicial Arbitration And Mediation [...]
Services (JAMS) to be scheduled within 10 business days.
自 2011 年 1 月以来,联合国促进性别平等和增 强妇女权能署(妇女署)和政治事务部(政治部)执行 了一项关于性别和调解问题的联合战略,以期在调解 队伍中增加性别问题专家人数以及在联合国管理的 和平进程中增加女调解员、观察员和谈判人员的数 目。
Since January 2011, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) and the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) have pursued a joint strategy on gender and mediation to increase the
availability of gender
[...] expertise to mediation teams and the number of women mediators, observers and negotiators in peace processes managed by the United Nations.
作为此战略的一部分,政治事务部调解支助股为联合国待命专 家组征聘了一名性别平等和调解专家,并将高 调解员 、 调解 团 队 成员和专题调 解专家名单的女性候选人比例提高至 33%。
As part of this strategy, in 2011 the Mediation Support Unit of the Department of Political Affairs recruited a gender and mediation specialist in the United Nations Standby Team of Mediation Experts and increased the proportion of
women candidates in its rosters
[...] of senior mediators, mediation team members and thematic [...]
mediation experts to 33 per cent.
该项目为编写《立法者 和决策者手册》及《和调解员指南 》以及为在圣雷莫开设培训课程提供了支 [...]
It has provided support for the preparation of
the Manual for Law and Policy Makers, the
[...] Guide for Peace Mediators and the courses [...]
in San Remo, and has organized seminars
at the regional and national levels to promote the protection of internally displaced persons.
本报告涵盖 2008 年 12 月至 2010 年 9 月期间,其中提供资料, 说明联合国人权事务高级专员办事处为设立和加强独立、自主的监 员 、 调解员 和其他国家人权机构所开展活动和政府在此方面采取的措施;在国际和区域两级 向这些机构提供的支持;与联合国其他机构和方案一道向监 员 、 调解员 和 其他 国家人权机构或就监员、调解员和 其 他国家人权机构提供的技术援助;这些机 构同区域和国际机制之间促进和保护人权方面的合作。
The present report, covering the period from December 2008 to September 2010, contains information on the activities undertaken by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to establish and
[...] independent and autonomous Ombudsman, mediator and other national human rights institutions, and measures taken by Governments in that regard; support provided to those institutions at the international and regional levels; technical assistance provided to and on Ombudsman, mediator and other national human rights [...]
institutions, together with other United Nations agencies and programmes; and
cooperation between those institutions and regional and international mechanisms to promote and protect human rights.
在第 63/169
[...] 号决议中,大会回顾了关于促进和保护人权国家机构的地位的 原则(《巴黎原则》);考虑到监员 、 调解员 和 其 他国家人权机构在促进公共行 政部门善治和加强公共服务提供方面,以及在促进有效实现法治和尊重公正和平 [...]
In resolution 63/169, the General Assembly recalled the Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the
Paris Principles); considered the role
[...] of the Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions in promoting
good governance in public administrations, in strengthening the delivery of public services, as well as in contributing to the effective realization of the rule of law and respect for the principles of justice and equality; and stressed the important role of those institutions in advising Governments with respect to bringing national legislation and national practices in line with their international human right obligations.
2008 年,人权高专办引入了一个助研金方案,借以选拔具有“A 级”国际协 调委员会资格认证的监员、调解员 和 其 他国家人权机构工作人员到国家机构和 [...]
区域机制科工作最多 12 个月。
In 2008, OHCHR introduced a fellowship
programme through which staff from the
[...] offices of Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions accredited
by ICC with “A status” are selected to work in the National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section for a period up to 12 months.
在本报告所述期间,人权高专办设在智利和巴拿马的区域办事处、设在玻利 维亚多民族国、哥伦比亚、危地马拉和墨西哥的国家办事处、驻厄瓜多尔、洪都
[...] 拉斯和尼加拉瓜的人权顾问以及联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)的人权部 门继续为设立和加强监员、调解员 和 其他国家人权机构提供咨询和援助。
During the reporting period, the OHCHR regional offices in Chile and Panama, the country offices in Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico, the human rights advisers in Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Paraguay and the human rights component of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) continued to provide advice and
assistance for the establishment and
[...] strengthening of Ombudsman, mediator and other national [...]
human rights institutions.




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