

单词 调虎离山

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,所收到的信息表明,一些军事法官 调离 和 解雇可能与他们同普 通司法系统进行合作有关。
Moreover, information received indicates that the transfer and dismissal of some military judges may be related to their collaboration with the ordinary justice system.
民间社会组织调要远离市 场 驱动的政策,进一步执行以人为本的发展政策,由政府确保可持续生计并维护 人权和性别平等。
Civil society
[...] organizations stressed the need to move away from market-driven [...]
policies and further implement people-centred
development policies that require Governments to ensure sustainable livelihoods and uphold human rights and gender equality.
山强调指出 ,有好几个机构都认为,贩运人口目前不是一个问题,黑 山的司法机构正在适当处理贩运人口案件,并依照所犯罪行的严重程度判刑。
Montenegro stressed that several institutions [...]
have had an opportunity to conclude that trafficking in persons is not a problem
at the present and that the judicial bodies of Montenegro dealt with cases of trafficking of persons appropriately and pronounced sentences that were adequate to the severity of the committed offenses.
12GB 號工程計劃的範圍包括沿現有由西( 白鶴洲) 至東( 沙頭角) 的 邊界巡邏通路( 全長約 21.7 公里) 南緣興建輔助邊界圍網,以及在落馬 洲河套及蠔殼圍、虎山和蓮 麻坑村和 虎山 沿 深圳河岸興建主圍網 和邊界巡邏通路的新段( 全長約 9.6 公里) 。
The scope of 12GB is to construct an SBF along the southern edge of the existing BPR (approximately 21.7 kilometres) from Pak Hok Chau in the west to Sha Tau Kok in the east, and to construct new sections of the PBF and the BPR (approximately 9.6 kilometres in total) along Shenzhen River near Lok Ma Chau Loop and Hoo Hok Wai, Pak Fu Shan and Lin Ma Hang.
2007 年和 2008 年有超过 60 000 名泰米尔平民离猛虎组织控制的 地区,来到我国南部地区生活。
In 2007 and 2008, over 60,000 Tamil civilians fled the LTTE-dominated areas to live in the south of the country.
工程計劃的擬議範圍包括(a)治理一段介乎平原河至 虎山 長約 4.5 公里的深圳河;(b)建造容量約為 [...]
80 000 立方米的滯洪區;以及(c) 進行附屬工程,包括渠務工程和環境美化工程。
The proposed scope of the project comprises (a) regulation of about 4.5 kilometres long river
channel of Shenzhen River between Ping Yuen
[...] River and Pak Fu Shan; (b) construction [...]
of a water storage basin with a capacity
of about 80 000 cubic metres; and (c) ancillary works including drainage and landscaping works.
他補充,在會上提交的建議是關於把工務工程 編號13GB "蓮塘/香園圍口岸與相關工程"的兩部 分提升為甲級,包括:(a)就新口岸建築工程及相關 設施進行設計及工地勘測,估計所需費用為 1億 8,000萬元;及(b)進行河道治理工程,以提升平 原河與虎山之間 一段深圳河的防洪標準( 下稱 " 治理深圳河第四期工程") ,估計所需費用為 5億 9,510萬元。
He added that the proposals presented to the meeting were about upgrading two parts of PWP Item No. 13GB "Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and associated works" to Category A at an estimated cost of (a) $180 million for carrying out the design and site investigations of the building works and the associated facilities of the new BCP and (b) $595.1 million for carrying out river regulation works to upgrade the flood protection standard of a section of SZ river between Ping Yuen River and Pak Fu Shan (regulation of SZ River Stage IV).
阿尔巴尼亚调指出,黑山是一个正常运行的民主社会,是区域稳定的 一 个 因 素 ,也是 一 个 [...]
值 得信赖的 伙伴。
Albania emphasized that Montenegro is a functioning [...]
democracy, a factor in regional stability and a trustworthy partner.
山强调指 出,这 一领域 的 司法部门致 力于解 决涉及家 庭 暴力刑事罪的案件。
Montenegro stressed that in this field [...]
judicial bodies have been committed to solving the cases involving the criminal offence of domestic violence.
此外,為配合落實縮減 邊境禁區覆蓋範圍的計劃,這項工程計劃亦包括沿深圳河,在落馬洲 河套及蠔殼圍北面、虎山北面和蓮麻坑西北面,分別建造三段新的 邊界巡邏通路、附設邊界圍網保護系統的主圍網,以及輔助邊界圍網。
In addition, three new sections of the BPR, the PBF installed with the Fence Protection System, and the SBF will be constructed along the Shenzhen River to the north of Lok Ma Chau Loop and Hoo Hok Wai, to the north of Pak Fu Shan and to the northwest of Lin Ma Hang respectively to implement the planned reduction of the FCA coverage.
[...] DaO 筹资窗口,该申请已由山的驻地协调员办公室于 2009 年 12 月 16 日提交给联合国指导委员会。
Montenegro: The country’s full application to the expanded DaO funding window under the
MDG-F Achievement Fund was submitted to the United Nations Steering
[...] Committee by the Montenegrin RCO on 16 December 2009.
与此同时,斯里兰卡所有 的人在离猛虎组织的枪弹和炸弹的情况下,享受着 经济繁荣带来的惠益。
Meanwhile, all the people of Sri Lanka were enjoying the benefits of an economic boom, free of LTTE bullets and bombs.
[...] 访问斯里兰卡期间,收到了一些报告,指出印尼亚·巴拉蒂 ( 脱 离 “ 泰 米尔虎 人民 解放”组织的一派,由被称为“司令”的卡鲁纳领导)在东部省安帕赖区招 [...]
During the mission to Sri Lanka by the Special Envoy of my Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, a number of reports were received on recruitment of children and threats of
re-recruitment by Iniya Barrathi (who
[...] was part of the TMVP breakaway faction, under Karuna’s [...]
leadership, and is referred to
as “commander”) in Ampara district in the Eastern province.
(a) 尽管取得了一些进展,泰米尔伊拉姆 虎 解 放 组织 ( 猛 虎 组 织 )让儿离 队,且泰米尔虎人民 解放组织(猛虎人解组织)也做出少许努力,但斯里兰卡境 内武装团体招募儿童入伍仍然是一个令人严重关注的问题
(a) Despite some
[...] progress and the release of children by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and a modicum [...]
of efforts on the part
of the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal (TMVP), trends of child recruitment by armed groups continued to be a source of major concern in Sri Lanka
尽管2003年4 月虎组织 离开了 对话桌,但是政府仍致力于争取谈判商定的解决办法。
The Government has remained committed to a negotiated settlement
[...] despite the LTTE’s walking away from talks [...]
in April 2003.
代理主席,我期望今天的法例可令那些“明 山 有 虎 , 偏 向 虎山 行 ” 的 駕車者、喜歡玩車、亡命飛車的駕駛者和酒後駕駛者等及早知道其行為的嚴 重性,因而重新做守法則的精明駕駛者。
Deputy President, I hope that through today's legislation, those drivers who still commit dangerous acts knowing the dangers involved, those who like car racing and driving at high speed recklessly as well as those drink drivers, will be aware of the serious consequences of such behaviour early, so that they will turn over a new leaf and be law-abiding smart drivers again.
夏天茂密的山虎将墙 和窗的大部分都盖住,从外面看是一栋悦目的“绿色”建筑,里面采光却严重不足。
In the summer time when lush ivy covered up most of the south wall and windows, the building looked very “green” from outside, yet it severely lacked natural light on the inside.
该项目的内容是对古苏山脉进行调 查研 究,使其成为贴有标签的旅游留宿地,并与当地熟悉情况、受过培训的居民密切合作,振兴 专题环游线路。
This project consists in identifying and renovating the Ksour as quality tourist accommodation and developing thematic tours, working in close cooperation with communities that have been informed and trained.
所以,我現在是以㆒位民選議員的身份發言,希 望在未來㆕年間,仍可「知無不言,言無不盡」,有時甚至「明 山 有 虎 , 偏 向 虎山 行 」
That is why I am here on my feet speaking in the capacity of an elected Member; I hope that in
the next four years I
[...] shall speak fully and unreservedly on whichever matter I possess information of: sometimes I shall even go where angels fear to tread.
发展合作伙伴关系的一 个重要方面是它们的跨学科性和从多方参与的特点,例如:联合国人口计划署—教科文组织 大阿尔卑山调查项 目(GRASP),目前与联合国基金会、联合国大学、国际热带森林组织 和非政府组织开展合作,动员各种方式方法来保存大阿尔卑斯山。
A major aspect of partnerships developed is their cross-disciplinary and multistakeholder character, such as the UNEP-UNESCO Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP), which now partners with the UNF, UNU, ITTO and NGOs to mobilize a variety of means towards great apes conservation.
以 2016
[...] 年來往香港及珠海的車輛運輸成本節約作例子,在沒有大橋 的情況下,貨車必須行經山、虎門 大橋才可到達香港。
Taking the saving in vehicle operating cost for traveling between Hong Kong and
Zhuhai in 2016 as an example, for the case without HZMB, trucks will
[...] have to travel via Zhongshan, Humen Bridge to Hong Kong.
据称,该处将由 1 个从埃塞俄比亚政府借调的军官负责,对其 提供支持的是 1 个 P-4
[...] 联络干事、1 个联络干事(本国专业干事)和 1 个调离部队指挥官办公室的行政助理(本国一般事务人员)(见 [...]
A/66/722,第 36 段)。
It is indicated that the office would be headed by a Military Officer, to be seconded by the Government of Ethiopia, who would be supported by a Liaison Officer (P-4), a Liaison Officer (National Professional Officer) and
an Administrative Assistant (national
[...] General Service) redeployed from the Office [...]
of the Force Commander (see A/66/722, para. 36).
[...] 生产线的转型将于 2014 年初立即开始,而离式空调生产线的初步工作将于 2013 年开始, [...]
具体的转型将于 2016 年或之后实现。
In response to requests for clarification regarding the timing of the proposed conversion, the representative of the Secretariat informed the Committee that the conversion of the central air-conditioner production line would start immediately and
end in early 2014, while preliminary work
[...] for the split air-conditioner production [...]
line would begin in 2013, with actual conversion
taking place in 2016 and beyond.
可采用的补救措施包括,但不仅 限于(a) 回避调离,(b) 冻结个人投资,(c) 将资产交由独立的第三方管理, [...]
(d) 不披露内部信息,(e) 不参与外部实体的代表性活动或筹资活动,(f) 指示 放弃有关的外部利益以及(g) 改变报告关系。
Such measures include, but are not limited to
[...] (a) recusal or removal; (b) a freeze [...]
on personal investments; (c) placement
of an asset into independent third-party management; (d) non-disclosure of privileged information; (e) non-involvement in representational or fund-raising activities of an outside entity; (f) an instruction to discard the interest in the external concern; and (g) changes in reporting lines.
b) 实施阶段:一旦工作调动计划得到总干事的批准,人力资源管理局将发出职位空 缺公告,列出所有空缺职位(已空缺职位和未来 12 至 18 个月内将要出现空缺的 职位)以及工作人员预调离的职位。
(b) the implementation phase: Once the mobility plans have been approved by the Director-General, HRM will issue a Vacancy Bulletin listing all vacant posts
(current and due to become
[...] vacant in the next 12 to 18 months) as well as the posts occupied by staff expected to move.
主席团要求,在恢复该职务并完成其 招聘工作之前,秘书处要确保取得 调离 计 划 专家的援助,从而确保计划的连续性和 成功实施。
The Bureau requested that, until the post is recovered and the recruitment process for the post is completed, the Secretariat secure the assistance of the transferred Programme Specialist to ensure the continuity and successful implementation of the programme.
尤其是望穿秋 水的港島西區虎山的郊野公園和大嶼山北的郊野公園,市民其實很渴望政府能夠早 些撥款,使到有資源能夠將這兩個㆞方成為市民可以享用的郊野公園。
In particular, in respect of the
[...] country park on Lung Fu Shan in Hong Kong West and the country park in Lantau North [...]
the designation of
which has long been desired by the public, the public earnestly hopes that the Government can allocate funds as soon as possible, so that there are resources for developing these two sites as country parks for the public.




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