

单词 调查表

See also:

调查 v

survey v
research v
track v
inquire v
probe v

调查 n

study n
investigation n


(opinion) poll



External sources (not reviewed)

但是,调查表做出答复的大多数会员国在这个问题上 没有表示任何意见。
However, the majority of Member States
[...] responding to the questionnaire did not express any opinion [...]
on this issue.
[...] 制问题的建议,也综合了全体会议针 调查表 各 个部分举行的辩论中所提出的建议。
The following sections integrate the gist of the various cluster recommendations on general policy and
programming issues as well as the suggestions made during the debate in plenary on
[...] the various parts of the questionnaire.
2000 年进行的营调查表明, 同一期间,马尔代夫全部怀孕妇女的超过半 数和非怀孕妇女的近半数患贫血,这种亏损病是缺乏富含铁的食物引起的。
At the same time, a
[...] nutritional study in 2000 indicated that more than [...]
half of all pregnant Maldivian women and nearly half
of non-pregnant women suffered from anaemia, a deficiency that can be caused by the lack of iron-rich foods.
毒品贩运的资料主要源自各国政府 对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报调查表第三 部分(非法药物供应)和 2010 年 年度报调查表第四 部分(毒品作物种植及毒品制造和贩运的规模、模式及趋 势)所作的答复。
The primary sources of information on drug trafficking were the replies submitted by Governments to part III (Illicit supply of drugs) of the annual reports questionnaire for 2009 and previous years, and part IV (Extent and patterns of and trends in drug crop cultivation and drug manufacture and trafficking) of the annual report questionnaire for 2010.
此外,同年开展的一调 查表明, 领土沿海最常见的海洋废弃物是来自海上船只或附近的垃圾填埋场的塑 料碎片,据报道,其中大部分位于近沿海地区。
Further, a survey carried out the same year indicated that the most [...]
common type of marine debris found along the Territory’s
shores was plastic debris originating from vessels at sea or from nearby landfill sites, most of which are reportedly located near coastal areas.
在通过请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告上述行动的第 65/38 号决议后, 秘书长向各国、区域经济一体化组织和区域渔管组织/安排分发了一 调查表, 请 它们提交关于它们为执行相关决议所采取行动的资料,以便进一步审查这些行 动。
Following the adoption of resolution 65/38, requesting the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the above-mentioned actions,
the Secretary-General
[...] circulated a questionnaire to States, regional economic integration organizations and RFMO/As, inviting [...]
them to submit information on actions taken to
implement the relevant resolutions with a view to facilitating a further review.
调查表明,使用体罚的家 长少了,政府希望这种趋势继续下去。
Research showed that fewer [...]
parents now used physical punishment, and the Government hoped the trend would continue.
(h) 与国际社会合作,根据对年度报 调查表 和 两 年期报 调查表 分 析所 取得的经验,开发可供麻醉药品委员会考虑并采用的高级数据收集工具,以便 对减少毒品需求措施的质量、范围和覆盖面迅速作出衡量,确保所使用的工具 适合各国的不同需要和报告能力,有科学依据,同时充分利用现有信息资源并 在适当情况下借助现有区域监测系统的经验,尽量减少报告负担。
(h) Develop, in cooperation with the international community and in the light of lessons learned in the analysis of replies to the annual reports questionnaire and the biennial reports questionnaire, enhanced data-collection [...]
to be considered and adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, allowing streamlined measurement of the quality, extent and coverage of drug demand reduction measures, ensuring that the tools used are appropriate for the different needs and reporting capacities of countries and are scientifically sound, making full use of existing information resources and, benefiting from, if appropriate, the experience of the existing regional monitoring systems, while minimizing the reporting burden.
伊朗上次于 2007 年向原子能机构提供了有关 IR-40 反应堆的一些更新资料, 但自 2006 年以来一直没有提供该设施的《设计资 调查表 》。
Iran last provided the Agency with some updated information on the IR-40 Reactor in 2007, but has not provided a DIQ for the facility since 2006.
2008 年进行的一调 查表明, 在北蒂拉杜马蒂和南蒂拉杜马蒂行政区,25%的残疾儿童离开了自己的 家园。
A study conducted in 2008 found that 25 per cent of children with disabilities in Haa Alifu and Haa Dhaal never left their homes.
举例: 最近在联合王国对纺织 品外观设计者进行调查表明, 80% 回答表明, 设计者总是保存其原始外 观设计文件的档案, 而且了解他们要 证明版权所有权的重要性。
Example: In a recent survey of fabric designers in the United Kingdom, 80% of respondents said they always [...]
kept a record of their
original design documents and were aware of their importance for proving copyright ownership.
[...] 些问题,认为这些问题更适合放在年度报 调查表 的 其 他部分,这些建议已受 到充分注意。
A few experts identified questions
that would be more appropriate in other parts of the
[...] revised draft questionnaire, and those [...]
suggestions were duly noted.
[...] 各国政府完成麻醉药品年度统计报告(表 C)、麻醉药品进出口季度统计数据(表 A)和麻醉药品年度需 求量估计数(表 B)以及相关调查表。
It has been prepared by the International Narcotics Control Board to assist Governments in completing the annual statistical reports on narcotic drugs (Form C), the quarterly statistics of imports and exports of
narcotic drugs (Form A) and the estimates of annual requirements for
[...] narcotic drugs (Form B) as well as related questionnaires.
另一位发言者建议查明年度报调 查表答复 率低和答复质量不高的原因,同时指出应着重加强各会员国的能力, 包括提供在线填调查表的备 选办法,以使它们能够以更高的质量填写经修订 的年度报调查表。
Another speaker provided
[...] suggestions for identifying the reasons for the low rates of response and the low quality of the responses to the annual report questionnaire, noting that the focus should be on enhancing the capacity of Member States to complete, in a qualitatively improved manner, a revised annual report questionnaire, including by providing the option of completing the questionnaire online.
该《设计资调 查表》表明,还已做出了安排,使营运者能够“利用其中一些级联生产 5%的低浓铀,同时另一些级联生产 20%的低浓铀”。
The DIQ indicated that provision had also been made to enable the operator to “use some of the cascades for production of 5% LEU while some of them are producing 20% LEU”.
Ozzy 臭 氧材料包括录像、漫画、电视和电台节目以及 Ozzy 网站,其中,根据环境规划署的内部 评价,完调查表的 1 01 个国家的绝大多数国家臭氧机构都评估说该网站非常有用或比较 有用。
Ozzy Ozone materials include videos, cartoons, TV and radio spots, and an Ozzy Website that were, according to an in-house evaluation of UNEP, assessed as being very useful or moderately useful by the great majority of NOUs from 101 countries where the questionnaire had been completed.
巴巴多 斯注意 到,在巴巴多斯国内开展的民 调查表 明 , 民意强烈主张保留死刑。
It noted that
[...] opinion polls and surveys taken in the country [...]
show that public sentiment strongly favours retention of the death penalty.
联合国法治指标项目包括 114 项指标、一个执行指 南、一套问调查表和核 对表,还有一个国家概况介绍模板,以帮助摆脱冲突的 国家当局进行法治改革,特别是衡量刑事司法机构一段时间来在廉正、能力和结 果方面出现的变化。
The United Nations rule of law indicators project consists of 114 indicators, an implementation guide, a set of questionnaires and checklists and a country fact sheet template to assist national authorities in countries emerging from conflict in their rule of law reforms, in particular to measure changes in the integrity, capacity and outcomes of criminal justice institutions over time.
66 个监管机构进行调查表明, 信息交流和参加国际协会 是此类合作最常见的形式,其次是参加区域机构和专家小组。
An UNCTAD survey using questionnaires covering [...]
66 regulatory authorities in ISS shows that information exchange and participation
in international associations are the most frequently used forms of such cooperation, followed by participation in regional agencies and expert panels.
若委员会通过订正决议草案 E/CN.7/2010/L.12/Rev.1,预计毒品和犯罪问题 办公室将需要 106,300
[...] 美元追加预算外资源,用于重新收集关于预防方案经验的 详细信息,其中涉及拟订新调查表 、 新的数据库以及提交和处理信息。
Should the Commission adopt revised draft resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.12/Rev.1, it was envisaged that additional extrabudgetary resources in the amount of $106,300 would be needed by UNODC to conduct a new collection of detailed information on experiences in
prevention programmes involving the
[...] development of a new questionnaire, a new database [...]
and the submission and processing of the information.
联合会与联合国各机构维持关系,提交了 25 份稿子和发言稿,包括与 2008 年《世界人权宣言》六十周年有关的声明、作为人权理事会咨询委员会关于教育 和人权问题磋商进程组成部分的一 调查表 、 人 权理事会关于增进人权领域国际 合作的第 7/3 号决议、经济及社会理事会年度部长级审查、美国政府对古巴实行 经济、金融和商业封锁对公共保健系统尤其对古巴妇女的影响问题、通过对古巴 的普遍定期审查,以及协助执行联合国加沙冲突问题实地调查团的任务。
The Federation has maintained relations with various United Nations bodies and has submitted more than 25 contributions and statements, including written statements in relation to the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2008, a questionnaire as part of the consultation process of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council on education and human rights issues, Human Rights Council resolution 7/3 on the enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights; the Economic and Social Council annual ministerial review, on the impact in the public health system, especially on Cuban women, of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on Cuba by the Government of the United States, the adoption of the universal periodic review of Cuba, and to assist in the implementation of the mandate of the United Nations Fact-finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.
不过,缔约国承 认调查表并非 最终产品,而是长期规划和执行进程的第一步。
However, the States Parties
[...] acknowledged that the questionnaire was not an end-product [...]
but rather an initial step in a long-term
planning and implementation process.
[...] 些错误、不同办法产生越来越相似的结果、新的消费行 调查表 明 维 修行业的消费量极有 可能低于 2,000 ODP [...]
吨,这些事实致使印度尼西亚有可能达到该协定规定的 2005 年目标。
The fact that the verification has become more thorough and has eliminated a number of mistakes, that the different approaches show increasingly
more similar results, and that new
[...] consumption sector surveys suggest a high probability [...]
of servicing sector consumption
being below 2,000 ODP tonnes leads to the likelihood that Indonesia has been able to fulfil the 2005 target under the Agreement.
专家组又建议将年度报调查表草稿 修 订本的联合国六种正式语文文本提供给会员国征求补充意见,在编入一份文件 [...]
The expert group further recommended that the revised draft
[...] annual report questionnaire be made available [...]
to Member States in the six official
languages of the United Nations, asking for supplementary comments to be compiled in a document for submission to the Commission at its fifty-third session.
[...] 交与2012-2013年有关的新条目,或以填妥内附的问 调查表 的 形式,或通过在线形式 (www.wsis.org/stocktaking)进行。提交的活动情况将反映在《2013年WSIS清点工作报告》中,该 [...] [...]
报告将在2013年信息社会世界峰会论坛期间正式发布并将提交至联合国科技发展委员会(CSTD)第 16次会议。
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all stakeholders that have contributed to the previous calls and invite you to submit any new entries relevant
to the time period 2012-2013, either in
[...] the enclosed questionnaire or online at [...]
www.wsis.org/stocktaking. Submitted activities
will be reflected in the WSIS Stocktaking Report 2013 which will be officially launched during the WSIS Forum 2013 and submitted to the 16th Session of CSTD.
一些发言者 还重申,有必要确保将该统括软 调查表 的 结 果用于制定区域方案和国家方 案,并与在该领域提供技术援助的其他行动方分享,以确保采取协调的办法并 [...]
Several speakers also reiterated the
need to ensure that the results of the
[...] omnibus software questionnaires were fed into [...]
the development of regional and national
programmes and were shared with other actors delivering technical assistance in that area, in order to ensure a coordinated approach and prevent duplication.
[...] 查,调查十分有益;履行机构请尚未填 调查表 的 非 附件一缔约方尽快向专家咨 询小组提供所要求的信息。
The SBI noted the usefulness of the two surveys conducted by the CGE under its work programme in accordance with its terms of reference, and invited
those non-Annex I Parties that have not
[...] yet completed the surveys to provide the [...]
CGE with the required information as soon as possible.
[...] 以外,委员会还决定请秘书处向各国政府发送工作组编制的关于这个问题 调查 表。5 2009 年,在第六十一届会议上,根据山田先生从委员会辞职之前编写的关 [...]
In addition to determining that the law of transboundary aquifers should be addressed separately from issues concerning oil and gas resources, the Commission decided to
request the Secretariat to circulate to
[...] Governments a questionnaire on the subject [...]
prepared by the Working Group.5At the sixty-first
session, in 2009, the Working Group discussed the feasibility of any future work by the Commission on the issue of oil and gas resources on the basis of a working paper on oil and gas (A/CN.4/608), which had been prepared by Mr. Yamada before he resigned from the Commission.
截至 2009 年 1
[...] 月 31 日,有以下 17 个国家提交了调查表的答 复:阿尔及 利亚、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、加拿大、 [...]
智利、捷克共和国、爱尔兰、马里、毛里求斯、荷兰、阿曼、大韩民国、突尼斯 和土耳其。
As at 31 January 2009,
[...] responses to the questionnaire had been received [...]
from the following 17 States: Algeria, Argentina,
Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Mali, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Oman, the Republic of Korea, Tunisia and Turkey.




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