

单词 调查权

See also:

调查 n

investigation n
study n

调查 v

research v
survey v
probe v
track v
inquire v



External sources (not reviewed)

关于被拒绝的建议,科特迪瓦提到建议23( 比利时)
[...] ,指出科特迪瓦的法律 秩序没有授予某个国家委员会 调查权 , 因为只有法院才被赋予这种职权。
Concerning the rejected recommendations, Côte d’Ivoire referred to recommendation 23
(Belgium) and indicated that its legal order
[...] did not give investigative powers to a national [...]
committee, as only courts were vested with that competence.
同时,工作组想要提醒该国政府,它是受害者家属与有关 当局之间的沟通渠道,它没调查权 力。
At the same time, the Working Group would like to remind the Government that it acts as a channel of
communication between the families of the victims and the authorities concerned and that
[...] it does not have investigative powers.
该国提供了关于 新的刑事诉讼法典的信息,该法典给予总检察长更多 调查权 , 并 允许与外国 对应机构建立调查小组。
Information was provided on the new criminal
procedure code, which
[...] granted further investigative powers to the attorney general and enabled the creation of investigation teams with [...]
foreign counterparts.
监管调查权力 鉴于其监管调查权力,CSSF能够 自行采取具体措施和处罚,以确保 UCITS、管理公司和托管银行遵守 UCITS指令规定的严格框架要求。
Supervisory and Investigatory Powers The CSSF, in the light of its supervisory and investigatory powers, has at its [...]
disposal specific
measures and penalties to ensure that the UCITS, the management company and depositary comply with the high quality framework that the UCITS regime imposes.
在对选举事务进行监控时,该委员会拥有广泛 调查权 , 以 便制定选举规 则。
As part of its mandate to monitor elections, the Commission holds
[...] broad powers of investigation to establish the [...]
legitimacy of the voting procedure.
[...] 合国王国保护和增进平等和人权方面的作用并介绍了它的一些活动,其中包括协 助权利被侵犯的受害者寻求补救 调查权 利 被 侵犯的事件、提供法定的和非法定 的法律指导、以及促进国际人权机制等。
He discussed the role of the EHRC as an A-status NHRI in protecting and promoting equality and human rights in the United Kingdom and presented some of its activities
including assisting victims of rights violations to
[...] seek remedies, investigating incidents of rights violations, [...]
providing statutory and
non-statutory guidance on the law, and promoting international human rights mechanisms.
然而,大赦国际感到关切的是,部长理事会 2008 年 11 月 27 日起草的法 案 将 设 立 的委员会远远不能满 足 《巴黎
[...] 原 则》的要求 , 它严重 限制其任务权、 调 查 权力、管 辖 范 围 和 独立性。
It was concerned however that the draft bill, drawn up on 27 November 2008 by the Council of Ministers, would create a commission which would fall
far short of the Paris Principles by severely restricting its
[...] mandate, powers of inquiry, jurisdiction and independence.
特别报告员强调,这类机构必须有足够的自主 权和资源,以调查权和向 政府提出建议的权限。
The Special Rapporteur underlines the importance of such institutions
having sufficient autonomy and
[...] resources, as well as investigatory powers and the competency [...]
to make recommendations to the Government.
已提议以法律规定补充立法,扩大军用船只指挥官和非军用船舶船长的具体 程序性权力,赋予他调查权;增 加参与审理刑事案件的人数,列入向海盗嫌疑 人提供法律援助的人;并修改调查海盗罪行的程序期限。
It has been proposed that the legislation should be supplemented with legal provisions that would expand specific procedural powers of commanders of military vessels and
captains of non-military vessels,
[...] endowing them with investigative authority; increase the [...]
number of participants in criminal
cases to include individuals providing legal assistance to suspected pirates; and modify procedural deadlines for the investigation of crimes of piracy.
同以往的类似情况(例见 A/65/601-S/2010/615 和
[...] A/65/808-S/2011/226)一样,亚美尼亚国防部就此在阿塞拜疆被占领土上行使 调查权,并 在这些领土上适用该国刑法。
Accordingly, as in previous similar instances (see, for example, A/65/601S/2010/615 and
A/65/808-S/2011/226), the Ministry of Defence of Armenia
[...] exercises its investigative powers in the occupied [...]
territories of Azerbaijan, and
the Criminal Code of Armenia applies to these territories.
委员会关切地指出,国家人权委员会对于《公约》所载权利的管辖权有 限,并且没调查权。
The Committee is concerned about the limited
jurisdiction of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea
[...] over Covenant rights and the lack of its investigative power.
人权事务委员会确 定了 1 个思想和言论自由权利案件(《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第 19 条),禁止酷刑委员会确定了 1 个侵犯公调查权利和 1 个声称遭受酷刑的人向 主管机关投诉、要求对案件进行公 调查 的 权 利 案 件(《禁止酷刑公约》第 12 和 13 条),认定在 2 个案件上酷刑受害者获得赔偿和包括适当康复手段在内的公正 和充分补偿的权利受到侵犯(《禁止酷刑公约》第 [...]
14 条),消除种族歧视委员会 确定了一个侵犯有效法律补救权利案件(《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第 6 条)。
The Human Rights Committee established a violation of the right to freedom of thought and expression (article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), the Committee against
Torture established a
[...] violation of the right to impartial investigation and the right of a person claiming to have been subjected to torture to complain to the competent authorities to investigate into the case [...]
impartially (articles
12 and 13 of the Convention against Torture), a violation of the right of the victim of torture to obtain compensation and fair and adequate indemnification including the means for adequate rehabilitation in two cases (article 14 of the Convention against Torture), the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination established a violation of the right to effective legal remedy (article 6 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination).
当前法律框架的最大缺陷与全国保护经济竞争委员会 调查权力 有关,该机构调查权力显 然不足以行使其职能。
The most important deficiency of the current
[...] legislative framework related to the investigation powers of SCPEC, which were [...]
clearly judged as insufficient
to perform SCPEC’s functions.
这一条例规定了ITC的知识权调查职 权。
This statute
[...] governs the ITC’s IP investigations.
英国曾与荷兰就为起诉泛美航空公司 103 号航班爆炸案嫌犯而
在荷兰设立苏格兰法院一事缔结协定,40 参照这一先例,所涉事项可能包括在东
[...] 道国某一指定地点内行使索马里管辖权、经由东道国领土接收并向法庭移送嫌 犯、索马里警察在东道国领土上行使 调查权 、 房地和人员安保、特权和豁免权、 两国之间的合作以及费用承担责任等。
Drawing on the precedent of the Agreement concluded between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the establishment of a Scottish court in the Netherlands to prosecute those suspected of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103,40 such matters are likely to include the exercise of Somali jurisdiction within a specified location within the host State, the receipt and the transfer of suspects through the
territory of the host State to the
[...] court, the exercise of investigation powers by Somali [...]
police in the host State’s territory,
security of premises and persons, privileges and immunities, cooperation between the two States, and responsibility for costs.
这项新工具审 查了法律框架、国家协调机制、人力资源和工作人员管理、犯罪情报 调查权 力和程序、边境管制、承运人的责任和海上巡逻、起诉、司法、国际合作、安 保和旅行证件、援助和保护措施、预防和认识、研究和数据收集等各个方面。
This new tool examines such aspects
as legal frameworks, national
[...] coordination mechanisms, human resources and staff management, criminal intelligence, investigation powers and procedures, [...]
border control,
carrier liability and sea patrol, prosecution, the judiciary, international cooperation, security and travel documents, assistance and protection measures, prevention and awareness, and research and data collection.
[...] 暴力的委员会,并宣布了解决人民怨愤的各项措施, 包括取消紧急状态法、撤消国家安全法院、 调查权 移交给警察,等等。
We have noted that Syria has appointed a commission of inquiry into the violence during the demonstrations and announced various measures to address the grievances of its people, including the lifting
of emergency laws, the abolition of State security courts,
[...] the transfer of investigative powers to the police, [...]
and so on.
为 了达成折中,开发署已经与全球艾滋病基金理事会和秘书处谈判几年,力求在尊 重“单一审计原则”、审计和调查处 调查权 力 以 及开发署与其工作人员的特权 和豁免的同时,全球艾滋病基金可以按照适用于会员国的相同条件取用审计报 [...]
告,现在,开发署已经与全球艾滋病基金达成一项关于合作调查和取用文件的谅 解备忘录。
After several years of negotiating a compromise with the Global Fund board and secretariat that respects the
‘single audit
[...] principle’, the investigative authority of the Office of Audit and Investigation, and the privileges [...]
and immunities
of UNDP and its staff while giving the Global Fund access to audit reports on the same terms as Member States, UNDP now has a memorandum of understanding with the Global Fund on investigation cooperation and access to documents.
在联邦立法部门内,众议院和参议院的各委员会拥 调查权 限 以 探究那些可能 需要通过立法予以应对的情况,拥有监督权限以应对执行机构内可能的腐败问 题。
Within the federal legislative branch, committees
of the House of Representatives
[...] and Senate have investigative jurisdiction to explore conditions [...]
that may need to be addressed
by legislation, and oversight jurisdiction to address possible corruption within executive agencies.
例如,在逮捕过程中,有些地点远离公众视野,当局常常对其进行封 锁,他们既权调查刑事 犯罪行为,也有权对涉嫌实施这类行为的个人提出指 控。
In the course of arrests, for example, some places are out of public view and often
are cordoned off by the
[...] authorities, who are empowered both to investigate criminal acts [...]
and to charge individuals suspected
of being responsible for committing such acts.
二是LED产品出口前要做好目标市场国的知识 权调查 分 析,避免侵犯知识产权,规避无谓风险,尤其是在日本、美国等LED核心专利较为集中的国家。
Second, completes the target market LED products export
to countries'
[...] intellectual property rights research and analysis, to avoid the infringement of intellectual property rights, to avoid unnecessary [...]
risks, especially
in Japan, the United States and other countries LED core patents are concentrated.
权调查员办 公室的任 务是监测、保护并促进危地马拉境内移徙者和难民的权利,并设立了一个专用电 [...]
The Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman was mandated [...]
to monitor, protect and promote the rights of migrants and refugees
in Guatemala, and had established a dedicated phone number to receive complaints from migrants who had been the victims of human rights violations.
特别委员会没有权调查所指 称的巴勒斯坦当局或武 装团体采取的侵犯国际人权法和人道主义法的行为。
The Committee is
[...] not mandated to examine alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian [...]
law carried out
by Palestinian authorities or armed groups.
依照日内瓦四公约第一附加议定书第 90 条规定,塞浦路斯声明,对于接受 同样义务的任何其他缔约国,塞浦路斯依照事实并无需特别协定,确认国际实况查委员会有权调查此种 其他缔约方提出的指控。
Cyprus declares that it recognizes ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other high contracting party accepting the same obligation, the competence of the
[...] Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to enquire into allegations by any other such Party, as authorized by article 90 of [...]
Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.
[...] 不是列为定向制裁对象,不过专家组还将收集有助于找出负有指挥责任人员的信 息,但是不会影响当前或今后可能会进行司法调查或专门的 权调查 , 并 意识到 有必要保护目击证人的安全。
While the Group deems it more appropriate for perpetrators of such serious crimes to be legally prosecuted than to be designated for targeted sanctions, the Group will seek information helping to identify those with command responsibility, without prejudice to
any ongoing or future judicial or
[...] specialist human rights investigations, and conscious [...]
of the need to protect the safety of witnesses.
另一个展示马来西亚承诺的事例是该国于 1999 年成立了马来西亚人权委员会,这是一个独立机构,权调查关于侵犯人权的投诉,并受托通过教育活动 提高人权意识。
Further demonstration of the country’s commitment was the
establishment in 1999 of
[...] the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, an independent body empowered to investigate complaints of [...]
human rights violations
and mandated to raise awareness of human rights through education.
有 些努力或许能够实时报告侵犯事件,从而提高对各种事件的认识,加快对这类事件 的反应,甚至可能防止这类事件;有些努力向 权调查 人 员 提供新型数据,这类数 据可能对侵犯人权事件提供重要的辅助证据;其他努力提供新的倡导机会。
Some may enable the reporting of abuses in real time, thereby increasing awareness of incidents and speeding up
responsiveness and, potentially, prevention;
[...] some provide human rights investigators access to new [...]
types of data which may provide important
supporting evidence of human rights abuses; and others present new advocacy opportunities.
政府必须采取坚定的反腐步骤,包括为调查地震 后授予的合同而设立的审计委员会以及司法部权 调查未决 刺杀案件的独立专家委员会等机构提供必 要的支助和独立性。
The Government must take firm steps against corruption, including through providing necessary support and independence to bodies such as
the audit commission
[...] established to investigate contracts awarded following the earthquake, and to the independent experts commission mandated by the Minister [...]
of Justice to investigate
unresolved assassination cases.
墨西哥政府批准《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇公约任择议定书》时,建立 了国家人权委员会,该委员会 权调查 包 括 酷刑在内的侵犯人权的案件。
When it ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Government of Mexico established the
National Human Rights Commission, which
[...] has the power to investigate instances of human rights violations, [...]
including torture.
委员会注意到缔约国代表说明了国会 权调查 理 事会所发挥作用,并对缔 约国允许人权捍卫者探访拘留场所表示欢迎,但感到遗憾的是,缔约国尚未制定 [...]
While noting information provided by the
representative of the State party on the
[...] role of the Human Rights Inquiry Commission of the [...]
Parliament and welcoming that visits
by human rights defenders to places of detention are permitted, the Committee regrets the absence of a formal regulation that allows for independent monitoring and visits by representatives of civil society to such places.




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