

单词 调查团

See also:


(opinion) poll

调查 v

inquire v
survey v
probe v
track v
research v



External sources (not reviewed)

联合委员会还请政府向都道府县教育委员会转交临时报告和真 调查团 报 告 ,供其了 解情况,以及转交政府自身希望阐述的任何评论意见。
The Joint Committee also invites the Government to
transmit the interim report and the report
[...] of the fact-finding mission to the prefecture [...]
boards of education for information,
together with any comments which the Government itself wishes to formulate.
根据数量非常有限的实地抽样以及对利益攸关方进行约谈 调查团 没有发现转移、处理或储存危险废物的任何确凿证据。
Based on a limited number of field samples and stakeholder
[...] interviews, the mission found no conclusive [...]
evidence of the transfer, treatment
or storage of hazardous waste.
调查团注意 到妇女和儿童受影响最大,并确认了若干急需采取 紧急行动的领域,包括卫生、用水和卫生设施、营养和居民安全。
The mission noted that women and [...]
children were the most affected, and identified several areas for urgent and immediate
action, including health, water and sanitation, nutrition and the safety of the population.
调查团的结 论是,以色列军队在拦截船队以及在以色列拘押乘客随后将其驱 逐出境过程中有一系列违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法的行为。
The fact-finding mission concluded that a series [...]
of violations of international law, including international humanitarian
and human rights law, were committed by the Israeli forces during the interception of the flotilla and during the detention of passengers in Israel prior to deportation.
因此,我们欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员进行的 努力,以及人权理事会在 2009 年 1 月 12 日通过的一 项决议,决议除其他以外,呼吁立即停止以色列的军
事袭击,并要求以色列占领军从加沙地带撤离;要求 占领国以色列解除对加沙地带强制实行的围困,并开 放所有过境点、允许人道主义援助进入和自由行动; 敦促各方尊重国际人道主义法和人权法,并避免对平
[...] 民采取暴力行动;以及决定紧急派遣一个国际实调 查团,调查占领国违反国际人权法和人道主义法的所 有行为。
Accordingly, we welcome the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council’s adoption of a resolution on 12 January 2009, which, inter alia, calls for an immediate cessation of Israeli military attacks and demands the withdrawal of Israeli occupying forces from the Gaza Strip; demands that Israel, the occupying Power, lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and open all border crossings to allow for access and the free movement of humanitarian aid; urges all parties to respect international humanitarian and human rights law and to refrain from violence against the
civilian population; and decides to dispatch an urgent
[...] international fact-finding mission to investigate all violations [...]
of international
human rights and humanitarian law by the occupying Power.
人权高专办通过在巴勒斯坦被占领土的实地存在,一直与 调查团 合 作 的 人保持接触,以监测他们的情况,并定期通报他们的情况。
Through its field presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, OHCHR
has maintained contact with persons who
[...] have cooperated with the Mission, in order to monitor [...]
their situation, and will periodically report on their situation.
在这方面,我们再次要求执行联合国加沙冲突实调查团报告 (A/HRC/12/48)的建议,按照大会第 [...]
64/10 号决议,查明在加沙地带犯下战争罪和危害人 类罪的凶手并把他们绳之以法,防止有罪不罚现象的 继续存在。
In that context, we renew our demand to implement the
recommendations of the report of the United
[...] Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict [...]
(A/HRC/12/48), identify those responsible
for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip and bring them to justice, and prevent the continuation of impunity, in compliance with Assembly resolution 64/10.
(c) 其他实务活动(经常预算、预算外和其他分摊资源):实 调查团 : 对 主要捐助者、部队和 警察派遣国及其他会员国进行访问,以讨论各项外勤支助问题并就其提供咨询(16);对外 [...]
特派团团长就支助构成部分进行半年度磋商,以评估外地支助主要问题(48);与特派团支 助的主任和负责人进行季度磋商,以审查和评估主要的支助构成部分和业务问题(96);处 理调查报告,报告是监督厅和维持和平行动的其他调查实体提供的,涉及约 700 项不当行 为的指控,以便内部和外部的有关实体能够采取纪律行动
(c) Other substantive activities
(regular budget and other assessed
[...] resources): fact-finding missions: visits to major [...]
financial contributors, troop- and
police-contributing countries and other Member States to discuss and advise on field support issues (16); visits to field operations to review progress and provide direction to mission leadership on field support issues (20); semi-annual consultations with heads of mission on support components to assess key field support issues (48); quarterly consultations with directors and chiefs of mission support to review and assess key support components and operational issues (96); processing reports on investigations substantiating approximately 700 allegations of misconduct received from the Office of Internal Oversight Services and other investigatory entities in peacekeeping operations to enable disciplinary action by relevant internal and external entities.
以色列必须尊 重
[...] 理事会内的各项人权机制、尤 其 是 各项特别程序和实调 查团。
Israel must respect all human rights mechanisms within the Council, in particular special
[...] procedures and fact-finding missions.
最后调查团收集 的证据表明,以色列军 队采取了一种审慎和系统的政策以破坏基础设施, 这不是因为目标构成了军事威胁,而是要使平民百 [...]
Finally, the evidence gathered by the Mission showed that the Israeli [...]
military forces had adopted a deliberate and systematic
policy to destroy infrastructure not because the targets constituted a military threat but in order to make the daily life of the civilian population difficult.
在外地一级,高专办根 据人权事务高级专员的授权,在短时间内派出了 10 个访问团,包括向格鲁吉亚、
[...] 几内亚、伊拉克、肯尼亚、马达加斯加和巴勒斯坦被占领土派出人权干事,防止 发生侵犯人权事件;向加沙和洪都拉斯派出了实 调查团 以 及在加蓬选举之前派 出了监察团。
At the field level, human rights officers were sent at short notice to contribute to the prevention of human rights violations in accordance with the mandate of the High Commissioner for Human Rights through 10 missions, including to Georgia; Guinea; Iraq; Kenya; Madagascar; the
Occupied Palestinian
[...] Territory and fact-finding missions to Gaza and [...]
Honduras; and a monitoring mission prior to elections in Gabon.
调查团需要 大量的秘书处支持,而这种支持必须在正 常的支持服务之外予以提供。
Such missions require intensive [...]
secretariat support, which must be provided in addition to the normal support services.
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实调查团(其报 告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond Travers上校在最近一次访谈中指出:“如果英国 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 [...]
方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问题今天就不会得到解决。
It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that
the number of children
[...] suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict [...]
(whose report is
generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview: “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for Israeli security forces — whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today.
例如,在 人权高专办阿拉伯叙利亚共和国问题实 调查团 ( 2 0 11 年)、斯里兰卡问题专家小 组、联合国加沙冲突问题实调查团 及 其 各后续专家委员会的工作中,采用的方 式包括:通过访问邻国会见可能对所调查事件有第一手信息的人员,邀请证人和 受害人在其本国境外作证,更多依靠公开渠道的官方陈述和材料,更多依靠与能 [...]
To overcome these challenges, for
example in the operation
[...] of the OHCHR Fact-Finding Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic (2011), the Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka and the FactFinding Mission on the Gaza Conflict [...]
and its follow-up
expert committees, these bodies have resorted to visiting neighbouring countries to meet with persons who may have first-hand information on the events under investigation, inviting witnesses and victims to testify outside their country, relying more heavily on official statements and material in the public domain, as well as on informal contacts with individuals able to relay official positions.
[...] 因,无法对第二个物体作出评估,但据说与第二 调查团 看 到 的那个物体完全相 同,因而对物体的风险作出同样的结论。
A second object, which could not be accessed due to security
reasons, was described to be identical to the one
[...] seen by the second mission, leading to the [...]
same conclusion as to its risk.
因 此 ,在 2008 年,人权高专办通过其快速反应能力得以对若干局势提供支助,包括 1 月格 鲁吉亚选举期间对联合国国家小组提供支助;3 月对缅甸特别报告员特派团给予支 助;2 月通过部署肯尼亚实调查团对 2 007 年 12 月选举后的暴力局势进行跟踪; 3 月在亚美尼亚选举后暴力局势中给予联合国国家小组支助;在贝特哈农支助理事 会 2006 年 11 月第 S-3/1 号决议授权 2008 年 6 月部署的实调查团;在玻利维亚 于 5 月和 6 月对人权高专办国家办事处当地选举和全民投票的支助;再次在格鲁 吉亚和 俄罗斯 联 邦 于 8 月 和 9 月该区域危机后对国家工作队 加强人权方面的建 议。
Thus, in 2008, through its rapid response capacity, OHCHR was able to provide support in a number of situations, including in the context of the elections in Georgia to support the United Nations country team, in January; in support of the mission of the Special Rapporteur to Myanmar, in
March; through the
[...] deployment of a fact-finding mission to Kenya, following the post-electoral violence of December 2007, in February; in Armenia, in support to the United Nations country team, in the context of post-electoral violence, in March; to Beit Hanoun, in support of the High-Level FactFinding Mission mandated by the [...]
Council in its resolution
S-3/1 in November 2006, deployed in June 2008; in Bolivia, in support of the OHCHR country office in the context of local elections and referendums, in May and June; and in Georgia again and the Russian Federation, to strengthen human rights advice to the country team in the aftermath of the crisis in the region, in August and September.
(b) 还决定授权理事会主席任命上 调查团 的 成 员,这些成员应向理事会第 十五届会议报告调查结果。
(b) Also decided to authorize the President of the
Council to appoint members to the
[...] above-mentioned fact-finding mission, who should report [...]
on their findings to the Council at its fifteenth session.
国际社会应采取的措施可包括公开声 明对日益恶化的局势表示关切,并提醒国家注意有关保护的责任;参与或进行调
[...] 解努力,以达成政治解决,确保权力分享;建立国际事 调查团 和 问 责机制;推 动和解进程;分析冲突的根源,以及为防止某些人口群体之间的暴力行为重演提 [...]
Measures to be taken by the international community may include public statements expressing concern at the deteriorating situation and reminding the State about its responsibility to protect; the participation in, or conduct of, mediation efforts to reach a political settlement ensuring
power sharing; the establishment of
[...] international fact-finding missions and accountability mechanisms; [...]
the promotion of the reconciliation
process; analyses about the root causes of the conflict, as well as the formulation of concrete recommendations aimed at preventing the resurgence of violence among certain groups of the population.
在这方面土耳其回顾说,实调查团 的 工 作涉及人道主 义援助运输船队事件的人权方面,因此解决的是法律问题,而调查小组的工作涉 及政治方面,因此所解决的问题是实 调查团 所 处 理问题以外的事情。
In this regard, Turkey recalled that
[...] the work of the mission pertained to the human rights aspects of the flotilla incident, and therefore addressed legal issues, whereas the work of the panel of inquiry pertained to political aspects, and therefore addressed issues other than those being addressed by the fact-finding mission.
该组织强调指 出,必须尊重国际人道主义法,并组织一个独立的实 调查团 , 以 负起理事会对 巴勒斯坦的责任。
It emphasized the necessity of respecting international
humanitarian law and formation of an
[...] independent fact-finding delegation, as part of the responsibilities [...]
of the Council with regard to Palestine.
被终止的其余 23%是因为实调查团调查期间的实 地安全局势。
The remaining 23 per cent were terminated because of the security situation on the ground during
[...] the implementation of fact-finding missions.
该 P-3 人权干事将履行有关职能,就一个或几个(该科所服务的)主题任
[...] 府、非政府组织、联合国机构及基金和计(规)划署以及非政府组织和个人提供的信息进行分析; 协助实调查团任务执行人,包 调查团 的 筹 备、起 调查团 报 告 和执行建议的后续工作;(c) 将 1 个一般临时人员员额改划为 P-4 临时员额,作为法律和实践中对妇女歧视问题工作组的秘书, [...] [...]
该员额由人权理事会第 15/23 号决议授权。
The P-3 Human Rights Officer would carry out the functions relating to support of one or several thematic mandates among those serviced by the Section: monitor the situation regarding one or several thematic phenomena worldwide in the area of civil and political rights through analysis of incoming information from Governments, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations organizations, funds and programmes, as well as non-governmental organizations and
individuals; assist mandate
[...] holder(s) in fact-finding missions, including the preparation of the mission, drafting of mission reports and [...]
follow-up to the implementation
of recommendations; (c) conversion from general temporary assistance to temporary post of one P-4 post to serve as Secretary to the Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice, as mandated by the Human Rights Council in resolution 15/23.
报告的最重要结论是,在其访问期间 调查团 在 阿 塞拜 疆被占领土发现了亚美尼亚定居者的存在证据(联合国文件 A/59/747-S/2005/ 187,附件二)。
The most important conclusion in the report was that, during its visit, the mission found evidence [...]
of the presence of Armenian
settlers in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan (see A/59/747-S/2005/187, annex II).
关于次级方案 3(咨询服务、技术合作和外地活动),有人表示,有关工作
[...] 应更多地针对加强人权领域的国家能力,而不是向维持和平行动以及调查委员会 和实调查团提供支助。
Regarding subprogramme 3, Advisory services, technical cooperation and field activities, the view was expressed that efforts should be directed more at strengthening national capacity in the area
of human rights than at providing support to peacekeeping operations,
[...] commissions of inquiry and fact-finding missions.
[...] 查了人权理事会实况调查报告中的资料以及 Hamada 先生向实调查团公开作证 时的证词记录。
In addition, the Military Advocate General reviewed the information included in the Human Rights
Council Fact-Finding Report, as well as the transcript of the public testimony of
[...] Mr. Hamada to the Fact-Finding Mission.
不结盟运动进一步强调,对联合国加沙冲突问题 实调查团的报 告,即戈德斯通报告(A/HRC/12/48) [...]
中描述的严重违反国际人道主义法和人权法的行为 开展调查是重要的。
The Non-Aligned Movement further emphasizes the importance
[...] of conducting investigations into the serious [...]
violations of international
humanitarian and international human rights law reported by the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, known as the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48).
在报告第 1968(a)段调查团建议 :“安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》第四十 条,要求以色列政府;(一) 采取一切适当步骤,在三个月内开始进行适当调 查,依照国际标准调查团所报 告的严重违反国际人道主义法和国际人权法行为调查团注意到的任何其他严重指控进行独立调查;(二) 通知安全理事会,以 色列政府在其后的三个月内为探究、调查和起诉此类严重违法行为已经采取或正 在采取的行动”。
In paragraph 1969 (a) of its report, the Mission recommended that that the “Security Council should require the Government of Israel, under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations: (i) To take all appropriate steps, within a period of three months, to launch appropriate investigations that are independent and in conformity with international standards, into the serious violations of international humanitarian and international human rights law reported by the Mission and any other serious [...]
allegations that might
come to its attention; and (ii) To inform the Security Council, within a further period of three months, of actions taken, or in process of being taken, by the Government of Israel to inquire into, investigate and prosecute such serious violations”.
调查团成员 的信誉,特别是坚持要把巴勒斯坦战争罪行的指称纳入实况调查工作 的戈德斯通法官本人的信誉,那种本着来自人权理事会的任何东西都是带偏见的 [...]
说法,或者说报告的结论称以色列国防军应当对战争罪负责这一结论本身的性质 就呈现出反以色列的――或用一些更火气冲天的词――甚至是反犹太人偏见的说
Given the credibility of
[...] the members of the Mission, and in particular [...]
of Justice Goldstone himself, who insisted on including
allegations of Palestinian war crimes within the FFM undertaking, it would seem irresponsible and frivolous to mount an argument against the findings and recommendations built around either the claim that anything emanating from the Human Rights Council is bound to be biased, or that the report, by finding the IDF responsible for the commission of war crimes, is by the very nature of its conclusions exhibiting an anti-Israeli, or in some dramatically-inflamed claims, even an anti-Semitic bias.
在报告第 1972(f)段调查团建议 :“以色列立即停止对巴勒斯坦被占领土上 国家政治进程的干涉,作为第一步,释放目前所有被拘押的巴勒斯坦立法委员会 [...]
成员,并允许该委员会所有成员在加沙与西岸之间通行,以便该委员会恢复工 作”。
In paragraph 1972 (f) of its report, the Mission recommended that “Israel [...]
should forthwith cease interference with national
political processes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and as a first step release all members of the Palestinian Legislative Council currently in detention and allow all members of the Council to move between Gaza and the West Bank so that it may resume functioning”.




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