单词 | 调味肉汁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 调味肉汁 —gravySee also:调味汁 n—sauces pl 调味汁—dressing 肉汁 n—gravy n 肉汁—meat stock
鲍鱼汁(水、变性粟米淀粉、老鸡、猪 肉 、 鲍 鱼 调味 剂 (含有增味剂E621, E631)、蚝油、金华火腿、老抽、鸡粉、雪耳、增味剂(E631, E627)、螺片。 waiyuentong.com | Abalone Sauce (Water , Modified Corn Starch , Chicken, Pork, Abalone’s Flavourings (Contains Flavour Enhancer E621, [...] E631), Oyster Sauce, [...]Chinese Ham, Dark Soy Sauce, Chicken Powder, White Fungus, Flavour Enhancer (E631, E627)), Sliced Sea Whelk. waiyuentong.com |
很多經加工處理的食物,例如煙肉、 人 造牛油、 調 味汁和 麵包,都含有這些添加劑。 cfs.gov.hk | Some common examples are bacon, margarine, sauce and bread. cfs.gov.hk |
垂直接触式烤炉能够使面包产生一致的金黄色的表面,避免其吸收配料 的 肉汁 , 因 而使汉堡保持紧实和 美 味。 antunescontrols.com | The Vertical Contact Toaster gives buns a [...] consistent, golden brown finish so they [...] won't soak up the juices of the ingredients and the burger will stay firm and delicious. antunescontrols.com |
配以浓香番茄、罗勒酱汁调味。 shangri-la.com | Prepared in a rich tomato and basil sauce. shangri-la.com |
瓦克的L-半胱氨酸是一种理想的调味 品 原 料,主要用 在 肉味 香 精 中。 wacker.com | L-cysteine from WACKER is ideal as a raw [...] material for process flavorings and is mainly used for meat flavors. wacker.com |
包括以水、椰奶及奶為主的醬汁、 肉汁 及 調 味 醬。 cfs.gov.hk | Include water-, coconut milk-, and [...] milk-based sauces, gravies and dressings. cfs.gov.hk |
(vii) 以獨立包裝提供調味料,並以獨立容器盛載 肉 汁 , 讓 顧客按其口味 添加調味料和肉汁。 cfs.gov.hk | (vii) Provide seasonings in separate packages [...] and serve gravies in separate containers for customers to add according to their tastes. cfs.gov.hk |
加入牛尾,肉豆蔻和丁香,以盐和胡 椒 调味 , 小 火煮 2 个小时。 shangri-la.com | Add oxtail, [...] nutmeg and clove, season with salt and pepper and simmer for 2 hours. shangri-la.com |
Canelones a la Barcelonesa,以意面牢牢裹住鸡肉和牛 肉 , 浸在富有奶香的白 色 调味汁 里 , 口味清淡,是非常应季的美食;谷物喂养的澳洲羔羊肉经24小时的烹煮 , 肉 质 尤为松嫩,调味后带有丝丝鲜辣。 shanghaiwow.com | The canelones a la Barcelonesa, chicken and beef encased in perfectly-firm pasta and smothered in creamy béchamel sauce, are perfectly seasoned and an absolute delight, while the Australian grain-fed lamb, delightfully tender after being cooked for 24 hours, is delicately flavoured and set off expertly with a subtly spiced relish. shanghaiwow.com |
寇芙最具特色的鸡尾酒有El Colleccionista(以巴卡第、波士白可可力娇、烟 草 汁 以 及 肉 豆 蔻 调 制 ),以黑樱桃酒、路比波特酒和 苦 味 酒 调 制的曼哈顿洛克菲勒,以及用姜汁啤酒、波旁威士忌、柑曼怡配制、并加以火焰喷烤过橙皮的火焰香橙。 shanghaiwow.com | CVRVE’s signature cocktails are El Colleccionista [...] (Bacardi, white crème de [...] cacao, tobacco syrup and nutmeg), the Rockefeller Manhattan with maraschino cherry, ruby port and Old Time Bitters, and the Flame [...]Orange – ginger beer, [...]bourbon and Gran Marnier with blowtorched orange peel. shanghaiwow.com |
Teriyaki(烧烤)的素材是鱼或肉,首先将这些鱼 和 肉 浸 在一种用酱油和米 林 调 制 成的 酱 汁 中 腌 制。 jfc.eu | Teriyaki is a grilled fish or meat dish marinated in a simple mixture of soy [...] sauce and mirin, a sweet sake used for cooking. jfc.eu |
二就是馅料,馅料这部分还好,只需购买剁碎后 的 肉 , 再加 上 调味 料 就 可。 4tern.com | Fillings are easy, we [...] just need to buy minced meat, add some herbs and spices. 4tern.com |
德克萨斯牛排、墨西哥辣椒调味菜、 墨西哥 烤 肉 、 卷饼、炸玉米饼、鳄梨色拉、墨西哥啤酒、龙舌兰、玛格丽特,各式美食应有尽有。 msccruises.com.cn | Sample all the tastes of Mexican cuisine: from Texas steaks [...] to enchiladas, fajitas to burritos and tacos, guacamole to tortillas, [...]all accompanied by Mexican beer, Tequila and Margaritas. msccruises.com.eg |
部分或全部以水中油脂乳狀液為主的 醬 汁 、 肉汁 及 調 味 醬。 cfs.gov.hk | Sauces, gravies and dressings based, at least [...] in part, on a fat- or oil-in water emulsion. cfs.gov.hk |
在近 80 年的传统之中,Lau Di Fang 利用其独具特色的咖喱肉汁来满 足客人的 口 味。 zh.marinabaysands.com | With close to 80 years of heritage, Lau Di Fang boasts a legacy of [...] satisfying customers with its unique curry gravies. marinabaysands.com |
协调委员会还认为,“确保缔约国建立 的机制能够有效地运作”意味着: 除其他外,任何新的格局都必须能够继续确保 连续性和地域代表性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Coordinating Committee also considered that “to ensure the effective functioning of the mechanisms established [...] by the States Parties” meant that, in part, it was essential that [...]any new configuration would continue to ensure continuity and geographic representation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您是使用JAZZFU的搅拌器,轻松转动几下,蛋黄和蛋清便很均匀、细腻和交融了!因为它的水滴状弧圈十分灵活,它是搅拌奶油、制作松软的牛奶布丁以及各 种 调味汁 的 理想助手,同时,也是一件不可或缺的厨房艺术品。 st3d.com | Also JAZZFU Blender is an ideal assistant when you want to make cream and milky food. st3d.com |
在马达加斯加传统医疗中,常采用以卡塔芙树皮萃取 的 汁 液 ,具 有 调 理 和 退热的功效。卡塔芙精油则以其强化和舒缓作用而闻名。 clarinsusa.com | In traditional Madagascan medicine, a drink prepared from the bark is reputed to have tonic and febrifuge benefits and its essential oil is known for its fortifying and soothing actions. clarinsusa.com |
脂肪存 在于黄油、沙拉调味品、蛋黄酱和 甜品中。 media.specialolympics.org | Fats are found in [...] butter, salad dressing, mayonnaise, [...]and desserts. media.specialolympics.org |
缔约国应当考虑放弃采用使用电击破坏 肌 肉协 调的装 置来禁制被拘禁者,因为这样做导致违反《公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should consider relinquishing the [...] use of electro-muscular disruption devices [...]to restrain persons in custody, as this [...]leads to breaches of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tuscan Cooking被認為源自「Cucina Povera」(Peasant Cooking),簡單直接,沒有過多的調味 或 花 巧的料理方式,魚和肉放在偌大的Charcoal Grill上烤煮,鎖住肉汁令肉質外 脆內軟;再憑著Tuscany盛產的Wild Herbs及Olive Oil,稍稍烹調便能帶出食物的真正美味。 think-silly.com | Fresh meat and [...] fish are cooked on large charcoal grill, locking tasty juice inside to keep the meat tender, while the outside is crispy; and then [...]lightly cooked with [...]Tuscany wild herbs and olive oil. think-silly.com |
澳門美高梅星級食府金殿堂以粵菜、川菜等經典中菜烹調手法蒸煮扣燒、慢火細燉,精心炮製多道羊肉美饌菜式:羊肉經過悉心調味及中火燜燒而成的「鍋燒羊肉」呈現羊肉濃厚香氣及獨特滋味;「麻辣京葱爆羊柳條」將肉質柔軟的羊柳條配上香氣強烈的京蔥一同以明火爆炒,蔥香 羊 肉 與 麻辣 口 味 強 力刺 激 味 蕾 ;「香草黑椒燒羊扒」,精選燒羊扒以香草及黑椒 調 味 , 口 感嫩滑、肥而不膩,配上獨家調製的 醬 汁 , 一 試難忘;將孜然及 羊 肉 以 麵 皮裹起,撒上黑白芝麻製成香酥小巧的「新彊孜然 羊 肉 燒 餅 」,滿載濃烈西北 風 味 ; 皮 薄餡香的「臨清燒賣」造型獨特精緻,綠豆麵皮的淡淡清香與羊肉餡的柔韌鮮香相得益彰。 yp.mo | Alternatively, savor the wok-fried lamb shin cooked with chili, spices and Chinese spring onions —the dish packs an explosion of flavors for your taste buds and is indescribably delicious. yp.mo |
例子包括肉汁清湯 粉及塊、粉狀及濃縮湯(例 如日本麵湯)、高湯塊及粉。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: bouillon powders and [...] cubes; powdered and condensed soups (e.g. mentsuyu); and stock cubes and powders. cfs.gov.hk |
例子包括肉汁清湯、肉湯、清肉湯、以水或忌廉為主的 湯、周打湯及海鮮濃湯。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: bouillon, broths, consommés, water- and cream-based soups, chowders, and bisques. cfs.gov.hk |
就用于调味品、调味汁、调味剂、 汤和其它食品的压敏标签,Label-Lyte™ 50LL539透明膜、60LH538和65 LL344-A 白OPP膜为覆膜加工商提供了用于透明和不透明标签形式的广泛材料兼容性和性能。 exxonmobilchemical.com | For pressure-sensitive labels for dressings, sauces, condiments, soups and other food products, Label-Lyte™ 50LL539 clear and 60LH538 and 65 LL-344-A white oriented polypropylene (OPP) films provide laminators with a broad range of compatibility and performance in transparent and opaque label formats. exxonmobilchemical.com |
委员会注意到缔约国保证,只有经过培训的执法人员才可在明确而严格规 定的必要情况下使用电击破坏肌肉协 调 的 装 置“泰瑟枪”,但委员会感到关切的 是,这种武器可导致剧烈疼痛,甚至造成危及生命的伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting the assurances of the State party that electro-muscular disruption devices (EMDs) “TASERs” are only to be used by trained law enforcement officers and in situations in which such use is warranted by clear and strict guidelines, the Committee is concerned that the use of such weapons may lead to severe pain, including life-threatening injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且, 封闭的低温蒸气解冻方式 更易于控制,解冻温度可以控制 在-18ºC 到 2ºC 之间,确保了 [...] 良好解冻效果,从而使解冻肉 能更好地保留肉汁并且不会因为 融化而导致重量的减轻。 tiromat.com | What’s more, the closed, steam-based process gives well-controlled, [...] very homogeneous defrosting from -18 to +2 °C, resulting in [...] better retention of meat juices and no weight [...]loss on thawing. tiromat.com |
巴西代表团支持委员会提出的修正案,指出取消“相关产品”一词可能限制委员 [...] 会就目前已经或今后可能出现在市场上的产品开展的工作,例如热带水果的提取物, 以果肉/汁为主成分的饮料等等。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Brazil supported the amendment as proposed by the Committee and indicated that the removal of the term “related products” might limit the work of the Committee on products that were [...] currently or might be available in future on the market e.g. extracts of [...] tropical fruits, pulpy/juice-based beverages, etc. codexalimentarius.org |