单词 | 调味 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 调味 —condimentless common: dressing • seasoning • flavoring • essences 调味 noun —flavorAE n • flavouring n • flavored n Examples:调味汁 n—sauces pl 调味品 n—condiments pl • condiment n 调味品—seasoning See also:味 n—taste n • flavorAE n 味—smell 味—classifier for mixture of prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine
对保护和促进传统知识的进一步使用的必要性缺乏认识 姜黄 [...] (Curcuma Longa) 是一种姜科植物,其根茎呈藏红花色,可以用作印度烹饪 的调 味品。 iprcommission.org | Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a plant of the ginger family yielding saffron-coloured rhizomes used [...] as a spice for flavouring Indian cooking. iprcommission.org |
除渣和调味完成 后,用软木塞封瓶,酒可以在酿酒者的酒窖也可以在顾客手 中继续陈年。 champagne.fr | after disgorgement, dosage and final corking, either in the producer’s cellars or after distribution. champagne.fr |
自 2004 年以来,以“调味品”(Spice)为名在市场上出售的草药混合物在欧洲 国家都有供应,例如在德国、瑞士和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2004, herbal mixtures marketed under the brand name Spice have been available in European countries such as Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. daccess-ods.un.org |
添加健康的油脂,用橄榄油作拌沙拉 的 调味 品。 media.specialolympics.org | Add healthy oils and fats by using olive oil as your salad dressing. media.specialolympics.org |
因此,环糊精易于吸收不溶于水的物质,例 如 调味 品 中 具有挥发性的亲脂性成分。 wacker.com | Cyclodextrins therefore readily absorb substances that are not water soluble, such as volatile [...] lipophilic constituents of flavorings. wacker.com |
脂肪存 在于黄油、沙拉调味品、蛋黄酱和 甜品中。 media.specialolympics.org | Fats are found in [...] butter, salad dressing, mayonnaise, [...]and desserts. media.specialolympics.org |
阳高那的口味比起西方的调味来非 常独特,会让舌头有微麻感。 shangri-la.com | The taste of yaqona is quite unusual to the western palette and [...] leaves a slight numbing effect on the tongue. shangri-la.com |
瓦克的L-半胱氨酸是一种理想的调味 品 原 料,主要用在肉味香精中。 wacker.com | L-cysteine from WACKER is ideal as a raw material for process flavorings [...] and is mainly used for meat flavors. wacker.com |
加入牛尾,肉豆蔻和丁香,以盐和胡 椒 调味 , 小 火煮 2 个小时。 shangri-la.com | Add oxtail, nutmeg and clove, season with [...] salt and pepper and simmer for 2 hours. shangri-la.com |
欧芹是一种两年生植物,在世界各地作 为 调味 香 草 广泛种植。 clarinsusa.com | Parsley is a biennial plant cultivated throughout the world as a culinary herb. clarinsusa.com |
柠檬百里香常被用于烹饪调味。在传统医学中,它常被推荐用于治疗消化系统疾病。 clarinsusa.com | It is used as a condiment in cooking and [...] in traditional medicine it is recommended for treating digestive problems. clarinsusa.com |
烹饪:可以用来做菜,可以去除腥味 、 调味 , 可 以使菜肴更加美味。 cosme-de.com | Cooking: Can be used to cook, [...] remove the smell, flavoring, make dishes [...]more delicious. cosme-de.com |
食典委在步骤 5/8 还通过了调味料的 MRLs 拟议草案,但关于“水果和浆果 (028B)”以及“根或根茎(028B)”中氧化乐果(055)的 MRLs 只在步骤 5 获得通 过,因为农药残留规范委员会先前决定撤销对这种化合物的所有 MRLs。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also adopted proposed draft MRLs for spices at Step 5/8 with the exception of proposed MRLs for omethoate (055) in “fruit or berry (028B)” and “root or rhizome (028D)” which were adopted at Step 5 only as the CCPR had previously decided to withdraw all MRLs for this compound. codexalimentarius.org |
二就是馅料,馅料这部分还好,只需购买剁碎后的肉,再加 上 调味 料 就 可。 4tern.com | Fillings are easy, we just need to buy minced meat, add some herbs and spices. 4tern.com |
德克萨斯牛排、墨西哥辣椒调味菜、墨西哥烤肉、卷饼、炸玉米饼、鳄梨色拉、墨西哥啤酒、龙舌兰、玛格丽特,各式美食应有尽有。 msccruises.com.cn | Sample all the tastes of Mexican cuisine: [...] from Texas steaks to enchiladas, fajitas to burritos and tacos, guacamole to tortillas, [...]all accompanied by Mexican beer, Tequila and Margaritas. msccruises.com.eg |
这包括加拿大利用著作权 保护措施保护基于传统知识的发明创造,如:土著艺术中的面具、图腾和录音带;利用外 [...] 观设计保护物品的外观,如:哈萨克斯坦的头饰和地毯;利用地理标志保护传统产品,如: 委内瑞拉和越南的烈性酒、调味品和 茶。 iprcommission.org | In recent surveys of the existing protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, a number of countries have provided further examples of how IP tools have been utilised to promote and protect traditional knowledge and folklore.12 These include the use of copyright protection in Canada to protect tradition-based creations including masks, totem poles and sound recordings of Aboriginal artists; the use of industrial designs to protect the external appearance of articles such as head dresses and carpets in Kazakhstan and the [...] use of geographical indications to protect traditional products [...] such as liquors, sauces and teas in Venezuela [...]and Vietnam. iprcommission.org |
我以为这里的规矩和之前的背包客栈一样 , 调味 料 是 免费的,所以才会这么做。 4tern.com | I said,”I thought here is similar to my backpacker, where salt and oil are free to use. 4tern.com |
新加坡人的盐分主要来自于烹饪时 使用的调味料。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | The main sources of sodium in the diet of Singaporeans [...] are salt and sauces added during [...]cooking. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
限制摄入含钠量高的调味品和食品,比如大豆酱油、照烧酱、味噌、味精、罐装蔬菜、酱菜和橄榄。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Limit high-sodium condiments and foods such as soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, miso, monosodium glutamate (MSG), preserved vegetables, pickles and olives beijing.ufh.com.cn |
选择纯酸奶和添加风味在家里是一种优秀的策略,保存空热量和糖份,并在同一时间,获得更多的养分,如果我们选择正确的成分 来 调味 产 品。 cn.500healthy.com | Choose plain yogurt and add flavor at home is an excellent strategy to save sugar [...] and empty calories and at the same time, obtain more nutrients if we choose the [...] right ingredients to flavor the product. 500healthy.com |
在那个时代匹萨在烤箱中烘烤,然后在Naples的街道上出售; [...] 男孩头上顶着典型的“stufa”(为匹萨保温的锡火炉),以特殊的叫唤声沿街叫卖,吸引人们的注意力,然后直接把已经加上各 种 调味 品 的 匹萨送到顾客的手中。 knowfood.cn | At these times pizza was baked in ovens and then sold in the streets of Naples: a boy, who balanced on his head the typical "stufa" (a tin stove to keep pizza warm), brings directly [...] to his customers the pizza, already [...] made with different seasonings, after attracting [...]their attention with his loud and typical calls. knowfood.cn |
但是,已根据监测 数据制定了调味料的 MRLs,由于这是过去不曾遇到的特殊情况,因此在将这些 MRLs 最后提交通过之前,最好就如何处理针 对 调味 料 建 议的氧化乐果 MRLs 征求农药残留 规范委员会的意见。 codexalimentarius.org | However, the MRLs for spices were developed based on monitoring data, and since this was a special case that had not been encountered previously, it was advisable to seek the advice of CCPR on how to handle the proposed omethoate MRLs for spices before proceeding [...] with the final adoption of these MRLs. codexalimentarius.org |
那里的伦季三文鱼汉堡是当地人的最爱,著名的意大 利 调味 饭 也常常以芬兰式的伦季特色风味呈现,其中添加了鸡油菌或牛肝菌。 visitfinland.com | Their Lungi salmon burger is a great favorite among locals and even their famous risottos are often served with a Finnish Lungi twist adding chanterelles or boletus. visitfinland.com |
为 评 估 现 时 香 港 食 物 含 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 水 平 , 这 项 研 究 包 括 含 有 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 主 要 食 物 类 别 , 即 (i) 谷 类 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) [...] 肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱 古 力 及 可 可 制 品 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 ; (vii) 咖 啡 和 [...] 茶 , 以 及 (viii) 香 料 和 调 味 料 。 cfs.gov.hk | To study the prevailing levels of ochratoxin A in the Hong Kong retail market, this study covers major food commodities associated with ochratoxin A contamination including (i) cereals and cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products (iii) meat, poultry and products (including offals), (iv) [...] chocolate and cocoa products, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, (vii) coffee and tea, and [...] (viii) spices and condiments. cfs.gov.hk |
FAST Soya快速大豆检测试剂盒,采用夹心酶联免疫法,用于定量检测食品,如香肠、冰淇淋、巧克力、烘焙食品、烘焙预混粉、汤料 、 调味 料 、沙拉酱、奶油和饮料(果汁、葡萄酒、啤酒)等中的大豆蛋白。 r-biopharmrhone.com | FAST Soya (Art. No. R7102) is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of native and processed soya proteins in food, such as sausages, dressings, bakery products, ice, chocolate, soup, sauce, margarine, etc. and beverages like juice, wine, beer. r-biopharmrhone.com |
允许输入加沙地带民用物品的清单。事实上,占领当局利用宣布允许番茄酱 和调 味料等 物品输入,再次狡猾地利用了媒体的注意力,而至于为何做出承诺、但仍 [...] 禁止急需医疗设备和建筑材料输入加沙一事,以色列当局却三缄其口。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, the occupation authorities have once again cynically exploited media [...] attention by announcing the entry of items such [...] as ketchup and condiments while remaining [...]silent on why critically needed medical [...]equipment and building materials remain barred from entering Gaza despite promises to the contrary. daccess-ods.un.org |
它诞生在Naples,在那儿起先用番茄做 调味 品 ,后来就和很多不同的配料搭配,它是这座辉煌城市口味、风味、感官享受和梦里渴望的集中体现。 knowfood.cn | It was born in Naples where it was first seasoned with tomatoes and afterwards with numerous different ingredients and it is a concentrate of the flavours, smells, sensuality and fantasy of this splendid city. knowfood.cn |
水乳剂在油分(例如人造奶油和黄油)中及油分在水 ( 调味 品 、 低脂涂 抹 调味 品 ) 中的液滴粒度分布提供了有关保存期限和口味的重要信息。 bruker.com | The droplet size distribution in emulsions of water in oil (e.g. margarine and butter) as well as of oil in water (dressings, low fat spreads) provides important information about the shelf life and palatability. bruker.com |
就用于调味品、调味汁、调味剂、 汤和其它食品的压敏标签,Label-Lyte™ 50LL539透明膜、60LH538和65 LL344-A 白OPP膜为覆膜加工商提供了用于透明和不透明标签形式的广泛材料兼容性和性能。 exxonmobilchemical.com | For pressure-sensitive labels for dressings, sauces, condiments, soups and other food products, Label-Lyte™ 50LL539 clear and 60LH538 and 65 LL-344-A white oriented polypropylene (OPP) films provide laminators with a broad range of compatibility and performance in transparent and opaque label formats. exxonmobilchemical.com |