

单词 调出



exit poll

做出调整 n

adaptation n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 翻译的问题的数量和复杂性有所增加, 调出 特 派 团支助司的两个员额,为部队 指挥官办公室提供专门的语文支助。
Taking into account the increased volume and complexity of the issues
that would require accurate translation, it is
[...] proposed to redeploy two posts from [...]
the Mission Support Division to provide
dedicated language support to the Office of the Force Commander.
但是调出项目边界的地块, 在以后不能再纳入项目边界内。
However, the reduced area as verified
[...] during the previous verification cannot be [...]
included again within the project boundary,
and the carbon stock previously verified shall remain unchanged due to the reduction of project area.
建议在 2012/13 年期间 调动的 83 个员额和职位包括:从财务调出的 3 8 个员额,即 4 个财务干事(P-4)、 2 个协理财务干事(本国专业干事)、28 个财务助理(10 个外勤事务和 18 个本国一 般事务人员)、1 个出纳员(外勤事务)、1 个数据库管理员(外勤事务)和 2 个办公 室助理(本国一般事务人员);从人力资源 调出的 45 个员额和职位,即 9 个人 力资源干事(3 个 P-4、1 个 P-3、3 个外勤事务和 2 个本国专业干事)、1 个协理 人力资源干事(P-2)、31 个人力资源助理(14 个外勤事务、3 个联合国志愿人员和 14 个本国一般事务人员)、1 个差旅事务干事(本国专业干事)、2 个差旅事务助理 (本国一般事务)和 1 个办公室助理(本国一般事务)(同上,第 [...]
48 和 49 段)。
The 83 posts and positions proposed to be redeployed for the 2012/13 period include 38 posts from the Finance Section, comprising 4 Finance Officers (P-4), 2 Associate Finance Officers (National Professional Officers), 28 Finance Assistants (10 Field Service and 18 national General Service), 1 Cashier (Field Service), 1 Database Administrator (Field [...]
Service) and 2 Office Assistants (national General Service) posts, and 45 posts and positions from the Human Resources Section,
comprising 9 Human Resources Officers (3 P-4, 1 P-3, 3 Field Service and 2 National Professional Officers), 1 Associate Human Resources Officer (P-2), 31 Human Resources Assistants (14 Field Service, 3 United Nations Volunteers and 14 national General Service), 1 Travel Officer (National Professional Officer), 2 Travel Assistants (national General Service) and 1 Office Assistant (national General Service staff) posts (ibid., paras. 48 and 49).
问题的焦点在于, 主要的知识产权援助组织(如世界知识产权组织和欧洲专利局)没有工作人员驻扎在受援
[...] 国,因此在某种程度上妨碍了援助的策划和提供工作的 调 。 出 于 这 方面原因,也许援助 国可以考虑试点性地在有关发展中国家或地区派驻国家内或地区内实地经管人员,以便在 [...]
In this respect, it might therefore be useful for donors to consider experimenting, on a pilot basis,
with in-country or in-region field managers
[...] to improve co-ordination of their IP-related [...]
technical assistance programmes on
the ground in developing countries.
调指出调解活动在建设和平和恢复进程方面,特别是在防止冲突后国家再 次陷入冲突方面的重要性,并在这方面确认建设和平委员会在支助在其议程上的 [...]
Stressing the importance of mediation activities [...]
in peacebuilding and recovery processes, in particular in preventing post-conflict
countries from relapsing into conflict, and in this regard recognizing the advisory role of the Peacebuilding Commission in supporting peace efforts in countries on its agenda
大会第六十六届会议调指出继续 对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 [...]
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance [...]
of the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
但 是,这种拟议的办法容许国家层面上的利益有关方对调查表 出调 整 , 以便确定 所涉国家特有的需求和进展变化。
However, the proposed methodology allows stakeholders at the national level to adapt the questionnaire in order to identify needs and developments specific to the country in question.
虽然可以 对某些费用出调整, 但该组公司的总费用反映了所需的投资,应当保持不变。
While some cost adjustments could be made, the overall [...]
cost for that group of companies reflects the investments needed and should remain as is.
中国注意到圣马力诺的某些法律与圣马力诺加入 为缔约国的国际人权文书不相符合,并询问是否计划 出调 整。
China noted that certain laws in San Marino were not
consistent with international human rights instruments to which it was party, and
[...] asked whether adjustments were planned.
资料来源:阿拉伯关于千年发展目标的报告(编制中):根据世界银行 POVCAL 数据库(2005 年, 购买力平价)和联合国开发计划署根据家庭收入和 出调 查 的 单位记录数据作出的估计。
Source: Arab report on the Millennium Development Goals (in progress); based on World Bank POVCAL data sets (in 2005, purchasing power parity) and United Nations Development Programme estimates derived from household income and expenditure survey unit record data.
如副秘书长/执行主任同意接受以美元以外货币支付捐款,在随后的兑换出 现任何明显亏损或收益时应对已记录捐款 出调 整 , 除非捐助方在出现亏损时同 意作出补偿。
Should the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director agree to accept payment of a contribution in a currency other than United States dollars, the recorded contribution shall be adjusted by any consequent identifiable loss or gain on exchange, unless, in the case of loss, the contributing party agrees to reimburse it.
多个发言者坚 持认为,现有机构和支持机制应得到更加充分的利用,或者按照已经确定的新需 求出调整。
Existing institutions and support mechanisms, several speakers maintained, should be more fully exploited or adapted to new requirements that had been identified.
因此,请务必在飞行期间谨记应 急措施并出调整, 以便最大限度地提升找到油 类并标出其完整范围的可能性,同时仍然尽力使 飞行计划保持合理且高效。
It is important, therefore, for contingencies to be borne in mind and adjustments made during the flight, to maximise the chances of finding the oil and plotting its full extent, while still trying to maintain a logical and efficient flight plan.
该公式不再将调整数仅仅与工 作人员员额挂钩,而是允许对分配给直接参与处理引起变动的工作量的各项计划的财政资源总额出调整。
The formula no longer links the adjustments to staff posts only, but rather allows for adjustments in overall financial resources allocated to the programs directly involved in the processing of the resulting workload.
气候变化的适应涉及出调整,以减少社区、区域和 相关活动对气候变化和变异的脆弱性。
It involves adjustments to reduce the [...]
vulnerability of communities, regions and activities to climate change and variability.
宪章》为我们提供了这方面的各种适当工具, 如直接谈判、斡旋、调解、实况调查、调停、仲裁和
[...] 司法解决,以及 呼吁各方用和平手段解决争端及建议 和出调整程序的可能性。
The Charter provides us with all the proper tools to do that, such as direct negotiations, good offices, mediation, fact-finding, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement, as well as the possibility to
call upon the parties to settle their disputes by pacific means and to suggest and
[...] recommend procedures for adjustment.
地区性委员会(在达喀尔、曼谷、布宜诺斯艾利斯、开罗 和巴黎)召开了会议,并制出调研 的 议程,其重点是高等教育的改革、教育产业、调研培 训与管理、国际化和国家教育体制的发展。
The Regional Committees have met (in Dakar, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Cairo and Paris) and established research agendas focused on higher education reform, trade in education, research training and management, internationalization, and development of national knowledge systems.
许多发展中国家正在经历快速经济增长,但若要维持这些成就,则需要对国 际货币和金融体系出调整,以通过采取促进减缓贫穷和创造体面就业机会的政 策和行动来更好地支持发展,特别是对发达国家和发展中国家的青年而言。
Many developing countries are witnessing rapid economic growth but sustaining the gains calls for the international monetary and financial systems to be reconfigured to better support development through policies and action that spur poverty reduction and the creation of decent jobs, especially for the youth in both the developed and developing countries.
有必要对 现有监管做法出调整, 以使移民广泛使用新技术汇款。
It would be
[...] necessary to make adjustments to current [...]
regulatory practices in order to bring about a widespread use of new
technologies by migrants to send remittances.
[...] 汰其消耗臭氧层物质的消费,特别是在不同行业淘汰消耗臭氧层物质,并继续通过许可与 配额制度出调整努力。
The Committee also notes that within the framework of the institutional strengthening project, Egypt has taken significant steps to phase out its ODS consumption, specifically,
implementation of strategies in different
[...] sectors of ODS phase out, as well as continued [...]
regulatory efforts through the licensing and quota system.
利用过去的成就,诸如成功举行的部长级论坛,具体方法是对可根据背景 出调 整的 方法予以应有的重视,以认真筹备此类高级别会议和就此采取后续行动。
Build upon prior achievements, such as the successful ministerial fora, by paying due attention to a contextually-adjusted methodology for careful preparation of and follow-up to such high-level meetings.
[...] 1765(2007)号决议对联科行动的职权范围 出调 整 ,以便使联 科行动的作用适应签署《瓦加杜古协议》后新的现实,特别是《协议》签署双方 [...]
决定完全自主掌握和平进程,并使国家机构在执行《协议》规定的任务中起主导 作用。
The mandate of UNOCI was adjusted in Security [...]
Council resolution 1765 (2007) in order to adapt the role of the Operation
to the new realities following the signing of the Ouagadougou Agreement, in particular the decision of the signatories of the Agreement to assume total ownership of the peace process and to give national institutions the lead role in implementing the tasks set out in the Agreement.
政府间气候变化专门委员 会提出适应的广义定义,以提供一个起点,其定 义为:在自然或人类系统中由于实际的或预期的 气候刺激或其影响而出调整, 以求趋利避害。
The IPCC offers a starting point by providing a broad definition of adaptation: adjustment in natural or human systems to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
为了寻求更多信息,以了解散居国外的索马里人当中是否有法律专业人员愿 意参加境外法庭以及有多少这样的人,法律事务厅与特别顾问将其作为专家征求 意见的“知名人士”进行了非正式接触,并向有大量索马里人居住的欧洲、中东 和非洲各国的 17 个律师协会和法律学会出调询。
In seeking further information about the availability and the willingness of legal professionals among the Somali diaspora to participate in an extraterritorial court, the Office of Legal Affairs informally contacted the “eminent persons” consulted as experts by the Special Adviser and sent enquiries to 17 bar associations and law societies in countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with significant Somali populations.
日本代表团希望知道, 是否已参照上一年取得的经验对特别政治任务 2009 年拟议预算出调整,特别是列入更符合实际的空缺 率和业务费用。
His delegation wished to know whether the 2009 budget proposals for special political missions had been adjusted in light of the experience gained during the previous year, particularly to incorporate more realistic vacancy rates and operational costs.
独立专家打算集中讨论以下三个相互依存的总 体目标:a)使各国意识到有必要将外债作为人权问题 处理,并从这方面更广泛地支持与所有相关方面进 行磋商的任务(包括与历来不支持该任务的各国进 行磋商);b)开展有关外债和人权问题的主题研究, 以确定和深化某些概念,这些概念将同样有助于制 定总体指导原则草案,旨在确保各国履行有关外债 的承诺不会损害其履行人权义务的能力。希望这项 主题研究的结果能够鼓励通常不会支持该任务的各 国对政策出调整; c)确定有关外债和人权的最佳措 施,并对总体指导原则草案进行审查、修改和补充。
He would focus on three broad, interrelated objectives: (a) to raise awareness about the need to consider foreign debt as a human rights issue and, in that regard, to broaden support for the mandate through ongoing dialogue with all stakeholders (including States that had traditionally not supported the mandate); (b) to undertake a thematic study on foreign debt and human rights in order to identify and clarify some conceptual issues which could also inform the draft general guidelines, which were designed to ensure that compliance with commitments arising from foreign debt did not undermine the capacity of States to fulfil their human rights obligations, in the hope that the results of the thematic study would encourage a policy shift among those States that had traditionally been reluctant to support the mandate; and (c) to identify best practices concerning foreign debt and human rights through the review and development of the draft general guidelines.
在这方面,坚持合作努力必 须包括不断出调整, 以确保这些努力不会成为一成 不变的、为自身服务的架构,或其目标也不会是解决 临时问题。
In this regard, the preservation of cooperation efforts must include their continuous adjustment to ensure that they do not to become permanent, self-serving structures, or whose purpose becomes solving temporary problems.
[...] 接近或超过可持续限度时,中西太平洋渔委公约海区内必须削减捕鱼能力,船队 需因应有限的捕捞机会出调整。
FFA members adopted a regional tuna management and development strategy which recognized that, where fisheries were approaching or exceeding sustainable limits, there
must be a reduction in fishing capacity in the WCPFC Convention
[...] area as fleets adjust to restricted [...]
fishing opportunities.
布隆迪代表说,令人遗憾的是,有些国家在委员会多次协商一致地决定向该 非政府组织出调查表 和暂停其咨商地位时,都担任委员会成员,而它们却开始 坚称调查表带有歧视性。
The representative of Burundi said that it was regrettable that some members of the Committee, whose countries had been members of the Committee at various times when decisions on submitting the questionnaire to the non-governmental organization and on its suspension had been taken by consensus, had started to insist on the discriminatory character of the questionnaire.




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