单词 | 课外 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:课外读物—extracurricular reading material See also:外adj—foreignadj externaladj 外adv—in additionadv 外n—outsiden
來年可增加參与校外比赛的人次,并透过调动时间表,安排校巴等行政支援鼓勵 学生多參与课外活动。 hktawts.edu.hk | The number of students participating off-campus activities will be increased next year, and administrative measures, such as rescheduling and arranging [...] the time slot of the school buses, may be implemented to encourage students [...] to takepart in extracurricular activities. hktawts.edu.hk |
并且,我也从学校网站上(或在学校里的复印册 里)了解到所有由学校组织,并且我孩子可以参加的课外活动项目。 lilburnms.com | In addition, I have reviewed on the [...] school’s web site (or obtained and read a copy from a school) [...] the listing of extracurricular activities available [...]to my child. lilburnms.com |
学校有多种课外和室外活动提供给学生,包括甚为刺激的行山、爬山、划独木舟和露营。 risesmartedu.com | Activitiesand outdoor pursuits are [...] available to students, with exciting activities including hiking, climbing, canoeing, and camping risesmartedu.com |
持份者问卷显示超过 85%的家长及学生赞同透过学校的课外活动,能让学生获得更多的学习机会。 hktawts.edu.hk | The stakeholder questionnaire has revealed that over 85% [...] of parents and students accepted that [...] the school’s extracurricular activities can [...]provide more learning opportunities to [...]students, and gain experiences by participating in competitions. hktawts.edu.hk |
校本评核并非课程的外加部分,因此,上述校本评核方式都是课程建议的课内课外的惯常活动。 3890.com.hk | The modes of SBA above are normal in-class and out-of-class activities suggested in thecurriculum. 3890.com.hk |
被罚停课且在校内禁闭(ISS)的 学生, 被罚不得参加当天课外活动。 lilburnms.com | Students assigned to in-school suspension are not allowed to [...] participate inextracurricular activities on [...]the date of their ISS assignment. lilburnms.com |
除学术成绩外,学校亦提供种类繁多的课外活动给学生参与, 可使学生学习课堂以外的知识从而发掘自己多方面的兴趣及潜能。 risesmartedu.com | In additionto academic achievements, the school also offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities for students to participate in, enable students to learn outsideof the classroom [...] and to explore [...]their interests and potential. risesmartedu.com |
视障学生课外活动津助计划」於2010年成立,目的是为在每学年津助低收入家庭之视障学生参与课外活动。 hksb.org.hk | The Scheme was established in 2010 with an aim to [...] [...] enable visually impaired students coming from low income families to participatein extra-curricularactivities during their school years. hksb.org.hk |
另外,还有3名助理教师和多名兼职导师分别支援教学及带领各种课外活动。 deliahw.edu.hk | There are 3 assistant teachers and a number of part-time instructors who are responsible for [...] various extra-curricular activities. deliahw.edu.hk |
学生在本中心修习英语发展课程、中文、核心 课程(以双语授课)、电脑知识,参加健康与安全教育课外活动、参观旅行,并舞蹈、艺术和音 乐等活动。 sfusd.edu | All students receive intensive English Language Development, Chinese Language Arts, bilingual instruction in the core subjects, computer literacy, and extended learningactivities in health and safety education, fieldtrips, dance, art and music. sfusd.edu |
除了教授校区核心课程外,我们还透过各种课外活动计划来培养学生之视觉及 表演能力,例如AcroSports计划、体操班、与艺术家Lotte学艺术计划(Art with Artist [...] Lotte)、音乐历奇计划(Adventure In Music)、歌咏团及器乐班,还有男青年会举办的运动计划等等。 sfusd.edu | Besides providing the District'score curriculum programs, extra curricularprograms [...] cultivate the visual and performing [...]arts skills of the whole child with such programs such as AcroSports, gymnastics, Art with Artist Lotte, Adventure In Music, Choral and Instrumental Music plus the YMCA physical movement program. sfusd.edu |
培训包括讲习班、互动性示教、临床运用及课外作业。 hkca.org | Training involves workshops, interactive demonstrations, clinical applications and assignments. hkca.org |
民研计划今年是以顾问身份参与六四集会及七一游行的人数点算工作,协助香港大学学生会理学会统计及精算学会的同学进行课外学习。 hkupop.hku.hk | This year, POP is involved in the June 4 and July 1 head count projects as an advisor to [...] students from the Statistics and Actuarial Science Society SS HKUSU, who run [...] it as their extra-curricularresearch projects. hkupop.hku.hk |
全日制课程学生的课外活动会记錄於『学术以外成就证明书』,并於毕业时获发证明。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | For full-time students, their participation in [...] various extra-curricular activities [...]will be recorded in the Record of Non-Academic Achievements. cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
(1) 资助基层家庭子女參加课外活动及提供功课辅导支 援。 communitycarefund.hk | (1) To provide tutorial support and [...] subsidy on extra-curricular activities for [...]students from low-income families. communitycarefund.hk |
相片来自华懋「绿色香港摄影比赛」与「绿色香港摄影展」的参赛作品;所筹得的善款,连同华懋集团的捐款用作支持「视障学生课外活动津助计划」之用。 hksb.org.hk | The fund raised from the charity sale together with donation [...] from Chinachem Group, was designated to [...] support theExtra-curricular Activities Subsidy [...]Scheme for Visually Impaired Students. hksb.org.hk |
(3) 因学校会筛选资助參加课外活动的学生,而未能让全 部合资格学生受惠,基金应发放现金津贴予全部合资 格学生家长让学生受惠。 communitycarefund.hk | (3) Not all eligible students may become beneficiaries as schools may screen students before offering them subsidy on extra-curricular activities. communitycarefund.hk |
因为课外活动项目有限,他认为若教育中学孩子如何演戏和读诗,也能打发这些学生的空闲时间。 thisbigcity.net | With few amenities to go [...] around forextra curricular activities, tutoring [...]young high school children acting and poetry has [...]become one of the activities Chaka says will fill what would otherwise have been idle hours. thisbigcity.net |
另安排课外活动,包括一年至少二次旅游,并与国外学校有交换学生活动,7,8年级学生可到欧洲如法国及德国,9年级以上则可到南非,澳洲,美国,加拿大,印度或秘鲁的姊妹校学习实习八周。 ukeas.com.tw | Additionally,the school organises [...] Round Square exchanges where Years 7 and 8 students travel to European destinations such [...]as France and Germany, and Year 9 and above students spend up to eight weeks in South Africa, Australia, America, Canada, India or Peru, studying and working at one of our sister schools. ukeas.com |
我们每个月会为来自世界各地的朋友举办激动人心的学生课外活动,去探索新的城市,游览附近地区,并在同一时间学习英语 zoni.com | We organize exciting student activities during which you can make international friends, see different areas of the city, tour nearby regions and learn English at the same time! zoni.com |
因此,海星学校早前安排了高小学生前往参观赛车博物馆,目的让学生对澳门这一富历史价值和世界标志性的赛事,能有更好的认识,藉以启发学生关心澳门盛事,丰富课外知识。 edmschool.net | In order to deepen students' understanding of this [...] motor-racing, EM hadarranged avisit [...]to the Macao Grand Prix Museum for all senior Primary students. edmschool.net |
学生及家长在学习成效、个人及社交发展、社区参与及对课外活动的意见等方面均有超越50%认同有改善 deliahw.edu.hk | There are over 50% students and parents giving positive comments that the arrangement is able to help on the personal development, social development deliahw.edu.hk |
在工作、学校和课外活动之间,家长可能会感到与家人和孩子的关系很疏离。 parenting.ycef.com | Between work, school andextracurricular activities, parents [...] may feel disconnected from their family and kids. parenting.ycef.com |
由环保促进会主办及优质教育基金资助:「联校有机废物回收堆肥种植计划」,於过去多月来一直致力知识与实践并重,教导学生认识有关课外知识,重新感受更广阔的环保概念,予以更灵活的教学方式与理论。 greencouncil.org | Student were taught extracurricular knowledge to enable them to have a better grasp of the wider environmental concepts, at the same time delivering more lively teaching method and ideas. greencouncil.org |
学校提供大量校园和社区内的课外活动,包括﹕音乐、戏剧、运动和户外活动,另外并同时举办许多社会活动,由於校园都集中在中心地带,让学生能充份体验城市和各项娱乐设施的细致和刺激。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Institutions offer access to a vast range of extra curricula activities, both on campus and within the community. These activities include music, drama, sports and outdoor activities. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
本集团并无定期举办内部培训计划,惟本集团会因应新发展或新设施提供特定的培训,以及赞助雇员 参加由外间机构提供与彼等履行职务有关及对事业发展有帮助的职业训练课程。 asiasat.com | However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or [...] facilities and sponsors employees toattend externalvocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their careerprogression. [...] asiasat.com |
此外,课程亦提供机会使 学生可以对某些课题作深入的研习,为日後在科学与科技相关的領域继续 学习而作好预备。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | On the one hand, a broad coverage of topics is provided, while on the other hand there will be in-depth study on a certain number of topics to prepare students for further study in a particular field of science and technology. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |