

单词 读者文摘

See also:

读者 n

readers pl
readership n

文摘 n

abstract n

External sources (not reviewed)

2012年,香港耀中连续第二年在 读者文摘 》 国际学校类别脱颖而出,获颁“信誉品牌”金奖。
YCIS Hong Kong
[...] was awarded the Reader's Digest Trusted [...]
Brand Gold Award in the international school category for the second consecutive year in 2012.
5 月发布了《海洋酸化研究和数据报告最 佳实践指南》,该指南的决者摘要 已 翻译成 文 和 西 班牙文。
The Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Acidification
Research and Data Reporting was
[...] released in May, and its Summary for Policy-Makers was translated [...]
into French and Spanish.
我现摘要宣读欧洲 联盟发言稿,我们将散发发 言稿文的印刷本。
I shall now read out an abridged version of the European Union’s statement.
同时也考虑条约机构报告、特别程序和其他联合国相关正 文 件 所 载资料汇编以及由其他 相关利益攸关方提供的资摘要,两 者 均 由人权高专办编备。
Also taken into consideration is a compilation of information contained in the reports of treaty
bodies, special
[...] procedures and other relevant official United Nations documents and a summary of the information provided by other relevant stakeholders, [...]
both of which are prepared by OHCHR.
(b) 如某成员(「同意成员」)已根据法例和上市规则的规定,同意如本公司在 电脑网络上发表相关的财文件和财 务 摘 要 报 告( 者 的 定 义见该条例), 将视之为已履行本公司于该条例下寄发相关的财 文 件 和财 务 摘 要 报告 (者的定 义见该条例)的责任,则本公司在本公司的股东大会举行日之 前最少 21 天,根据法例的规定在本公司的电脑网络上发表相关的财文 件和财务摘要报告(者的定 义见该条例),就每名同意成员而言,应被 视为已履行本公司在上文(a)段下的责任。
(b) Where a Member (a “Consenting Member”) has, in accordance with legislation and the Listing Rules, consented to treat
the publication of the
[...] relevant financial documents and/or the summary financial report (each as defined in the Ordinance) on the Company’s computer network as discharging the Company’s obligation under the Ordinance to send a copy of the relevant financial documents and/or the summary financial report (each as defined in the Ordinance), then publication by the Company, in accordance with legislation, on the Company’s computer network of the relevant financial documents and the summary financial report (each [...]
as defined in the Ordinance)
at least 21 days before the date of the general meeting of the Company shall, in relation to each Consenting Member, be deemed to discharge the Company’s obligations under paragraph (a) above.
文的不 同部分都包括了一些问题,以帮 读者思 考他们国家的情况。
Questions are included
[...] in different parts of the document to help the reader reflect on the circumstances [...]
in his/her country.
只要您会使用打印机,此软件的使用对您来说就不存在难度,一切都与平时操作一样,连启动此程序的步骤都可以免去,可外挂于所有支持打印的软件,如用 ACDSee 打印照片为 PDF,或是用 Word 打印文案为 PDF,甚至连 PDF 加密和 PDF
[...] 压缩的支持都已额外提供,对中文支持较好,您仅需导入相应的字体即可创建面向 文读者的 PDF。
As long as you use the printer, the use of this software does not exist for you more difficult, everything is operating as usual, and even the steps to start this procedure can be removed, can print all the support plug-in software, such as ACDSee print Photos for the PDF, copy or print with Word for the PDF, and even PDF encryption and PDF compression provide
additional support have been of Chinese support for better, you just import
[...] the font for Chinese readers to create the PDF .
專業的服 務品質讓台灣大哥大在獲得「2005年遠見傑出服 務獎」電信服務產業首獎後,連續三年蟬聯「者 文摘非常 品牌金牌獎」,其中創新及了解消費者需 求兩項指標,更領先其他電信業者,足見台灣大哥 大是消費者心中最值得信賴的品牌。
Aside from winning Global Views Monthly’s “2005 Outstanding Service Award” in the telecommunications category, the Company was also a recipient of Reader’s Digest’s “Gold Trusted Brand [...]
Award” for three years in a row.
亚太经社会编撰的旗舰出版物,包括《亚 洲及太平洋经济社会概览》和《亚洲及太平洋统计年鉴》等,得到了各类媒体 前所未有的广泛报道、而且读者群 也 大幅增加,从而表明其作为供本区域决 策人员和研究人员参阅文献所 具有的重要性。
ESCAP flagship publications, including the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific and the Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific,
[...] unprecedented media coverage and increased readership, demonstrating their importance as references among policymakers and researchers throughout [...]
the region.
養和醫院及其陳蔭燊視力矯正中心於2012年再獲殊榮,分別奪得《 者文摘 》 信 譽品牌2012「醫院」及「眼科手術中心(LASIK)」組別金奬。
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital and its Guy Hugh Chan Refractive
Surgery Centre received awards in 2012,
[...] namely the Reader's Digest Trusted Brands [...]
in Hospital Category and Eye Surgery Centre (LASIK) Category.
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守“联 合国教文组织 公共图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据, 读者 提 供 一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏,以配合不同年龄及各阶层人士对信息、研究、自学及善用 余暇方面的需要。
The Hong Kong Public Libraries have been following
the principles laid down in the UNESCO Public Library
[...] Manifesto in acquiring library materials for the provision of a balanced and diversified library collection [...] [...]
to meet the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading.
(C) 倘本公司根據公司條例及一切其他適用法例及上市規則,在本公司 的電腦網絡或循任何其他獲准之方式(包括以任何電子通訊形式發放)刊發有關 之財文件及(如適用)財摘要報 告( 者 之 定 義見公司條例),而如細則第 168(B)條所述之人士根據公司條例及一切其他適用法例及上市規則,已同意或被 43 視為已同意接受以上述方式刊發或收取有關文件而毋須本公司另行寄發有關文 件之副本,則可視作已符合細則第168(B)條或公司條例須向該細則所述人士寄發 有關財文件或財務摘要報告(者 之 定 義見公司條例)之規定。
(C) The requirement to send to a person referred to in Article 168(B) the relevant financial documents or the summary financial report (each as defined in the
Companies Ordinance), whether
[...] under that Article or under the Companies Ordinance, shall be deemed satisfied where, in accordance with the Companies Ordinance and all other applicable legislation and the Listing Rules, the Company publishes the relevant financial documents and if applicable, the summary financial report (each as defined in the Companies Ordinance), on the Company’s computer network or in any other permitted manner (including sending by any form of electronic communication), and that person has agreed or is deemed to have agreed to treat the publication or receipt of such documents in such manner as discharging the Company’s obligation to send to him a copy of such documents.
模拟应用日志- 这是模拟应文章的集合,旨在使 读者 基 本 了解 TI 产品,并提供简单而实用的典型应用示例。
Analog Applications Journal - This is a collection of analog
[...] application articles designed to give readers a basic understanding [...]
of TI products and to provide
simple but practical examples for typical applications.
在这些版本通常有附加在第四家宴七个小论文结束,部分来自塔木德部分来自后塔木德时期,是后塔木德的 文 , 其 中苏菲林(方向为作家 读者 的 律 法公开) 。
In these editions there are usually appended at the end of the fourth Seder seven small treatises, partly from Talmudic, partly from
post-Talmudic times, among which is the
[...] post-Talmudic treatise Sopherim (directions for the writer and public reader of the Torah).
它还假读者熟悉 Web 服务,尤其是 [JAX-RPC] 规范和 WSDL 文档。
It also assumes that the reader is familiar with Web services, specifically the [JAX-RPC] Specification and WSDL documents.
草案公布几天后,国务院新 闻办公室发布了中国首个《中国的能源状况与政策》白 皮书,与能源法草案不同的是,白皮书有 文 版 本 ,可 供国读者阅读
Days after the release of the draft, the Information Office of the State Council released China’s first White Paper on “Energy Conditions and Policies”,
which, unlike the draft
[...] energy law, is available in English and geared to an international audience, “White Paper”, op. cit.
读的文章摘录 如何投资外国股票。
Read an excerpt from the article [...]
How to Invest in Foreign Stocks.
该杂志在利用 Flickr 等其 他社会媒体工具的同时也出现在脸书上,这使该杂志能够通过与本组织的优先议 题直接相关的建设性照片和文比赛 ,积极 读者 接 触
The magazine’s presence on Facebook, in conjunction with other social media utilities such as
Flickr, has allowed it to
[...] actively engage readers through constructive photo and essay contests related directly [...]
to the Organization’s priority issues.
通过讨论不同政策选 择的优缺点,文将帮助读者对不同办法作出评价,并选择最适合特 定国情的办法。
By discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of different
[...] policy choices, the text would assist the reader to evaluate different [...]
approaches and to choose
the one most suitable in a particular national context.
[...] 斷創新產品與服務,贏得各界認同:連續六年 榮獲《者文摘》「 信譽品牌」金獎;五度 榮獲《壹周刊》之「服務第壹大 [...]
獎」;獲《數位時代》選入「台 灣科技100強」,是唯一進入前 十強之電信公司;在財團法人資
訊工業策進會「2009年企業上網 滿意度大調查」中,亦獲得整體 滿意度最高之肯定。
TWM received the “Gold Trusted Brand” from Reader’s Digest for the sixth year in a row and the “Top Service Awards” from
Next Magazine for five times. The Company
[...] also ranked sixth in the “Info tech 100 [...]
Taiwan” by Business Next Magazine, placing
it ahead of its telecom peers, and won the highest recognition in the “Enterprise Internet Service Satisfaction Survey 2009” conducted by the Institute for Information Industry.
提交论文集、口头报告或墙报展示的 文 的 参会 者,请提交详摘要到 efita.wcca2005@utad.pt。所有论 文(最多为 4 页)应以 Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)格式和 word 格式提交,此类模板可以从会议的网站下载。
To participate as authors of a paper to be included in the proceedings and to be presented orally or as a poster session, submit an extended abstract for consideration to efita.wcca2005@utad.pt. All submissions (4 pages max.) should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) and MS Word (.doc) format according to a template that can be downloaded from the conference website.
为上述磋商活动提供了以下资料: 为与会人员编写的三份背文件、第五 期《全球环境展望》评估报告决 者摘 要 , 以及全球主要集团和利益攸关方论坛 第十三届会议的成果。
The consultations were
[...] informed by three papers prepared as background for the participants, the summary for policymakers [...]
of the fifth Global Environment
Outlook assessment report and the outcome of the thirteenth session of the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum.
在这方面提出几个问题,特别是:处理来 摘 要 集使 用 者 的 反 馈意 见;便利不懂任何联合国正式文的 法 官使 摘 要 集 并鼓励翻译以这些 文出 版的摘要集;编写贸易法委员会其他法规的摘要集。
Several issues were raised in this regard, in
particular: addressing
[...] feedback from Digests’ users; facilitating the use of Digests by judges who do not speak any United Nations official language and encouraging translations of the Digests in those languages; preparing Digests of other UNCITRAL texts.
This abstract facilitates readers' understanding [...]
of the full article, which is only available in Chinese.
有的朋友(请注意:只是可能)就会发现,安装了这个工具后, 者 即 使后来卸载了这个工具后,Exc el 在 读文 件 , 特别是内部有宏的文件时非常奇怪地“吃”内存,具体地说就是Excel会疯狂地占用内存,以致根本就无法正常工作。
Some friends (Please note: only that it might be) will find that after the installation of this tool, or
[...] later, after unloading the tool, Excel document to read, especially the internal document [...]
macro very strange to "eat" memory,
the specific is that Excel will frantically memory, which simply can not function properly.
以2011年3月11日发生在日本东北外海的9级地震及海啸给日本及世界经济带来的影响, 文 对 本 次日本强震所引发的冲击和应对方式进行深入探讨,以 使 读者 了 解 此次日本大地震对于不同产业(汽车行业、半导体行业)所造成的影响与冲击,与各企业应变与恢复运作的措施,进而更深入了解企业应如何执行营运持续管理及供应链风险管理。
Drawing upon the economic consequences for Japan and the world following the magnitude-9 earthquake and the tsunami that happened on 11
March 2011 north east
[...] of Japan, this article initiates an in-depth discussion on the shock triggered by the temblor and the response aiming to help readers understand the [...]
impact of the earthquake
in different industries (automobile and semiconductor industries), the measures of resilience and the recovering operation, and learn more about how companies should implement business continuity management and supply chain risk management.
随着执行“文化任务”,开设了 读文 化 发展专业的教育学士学位,委内瑞 拉具有了大批文化推者,他们在委内瑞拉 98%的大城市推动培训工作,让土著 社区和非洲裔委内瑞拉人融入社会,与此同时充分尊重其祖传认识,将这些经验 纳入知识各个领域。
With the implementation of Mission Culture and the introduction of a bachelor’s
degree in Education with a
[...] specialty in cultural development, Venezuela has endowed itself with an army of cultural facilitators working in 98 per [...]
cent of the country’s
municipalities, where they serve to foster a training process that integrates indigenous communities and Afro-Venezuelans while deeply respecting their ancestral knowledge and incorporating the resulting experience into various areas of knowledge.
大会第六十三届会议请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议提出一份载有下列资 料的报告:(a) 关于外交和领事使团和代表的保护、安全及保 文 书 的 批准和加 入情况的资料;(b) 各国关于外交和领事使团和代表受到的严重侵犯和对罪犯采 取的行动的报告和关于加强对外交和领事使团和代表的保护、安全及保障所需采 取或已采取的措施的意见摘要(第 63/126 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report containing: (a) information on the state of
ratification of, and
[...] accessions to, the instruments relevant to the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives; and (b) a summary of the reports received from States on serious violations involving diplomatic and consular missions and representatives and actions taken against offenders, as well as of the views of States with respect to any measures needed or already taken to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular [...]
missions and representatives (resolution 63/126).
立法機關法律顧問認為,在就《議事規則》第 57(4)(a)條作出裁 決,為決定一項法案的主題為何,主席須先研究法案 文 的 預 定效 力、諸如法案的詳題及條例草案摘 要 說 明等的其他有關資料,以及 提供給她的有關資料(例如立法會有關該法案的參考資料摘要、政府 當局及有關議員的意見),才決定有關的全委會修正案有否違反《議 事規則》。
Counsel to the Legislature is of the opinion that, in determining what the subject matter of a bill is for the purpose of Rule 57(4)(a) of the Rules of Procedure, the President has to form a view after studying the intended effect of the provisions in the bill and other relevant materials such as the long title and Explanatory Memorandum of the bill and relevant information made available to her, for example Legislative Council Brief on the bill and submissions from the Administration and the Members concerned on whether the CSA contravene any of the Rules of Procedure.
就雜誌而言,壹周刊 (27.0%) 及 Cosmopolitan (26.6%) 是相對較大比例觀眾經 常閱讀的兩份雜誌,其次是明報月刊 (17.3%)、忽然一周
[...] (16.3%)、明報周刊 (14.3%)、者文摘 (11.9%) 及東周刊 (9.9%)。
As for magazines, Next magazine (27.0%) and Cosmopolitan (26.6%) were the two magazines often read by a relatively larger proportion of audience, followed
by Ming Pao Monthly (17.3%), Sudden Weekly (16.3%), Ming Pao Weekly
[...] (14.3%), Reader’s Digest (11.9%) and Eastweek (9.9%).




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