单词 | 读研 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 读研 —attend graduate school研读 —study attentively (a book) • delve into See also:读 v—study v • read v 读—phrase marked by pause • comma
该机构在许多工作领域向正在攻读研 究 生学位或者最近刚刚获得这种学位 的人提供实习机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Agency provides opportunities for internships in many areas of work to persons studying for an advanced [...] university degree [...]or persons who have recently received such a degree. daccess-ods.un.org |
他的学术生涯开始时,分别于1977年至1978年在夏威夷大学,和1979年至1980年在新墨西哥州大 学 读研 究 生并兼教学工作。 coin.fao.org | D. in Chemistry form the New Mexico [...] State University, USA. He started his academic [...] career as a graduate teaching fellow [...]at the University of Hawaii from 1977 to [...]1978 and at New Mexico State University from 1979 to 1980. coin.fao.org |
我们认为政府和研究生院校有必要建 立一个新的联盟为那些有意攻读研究 生 的学生在获得财政支持上 打开思路,独辟蹊径,提供更多的渠道。 fgereport.org | A new pact between government and graduate [...] institutions is needed, [...] to provide innovative and alternative ways to financially support students interested in earning graduate degrees. fgereport.org |
注意:这不能算作一年 加拿大工程工作经验,除非读研究生 是在加拿大。 multilingolegal.ca | Note: This cannot be counted for the one year of Canadian engineering work experience, unless it has been in Canada. multilingolegal.ca |
他们将不仅符合在工程领域中服务的专业资格同时也可以往其他领域中发展,又或者继续 攻 读研 究 生等更高级的学位。 systematic.edu.my | They will be well prepared for a career not only in the [...] engineering sector but also in a wide variety of other areas, and may choose to embark [...] on a programme of graduate study. systematic.edu.my |
在完成学士学位后有能力立即或在工作后的未来继续 攻 读研 究 生 课程。 systematic.edu.my | Pursue postgraduate studies immediately [...] after first degree or in future after working in industry. systematic.edu.my |
有些因素可 能会激励或者阻碍一些学生选择在一些关键领域 就 读研究 生 ,比如,在科学、技术、工程及数学等学科,以及其他 的一些跟国家重点领域的职业相关的学科,诸如能源、 医疗保健、气候等以及那些需要具备了解世界其他地区和 文化专门技能的领域。 fgereport.org | The federal government should undertake a study to understand what motivates or deters students from pursuing studies at the graduate level in critical fields such as STEM disciplines and others that align with careers in areas of national priority such as energy, healthcare, climate, and expertise in understanding other cultures and regions of the world. fgereport.org |
与领导层接触的机会,以及通过阅读 、 研 究 课 程和项目工作得来的经验,可以直接促成某些学员就业。 infoq.com | These opportunities for leadership, combined with the lessons [...] learned through readings, coursework, and [...]project work, directly contributed to [...]the employment of several apprentices. infoq.com |
这些同学在本科毕业后选择了攻读研 究 生,进行更高层次的学习和研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | After they graduated, these students decided to go to graduate school. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自 2000 年以来,委内瑞拉在大学教育领域取得了重大成就,特别是设立了 本科生和研究生奖学金,有 5 711 [...] 名委内瑞拉人正通过混合式学习方式在委内瑞 拉攻读研究生 学业,这种方式可使他们到古巴进行为期一周各个知识领域的实 习。 daccess-ods.un.org | Venezuela has realized significant achievements in the field of university education since 2000, including in particular the introduction of undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships [...] and the fact that 5,711 Venezuelans are [...] pursuing postgraduate studies through the [...]blended learning modality in use in Venezuela, [...]which enables them to take one-week internships in Cuba in their various fields of knowledge. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些奖学金为来自中国和本地区其他国家的优秀人才提供了一个在澳大利亚 攻 读研 究 生 课程、开展研究或从事实习工作的独特机会。 australiachina.com.au | They provide a unique opportunity for high-achieving people from China and other countries in the region to undertake postgraduate study, research or internship in Australia. australiachina.com.au |
已出版教科文组织电子论文(ETDs)指南一书,此书可为以下人员提供资料来源:(i) 正在撰写论文的研究生,(ii)希望述及电子论文作者的 攻 读研 究 生 课程的学生,(iii)希望启动 电子论文计划的研究生学院院长,以及(iv)大学的行管人员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Guide to Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) has been published as a resource for (i) graduate students who are writing theses or [...] dissertations; (ii) [...] faculty in graduate programmes who want to mentor ETD authors; (iii) dean of graduate faculties [...]who want to initiate [...]ETD programmes; and (iv) IT administrators at universities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
ALA通过相关澳洲参与组织为在澳洲攻 读研 究 生课程或从事专业研究、学习或专业进修的人员提供奖学金支持和短期交流机会。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | ALAs provide scholarship support for postgraduate studies in Australia and short-term fellowship opportunities in specialised research, study or professional attachments through participating Australian organisations. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
UWS的在读研究人 员可以在学校的全面大力支持下学习和工作。近期,澳大利亚研究生协会(Australian [...] Postgraduate Association)将UWS评为五星级大学,充分肯定了UWS为攻读更高学位的研究类学生所提供的服务和经费支持。 australiachina.com.au | Student researchers are very well [...] supported at UWS and the University has recently been awarded a five-star rating by the [...]Australian Postgraduate Association for the services and financial support provided to higher degree research candidates. australiachina.com.au |
接着又在哥伦比亚大学攻读“研究科 学”和“医学信息学”专业,研究血液定量分析监测前列腺癌患者的微转移现象,同时建立一套无纸化临床数据管理系统。 medidatasolutions.com | His subsequent work at Columbia University focused on both research science and medical informatics, working on a blood assay for the detection of micro-metastases in prostate cancer patients, and creating a paperless clinical data management system. medidatasolutions.com |
苏希腊十分推荐大家到澳大利亚读研 究 生,她说这里不仅教育质量非常高,还拓宽了学生的就业机遇和深造机会。 “已经完成了学士学位的人可以认真考虑到澳大利亚的大学继续他们学术深造。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Sunil spent over a year researching which overseas university he would attend before choosing Australia. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
郭大良医师毕业於中国第四军医大学,毕业后在第一军医大学 攻 读研 究 生 ,专攻肠癌的研究,1994年底因其领先世界的研究成果被评选为每四年一度的全世界300名之一的杰出青年医学家,来美后在全美国积极推广自然疗法,成果卓著。 int-tm.com | Guo Daliang physicians graduated from the Chinese The Fourth Military Medical University, [...] after graduating from the First Military [...] Medical University graduate, specializing [...]in cancer research, by the end of 1994 because [...]of the world's leading research results was se lected as once every four years the whole world one of the 300 outstanding young scientists in the United States, to the United States after active promotion of natural therapies, the achievement is outstanding. en.int-tm.com |
但是我们祷读圣经,重复经上的话来向神祷告,意思并不是说,我们忽略了 平常的读经,以及仔细研读神的话。 concernedbrothers.com | However, the fact that we pray-read the Bible, repeating the words of Scripture in [...] prayer to God, does not mean that we neglect [...] the ordinary reading of the Scriptures or the careful study of the Word of God. concernedbrothers.com |
我国代表团研读了我们面前的秘书长关于这个 问题的第九次报告(S/2010/181),我们要向安理会澄 [...] 清以下几点。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation has familiarized itself [...] with the ninth report of the Secretary-General on this topic (S/2010/181), which we [...]have before us, and we should like to share with the Council the following clarifications. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们仔细研读了秘 书长关于儿童与武装冲突问 题的最新报告(S/2010/181)和以往报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have carefully reviewed the latest (S/2010/181) and past reports of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
反复研读历史 上称为 1917 年《贝尔福宣言》的文件可以看到:英国政府擅 [...] 自对犹太人承诺在巴勒斯坦的民族家园,蓄意无视当地居民的存在和意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Read and re-read the document [...] historically known as the Balfour Declaration of 1917: the British Government arrogated to [...]itself the authority to promise a national home in Palestine to the Jews, deliberately ignoring the presence and wishes of its inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
柏林三 所运用学科大学共同开设了以人权为专科的硕士学位社会工 作 研读 课 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Berlin, three universities of applied sciences jointly offer a master’s degree in social work as a human rights profession. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们提供的书籍包括52种圣经研读课 程 、祷告研习书 籍、一本协助对抗“东方闪电”异端的错误教导的书籍、关于婚姻和家庭生活的书籍、儿童的圣经故事书等等。 amccsm.org | We have books such [...] as 52 Bible study lessons, prayer study books, a [...]book to help combat the false teaching of the Lightening [...]from the East cult, books on marriage and family life, children's Bible story books, and many more. amccsm.org |
Sok Leng的成功秘诀:良好的时间管理、模拟真正考试的严格练习 与 研读 考 官 报告是对我有极大帮助的3个方面。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Sok Leng’s recipe for success: Good [...] time management, rigorous practice under exam [...] conditions and reading examiner’s reports [...]are 3 critical areas helped me tremendously. lsbf.edu.sg |
对许可证制度的有效性和海关培训项目的评价首先要求提供已出台的法律和行政体 [...] 系的信息,如果海关培训项目先于国家特定条例手册的编制,每次实地访问前必须仔 细研 读这些手册。 multilateralfund.org | Evaluating the effectiveness of licensing systems and customs training projects will first require information on the legal and administrative systems put in place given that customs training projects are preceded by the development [...] of a handbook on the country specific regulations, these handbooks [...] have to be carefully studied before each field visit. multilateralfund.org |
前后半年时间里,草台班在“钉子剧场”中每周聚会、排练,做免费讲座和演出 , 研读 过 《 共产党宣言》中对资本主义的批判,排演、探讨过年轻的“拉杆箱一代”和什么是“工作”等话题。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the six months of The Nail Theater’s existence, Grass Stage held its weekly meetings, rehearsed, put on a series of [...] public lectures and performances, all [...] free of charge, held a study group on The Communist [...]Manifesto and its critique of capitalism, [...]rehearsed, and conducted inquiries into the “suitcase” generation of young urban migrant workers seeking their fortune in the city, into the nature of work, and other questions. shanghaibiennale.org |
决议草案,其中包括科摩罗、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、 老挝人民民主共和国、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、纳米 [...] 比亚和秘鲁,他说提交委员会的决议草案案文要求 会员国仔细研读利用 雇佣军作为侵犯人权阻止人民 行使自决权利的手段问题工作组提出的提案草案, [...] 作为管理私营军事和保安公司的一个可能的新国际 [...] 法律文件,并要求会员国促成人权委员会不限成员 名额工作组的成立,并促进该工作组关于就该事项 制定新公约的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Cuba), introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the sponsors, which included the Comoros, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Namibia and Peru, said that the text of the draft [...] resolution before the Committee [...] invited Member States to study carefully the draft [...]proposal made by the Working Group on [...]the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination for a possible new international legal instrument regulating private military and security companies and also to contribute to the Human Rights Council’s openended Working Group tasked with elaborating a new convention on the matter. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,只有那些仔细研读过《 历世历代 的神圣计划》一书的人,才会准备好理解本 书中有关上帝所定的时节的教义;这些时节 [...] 是为了展现神圣计划的各种特征,也是为了 它最终的完满所定的。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Only those, however, who [...] have made a careful study of the Plan of the [...]Ages will be prepared to appreciate the teaching of [...]this volume concerning the divinely appointed times and seasons for the development of the various features of that plan, and for its final consummation. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |